Tips for a first date? (guys only..)



  • nutellabrah
    >no avi
    >brags about his body
    >says he gets more *kitten* than anyone else on here

    Seems legit.

    Done. You man enough to put yours up?

    Reverse Google Image search reveals that this picture belongs to another MFP user with a different name. You be fraudin?

    While I appreciate the flattery of being stalked, it is a little creepy from you.

    Like I said, I had another account. Had to delete it. Too much female attention for me to handle.

    But you wouldn't know what that's like, would you?

    Now put up or f off.

    How about you post your face.

    This officially just got weird.


    Hey idiot. Its against the forum guidelines to post pictures of people without their permission.

    cool. didn't realize. Deleted it. What are the rules for calling one an idiot tho?????
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    >no avi
    >brags about his body
    >says he gets more *kitten* than anyone else on here

    Seems legit.

    Done. You man enough to put yours up?

    Reverse Google Image search reveals that this picture belongs to another MFP user with a different name. You be fraudin?

    While I appreciate the flattery of being stalked, it is a little creepy from you.

    Like I said, I had another account. Had to delete it. Too much female attention for me to handle.

    But you wouldn't know what that's like, would you?

    Now put up or f off.

    How about you post your face.

    Says the guy with no head, lol.
  • nutellabrah

    Would rather take the "pooch belly" over the "alpha male" with a "pee pee".


    Strong logic.

    But ok.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    And, if you had a great time during the date and really like her, then don't follow some stupid rule that says you have to wait so many days before you call/text her. Contact her the next day if only to say HI, how are you?.

    Or text her immediately after dropping her off and tell her that her butt looked nice as she was walking away.

    That would make me laugh and if the date went well, I'd agree to a second for that witty text.

    So about this first date...:tongue:
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    >no avi
    >brags about his body
    >says he gets more *kitten* than anyone else on here

    Seems legit.

    Done. You man enough to put yours up?

    Reverse Google Image search reveals that this picture belongs to another MFP user with a different name. You be fraudin?

    While I appreciate the flattery of being stalked, it is a little creepy from you.

    Like I said, I had another account. Had to delete it. Too much female attention for me to handle.

    But you wouldn't know what that's like, would you?

    Now put up or f off.

    How about you post your face.

    This officially just got weird.


    Hey idiot. Its against the forum guidelines to post pictures of people without their permission.

    cool. didn't realize. Deleted it. What are the rules for calling one an idiot tho?????

    That's fine. But posting my picture was creepy, dude. WTF? Very weird.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    >no avi
    >brags about his body
    >says he gets more *kitten* than anyone else on here

    Seems legit.

    Done. You man enough to put yours up?



    After all that jive talking THATS what you look like???

    Whats with the pooch belly at the bottom?? It looks like you were once pregnant.

    also you chest muscles are shaped like triangles when they should be more rounded lmao. Strong genetics.

    Pls don't ever talk tough ever again. pls.

    Would rather take the "pooch belly" over the "alpha male" with a "pee pee".

    It's not a pooch belly.

    It just isn't photoshopped within an inch of a Kardashian.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member

    Would rather take the "pooch belly" over the "alpha male" with a "pee pee".


    Strong logic.

    But ok.

    I didn't say it was logical... But I would much rather be treated with respect by a man that has a pooch belly than be thought of as just another sexual conquest by an alpha male and Princess Sophia...
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    >no avi
    >brags about his body
    >says he gets more *kitten* than anyone else on here

    Seems legit.

    Done. You man enough to put yours up?



    After all that jive talking THATS what you look like???

    Whats with the pooch belly at the bottom?? It looks like you were once pregnant.

    also you chest muscles are shaped like triangles when they should be more rounded lmao. Strong genetics.

    Pls don't ever talk tough ever again. pls.

    Would rather take the "pooch belly" over the "alpha male" with a "pee pee".

    It's not a pooch belly.

    It just isn't photoshopped within an inch of a Kardashian.

