Tips for a first date? (guys only..)



  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    Listen up.

    Instead of flowers think of something interesting she likes. Something small. Her favorite candy is a good one.

    Second, you follow Bronx Tale rules:

    You meet her at the door. You walk her to your car. Place your hand on the small of her back. Unlock the car door and let her get in. Hold it open until she's seated comfortably. Then you walk around the back of the vehicle, look through the rear windshield. And...


    Oh, and THIS. Although, I've personally found that the invention of remote locks has made this one tricky. What are you going to do? Unlock the doors to let her in and then relock them so she can lean over to unlock it? Personally, I think remote locks ruined the best dating test EVER.

    I reach over and open the door for him.
    problem solved :flowerforyou:
  • tomspearsix
    tomspearsix Posts: 31 Member
    Dude, please do everyone a favor and go back to your episode of My Little Pony and shut the hell up. It is so obvious you are so insecure in who you are that you have to prove to total strangers how "alpha" you are. Guess what? NO ONE GIVES A S***.

    F'in bronies.....sigh

    Calls me a brony...


    ...its funny because it trueeeee.

    By the way that was directed at nutelladouche but i guess you think that everyone must be talking about you. That is pretty relieving my friend.
  • nutellabrah

    No pic, dough boy?

    Just like I thought.

    You guys should talk less. It's sad for the rest of us to have to read.

    >Calls me creepy for pointing out that his shirtless pic was used by someone with a different username. Likely fraudin.
    >Posts numerous times he wants to see me without a shirt.

    Strong logic.

    Go shuffle off and continue being an orbiting beta for the women on here.

    Lold hard at "orbiting beta"

    So accurate. TMRL

    I just want to say, you guys really do make a cute couple. And I'm a big supporter of your rights to freely express the love you share. Now go ahead and "chat" with each other. I'll just keep talking know, women. (you just said "ew gross" in your head, didn't you?)

    Wow you're such a ladies man...
  • nutellabrah

    No pic, dough boy?

    Just like I thought.

    You guys should talk less. It's sad for the rest of us to have to read.

    >Calls me creepy for pointing out that his shirtless pic was used by someone with a different username. Likely fraudin.
    >Posts numerous times he wants to see me without a shirt.

    Strong logic.

    Go shuffle off and continue being an orbiting beta for the women on here.

    Lold hard at "orbiting beta"

    So accurate. TMRL

    Dude, please do everyone a favor and go back to your episode of My Little Pony and shut the hell up. It is so obvious you are so insecure in who you are that you have to prove to total strangers how "alpha" you are. Guess what? NO ONE GIVES A S***.

    F'in bronies.....sigh

    Ladies please excuse this douche, he is a total embarrassment to the male sex.

    Another beta enters the orbit.
  • FJunkie
    FJunkie Posts: 74
    Nutellabrah speaks like a brah( close to ) but doesn't look like one .. dude go build a brah's physique first then start acting like one.. oh i can tell u that right steroids so u don't have to get ***** tits or shut down ur test forever and hear no dady.. . if ur gonna do it the natty way wake me up after 4 years then :yawn: .

    Mike seriously how old are u.. beta and alpha ? guys that think this way about women end up marrying *kitten* and they give birth to a line of *kitten* ..

    Too much negative energy over here

    You can feel free to come at me like that when you learn to squat below parallel.

    Please tell me u are kidding lol olypmic lifters doing heavy weights and educate ur self more about the parallel thingy ( which is only for knee safety not quality , quality is in depth not knee to toe crap) ..and take a good look on my knee before talking about my form
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    And this is exactly why the thread title says guys only

    OP = not smart enough to know whom to ask for advice on what women like
    women = know what women like; like to educate others on what women like
    small stuffed animal in place of flowers = BRILLIANT. best idea i've seen in this thread. :flowerforyou:
  • nutellabrah
    Just one question, just one.

    If we all left, stopped posting, and it was just you and Mike talking to each other..

    how long before you'd kiss?

    'Cause I'm placing bets on 3 minutes before full on open mouth going at it. All the repression that's built has to be doing a real number on you guys.

    Bro why do you keep trying to compete with me?

    Not everyone who is better looking than you is a bad person.

    Im both manlier than you and prettier than you at the same time. Deal with it. There nothing wrong with that fact.

    In fact it has very little advantage in places that matter like Jobs or Human Rights. Sure I get more opportunities with the opposite sex and get away with certain things but there is no reason to hate me. Especially not just because I love myself.

    You need to understand that this is all a reflection of your emotional immaturity. I am not a "bad person," you are, for not letting me enjoy my right to love myself and consider myself what I am: a superior genetic specimen.

    I know I am tearing at the very fabric of Americana with this reality, but it is still the truth.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Just one question, just one.

    If we all left, stopped posting, and it was just you and Mike talking to each other..

    how long before you'd kiss?

    'Cause I'm placing bets on 3 minutes before full on open mouth going at it. All the repression that's built has to be doing a real number on you guys.

    It's the same person, but I'm wagering that he's *kitten* pretty hard to this.
  • nutellabrah
    Nutellabrah speaks like a brah( close to ) but doesn't look like one .. dude go build a brah's physique first then start acting like one.. oh i can tell u that right steroids so u don't have to get ***** tits or shut down ur test forever and hear no dady.. . if ur gonna do it the natty way wake me up after 4 years then :yawn: .

    Mike seriously how old are u.. beta and alpha ? guys that think this way about women end up marrying *kitten* and they give birth to a line of *kitten* ..

    Too much negative energy over here

    You can feel free to come at me like that when you learn to squat below parallel.

