Guest Speaker today at my work - what I learned



    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    Also, I'm studying to be a holistic nutritionist, and this guy gives the field a bad name!
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    What kind of doctor is he? I understand that anyone can call themselves a "nutritionist" without any credentials.

    I would be skeptical of his information, especially since he seems to be selling something. Was there any scientific results backing up his claims?

    Oh ye of little faith...... "xxxxxxxx D.C., A.C.N. is a Chiropractor and Applied Clinical Nutritionist who specializes in weight loss through nutrition and other natural methods" There are also lots of testimonials on his site so he must know what he's doing.
    Chiropractors aren't really doctors.

    And this, lol. Was he an MD? Did he have a PhD in anything? No? Then he's not a doctor.

    Can you clarify the bit about putting your fingers together and the magic energy from food determining how strong your hand gets, or something?
  • MagJam2004
    MagJam2004 Posts: 651 Member
    In for the later since the gifs aren't coming through at work
  • AndyRogan
    AndyRogan Posts: 195 Member
    Are you a doctor?
    No, but my sister in law is, and she says most of the post is crap.

    A nutritionist and ACN are not licensed doctors, anyone can call themselves a nutritionist and ACN without any training, degrees, etc, and you'd get more qualified advice from someone working in a McDonalds
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I'm so glad this got bumped so hopefully others can learn this valuable information as well.

    The only valuable information in this thread is that you are either a troll or extremely gullible.

    The person who spoke at your work is neither a doctor or scientist. They are, by your own admission, a chiropractor who touts his ACN certification (6 weekends of seminars and you can get the engraved plaque for your wall). Luckily for the guest speaker, people like you exist so they can continue to make money off the foolishness of others.

    He's not trying to make money. Just to help people....Not everyone in this world is so greedy....sheesh.

    As he told you what brand of supplements to buy and gets paid to spout such utter nonsense that nobody with a basic understanding of the human body would ever believe them. Again ... luckily for people like this speaker, there are people like you in the world. PT Barnum spoke of your type and the alarming frequency at which your kind enters the world.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    No, but my sister in law is, and she says most of the post is crap.
    And just because someone is or other similar qualifications, doesn't have to mean they are more educated on subject.

    I had a lovely case a bit after I had some work done on the metal in my leg... went in to A&E explaining that I had the symptoms for DVT and would like to get it checked out just in case.
    Doctor assured me it wasn't etc, but did tests anyway.
    By the time I got home (I'd done some shopping or something while in town) there was an apologetic and rather flustered call from said doctor asking me to call back ASAP and arrange to have a proper test because it turns out I was right and all the signs were there.

    As it goes, it ended up that it wasn't anything to worry about when I had ultrasound, but in this case my research certainly trumped the doctor's despite me having no qualifications anywhere near (hell, no qualifications past 6 GCSEs :) ).
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    Trollin', trollin' trollin'
    Trollin', trollin' trollin'
    Trollin', trollin' trollin'
    Trollin', trollin' trollin', Walleye

    Trollin', trollin' trollin'
    Lakes and streams are swollen
    Fingers nearly frozen, Walleye

    Through wind and rainy weather
    We're in this boat together
    Six packs, lures and leeches by our side

    I've been drowning shiners
    Searching with depth finders
    Tryin' to get a big one on the line

    Bait 'em up, cast 'em out
    Cast 'em out, bait 'em up
    Bait 'em up, cast 'em out, Walleye
    Gut 'em out, fry 'em up
    Fry 'em up, gut 'em out
    Gut 'em out, fry 'em up, Walleye
  • agidavis
    agidavis Posts: 36 Member
    9g of sugar/day??? Does anybody thinks this could be maintained for more than a day? If so please send me your diary log i would want to know how!!
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    haha came back to the thread, looks like the OP is still trying to have fun with us.
  • xyzcer
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    *slams 10 ounces of filet*



    Are you sure you posted on the right board, OP? Jokes are usually posted in "Chit-chat, Fun, and Games."
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    1 - The adrenal glands handle all stress and they can't distinguish between physical and mental stress. Being stressed releases cortisol which makes you store belly fat.

    2 - Fat burning only occurs during your deep sleep at night.

