Food posts on FaceBook- am I being mean?



  • Sylv93
    Sylv93 Posts: 28 Member
    I really don't think it's any of your business. Just ignore.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    So, I finally got tired of (some) of my FB friends who post almost nothing but recipes on FB. And not just ANY recipes. You know the kind I mean- bar cookies covered with half an inch of frosting, casseroles loaded with bacon and cheese, something called "millionaire spaghetti pie"... sadly, the people who post these recipes really need to eat less of this stuff- they're all overweight. And every one of these recipes starts with "Hit 'Share' so this will be saved on your timeline so you won't lose it." and they comply. Now I don't wanna get all preachy on FB, but about a week ago I decide to look up the nutritional info on one of these concoctions. Umm, if you really do divide the 13 X 9 X 5 pan contents into 15 pieces, one Banana Nut Brownie with cream cheese frosting has 459 calories and 48% of the recommended max for saturated fat. And who eats just one when the rest of the pan is staring at you and the first one was so good?

    So, I posted that info, just as a public service and all... and did that for 2 more particularly egregious recipes I've seen since then. One friend got all defensive and said that it was OK as an occasional treat.. which is how she replied when I commented on some cheese/bacon/egg casserole thing she posted at Christmas.

    Disclosure: I do like some of that stuff, but my tactic is to go to a place where I can get ONE serving (e.g., a good bakery), take it home, enjoy every single calorie and fat gram, then go back to my usual good habits. No way I'd let piles of that stuff live in my kitchen.

    So- how do YOU deal with FaceBook Foodies?

    No you are not being mean. You just don't have that aspect of your friendship in common with those people anymore. Nothing wrong with them or you. You need to find more like-minded FB friends who post on common interests.

    Treasure all your friendships. You have much to learn from everyone and vice versa.

    Have a peaceful day :)
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    One friend got all defensive and said that it was OK as an occasional treat.. which is how she replied when I commented on some cheese/bacon/egg casserole thing she posted at Christmas.

    Sounds like your friend's eating a high-protein diet to me - many here do the same. I'd certainly like that cheese/egg/bacon casserole recipe. And jeepers, she posted one recipe around Christmas time of which you disapproved, and another at the end of January... how dare she have a treat once a month!?

    Either hide their posts from your feed, if it bothers you that much, or get down off your high horse and reserve your food-judgement for your own meals, rather than everyone else's.

    By the way, how do you know that your bakery-bought treat is made exclusively from good, whole, natural ingredients? You don't do the baking, so there could be all sorts of nasties lurking in there you don't know about... Your friends who cook at home have total control over what's going into their recipes, so you could say they know more about what they're putting in their bodies than you do!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Tell them they have too much time on their hands. I really dont understand the mentality of people on Facebook. People never used to phone or text their friends to share what they are having for dinner for example, so why on Facebook.

    The thing is, smart phones, for all their advantages, are just ruining society and people's social skills....

    Back in the palaeolithic era, people sat around campfires and shared banal pieces of information, like which part of the animal they were eating, or how far they had to walk to gather the roots they brought to the tribe, or how many moons it would be until berry season and good ways to cook roots and berries. and who was shagging who and who argued with who and all kinds of other gossip

    When humans invented farming, they shared useless information while tilling the fields and tending their herds and stuff like that

    In the bronze age and iron age, they had taverns to sit around chatting about banal stuff in

    move forward to the middle ages, people still sat around in taverns or went to each others' houses to share banal information like what they were having for dinner, swapping recipes with neighbours and stuff like that

    And nowadays, we have social media, so all this banal social chat that humans have been doing ever since we evolved the ability to speak, has now moved onto social media like facebook. Humans talk to other humans about banal, boring stuff. It actually serves a vitally important function in human societies, i.e. making and maintaining relationships with other humans, which is critical for co-operation as a group, which is a major, highly critical factor in human evolution. So if people posting boring shizz on facebook is a side effect of us having evolved to be highly advanced, social, co-operative beings with an advanced level of language, then I think I can live with people posting boring shizz on facebook.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    Tell them they have too much time on their hands. I really dont understand the mentality of people on Facebook. People never used to phone or text their friends to share what they are having for dinner for example, so why on Facebook.

    The thing is, smart phones, for all their advantages, are just ruining society and people's social skills....

