Over 200 New year New Me Part 33



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Why does the day after a holiday weekend have to feel so long??

    I don't know but it really is talking forever. I feel like I've already done the amount of actual work I'd normally do in a day plus an abnormally huge amount of just screwing around wasting time. And I still have 2 hours to go... before going to my 2nd job. Ugh. Can I just say I can't effing wait for dh to graduate? 2 jobs blows. If I were better with budgeting & controlling my urges to buy on impulse I'd be fine with just the one job but I suck (though I'm getting better, especially with the grocery budget). I blew off my photography job for now & told them I wasn't available to work. I can't possibly give up a weekend day right now. I'd completely lose my marbles.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I couldn't agree more! This day is dragging!

    Deb-I can transfer if there is a position open for me. However, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the people I work with. My manager and I agreed to let me start coming in a little later and I think that will help. Ultimately I got out of habit of going to the gym in the morning so this is something I need to start doing again.

    Today has already been a bad eating day. After being late for work my co worker stopped at McDonalds for me. I looked up the cals as I was eating the burittos...was going to eat 2 till I saw the cals. Threw the 2nd out. And our kitchen is still tore up from the remodel in there and so I went to Chilis for lunch for soup. I gotta do some type of exercise tonight. I feel nasty. :grumble:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I forgot to share my story of the wedding last night. It was a wedding at 7 at night and they weren't serving dinner. So my two friendsa and I went to dinner and I shared a meal with my friend. They were however serving deserts at the reception. So they had the small plastic plates. I put some fruit and a few lil mini deserts...I was quite impressed. I couldn't eat everything I had on that tiny plate. It was too much. Same thing for my best friend she sadly pushed her plate away and said "I can't do it. I'm not a kid anymore. I can't eat it. I'm full" Made me laugh and proud of myself. :bigsmile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Great job on not going overboard on the desserts!

    Julie: I would hate having to go to a second job after today's long, boring day. A few years ago, I had two jobs but hated going right from one to the other, so I sat down and figured out what to cut so I didn't have to do it anymore. Yuck, I sure wouldn't want to do it again.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey Everyone, long time no see. I have been so busy with my son and kinder class. I am trying to get back on track. I found some motivation to work towards it seems to help. We are going to Disneyland in Feb. Yay!!! Feb. is beautiful in southern Ca. Shorts in the day and a sweater at night love it. I am usually sick and tired of the fog and cold and ready for some sun. Also NO crowds. It is 20 weeks away and I would like to drop 2 pant sizes. So lose about 30 pounds. Just a tad more than a pound a week. Doable!

    Any how I tried to catch up on everyone. My mind is blank, I know Ann had a scare with her baby. So sorry about those stitches hope she is feeling better. Nancy hung out by the pool on one of those reclining chairs. Yay Nancy. Julie has been here for a year, congrats Julie!!!! Jess did not eat desert, yay Jess. I think someone was handing out free milk or a free cow and some man did not recommend it. I think I got everything or at least most of it.

    Happy Tuesday and I hope to check back in soon
  • Any how I tried to catch up on everyone. My mind is blank, I know Ann had a scare with her baby. So sorry about those stitches hope she is feeling better. Nancy hung out by the pool on one of those reclining chairs. Yay Nancy. Julie has been here for a year, congrats Julie!!!! Jess did not eat desert, yay Jess. I think someone was handing out free milk or a free cow and some man did not recommend it. I think I got everything or at least most of it.

    Happy Tuesday and I hope to check back in soon

    The last couple of lines were epic in their entertainment value. :laugh:

    Today was okay. I got up early to hit the gym for a little bit of cardio and some weight training. Still up those 3 pounds and I am so mad I could scream. I'm going to try not to weigh myself again until Friday, but we'll see how that goes.

    Today's check-in:

    Cals: 88 under
    Water: 81-90 oz
    Exercise: 8 minutes warm-up then 1/2 hour of various weights
    Sodium: 65 under
    FIBER: 22
    Proud: My team is doing really well in a simulation game we're playing for school.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hey Everyone, long time no see. I have been so busy with my son and kinder class. I am trying to get back on track. I found some motivation to work towards it seems to help. We are going to Disneyland in Feb. Yay!!! Feb. is beautiful in southern Ca. Shorts in the day and a sweater at night love it. I am usually sick and tired of the fog and cold and ready for some sun. Also NO crowds. It is 20 weeks away and I would like to drop 2 pant sizes. So lose about 30 pounds. Just a tad more than a pound a week. Doable!

    Any how I tried to catch up on everyone. My mind is blank, I know Ann had a scare with her baby. So sorry about those stitches hope she is feeling better. Nancy hung out by the pool on one of those reclining chairs. Yay Nancy. Julie has been here for a year, congrats Julie!!!! Jess did not eat desert, yay Jess. I think someone was handing out free milk or a free cow and some man did not recommend it. I think I got everything or at least most of it.

