Pregnancy 2010 - September



  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Yay Angela! I really wanna check out her FB now.

    I wanted to ask all you mommas to be who have experienced getting PG....I know it's kinda gross....but did you experience any unusual discharge when you conceived? Thanks!

    I know that when you ovulate you have discharge, but I didn't notice anything unusual.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I noticed a clear discharge appearing frequently after conception. I have read that it is normal but most people don't notice it. I'm really freakish about my body and notice any little change. Still having dizziness and nausea. Hope it ends soon, will be at 12 weeks Sunday so hopefully that will be the best day ever. My MIL said she was sick the whole pregnancy with her youngest. Hope that isn't the case
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I have a lot more discharge than before and have done that with every pregnancy--I guess I just feel wet---TMI!! It is very normal and has a lot to do with the increase of blood flow to that area.

    Sheri I hope you start feeling better soon. I get nauseated over little things now but it is nothing like what I was like a month ago. The wierdest thing I have noticed is that cold water makes me sick. It has to be room temp for it to feel good in my stomach. So much for getting the water from the fridge.

    I actually feel like exercising today, I think I will pull out a walk aerobic tape and see how far I get...
  • Caliwaters25
    Hey girls sorry I have been MIA I am in my last semester in school so I am busy with reading and prepping for tests. Its not that bad and gives me a break from baby brain. I feel my little peanut everyday and she is kicking harder which is great for dad to feel but worries me that she might wake me up at night. As far as logging I can't say that I have been doing so good on that but I have returned to walking and that seems to help. I had to take the glucose test and all I can say is yuck and that is cruel to make a pregnant woman fast and take a sugary drink and still keep her hostage for an hour before getting a chance to eat. Hopefully I will hear that I passed with flying colors.

    mwilson- those headaches don't last forever at least with me they kind of came and went and only had them for like 2 weeks.

    Yay I am so glad that Angela has had her prince hopefully we hear from her soon and get to see some pictures.

    Hope you all have a good week.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    My nausea is almost completely gone and I'm 12 weeks. I think it makes a difference, I do still have those moments, week 11 wasnt' bad I think I had 2 days of nausea.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    I fell down the stairs at work yesterday. My team was on our way to lunch, and I went tumbling down in front of 11 people. Most of them have no idea that I am pregnant, and were very confused when I instantly starting crying. I was able to make it back up the stairs to the bathroom. I cut both shins pretty good, but couldn't put much weight on my right leg. I called my husband to come get me (luckily we both work downtown), and he took me to Urgent Care. They ended up having to do 2 x-rays on my leg and I have a hairline fracture to my right Tibia bone. We called my OB to make sure they were OK with the x-rays. I am in an air cast and on crutches. Not a fun friday!!!! They said to watch for any spotting, and to go back to the ER if I have any. I didn't hit my back or stomach, so they were pretty sure the baby was OK. Ug....m/s and and going to the bathroom every few hours does not go well with crutches! Plus, they cant give me anything for the pain. Just regular Tylenol.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I fell down the stairs at work yesterday. My team was on our way to lunch, and I went tumbling down in front of 11 people. Most of them have no idea that I am pregnant, and were very confused when I instantly starting crying. I was able to make it back up the stairs to the bathroom. I cut both shins pretty good, but couldn't put much weight on my right leg. I called my husband to come get me (luckily we both work downtown), and he took me to Urgent Care. They ended up having to do 2 x-rays on my leg and I have a hairline fracture to my right Tibia bone. We called my OB to make sure they were OK with the x-rays. I am in an air cast and on crutches. Not a fun friday!!!! They said to watch for any spotting, and to go back to the ER if I have any. I didn't hit my back or stomach, so they were pretty sure the baby was OK. Ug....m/s and and going to the bathroom every few hours does not go well with crutches! Plus, they cant give me anything for the pain. Just regular Tylenol.

    Oh my, I hope you get better. I'm sure the baby is fine. Don't worry too much. Sorry it hurts and not much medicine to help.

    I always think it's stupid when he does it, but my husband always walks in front of me when I'm going down the stairs, I always poke fun at him for it, but he says he will stop my fall so me and the baby won't get hurt. Weird how only does that when I'm pregnant.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Amanda, how scary!! I am sure everything will be fine, even though the crutches will drive you crazy!! I wish many happy no sickness thoughts to you...

    Yesterday it took 5 minutes to find my babies heart beat I wasn't even nervous even when she started to say that if we couldn't find it she would send me for an ultrasound. The kid ended up being rather high in my belly--I am starting to think my bladder was a bit full and pushed it up higher. I am going to do the glucose test, and have an ultrasound in 5 weeks. It will be a busy end of October. I am afraid I may fail the glucose test so I am already starting to test my sugars and watch my carbs...I figure anything will help. The good news is that I only gained 2 lbs in the last month and in 5 weeks I will know the sex of my baby!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Amanda, how scary!! I am sure everything will be fine, even though the crutches will drive you crazy!! I wish many happy no sickness thoughts to you...