    I honestly don't think it is either... I was using brah's terminology. ;)
  • asimmons221
    asimmons221 Posts: 294 Member
    I love this thread.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    How did this thing turn into an epic chick fight between to guys?
  • MM_1982
    MM_1982 Posts: 374

    Would rather take the "pooch belly" over the "alpha male" with a "pee pee".


    Strong logic.

    But ok.

    I didn't say it was logical... But I would much rather be treated with respect by a man that has a pooch belly than be thought of as just another sexual conquest by an alpha male and Princess Sophia...

    No man would view you as a sexual conquest. The same could be said to every woman who posted in this thread.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member

    Would rather take the "pooch belly" over the "alpha male" with a "pee pee".


    Strong logic.

    But ok.

    I didn't say it was logical... But I would much rather be treated with respect by a man that has a pooch belly than be thought of as just another sexual conquest by an alpha male and Princess Sophia...

    No man would view you as a sexual conquest. The same could be said to every woman who posted in this thread.

    Says the dude who values possessions over relationships. Winning!

  • nutellabrah
    How about you post your face.

    What, you need more to *kitten* to?

    I was called out, I stepped up. He can do the same or retreat to your little brah hidey hole where you reassure each other over circle jerk sessions.

    But mostly, I'm done with you little boys.


    Thats what I thought.

    Betas: 0
    Alphas: 1

    Sweet of you to practice counting, and you really have come a long way. But let's be honest. You have one pic, no face. So far you've shown a real talent for copying and posting pics. I don't think your pic is you for a second.

    I on the other hand can have people here actually vouch for me.

    So you and little Mikey who-wouldn't-dare-take-off-the-shirt run along and know that nobody here likes you, is interested in you, or wants to talk to you. Just like real life.

    Even with a fake pic you can't get girls. That ain't alpha. That's just sad.

    Yeah ummmmm neither pic is shopped and if I posted more pics all hell would break loose and everyone would get hysterical with jealousy, envy, and misguided confusion. Most people can't handle the idea of who I am because it destroys their ego.

    Keep going on with your day acting like people who are undeniably exponentially better and more vital than you don't exist. I don't want people to get even more upset.

    Ive told the truth enough for one afternoon. And we all know how much the truth hurts people.
  • MM_1982
    MM_1982 Posts: 374

    No pic, dough boy?

    Just like I thought.

    You guys should talk less. It's sad for the rest of us to have to read.

    >Calls me creepy for pointing out that his shirtless pic was used by someone with a different username. Likely fraudin.
    >Posts numerous times he wants to see me without a shirt.

    Strong logic.

    Go shuffle off and continue being an orbiting beta for the women on here.
  • My_Own_Worst_Enemy
    My_Own_Worst_Enemy Posts: 218 Member
    Yeah ummmmm neither pic is shopped and if I posted more pics all hell would break loose and everyone would get hysterical with jealousy, envy, and misguided confusion. Most people can't handle the idea of who I am because it destroys their ego.

    Keep going on with your day acting like people who are exponentially better and more vital than you exists. I don't want people to get even more upset.

    Ive told the truth enough for one afternoon. And we all know how much the truth hurts people.

    Run along little girl. Nobody likes you.

    Mike you got anything left to say? Or can we begin to call this thread a Brah-Free Zone?

    FWIW, you look great Brett! Ya look GREAT!
  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member

    No pic, dough boy?

    Just like I thought.

    You guys should talk less. It's sad for the rest of us to have to read.

    >Calls me creepy for pointing out that his shirtless pic was used by someone with a different username. Likely fraudin.
    >Posts numerous times he wants to see me without a shirt.

    Strong logic.

    Go shuffle off and continue being an orbiting beta for the women on here.

    If you're so "Alpha", why is the only pic you have up one of you with a mans hand on your shoulder? Was that you Nutella ^.~? Couldn't find any ladies willing to touch up on that doughy hunk of love? It's ok brah. Next time for sure. There's bound to be a straight lady at the next party.