    Happy Tuesday and I hope to check back in soon
    Congrats on going to Disneyland in Feb and setting yourself a new goal.I know you can do it!!!Thanks for the well wishes for Amelia she is fine!! I am going to have her stitches checked tomorrow.LOL on the man comment I think eveyone got a kick out of that guy.I don't even know where that comment came from or how it got started.Anyways I know you've been busy and I hope Ryan is doing great in kinder class and I just know you will reach your goal.Peep in more often if you can we miss you
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Checking in for the day:
    Cals - Under w/exercise = 1364
    Water - 104 oz
    Fiber - 33 grams (I just had to get up and look to see what unit fiber was measured in!)
    Exercise - Walking/running for 40 min, aka 3.3 miles. Did this outside and ran for a mile straight, then did intervals. Yeah!!
    Proud - all that running!

    Momma, you can do it!!!
    Ann, glad your little girl is a trooper.
    Purple, way to go on your morning workout!
    Jess, glad you had a good time at the wedding and showed some good self-control with those desserts.
    Julie, congrats on your anniversary w/MFP!! You WILL get to that big goal.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Yes, I agree, the day went ON and ON......... plus I had Open House tonight on top of it so I just got home from school - been there since 8am! And don't forget freaking PT at the ungodly hour of 6am! :laugh: I am exhausted!

    Ann - what a scare and I am SO happy to hear your little one is OK!!!
    Momma! I miss you! Yay for Disneyland! And your recap cracked me up!
    Purple - great job getting up early for that gym!
    Jess - you ROCKED those wedding desserts! WTG! Call me crazy, but if I were your boss I would NOT sweat a ten minute late arrival. Life happens!
    Deb - woohooo on the scale number! You will see the new 40's decade very soon!
    Elmox - water, water, water!
    Heather - good job getting back on track!
    Julie - Happy MFP Anniversary! Look how far you've come, girl! What amazing accomplishments!!!
    lstpaul - yes, a routine will help a lot. Get it goin', girl! You can do it!
    Laila - FINALLY - it's almost over! It seems like you've been fasting forever! You deserve a vacation! Go for it!

    I am so tired I think I'll do my check in tomorrow! Bonsoir, mes soeurs!!! :heart:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    WHERE IS SISTER CRIS???????????
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I am in 100% agreement that yesterday was the longest day ever! I was up early, work was extra lame, and then I had class until 9:45. Uggh...

    But! I planned out all of my meals yesterday so I wouldn't be hungry at 10:00PM and it all worked quite well :) And now on to the homework... oh my! I'm glad I only have two classes this semester while I'm working full time. (Which makes me think I should probably be reading instead of typing. haha)

    Anyhow! I've decided to cut back on carbs/sugars (not cut out... just back). I've been feeling bouts of light-headedness on and off lately, so that usually means my blood sugar is messed up (due to crappy eating and delicious pancakes!)

    It's the boyfriend's birthday tomorrow... and I need to get working on his present ASAP. I don't think we're celebrating until Saturday, but that just gives me time to make it a good one!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning girls.

    I am feeling for Jess this morning...i hope you made it to work today...it is soo nasty out there, and i heard on the radio traffic was horrible.

    i am sitting here soaking wet...1st serena wanted to ride the bus, i told her i would take her and it was pouring down rain, but she wanted to anyway, i couldn't find our umbrella, (she had hers) , so i stood in the rain in front of the house, then i had to get abby to day care, they were just getting the kids so people could move through the covered area right through the day, of course abby didn't like that and was crying when i left her :sad:

    I need to go change

    on the good note...another lowest weight ever this morning...250.1 ...yes that is .2 lbs away from the 240's...I was soo excited..of course i would of been more exicted to see a 24# but i have a good feeling it will come.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Good morning girls.

    I am feeling for Jess this morning...i hope you made it to work today...it is soo nasty out there, and i heard on the radio traffic was horrible.

    i am sitting here soaking wet...1st serena wanted to ride the bus, i told her i would take her and it was pouring down rain, but she wanted to anyway, i couldn't find our umbrella, (she had hers) , so i stood in the rain in front of the house, then i had to get abby to day care, they were just getting the kids so people could move through the covered area right through the day, of course abby didn't like that and was crying when i left her :sad:

    I need to go change

    on the good note...another lowest weight ever this morning...250.1 ...yes that is .2 lbs away from the 240's...I was soo excited..of course i would of been more exicted to see a 24# but i have a good feeling it will come.
    WTG on being so close to 240'sville.I know you will see it Friday just stick with it your results will definitely pay off.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning girls.