    Yesterday it took 5 minutes to find my babies heart beat I wasn't even nervous even when she started to say that if we couldn't find it she would send me for an ultrasound. The kid ended up being rather high in my belly--I am starting to think my bladder was a bit full and pushed it up higher. I am going to do the glucose test, and have an ultrasound in 5 weeks. It will be a busy end of October. I am afraid I may fail the glucose test so I am already starting to test my sugars and watch my carbs...I figure anything will help. The good news is that I only gained 2 lbs in the last month and in 5 weeks I will know the sex of my baby!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Oh Amanda I am so sorry, I hope you feel better soon. When do you see the doctor next? Did they check the baby in the ER? I will keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Amanda - did you end up having to explain to the people you work with? I hope things are okay!
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    They did not do an ultrasound or anything when I went into the Dr. They said to just watch for spotting and cramping, which I had none of. Plus, I never hit my stomach when I fell, so I felt pretty comfortable with not doing one. My secretary at work did end up telling everyone about my being pregnant. She called and asked me what I wanted to do, and I told her to tell them. I was really upset and was crying when I left the office (part in pain, part from embarassment, and part from worring about the baby/being emotional anyway), so I thought her telling everyone why I was so emotional would help them understand.

    Today everyone has been pretty supportive, but I still wish I had a rock to crawal under....SOOOO EMBARASSING!!!!!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    So glad you are ok Amanda! That is SCARY!! I can completely understand being embarassed! I remember being kinda clumbsy when i was preggo! So just chalk it up to being pregnant! I'm glad people in your office are being understanding and compassionate, although i'm fairly certain pregnant or not if i fell down the stairs at work i would cry and make my husband come get me!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I had a fiber/protein shake for a snack today--so tasty, however my gut is now rebelling. Too much fiber!!! I actually did great with my eating today. Hooray for feeling human. My sugars were all good....but then my son dumped out my newly picked up $100 strips all over my not so clean counter. Boy was I mad. I am hoping they aren't ruined...they seemed ok. I just can't leave that boy alone for a second. He gets into way too much!! ARGH!

    Hope you all had a great day!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Oh Deb hope they were ok.

    The last protein shake I had made me ill in less than 5 minutes after drinking it.

    The weather here has been great so I've been walking every day. Maybe I will only gain 2 instead of 3 lbs this week:laugh:

    Oh and I am having moments of not feeling pregnant???? My nausea is mostly gone, I have more is a weird feeling, but my boobs have grown to enormous proportions and just when I'm thinking oh I don't feel pregnant, I will have a gagging fit, or start crying for no reason. :cry: :laugh:
  • KatalynasMommy
    KatalynasMommy Posts: 136 Member
    Well started my 5th month of Clomiphene yesterday, hope this is the month. The doctor told me that it may be my weight well I've lost weight I'm down to 157 so now why. I'm sooo tired of the disappointment every month, it makes me SAD every time I start my cycle.

  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Oh and I am having moments of not feeling pregnant???? My nausea is mostly gone, I have more is a weird feeling, but my boobs have grown to enormous proportions and just when I'm thinking oh I don't feel pregnant, I will have a gagging fit, or start crying for no reason. :cry: :laugh:

    I am the same way. I start wondering, and then I will cough/choke/gag on something and get all emotional. Go figure. I have energy too. It is like a switch turned on yesterday and I feel human again!! Wierd!
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    I have not exercised since I got pregnant, except now walking on crutches is a work out:bigsmile: I feel super guilty, expecially since the week before I found out I was prego, we bought an elliptical which I haven't used since. Hopefully in a few more weeks I will feel like being active.

    Still no weight gain since I got pregnant. I will take it for now, especially since my boobs are the size of Mt. Everest now.
  • shoppingqueen34
    shoppingqueen34 Posts: 226 Member
    LOL - boobs the size of Mt Everest!

    Hope you're better soon :flowerforyou:
  • Caliwaters25
    I know its Tuesday but I decided weigh in so
    currently I am 183 lbs
    Pre-pregnancy 164
    I can't believe I have gained so much I guess my goal is going to go bust of just gaining 25 lbs with my pregnancy but the doctor is not concerned so I wont be either I have changed up some of my bad burger habits and can now stomach eating salads again. On the positive note I am almost done with my 2nd trimester so hopefully I will level off and stop gaining so much or at least not so quickly.

    Tahmed- I meant to respond to your post sooner. I hope you are feeling better after your fall and I know all about the embarrassment I easily tripped everyday at work in my first trimester clumsy pregnant woman is what I decided to attribute it to but there is nothing from your cheeks flashing red. :ohwell: hope you feel better