Tips for a first date? (guys only..)



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    hah, this is ****ing hilarious.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I wouldn't expect anything to go down on the first date but always bring protection. If you don't want to make her your wife, you don't want to make her a mother.


    (and all the loaded vs unloaded weapon talk is cracking me the hell up! rofl! Had no idea this was an issue. May have to inquire of the hubby in a bit...hahah!)

    All I see is that scene in the movie "There's Something About Mary" LMAO!!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Just asked my son, who squats in meets all the time. Has a 425 squat, which isn't bad for a kid. Says never ATG in a competition. Just break parallel for thumbs up. ATG only for low boxes during a workout, and that's a 3/4 of full weight.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Nutellabrah speaks like a brah( close to ) but doesn't look like one .. dude go build a brah's physique first then start acting like one.. oh i can tell u that right steroids so u don't have to get ***** tits or shut down ur test forever and hear no dady.. . if ur gonna do it the natty way wake me up after 4 years then :yawn: .

    Mike seriously how old are u.. beta and alpha ? guys that think this way about women end up marrying *kitten* and they give birth to a line of *kitten* ..

    Too much negative energy over here

    You can feel free to come at me like that when you learn to squat below parallel.

    Please tell me u are kidding lol olypmic lifters doing heavy weights and educate ur self more about the parallel thingy ( which is only for knee safety not quality , quality is in depth not knee to toe crap) ..and take a good look on my knee before talking about my form

    I dunno what you are saying but it has been widely debated and the conclusion is squatting deep in the pocket is less dangerous because if you don't train knees at all and everything else gets strong except your knees, you risk injury.

    ATG > Parallel and thats not debatable. If you think it is google it.

    Are you saying you do or you don't? I can pull out from all the way deep into the pocket below parallel, all the way down, *kitten* to grass, with 350lbs on my back 1RM max just so you are aware. And I can do it the gay way with over 4 plates.

    Did i ask u how much u squat ?

    Lol my friend parallel and below parallel ( *kitten* to grass ) in terms of power lifting make no difference ..Above parallel is the wrong squat ..parallel and below make no difference when u are squatting in the strength range 1 - 3 RM in this pic i'm going below parallel btw .

    thats a ridiculous statement.

    Going ATG is way more effective at inducing growth signals and maximizing flexibility and overall athletic capacity.

    Its infinitely more challenging.

    If you just go to parallel you are not recruiting anywhere near all the components to do the work it takes to come out of the true pocket. Its like a small percentage of what would be going on if you went ATG. Im talking like past where your quads are still doing the work and you "fell" past the point of no return. Then you come back up pulling from your chest and pushing from your heels. Thats a squat.

    Again, this is something you would google and read about. As far as Im concerned you don't even squat in my eyes. DYEL?

    Shoot, I recently watched a presentation regarding this. IIRC, EKG tests. show that quads are fully engaged at parallel and below parallel recruits a bit more glutes.
  • nohaynicknamesdisponibles
    So I have my first date this Friday. I have a couple of questions, and I would appreciate any input/advice from older bros who have experience in this field. Okay so when I pick her up, should I walk to her door? I'm kind of afraid of her dad opening the door, I think it would be kind of awk. I'm going to be as nervous as it is, don't need her dad intimidating me.. So I was thinking about opening the car door for her and closing it. Is that too "soft" of me? I don't want to come off as some sort of softy. Well I want to be nice/ polite yet stay firm and show my dominance as a guy and show her I'm in charge. Also I was thinking while we are driving to the restaurant I was gonna reach in the back seat and surprise her with some flowers. Is that too much? If not what kind of flowers? Should I pay for her meal? I've done some research and a lot of guys say you shouldn't have to pay for everything on the first date because there might not be a second. Lastly..should I bring "protection" just in case..? Not sure if I missed anything. I appreciate any input. Ty !
    1. Yes, because even if you are working for FedEx you would go to their door and pick up that package and probably want to open her your cars door. It's not about softness but about manners and respect. If you would date my daughter without saying "Hi" I would sent you to hell.
    2. Be who you are and don't fake that you are nice and polite if you are not nice and polite.
    3. No flowers.
    4. If you invite you pay, of course.
    5. I don't know which protection to bring for a first date. If you want to have sex right away better go for a prostitute.
  • FJunkie
    FJunkie Posts: 74

    I don't believe you actually went ATG. Maybe you felt like you went slightly below parallel in your mind but I wouldn't believe it till I saw a lift demo on youtube or something of you supposedly going ATG and seeing what that means to you exactly. I can tell you most people in the world don't even have the flexibility to do the exercise correctly. You really have to invest weeks of your time just stretching and working up toward the flexibility with lighter weights just to build the foundation of proper flexibility and strength in the right places and by then your gluteus is dramatically more pronounced too. Show me a pic/vid for proof.

