lol thought this pic parodied feminism well(Women only pls)



  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member

    Beam me to the sky Jesus!

    I don't think even Jesus would want you.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member

    Suddenly its all coming together Oh MY GOD!!
    Sad narcissistic vampire is sad.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    So I am I the only person who looked at OP's FL to make sure there aren't any mutuals?
  • SavageRabidBeast_version2
    I think you're pointing right at the issue without realizing it.

    That hamburger is an object. It is one dimensional.

    Women are subjects. When you compare the images in the media with images of real women, you're treating them as objects or one-dimensional things. The thing that makes the "real woman" beautiful isn't that she's more aesthetically pleasing, it's that she's not an object. The "real woman" is a subject with a multi-dimesional personality and life. Her looks reflect the life she's lived and her experiences.

    The hamburger exists for your pleasure and enjoyment. The woman belongs to herself and her appearance is not for you.

    Which brings me back to this ace in the whole I have been waiting to trap you all with since page one ^

    You belong to you, you don't belong to me. Since the essence of love is giving yourself to someone, the essence of the romance, you make yourself unlikable, unlovable, due to your insecurity. Giving yourself like that to a man is the only reason for him to sacrifice his life. And if you are too stubborn, proud, empowered to do that, you destroy the potential for love to thrive therefore destroying the family unit.

    This comes back full circle to how the burger is self destructive. You just destroyed our marriage with your self centered feminist behavior, therefore making divorce statistics skyrocket in the last decade. AKA detrimental/destructive to society.


    No. The essence of romance is NOT giving yourself to the other person. Have you ever been in a successful long term relationship? In a relationship you still belong to yourself, you just share your life with someone else, your life, not your self. I love my husband. We share our lives, our home, our money, our children, most of our free time, our future, our families, etc. But my life does not belong to him. I consult him on major decisions but they are still mine to make. He has his own life, hobbies, friends. He makes his decisions. He doesn't control me, I don't control him. If all we had was each other, we'd probably murder each other.

    Thats not love. Feminism is a cancer to true love.

    You don't know what true love is.

    I know what its like and its way more passionate than anything you could imagine. You're not even in love you're in a partnership.

    And how'd that work out for you? Did it last?

    "True love" is passionate AND a partnership. I've been in love twice, once in highschool, and once with my husband. The high-school love was like you describe, "give yourself to him". It didn't feel good. It was crazy, chaotic, unstable, totally in love one moment, hating each other the next moment. Current love is happy, balanced. I know he loves me as much as I love him. I know we'll be together for a long time and that we have the skills to make it work when times are rough. I know that if I need him he'll be there for me. I know that he supports me in my dreams and my goals as I support him. I know that he finds me attractive and wants sex as often, if not more than I do. I can't imagine my life without him. I don't want to be without him. But ya know what? If I had to live without him, I could. It would suck for a long time but it would definitely be possible. As romantic as it seems in books and movies, it's just not healthy to really think you "can't live wihout" someone.

    Like I said, you're in a partnership.

    Nothing compared to the passion and love I experience.

    I think a lot of you get me wrong, I am not against feminism at all. Im the benefactor. The bad boy type, the top 20% who is getting the most benefit from the polygamous trends in society where the feminism is raising a young generation of sluts who just want me to put them on game. Guess what, us bad boys are benefiting from you guys wanting to be cool like us. I no longer have to coerce your daughter into being FWB. She's already down.

    At first, I was amused by your idiocy.

    Now I am literally disgusted by you.
    I have a feeling that you would be hard pressed to find a real man who would be proud to associate with you as sharing his gender.

    You prey on adolescents, looking for those who are easily manipulated and you use them as your playthings. You use them up and probably leave them scarred, and probably pregnant.

    You spout "true love" and this holier than thou attitude... but in reality, you're dumber than a sack of *kitten* , with zero understanding of meaningful relationships.

    You give masculinity a bad name.

  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    Uhh first problem is that this isn't parodying feminism. Feminism is the strive for gender equality in society today. This seems to be a parody of the body acceptance movement.

    I only got this far and haven't read the rest yet, but this is what I thought too. Also, feminism is not only for women, any man who believes that women are equal to men and should be treated as such is also a feminist. People treat it like it's a dirty word that means "man hating angry woman" but that's not at all accurate. Do you think men and women should be considered as equally capable and worthy of respect? Then you're a feminist too.
    No I'm pretty sure he's Romanian. And racist. And rape-y too. Possibly other words that start with "r" too.

    I refuse to believe that.
    Pretty sure it was by his own admission. But don't worry... I don't take that to mean anything about other Romanians. It just sounded funny: "You're a feminist too"... "No, I'm pretty sure he's Romanian." And then it just so happened that a bunch of other "r" words coincided.

    Oh, he admitted being Romanian...
    I know, the shame of it all, right?

    Yes. I never admit being Romanian in public.

    Right, because they'll automatically assume you sleep in a coffin.