    Back in the palaeolithic era, people sat around campfires and shared banal pieces of information, like which part of the animal they were eating, or how far they had to walk to gather the roots they brought to the tribe, or how many moons it would be until berry season and good ways to cook roots and berries. and who was shagging who and who argued with who and all kinds of other gossip

    When humans invented farming, they shared useless information while tilling the fields and tending their herds and stuff like that

    In the bronze age and iron age, they had taverns to sit around chatting about banal stuff in

    move forward to the middle ages, people still sat around in taverns or went to each others' houses to share banal information like what they were having for dinner, swapping recipes with neighbours and stuff like that

    And nowadays, we have social media, so all this banal social chat that humans have been doing ever since we evolved the ability to speak, has now moved onto social media like facebook. Humans talk to other humans about banal, boring stuff. It actually serves a vitally important function in human societies, i.e. making and maintaining relationships with other humans, which is critical for co-operation as a group, which is a major, highly critical factor in human evolution. So if people posting boring shizz on facebook is a side effect of us having evolved to be highly advanced, social, co-operative beings with an advanced level of language, then I think I can live with people posting boring shizz on facebook.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Tell them they have too much time on their hands. I really dont understand the mentality of people on Facebook. People never used to phone or text their friends to share what they are having for dinner for example, so why on Facebook.

    The thing is, smart phones, for all their advantages, are just ruining society and people's social skills....

    Well it would be a tad hypocritical being on FB yourself and taking the time to tell them they have too much time on their hands.....

    Errrr ok. Or perhaps not, because then they might not do it... hence saving time and bother in the future....
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,095 Member
    Tell them they have too much time on their hands. I really dont understand the mentality of people on Facebook. People never used to phone or text their friends to share what they are having for dinner for example, so why on Facebook.

    The thing is, smart phones, for all their advantages, are just ruining society and people's social skills....

    Well it would be a tad hypocritical being on FB yourself and taking the time to tell them they have too much time on their hands.....

    Errrr ok. Or perhaps not, because then they might not do it... hence saving time and bother in the future....

    or just save yourself the time and bother and don't go on FB to tell other people they are wasting time on FB :wink:
  • Monty_P
    Monty_P Posts: 62 Member
    I wonder how you made your 'friend' feel?
  • tattygun
    tattygun Posts: 447 Member
    Aren't you a lovely lady. :ohwell:
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    drives me nuts when ppl say anything in moderation, what the hell does that really mean??? on the MFP ppl who say you can treat yourself, you just have a bite to get your craving to go away,... I don't know one person be it skinny or heavy that can eat one bite of your favorite thing.......You gotta want this more then you want to eat anything........I keep telling myself personally NOTHING will ever taste as good as thin will feel...................

    What does it mean? For me it means eating one serving of lasagna instead of 2-3 servings or a smaller serving of a thing and "backfilling" what I would have eaten with something else that's a little lighter like more veggies or some fruit. Instead of a Snicker's bar every day, eating one week (makes it more satisfying for me anyway). Making lighter choices during the day with the knowledge that I'll have a heavier meal that night. Or just having a day every few weeks where I throw care to the wind and not worrying about it.

    I had a lady at work chide me for eating a Snickers one day and I politely told her where to stuff it. If YOU want to live by the mantra "nothing tastes as good as thin feels," rock on. You know you and what you need to succeed. I have found for ME that mental health and not seeing food as the enemy made me not fight the process of losing weight like I had before. And hey- 86 pounds and no binge eating for a year for me. :)

    ^^this exactly^^
    im pretty sure that taking longer (perhaps) to lose the weight, whilst still enjoying the food you love, is far healthier than denying yourself food you love while chanting the "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" rubbish, food is not the enemy, and while ever your kidding yourself with your lovely chant you are in fact making it the enemy

    and op your "friend" probably knows that they are overweight, but until they are ready to do something about it themselves, will not lose weight, and no amount of snarky comments will change that, i cant blame them for being so defensive as if it had been one of my friends it would have hurt my feelings, and instead of shaming me into doing something about it, i would have gone and raided the fridge to make myself feel better
    if you dont like the posts delete the friend or ignore the posts it's that simple, personally i love the recipes, i have made a few that i have found on facebook for my family, and shock horror they have been good, even if i choose not to eat them myself, i see no reason that my husband or kids should miss out
    tomorrow is my mums birthday and i will be baking her favorite, devil's food cake, we have it on each of our birthdays (8 times a year) it is made from scratch and has approximately 540 calories per slice, and my mum will probably post a picture of it to facebook, and i'm going to enjoy every single last calorie
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Tell them they have too much time on their hands. I really dont understand the mentality of people on Facebook. People never used to phone or text their friends to share what they are having for dinner for example, so why on Facebook.

