Paleo lifestyle... Have you tried it? How did you feel?



  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I tried it. I stuck with it for about 4 months, only making exceptions for when I went out to eat at restaurants (which is very rare for me). I saw amazing results in terms the way my body reacted and energy levels shot up. Plus my grocery bills went down. I didn't stick with it because I ended up in the hospital due to reasons unrelated where I was stuck eating hospital food for days and having other people cook for me when I eventually got out, and I just haven't been able to get back on since. Of course I also haven't made a serious effort to...
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    I was on strict Paleo from in the beginning of 2012 for 3 months. Prior to Paleo I was "addicted" to bread and grains. When I started on Paleo the 1st one week felt weak, sick, nauseating, drained you name it. And then I lost 10 pounds the 1st one month. My diet was on high protein and veggies.

    At the end of 3 months coincidentally I was up for my blood work and found I have Cholesterol and was put on smaller dose (inspite of the fact that I Crossfit and was training for Half Marathon).

    Since then I have modified my diet such that I eat everything minus bread. I gave up vodka and switched to red wine. And my diet includes lentils and dairy products that aren't allowed in Paleo.

    I'm off Cholesterol medication since diet is not high on protein.

    Hope this helps you.
  • Arne_becomesxXx
    Arne_becomesxXx Posts: 504 Member
    *bump in*
  • CindyB97
    CindyB97 Posts: 146 Member
    I've always said that if they didn't name this diet or "lifestyle", "Paleo", we wouldn't be having this conversation. I wish they would have simply called it, "the whole foods diet" or something like that. It would be easier to stomach. The term, "Paleo" is stupid for so many reasons.

    But, the gist of the diet is legit, eating whole, unprocessed foods, as much as possible.

    Getting into eliminating corn and potatoes and all that is so silly though. And, trying to postulate what cave people ate in the paleothithic era, and even saying that they were healthier than us. Lol. It's all so stupid.

    Agreed. I love eating this way (with a few modifications) but I hate labels. Paleo is a pretty stupid way to describe it. I seriously doubt Paleolithic man (if there was such a thing) ate bacon and chicken eggs like I do every morning. And I doubt he would turn down a bag of Doritos if they were offered to him.

    But sometimes using labels makes things easier. For example, I homeschool my kids but I hate that term. My kids' education bears absolutely no resemblance to "school", and not all of it takes place at "home". But it's so much easier to say "I homeschool" because that is a widely understood term. (Though sometimes when people ask what grade my kids are in, for fun I like to simply state "Oh they don't go to school" and leave it at that; it always results in a blank stare and they never ask any follow-up questions.)
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    One of the biggest issues with paleo besides the fact it is so big on demonizing food and is cult like (god the paleo police are atrocious)... is that people don't learn what is working and why.

    They think the fact that whole foods and clean grass feed meat are doing it for them.

    And it's not- it's a calorie deficit. Sure they feel better because they are probably eating more veggies and fat and less sugar- and creating a more well balanced diet to help you function- but the reality is- the weight loss isn't from fancy food- it's from a calorie deficit.

    Those are my two big beefs about it (and no- not grass feed beefs- regular plain old Shop Rite beefs)

    The majority of people that start the journey of the Paleo or whole foods lifestyle is because it is mostly anti-inflammatory by nature of what your eating.

    Most of us are not looking for weight loss, but a means to heal our bodies from chronic illnesses without the use of heavy duty pharmaceuticals that cause more harm than good in the long term.

    2 years and I am still healing my adrenals, hormone issues and such - so most times my weight loss is very slow or nothing at all. Until my body reaches homeostasis again, I will not experience weightloss no matter how much or how little I eat.

    I have to heal the damage that has been done.

    The weight loss is merely an added benefit.

    I'm sorry... but no, not at all. The MAJORITY of people start it because they think it's a golden ticket to rapid fat loss. Your particular issues, if true, are not indicative of the whole "paleo population".
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    Going Paleo has been the best decision I've ever made. I made the switch in August of last year and will never look back. I'm dropping weight consistently, never feel deprived with my food options, and I've never felt better mentally or physically as I do right now.

    congrats on finding a way to create a calorie deficit….

    You don't feels deprived but are eliminating whole food groups..? Interesting...

    I do a Primal diet 90% of the time. I've eliminated entire food groups and I don't feel deprived either. Granted, if I really, really, really want something I'll have it. Luckily, eliminating those foods has kept me from craving them.

    It is a very easy way to create a calorie deficit. A 300 calorie croissant isn't nearly as filling as 300 calories worth of chicken and veggies. I get to eat way more food by skipping the grains (which tend to just make me tired anyway). Win!

    This is all coming from a former carb queen, who 1 year ago, you would have had to pry my bagel from my cold, dead hands. I went Primal in May of 2013. Haven't considered reverting.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i've never really done paleo, but i've done my damndest to stick to single ingredient foods and avoid jars, cans, wrappers of any kind.