    At first I couldn't even remember the joke I was riffing on. Then I remembered:

    Jonathan Harker: She's alive?
    Van Helsing: She's Nosferatu.
    Jonathan Harker: She's Italian?


    And then, the fact that it's from a Dracula spoof just made me laugh all the harder! :laugh:


    This reminds me of a conversation i had years ago.

    Colleague: So what's your first language?
    Me: Romanian.
    Colleague: OMG, you're from Rome?! That's awesome!
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    This reminds me of a conversation i had years ago.

    Colleague: So what's your first language?
    Me: Romanian.
    Colleague: OMG, you're from Rome?! That's awesome!
    Bro, do you even linguistics?!
  • nutellabrah
    Hey ba, ce faci?? :):)

    Pierd timpul citind aberatia asta de forum.

    Tu iesti incapabila sa its recunosti limitele. si nu gasesti nimica sa creez rau decit negind. Numa ca asha vrea musciul tau. Ca asa vrea neuron tau Sburldalnic
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member

    Suddenly its all coming together Oh MY GOD!!
    Sad narcissistic vampire is sad.

    OH! So that's why he dates teenagers. So much is making sense now!!!
  • fitandskinnygal
    What I feel like right now….

  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    Hey ba, ce faci?? :):)

    Pierd timpul citind aberatia asta de forum.

    Tu iesti incapabila sa its recunosti limitele. si nu gasesti nimica sa creez rau decit negind. Numa ca asha vrea musciul tau. Ca asa vrea neuron tau Sburldalnic

    Vai de capul tau. Si ai cam uitat romana.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So I am I the only person who looked at OP's FL to make sure there aren't any mutuals?
    I have no need. I'm careful about who I let on my FL. None of them would have him.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Hey ba, ce faci?? :):)

    Pierd timpul citind aberatia asta de forum.

    Tu iesti incapabila sa its recunosti limitele. si nu gasesti nimica sa creez rau decit negind. Numa ca asha vrea musciul tau. Ca asa vrea neuron tau Sburldalnic

    Vai de capul tau. Si ai cam uitat romana.
    Really? Or is it just that he isn't coherent in any language?
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    What I feel like right now….
    [img] Anime Scene Clip Shxt/Headbanger.gif[/img]
    Quoted to see picture
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I think the OP has read a little too much Robert Greene...

    Oh, and Dark Triad is an incomplete psychological construct. Dark Tetrad more like.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    Hey ba, ce faci?? :):)

    Pierd timpul citind aberatia asta de forum.

    Tu iesti incapabila sa its recunosti limitele. si nu gasesti nimica sa creez rau decit negind. Numa ca asha vrea musciul tau. Ca asa vrea neuron tau Sburldalnic

    Vai de capul tau. Si ai cam uitat romana.
    Really? Or is it just that he isn't coherent in any language?

    That could be it.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    *light bulb*

    So, here's my theory:

    OP started thread not as a troll but trying to confirm his authicity in intellectualism and superiority over all.

    This back-fired.

    So now he is portraying a troll so that we forget the fact that he failed to make his point in the first place and we assume the entire thread is trolling as opposed to a fail of most epic proportions.

    It's common.


  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I think the OP has read a little too much Robert Greene...

    Oh, and Dark Triad is an incomplete psychological construct. Dark Tetrad more like.
    I'd expect someone who has Machiavellianist traits to use the word "machinations" correctly, so I think this diagnostic test fails.
  • fitandskinnygal
    *light bulb*

    So, here's my theory:

    OP started thread not as a troll but trying to confirm his authicity in intellectualism and superiority over all.

    This back-fired.

    So now he is portraying a troll so that we forget the fact that he failed to make his point in the first place and we assume the entire thread is trolling as opposed to a fail of most epic proportions.

    It's common.



    Am I the only one who gets grossed out by these images??
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    I really, really hope y'all saw what I wrote earlier about why Romanian and that I wasn't trying to say anything *at all* about Romanian being a bad thing. It was just meant to be a juxtaposition with "feminist".
    Thanks for that. We're all a little insane, but most of us are insane in non-offensive ways.
    Tu iesti incapabila sa its recunosti limitele. si nu gasesti nimica sa creez rau decit negind. Numa ca asha vrea musciul tau. Ca asa vrea neuron tau Sburldalnic
    Bro, do you even zburdalnic? Sau esti, iti, creezi,etc...

    Cand nu esti sigur, Serios.
  • nutellabrah
    Hey ba, ce faci?? :):)

    Pierd timpul citind aberatia asta de forum.

    Tu iesti incapabila sa its recunosti limitele. si nu gasesti nimica sa creez rau decit negind. Numa ca asha vrea musciul tau. Ca asa vrea neuron tau Sburldalnic

    Vai de capul tau. Si ai cam uitat romana.

    Scuza ma, o fost mult timp de a tunchia
This discussion has been closed.