    U clearly don't read i said it makes no difference in power lifting and strength reps ( 1 - 3) if u can squat 200 lbs ATG u can squat that number parallel and vice versa the difference is when u are doing it ATG u are going out of the comfort zone that's it ..unless u are wussy the bar will crush u ...No i don't have videos i only have this pic..btw there is a new study about squatting 0.0006789 parallel it says that it could cause loss of leg hair and balls and turns u into Rosie O'Donnell and u lose ur squat strength by about 51.345858676869 % and go blind . so be careful ..Cheers mate and happy geometrical squatting .
  • nutellabrah
    Just asked my son, who squats in meets all the time. Has a 425 squat, which isn't bad for a kid. Says never ATG in a competition. Just break parallel for thumbs up. ATG only for low boxes during a workout, and that's a 3/4 of full weight.

    Thats fine because its competition.

    In competition there are other rules. For example when you bench press, you are supposed to lock your elbows in competition.

    But proper flat bench form is not locking out.

    But we were never specifying a competition. He just said if you look at powerlifters.

    I am talking bodybuilding. And there is no substitute for ATG squats in a Bodybuilders career.
  • nutellabrah

    I don't believe you actually went ATG. Maybe you felt like you went slightly below parallel in your mind but I wouldn't believe it till I saw a lift demo on youtube or something of you supposedly going ATG and seeing what that means to you exactly. I can tell you most people in the world don't even have the flexibility to do the exercise correctly. You really have to invest weeks of your time just stretching and working up toward the flexibility with lighter weights just to build the foundation of proper flexibility and strength in the right places and by then your gluteus is dramatically more pronounced too. Show me a pic/vid for proof.

    U clearly don't read i said it makes no difference in power lifting and strength reps ( 1 - 3) if u can squat 200 lbs ATG u can squat that number parallel and vice versa the difference is when u are doing it ATG u are going out of the comfort zone that's it ..unless u are wussy the bar will crush u ...No i don't have videos i only have this pic..btw there is a new study about squatting 0.0006789 parallel it says that it could cause loss of leg hair and balls and turns u into Rosie O'Donnell and u lose ur squat strength by about 51.345858676869 % and go blind . so be careful ..Cheers mate and happy geometrical squatting .

    I don't know anyone that can squat ATG as much as they can max at parallel. Its usually about 75% (3:4 ratio) of their parallel capacity.

    Thats ridiculous. You clearly don't know what you're talking about nor are flexible enough to do ATG.

    I could watch 10 lifters squat ATG and only 1 will be able to do i properly.

    Its ok. Just so you know a lot of strength comes from glutes. Try dropping the weight down to 75% 5RM and doing some, guarantee you'll be sore as hell despite how many years you've been squatting. You messed up your bodybuilding career big time brah. You must have that huge quad/small gluteus look going on ;)
  • FJunkie
    FJunkie Posts: 74

    I don't believe you actually went ATG. Maybe you felt like you went slightly below parallel in your mind but I wouldn't believe it till I saw a lift demo on youtube or something of you supposedly going ATG and seeing what that means to you exactly. I can tell you most people in the world don't even have the flexibility to do the exercise correctly. You really have to invest weeks of your time just stretching and working up toward the flexibility with lighter weights just to build the foundation of proper flexibility and strength in the right places and by then your gluteus is dramatically more pronounced too. Show me a pic/vid for proof.

    U clearly don't read i said it makes no difference in power lifting and strength reps ( 1 - 3) if u can squat 200 lbs ATG u can squat that number parallel and vice versa the difference is when u are doing it ATG u are going out of the comfort zone that's it ..unless u are wussy the bar will crush u ...No i don't have videos i only have this pic..btw there is a new study about squatting 0.0006789 parallel it says that it could cause loss of leg hair and balls and turns u into Rosie O'Donnell and u lose ur squat strength by about 51.345858676869 % and go blind . so be careful ..Cheers mate and happy geometrical squatting .

    I don't know anyone that can squat ATG as much as they can max at parallel. Its usually about 75% (3:4 ratio) of their parallel capacity.

    Thats ridiculous. You clearly don't know what you're talking about nor are flexible enough to do ATG.

    I could watch 10 lifters squat ATG and only 1 will be able to do i properly.

    Its ok. Just so you know a lot of strength comes from glutes. Try dropping the weight down to 75% 5RM and doing some, guarantee you'll be sore as hell despite how many years you've been squatting. You messed up your bodybuilding career big time brah. You must have that huge quad/small gluteus look going on ;)

    I wasn't gonna reply but that was alot of BS ..If i squat 400 for 3 reps Parallel ..i can't squat 400 ATG FOR 1 REP ?
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Just asked my son, who squats in meets all the time. Has a 425 squat, which isn't bad for a kid. Says never ATG in a competition. Just break parallel for thumbs up. ATG only for low boxes during a workout, and that's a 3/4 of full weight.

    Thats fine because its competition.

    In competition there are other rules. For example when you bench press, you are supposed to lock your elbows in competition.