    I am feeling for Jess this morning...i hope you made it to work today...it is soo nasty out there, and i heard on the radio traffic was horrible.

    i am sitting here soaking wet...1st serena wanted to ride the bus, i told her i would take her and it was pouring down rain, but she wanted to anyway, i couldn't find our umbrella, (she had hers) , so i stood in the rain in front of the house, then i had to get abby to day care, they were just getting the kids so people could move through the covered area right through the day, of course abby didn't like that and was crying when i left her :sad:

    I need to go change

    on the good note...another lowest weight ever this morning...250.1 ...yes that is .2 lbs away from the 240's...I was soo excited..of course i would of been more exicted to see a 24# but i have a good feeling it will come.
    WTG on being so close to 240'sville.I know you will see it Friday just stick with it your results will definitely pay off.

    Thanks Ann :bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Deb-Way to go on another lowest weight! i see 240's in your future by Friday! Thanks again for thinking of me. Traffic was horrid this morning yet again. BUT I was only 1 minute late! WOOT WOOT!

    Nancy-Not sure where Cris is. She hasn't been here since last week. I shall text her!

    Woke up with a killer sore throat so I didn't workout. Figured rest was best. So I downed some V8 and a cup of hot coffee on my drive in. Not a good idea when it takes you an hour and a half to get to wrok. Oh my I had to tinkle! Hopefully this means I'm going to start relasing some of this sodium! I'm up 3 pounds as of this morning. :grumble:

    Here's my check in for yesterday
    Calories: Right on with exercise calories. Was a bad bad bad eating day!
    Water: 8 Cups
    Sodium: Thru the roof! Somewhere about 2618
    Exercise: Last Chance Workout + Upper Body sculpt
    Proud: I went home and made myself workout. The sore throat started yesterday but I did my workout anyways.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Deb-Way to go on another lowest weight! i see 240's in your future by Friday! Thanks again for thinking of me. Traffic was horrid this morning yet again. BUT I was only 1 minute late! WOOT WOOT!

    Nancy-Not sure where Cris is. She hasn't been here since last week. I shall text her!

    Woke up with a killer sore throat so I didn't workout. Figured rest was best. So I downed some V8 and a cup of hot coffee on my drive in. Not a good idea when it takes you an hour and a half to get to wrok. Oh my I had to tinkle! Hopefully this means I'm going to start relasing some of this sodium! I'm up 3 pounds as of this morning. :grumble:

    Glad you made it in!!! Hubby got to work at 8:00 and he said nobody else showed up till 8:20. He doesn't drive on highways or anything , so it didn't take him much longer, like maybe 10 min.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Holy mother, I weighed 197 this morning. :noway:
    I know I went a little overboard last week & weekend but yeesh! :laugh: I'm sure it's plenty of water weight. And on top of that, I think TOM is trying to start again (making up for being late last time, I suppose). Plus it wouldn't surprise me if I gained a couple pounds of fat last week, too.

    I did well with eating yesterday (relatively). Like last week, an average of 1500 net calories/day is my goal this week and I was spot on yesterday and I'm well on track today. It's the same net calorie goal as last week but I'm switching up my approach already because last week proved to me that I can't necessarily be trusted to burn off 1750 extra cals through exercise. So, no eating over 1500 cals unless I've exercised.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Has anybody done pilates? Besides bed pilates...LOL I got a DVD at home I think I might try tonight. I need to get in some good cardio this week. Did Last Chance Workout last night, pilates tonight..maybe some cardio tomorrow morning and hten yoga tomorrow night...Good plan for the week I think!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    :laugh: Fantastic.
    One of our employees in our finance department resigned "out of the blue" last month. Yesterday she was arrested for embezzlement. :noway: Yes, embezzlement from our agency. $300,000 worth. Did she really think she was going to get away from it by quitting? This makes me even more POed about having several of her job responsibilities pushed to me when she left so abruptly.

    Crazy freaking employees.
    Have I mentioned lately that I hate my job? :tongue:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: Pretty crazy about the ex-employee! Yikes! No wonder they aren't paying you more....she stole it!

    So, normally I don't count my daily weigh-ins because I really try to stick to only changing my ticker on Fridays, BUT the scale said 185.0 this morning, so I HAD to change it. This means I met my Labor Day goal, well two days late, but I'll take it. It's the first weight-based goal I've been able to meet close to my own deadline. I'm so excited because I haven't been 185 since I was on Weight Watchers from Jan-May of 2006. Woo Hoo!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 153 (exercise cals)
    Sodium: Over by 1205
    Fiber: 15...failed goal.
    Water: 80 oz.
    Exercise: Knockout Body DVD, burned 435 calories in 42 minutes.
    Proud: That I worked out even though I didn't want to. However, once I got started, I had a blast and felt so good afterward.
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