    Please tell me u are kidding lol olypmic lifters doing heavy weights and educate ur self more about the parallel thingy ( which is only for knee safety not quality , quality is in depth not knee to toe crap) ..and take a good look on my knee before talking about my form

    I dunno what you are saying but it has been widely debated and the conclusion is squatting deep in the pocket is less dangerous because if you don't train knees at all and everything else gets strong except your knees, you risk injury.

    ATG > Parallel and thats not debatable. If you think it is google it.

    Are you saying you do or you don't? I can pull out from all the way deep into the pocket below parallel, all the way down, *kitten* to grass, with 350lbs on my back 1RM max just so you are aware. And I can do it the gay way with over 4 plates.
  • FJunkie
    FJunkie Posts: 74
    Nutellabrah speaks like a brah( close to ) but doesn't look like one .. dude go build a brah's physique first then start acting like one.. oh i can tell u that right steroids so u don't have to get ***** tits or shut down ur test forever and hear no dady.. . if ur gonna do it the natty way wake me up after 4 years then :yawn: .

    Mike seriously how old are u.. beta and alpha ? guys that think this way about women end up marrying *kitten* and they give birth to a line of *kitten* ..

    Too much negative energy over here

    You can feel free to come at me like that when you learn to squat below parallel.

    Please tell me u are kidding lol olypmic lifters doing heavy weights and educate ur self more about the parallel thingy ( which is only for knee safety not quality , quality is in depth not knee to toe crap) ..and take a good look on my knee before talking about my form

    I dunno what you are saying but it has been widely debated and the conclusion is squatting deep in the pocket is less dangerous because if you don't train knees at all and everything else gets strong except your knees, you risk injury.

    ATG > Parallel and thats not debatable. If you think it is google it.

    Are you saying you do or you don't? I can pull out from all the way deep into the pocket below parallel, all the way down, *kitten* to grass, with 350lbs on my back 1RM max just so you are aware. And I can do it the gay way with over 4 plates.

    Did i ask u how much u squat ?

    Lol my friend parallel and below parallel ( *kitten* to grass ) in terms of power lifting make no difference ..Above parallel is the wrong squat ..parallel and below make no difference when u are squatting in the strength range 1 - 3 RM in this pic i'm going below parallel btw .
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    According to Cards Against Humanity it's referred to as a micro penis . . .

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    best game EVAR.
  • nutellabrah
    Nutellabrah speaks like a brah( close to ) but doesn't look like one .. dude go build a brah's physique first then start acting like one.. oh i can tell u that right steroids so u don't have to get ***** tits or shut down ur test forever and hear no dady.. . if ur gonna do it the natty way wake me up after 4 years then :yawn: .

    Mike seriously how old are u.. beta and alpha ? guys that think this way about women end up marrying *kitten* and they give birth to a line of *kitten* ..

    Too much negative energy over here

    You can feel free to come at me like that when you learn to squat below parallel.

    Please tell me u are kidding lol olypmic lifters doing heavy weights and educate ur self more about the parallel thingy ( which is only for knee safety not quality , quality is in depth not knee to toe crap) ..and take a good look on my knee before talking about my form

    I dunno what you are saying but it has been widely debated and the conclusion is squatting deep in the pocket is less dangerous because if you don't train knees at all and everything else gets strong except your knees, you risk injury.

    ATG > Parallel and thats not debatable. If you think it is google it.

    Are you saying you do or you don't? I can pull out from all the way deep into the pocket below parallel, all the way down, *kitten* to grass, with 350lbs on my back 1RM max just so you are aware. And I can do it the gay way with over 4 plates.

    Did i ask u how much u squat ?

    Lol my friend parallel and below parallel ( *kitten* to grass ) in terms of power lifting make no difference ..Above parallel is the wrong squat ..parallel and below make no difference when u are squatting in the strength range 1 - 3 RM in this pic i'm going below parallel btw .

    thats a ridiculous statement.

    Going ATG is way more effective at inducing growth signals and maximizing flexibility and overall athletic capacity.

    Its infinitely more challenging.

    If you just go to parallel you are not recruiting anywhere near all the components to do the work it takes to come out of the true pocket. Its like a small percentage of what would be going on if you went ATG. Im talking like past where your quads are still doing the work and you "fell" past the point of no return. Then you come back up pulling from your chest and pushing from your heels. Thats a squat.

    Again, this is something you would google and read about. As far as Im concerned you don't even squat in my eyes. DYEL?
  • FJunkie
    FJunkie Posts: 74
  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member
    take note, OP. Bromance quarrels do not turn on the ladies
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I wonder if the OP is going to give us an update about how his night went after the fact, if he is indeed genuine.
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    So tonight is the big night Gil? After you're done splashing on the aftershave be sure to rub some on your nuts just in case.
  • nutellabrah

    I don't believe you actually went ATG. Maybe you felt like you went slightly below parallel in your mind but I wouldn't believe it till I saw a lift demo on youtube or something of you supposedly going ATG and seeing what that means to you exactly. I can tell you most people in the world don't even have the flexibility to do the exercise correctly. You really have to invest weeks of your time just stretching and working up toward the flexibility with lighter weights just to build the foundation of proper flexibility and strength in the right places and by then your gluteus is dramatically more pronounced too. Show me a pic/vid for proof.
  • MM_1982
    MM_1982 Posts: 374
    Just one question, just one.

    If we all left, stopped posting, and it was just you and Mike talking to each other..

    how long before you'd kiss?

    'Cause I'm placing bets on 3 minutes before full on open mouth going at it. All the repression that's built has to be doing a real number on you guys.

    I got two PM's from females on here that said you use to be Brett_PGH. I remember you being short, bald, and annoying

    Have you managed to grow any hair since then?