    From a weight loss persepective, it produced good short term results. It was great as long as i could hold off from going crazy on chocolate lol. there was an inevitable peanut butter binge (the only thing remotely snack or candy like i keep in the house) and i'd smear 1000 cals on a piece of bread with out being fully cognisant of it. Although it may have given me marginally quicker fat loss.

    The real difference was in my digestion. Overall, i'm much happier getting my ice cream or candy bar (or both) daily and still reaching my calorie and protien goals and dealing with some intestinal distress then i was fending off cravings but with a happier tummy.

    I can totally see that some would turn to this diet because of digestive/health/comfort reasons.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    One of the biggest issues with paleo besides the fact it is so big on demonizing food and is cult like (god the paleo police are atrocious)... is that people don't learn what is working and why.

    They think the fact that whole foods and clean grass feed meat are doing it for them.

    And it's not- it's a calorie deficit. Sure they feel better because they are probably eating more veggies and fat and less sugar- and creating a more well balanced diet to help you function- but the reality is- the weight loss isn't from fancy food- it's from a calorie deficit.

    Those are my two big beefs about it (and no- not grass feed beefs- regular plain old Shop Rite beefs)

    The majority of people that start the journey of the Paleo or whole foods lifestyle is because it is mostly anti-inflammatory by nature of what your eating.

    Most of us are not looking for weight loss, but a means to heal our bodies from chronic illnesses without the use of heavy duty pharmaceuticals that cause more harm than good in the long term.

    2 years and I am still healing my adrenals, hormone issues and such - so most times my weight loss is very slow or nothing at all. Until my body reaches homeostasis again, I will not experience weightloss no matter how much or how little I eat.

    I have to heal the damage that has been done.

    The weight loss is merely an added benefit.

    I'm sorry... but no, not at all. The MAJORITY of people start it because they think it's a golden ticket to rapid fat loss. Your particular issues, if true, are not indicative of the whole "paleo population".

    I beg to differ. I too started for health related reasons and the majority of the people that I have met (both on the web and IRL) also tried it as a means to get their nagging health issues under control.
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    It was OK for a while, but I got tired of eating mostly acorns and tubers and running around in a loin cloth with crazy hair.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    One of the biggest issues with paleo besides the fact it is so big on demonizing food and is cult like (god the paleo police are atrocious)... is that people don't learn what is working and why.

    They think the fact that whole foods and clean grass feed meat are doing it for them.

    And it's not- it's a calorie deficit. Sure they feel better because they are probably eating more veggies and fat and less sugar- and creating a more well balanced diet to help you function- but the reality is- the weight loss isn't from fancy food- it's from a calorie deficit.

    Those are my two big beefs about it (and no- not grass feed beefs- regular plain old Shop Rite beefs)

    The majority of people that start the journey of the Paleo or whole foods lifestyle is because it is mostly anti-inflammatory by nature of what your eating.

    Most of us are not looking for weight loss, but a means to heal our bodies from chronic illnesses without the use of heavy duty pharmaceuticals that cause more harm than good in the long term.

    2 years and I am still healing my adrenals, hormone issues and such - so most times my weight loss is very slow or nothing at all. Until my body reaches homeostasis again, I will not experience weightloss no matter how much or how little I eat.

    I have to heal the damage that has been done.

    The weight loss is merely an added benefit.

    I'm sorry... but no, not at all. The MAJORITY of people start it because they think it's a golden ticket to rapid fat loss. Your particular issues, if true, are not indicative of the whole "paleo population".

    I beg to differ. I too started for health related reasons and the majority of the people that I have met (both on the web and IRL) also tried it as a means to get their nagging health issues under control.

    In fact, I've found that the majority of those who try paleo simply to lose weight, while they find other benefits (like increased energy, better sleep, clearer skin, better digestion...etc), they often still end up going right back to the way they ate before. Those people would probably do better with IIFYM, since weight loss is their only concern and they are happy to trade their energy/sleep/clear skin for pizza, bagels & twinkies. In the end, you gotta do what makes you happy, right?
  • rebeccalmcewen
    I personally haven't tried it but my housemate lives by it,and he is the epitome of fitness and health. He eats 3500 calories a day, enjoys his food greatly, and exercises every day (crossfit usually). He never gets ill, has perfect digestion, and is extremely toned and muscular. He loves it, and he is a great advertisement for it!
  • capnlizard
    capnlizard Posts: 73 Member
    I dabbled as an experiment.

    I liked it- but it wasn't sustainable- which is an issue.

    While I like the idea of how much weight I would be losing by following this diet, between the cost and the restrictiveness, I found it unsustainable for me. I also didn't like the idea of cutting out entire food groups simply for the sake of dieting; I already cut dairy out of my diet because of an allergy, but I felt that this was different. The good part about paleo is that it causes you to cut out processed junk, which IS a good thing, but I don't think that you also have to get rid of things that are part of a balanced, healthy diet, like whole grains, legumes, etc. It just wasn't something that I could see myself doing, long-term, but I applaud those people who find that this diet works for them and think that they should keep up the good work.