    The thing is, smart phones, for all their advantages, are just ruining society and people's social skills....

    Back in the palaeolithic era, people sat around campfires and shared banal pieces of information, like which part of the animal they were eating, or how far they had to walk to gather the roots they brought to the tribe, or how many moons it would be until berry season and good ways to cook roots and berries. and who was shagging who and who argued with who and all kinds of other gossip

    When humans invented farming, they shared useless information while tilling the fields and tending their herds and stuff like that

    In the bronze age and iron age, they had taverns to sit around chatting about banal stuff in

    move forward to the middle ages, people still sat around in taverns or went to each others' houses to share banal information like what they were having for dinner, swapping recipes with neighbours and stuff like that

    And nowadays, we have social media, so all this banal social chat that humans have been doing ever since we evolved the ability to speak, has now moved onto social media like facebook. Humans talk to other humans about banal, boring stuff. It actually serves a vitally important function in human societies, i.e. making and maintaining relationships with other humans, which is critical for co-operation as a group, which is a major, highly critical factor in human evolution. So if people posting boring shizz on facebook is a side effect of us having evolved to be highly advanced, social, co-operative beings with an advanced level of language, then I think I can live with people posting boring shizz on facebook.

    While your piece about history may be correct, during none of this time have the streets being filled with people walking around staring at a screen. I have no problem with cavemen talking about food. This is fundamental social interaction. What bothers me, however, is that the side-effect of staring at a screen because of addictive sites like Facebook has negative effects that range from the seemingly harmless to the blatantly dangerous, and no-one seems to care. And for what gain?

    So what am I going on about? Walking through a busy high street not watching where you are going, potentially ignoring other people, not taking in surroundings - seemingly harmless, but this bad habit leads to other things.

    Social environments such as being in a park watching the kids. Mums and dads just hooked on Facebook, seemingly checking the same messages as they did so about 5 seconds ago, not paying any attention or interest to kids.

    Walking down a busy road, one hand on mobile phone, one hand on pram with baby inside, crossing a busy road, prioritising sending a message over even minor hazards.

    Social environments with just adults. How annoying is it when you are trying to have a conversation with somebody being compelled to send an non-urgent text to somebody.

    Cavemen never experienced this. Is telling people about food recipes on a social media website really worth it?
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Tell them they have too much time on their hands. I really dont understand the mentality of people on Facebook. People never used to phone or text their friends to share what they are having for dinner for example, so why on Facebook.

    The thing is, smart phones, for all their advantages, are just ruining society and people's social skills....

    Well it would be a tad hypocritical being on FB yourself and taking the time to tell them they have too much time on their hands.....

    Errrr ok. Or perhaps not, because then they might not do it... hence saving time and bother in the future....

    or just save yourself the time and bother and don't go on FB to tell other people they are wasting time on FB :wink:

    I give up. Like to talking to a brick wall. Or worse even, because at least the brick wall wont shout back inane tosh.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    There is always the option of not having an account on Facebook. :ohwell:
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    So, I finally got tired of (some) of my FB friends who post almost nothing but recipes on FB. And not just ANY recipes. You know the kind I mean- bar cookies covered with half an inch of frosting, casseroles loaded with bacon and cheese, something called "millionaire spaghetti pie"... sadly, the people who post these recipes really need to eat less of this stuff- they're all overweight. And every one of these recipes starts with "Hit 'Share' so this will be saved on your timeline so you won't lose it." and they comply. Now I don't wanna get all preachy on FB, but about a week ago I decide to look up the nutritional info on one of these concoctions. Umm, if you really do divide the 13 X 9 X 5 pan contents into 15 pieces, one Banana Nut Brownie with cream cheese frosting has 459 calories and 48% of the recommended max for saturated fat. And who eats just one when the rest of the pan is staring at you and the first one was so good?