    3 - Sugar is bad.....awful....Wheat bread should be considered a dessert because it is a 71 on the glycemic index

    4 - Actually.....all grains are bad. It's a worthless food group and every grain should be considered a dessert

    5 - You have to eat 25 apples today to get the same nutritional value from one apple in the 1940s.

    6 - Cereal companies take all nutrients out of the grain and then spray it with 6 synthetic vitamins and minerals....that's what enriched and fortified means.

    7 - You really need to watch carbs and sugars. Calories don't really mean anything. All the good doctors (like Dr. Oz) say your body doesn't really know calories....It just knows hormones.

    8 - You should only eat a max of 72g of carbs and 9g sugar per day.

    At this point he did a really cool demonstration where people pushed their pointer finger against their thumb....and he would not be able to pry the two apart.....but then they would touch a processed food and he could pry their fingers apart.....This is because of the negative energy floating through these processed foods.......The only one it didn't work on was me.....He said that the Luna bar I was touching must be pretty good and it must be because of all the soy in it that I didn't lose as much strength. Amazing!!!

    He also did another demonstration where someone held up their arm and he couldn't push it down.......he touched on his chest (heart) and it was still strong but when he pushed on his abdomen (liver) he could push the arm down so he must have a liver problem.........He brushed his hand down the patient's back a few times and then repeated the test and could not push the arm down.....His liver is on the way to recovery.

    9 - Everyone needs 5 supplements....He went through it so quickly I didn't catch them all but they included multi-vitamin, multi-mineral and fish oil....along with two others.

    10 - All supplements are not created equal....Vitamin Shoppe/GNC/ETC are cheap supplements and don't realy make a difference. He sells one in his office though called Standard Process and they are amazing. The others are made from oil/tar and are petroleum based products but the ones he sells are from real foods.

    11 - Joint pain is pretty much always caused from poor nutrition.

    12 - Detoxing is great but only if you are up for it. You need to eat right and exercise first before starting your full body cleanse. He did a detox once when his body wasn't ready and ended up with hyperthyroidism. He started eating right though and it fixed itself.

    13 - You should only eat 3-4 oz. of protein at a time. Any more than 4 oz. and the remainder is immediately stored as fat instead.

    14 - Juicing is the fruits though. Only 3.33 C (max) fruit per day and 10C vegetables per day (min)

    15 - If you are trying to lose weight eat your fruit late at night before you go to bed so you can burn off all the fruit sugar while you sleep.....Otherwise you have to burn the fruit sugar off first when you exercise.

    16 - You should do a parasite protocol every year because 9-10 people have parasites inside of them.
    dont agree with all, but most of it is solid advice. :)
  • blleadon
    blleadon Posts: 187 Member
    I believe some "doctors" give information to keep the population needing their services. Lol.
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    I believe some "doctors" (if not most) give information to keep the population needing their services. Lol.

    that's what pharmaceuticals are for.
  • brad81684
    This has to be a joke. So I can't eat a banana because I will go over my recommended sugar intake for the day, according to the doctor??
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I haven't laughed this hard since the dog food diet thread. :drinker:
  • brad81684
    I haven't laughed this hard since the dog food diet thread. :drinker:

    Please tell me you have a link for that thread??
  • fredgiblet
    fredgiblet Posts: 241 Member
    How da hell are people allowed to stand in front of an audience with no apparent knowledge of the subject at hand? I'd be fired from my job in a hurry if I did that.

    Because people want to believe in pseudoscience. It's easier than real science.
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    It's funny to me that you all think you are smarter than a doctor........Tell me what kind of medical degrees you have please.....

    Meh, your doctor doesn't have one either.

    The truly sad part about that list is that there are plenty of half truths that make much of it almost believable.

    Take, for example, that everyone has parasites in their gut. What we don't have is an overgrowth of any one particular kind.

    Worse, we have parasites on our skin! (Maybe he sells soemthing for that!)

    I once heard the weight of the gut bacteria can add up to several pounds. How can I kill it all dead and realize this hidden weight loss? That would really going to ramp up that sustainable 10 pounds/week I'm expecting from cutting out carbs.

    Most gut bacteria are not parasites, they are symbiotic. Killing them would present a grave risk to your own health.