    Really, it's all about finding a diet that is healthy, makes you happy, and that you can sustain for yourself.
  • Gettinghealthysarah
    The best I ever felt was when I ate this way!!! I had energy and felt like a million bucks! I also weighed a reasonable amount (60 pounds lighter) this was years ago and I didn't know then it had a name, I just ate lots of meat, healthy fats, and tons of veges! I got fat OVER eating. I never had the urge to binge while I ate Paleo but when I tried to add processed foods in my cravings went through the roof and my weight soon followed! I am back to trying to follow this way of eating because I feel better. I have also seen my grocery bill go down, I don't buy much organic and not buying junk in large quantities keeps the cost down. This is my experience!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member

    In fact, I've found that the majority of those who try paleo simply to lose weight, while they find other benefits (like increased energy, better sleep, clearer skin, better digestion...etc), they often still end up going right back to the way they ate before. Those people would probably do better with IIFYM, since weight loss is their only concern and they are happy to trade their energy/sleep/clear skin for pizza, bagels & twinkies. In the end, you gotta do what makes you happy, right?

    lol i basically agree with this. most people that stick with it are probably not doing so because of weight loss. although on the same token, i assume most in the IIFYM pool don't experience the symptoms you list in a dramatic way.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I dabbled as an experiment.

    I liked it- but it wasn't sustainable- which is an issue.

    this was my expience. I really liked that apples started tasting like candy. but they weren't candy, and there in lies my issue lol
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    Tried Paleo and actually liked it. Have a lot more energy, more stable blood sugar level throughout the day. I sleep better too. After a while I tried stuff that works for me, so I'll still eat Greek yoghurt and I do eat rice, quinoa or oatmeal on occasion.

    I did experience that eating bread, pasta and potatoes gives me a much more bloated feeling so I'm still avoiding those. Avoiding isn't the right word though, since I absolutely don't miss eating it!
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    Those people would probably do better with IIFYM, since weight loss is their only concern and they are happy to trade their energy/sleep/clear skin for pizza, bagels & twinkies. In the end, you gotta do what makes you happy, right?

    You are so right, I have completely turned my health around and have gotten off all prescription meds, I have loads of energy, sleep like a baby and don't even have to wear makeup because I have no blemishes on my skin.

    oh wait... I DID ALL THAT WITH IIFYM.

    You clearly don't know much about IIFYM or the reasons people do it. Your statement is idiotic...
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Its true that improving these symptoms could come from losing weight/being in better shape.

    a more compleing argument would be one where someone was in good shape already and the only change was the diet. perhaps they have already weighted in.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    One of the biggest issues with paleo besides the fact it is so big on demonizing food and is cult like (god the paleo police are atrocious)... is that people don't learn what is working and why.

    They think the fact that whole foods and clean grass feed meat are doing it for them.

    And it's not- it's a calorie deficit. Sure they feel better because they are probably eating more veggies and fat and less sugar- and creating a more well balanced diet to help you function- but the reality is- the weight loss isn't from fancy food- it's from a calorie deficit.

    Those are my two big beefs about it (and no- not grass feed beefs- regular plain old Shop Rite beefs)

    The majority of people that start the journey of the Paleo or whole foods lifestyle is because it is mostly anti-inflammatory by nature of what your eating.

    Most of us are not looking for weight loss, but a means to heal our bodies from chronic illnesses without the use of heavy duty pharmaceuticals that cause more harm than good in the long term.

    2 years and I am still healing my adrenals, hormone issues and such - so most times my weight loss is very slow or nothing at all. Until my body reaches homeostasis again, I will not experience weightloss no matter how much or how little I eat.

    I have to heal the damage that has been done.

    The weight loss is merely an added benefit.

    I'm sorry... but no, not at all. The MAJORITY of people start it because they think it's a golden ticket to rapid fat loss. Your particular issues, if true, are not indicative of the whole "paleo population".

    Maybe what you see on this website............

    But this website does not encompass the thousands of people that belong to the IPMG group on Facebook and about 2/3 - 3/4 of the people that have adopted this lifestyle are not doing it for the weight loss. It is for healing from chronic illnesses.

    Compared to the groups I belong to elsewhere, MFP looks like there are no Paleo lifestyle people here at all because it is so tiny of a fraction.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Those people would probably do better with IIFYM, since weight loss is their only concern and they are happy to trade their energy/sleep/clear skin for pizza, bagels & twinkies. In the end, you gotta do what makes you happy, right?

    You are so right, I have completely turned my health around and have gotten off all prescription meds, I have loads of energy, sleep like a baby and don't even have to wear makeup because I have no blemishes on my skin.

    oh wait... I DID ALL THAT WITH IIFYM.

    You clearly don't know much about IIFYM or the reasons people do it. Your statement is idiotic...

    All the people that come out of the woodwork to talk about IIFYM on paleo threads, and I've never seen a single one talk about anything other than weightloss. Of course, I haven't read every post on every paleo thread either...

    ETA: Congrats on finding what works for YOU!