    But proper flat bench form is not locking out.

    But we were never specifying a competition. He just said if you look at powerlifters.

    I am talking bodybuilding. And there is no substitute for ATG squats in a Bodybuilders career.

    Like, for college credit?

    Do they teach hypertrophy, brah?
  • nutellabrah

    I wasn't gonna reply but that was alot of BS ..If i squat 400 for 3 reps Parallel ..i can't squat 400 ATG FOR 1 REP ?

    If you can only barely squat 400 and 400 is your true 3RM Max, then 400 is really hard if you can't even do 5 reps and yeah, it makes sense that your ATG 1RM max would be well below 400 especially if you haven't been training your flexibility to go ATG for at least a few months and doing serious heavy stretching for weeks.
  • FJunkie
    FJunkie Posts: 74

    I wasn't gonna reply but that was alot of BS ..If i squat 400 for 3 reps Parallel ..i can't squat 400 ATG FOR 1 REP ?

    If you can only barely squat 400 and 400 is your true 3RM Max, then 400 is really hard if you can't even do 5 reps and yeah, it makes sense that your ATG 1RM max would be well below 400 especially if you haven't been training your flexibility to go ATG for at least a few months and doing serious heavy stretching for weeks.

    lol and that's called mumbling u didn't answer
  • j0705
    j0705 Posts: 185
    I can post if I want to and you can't stop me! *neener neener*

    ^^^^ i second that! ha

    aw how sweet some of the replies are, just for the record be yourself offer to pay for the first date at least and do not talk about your ex or pick you nose or scratch your bottom or your front and dont jiggle your 'keys' in your pocket its not a good look and we still know what your doing really ha.

    good luck :)
  • nutellabrah

    I wasn't gonna reply but that was alot of BS ..If i squat 400 for 3 reps Parallel ..i can't squat 400 ATG FOR 1 REP ?

    If you can only barely squat 400 and 400 is your true 3RM Max, then 400 is really hard if you can't even do 5 reps and yeah, it makes sense that your ATG 1RM max would be well below 400 especially if you haven't been training your flexibility to go ATG for at least a few months and doing serious heavy stretching for weeks.

    lol and that's called mumbling u didn't answer

    The answer was NO, you can't.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member

    try harder.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Walk up to the house.
    Ring the bell.
    Present the flowers.
    Go to the restaurant.
    Take her home.
    You go home alone.

    Good first date.
  • FJunkie
    FJunkie Posts: 74

    I wasn't gonna reply but that was alot of BS ..If i squat 400 for 3 reps Parallel ..i can't squat 400 ATG FOR 1 REP ?

    If you can only barely squat 400 and 400 is your true 3RM Max, then 400 is really hard if you can't even do 5 reps and yeah, it makes sense that your ATG 1RM max would be well below 400 especially if you haven't been training your flexibility to go ATG for at least a few months and doing serious heavy stretching for weeks.

    lol and that's called mumbling u didn't answer

    The answer was NO, you can't.

    Lol ok thanks for your info .. good luck on whatever u are doing in fitness man ... i'm out
  • jessicalynne25
    Don't be too shy and no texting during dinner. Also look into her eyes instead of at her boobs....
  • the_dude00
    the_dude00 Posts: 1,056 Member
    So I have my first date this Friday. I have a couple of questions, and I would appreciate any input/advice from older bros who have experience in this field. Okay so when I pick her up, should I walk to her door? I'm kind of afraid of her dad opening the door, I think it would be kind of awk. I'm going to be as nervous as it is, don't need her dad intimidating me.. So I was thinking about opening the car door for her and closing it. Is that too "soft" of me? I don't want to come off as some sort of softy. Well I want to be nice/ polite yet stay firm and show my dominance as a guy and show her I'm in charge. Also I was thinking while we are driving to the restaurant I was gonna reach in the back seat and surprise her with some flowers. Is that too much? If not what kind of flowers? Should I pay for her meal? I've done some research and a lot of guys say you shouldn't have to pay for everything on the first date because there might not be a second. Lastly..should I bring "protection" just in case..? Not sure if I missed anything. I appreciate any input. Ty !

    I did not read others replies b/c of thread length...

    YES, go to the door. Her family will infer you're a giant **** if you don't... She might want her family to like her date as well...

    Flowers are too much for a first date... Don't do it. A first date is for getting to know someone, relax and try to enjoy the conversation with her. Be open about yourself, but don't be a Waterhose spewing all the details about yourself. Try to let her talk 75% of the time

    Open the car door for her and close it as well. That's called being a gentleman, it kinda makes me think you are a weirdo with this Dominance bull****... If you are moving at a normal walking pace, a date / girlfriend / wife should never have to open the door when you are with them.

    Pay for the date. If she offers to half, tell her nonchalantly you'll get it. If she tries again, let her pay half b/c she may not be comfortable with you paying

    My advice... Relax and get to know her.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    laughs and talks

    Perfect first date