    So, I posted that info, just as a public service and all... and did that for 2 more particularly egregious recipes I've seen since then. One friend got all defensive and said that it was OK as an occasional treat.. which is how she replied when I commented on some cheese/bacon/egg casserole thing she posted at Christmas.

    Disclosure: I do like some of that stuff, but my tactic is to go to a place where I can get ONE serving (e.g., a good bakery), take it home, enjoy every single calorie and fat gram, then go back to my usual good habits. No way I'd let piles of that stuff live in my kitchen.

    So- how do YOU deal with FaceBook Foodies?

    Hmmm, I bake those kinds of recipes, eats those kinds of foods, and yes I occasionally share those kinds of recipes on fb. Shockingly, I've managed to figure out how to not only lose weight while doing this, but also how to maintain that almost 60lbs loss, as well. One of the great mysteries of the universe I guess :tongue:
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Yeah, I think it's kind of mean to post the calorie count on someone else's page.

    It's one thing to tell a close friend, in private, that you worry about all the unhealthy and high calorie food they seem to be regularly eating. But to publicly post nutritional info under their facebook posts? That is seriously obnoxious, and insensitive, and potentially hurtful and embarrassing.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    So, I finally got tired of (some) of my FB friends who post almost nothing but recipes on FB. And not just ANY recipes. You know the kind I mean- bar cookies covered with half an inch of frosting, casseroles loaded with bacon and cheese, something called "millionaire spaghetti pie"... sadly, the people who post these recipes really need to eat less of this stuff- they're all overweight. And every one of these recipes starts with "Hit 'Share' so this will be saved on your timeline so you won't lose it." and they comply. Now I don't wanna get all preachy on FB, but about a week ago I decide to look up the nutritional info on one of these concoctions. Umm, if you really do divide the 13 X 9 X 5 pan contents into 15 pieces, one Banana Nut Brownie with cream cheese frosting has 459 calories and 48% of the recommended max for saturated fat. And who eats just one when the rest of the pan is staring at you and the first one was so good?

    So, I posted that info, just as a public service and all... and did that for 2 more particularly egregious recipes I've seen since then. One friend got all defensive and said that it was OK as an occasional treat.. which is how she replied when I commented on some cheese/bacon/egg casserole thing she posted at Christmas.

    Disclosure: I do like some of that stuff, but my tactic is to go to a place where I can get ONE serving (e.g., a good bakery), take it home, enjoy every single calorie and fat gram, then go back to my usual good habits. No way I'd let piles of that stuff live in my kitchen.

    So- how do YOU deal with FaceBook Foodies?

    I like taking those recipes and making swaps so that the 459 calorie Banana Nut Brownie turns into a 200 calorie Banana Nut Brownie. I have gotten some of my best recipes from what friends and family have posted, I have just learned what and where to swap things for others. If you learned to do the same you might be able to make that recipe with no regrets....that is what I do.

    And I agree with the people who are shocked at posting the calorie counts under the page. Just because you don't want to eat it because of calorie count, doesn't mean everyone else is afraid of the calories. If you don't want to see the stuff then just hide it from your page...easily fixed.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    drives me nuts when ppl say anything in moderation, what the hell does that really mean??? on the MFP ppl who say you can treat yourself, you just have a bite to get your craving to go away,... I don't know one person be it skinny or heavy that can eat one bite of your favorite thing.......You gotta want this more then you want to eat anything........I keep telling myself personally NOTHING will ever taste as good as thin will feel...................


    No, what tastes and feels good is being thin AND eating all the kinds of food you like :drinker:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I just ignore the recipes. I don't care if they want to eat that. If and when they are ready to lose weight and ask advice, then I can refer them to some resources.

    You could set your notifications so that just some of their updates appear in your newsfeed, or none.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Is this really a problem? Lol wow…

    I could care less what people post on FB …do the calories somehow leak through onto your profile page, and then creep into your body?

    I find it hard to believe that this is a serious post….
  • tiggsnanny
    tiggsnanny Posts: 366 Member
    I don't mind the recipes, some of them I save just in case :tongue: but I don't care what people post it's up to them, the people I tend to unfollow are the people who post religious stuff, but I wouldn't unfriend them, and I respect their religious beliefs :smile: