Food posts on FaceBook- am I being mean?



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I don't think it's any of your business.

    There is an obesity epidemic in this country and we spend an insane amount of our GDP on medical expenses, including the costs of all the conditions created and exacerbated by overweight and bad diets. It warms my heart when I read the Success Stories and read about how many meds people were able to discontinue (with their doc's agreement) after they lost weight.

    We all pay for this care, through higher insurance premiums, higher taxes to fund health care for the poor, and covering for absences in the workplace. So yes, it IS my business. I also want everyone to feel the way I do. You know what I'm gonna do to celebrate my 61st birthday this weekend? I'm signing up for a sprint triathlon- 1/2 mile lake swim, 12 mile bike ride and a 5K. It saddens me to see how many people are in poor shape and just chalk it up to age or a sedentary job (I have one of those). It doesn't have to be that way.

    Ummm actually it is not…It is a free country and if people want to be fat and lazy then they can be fat and lazy with no help from you..on the flip side, if people want to be athletic, eat right, and be healthy then they can with no help from anyone else..

    this country was built on self reliance and independence…..not a nanny state that told people what mold they have to fit in …geez….
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    If you're posting nutritional information of exactly what they are posting, then I think that could be perceived as being a bit confrontational and obnoxious. If someone did that to me I'd probably feel defensive as well. Most people that eat the things that they do are adults and know better and don't need a public service announcement -- they probably just aren't concerning themselves with it, for better or worse. The thing is, people usually aren't going to change unless they decide it for themselves. Or often it doesn't happen until their health demands it, because by nature we often don't act until the s**t hits the fan. Annoying people isn't going to change them.

    If you want to be a positive influence, maybe share recipes that you like.

    Personally when people post things on FB that annoy me, I just ignore the posts. I don't always agree with my friends about everything, but they are still my friends at the end of the day and I like to know how they are doing (annoying opinions and posts aside).
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    drives me nuts when ppl say anything in moderation, what the hell does that really mean??? on the MFP ppl who say you can treat yourself, you just have a bite to get your craving to go away,... I don't know one person be it skinny or heavy that can eat one bite of your favorite thing.......You gotta want this more then you want to eat anything........I keep telling myself personally NOTHING will ever taste as good as thin will feel...................


    *double sigh*…it means you have one serving of ice cream and fit it into your calorie/macro count for the day means you have two slices of pizza instead of five….it means eating the foods you want to eat, maintaining a deficit, losing weight, and being happy about it…not being some miserable restricted person who complains about all the food they can't eat because of their "diet"...
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Yes you are being mean, judgemental, and obnoxious.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    Never mind. Happy Friday everybunny. :flowerforyou:
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Not understanding how something that someone else puts into their body is affecting you....?

  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    Ummm actually it is not…It is a free country and if people want to be fat and lazy then they can be fat and lazy with no help from you..on the flip side, if people want to be athletic, eat right, and be healthy then they can with no help from anyone else..

    this country was built on self reliance and independence…..not a nanny state that told people what mold they have to fit in …geez….

    But they ARE getting help from me. As I noted in my OP, taxes pay for a good deal of medical care in this country. More medical care for preventable conditions = more taxes. No way around it. For the insured, more claims that the insurer has to pay for preventable conditions = more premiums we all pay. Not to mention the human cost of those preventable conditions- not being able to enjoy a good bike ride, getting winded after a walk down your driveway, knee pain, back pain. I want everyone to feel as good as I do.

    Having said that, I am re-thinking this practice of telling people what's in the crap they post since so many people think it's mean. And I had already cut the news feed off for one guy who seemed to post nothing but recipes for things I wouldn't eat. Tell me about your vacation or your kid's wedding or show me a pic of your newest grandchild or even express an opinion I disagree with. I'll be gentle if I reply at all. Just don't blindly repost stuff. (And I WILL stay off pinterest.)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Ultimate Cheescake

    2 cups finely ground graham crackers (about 30 squares)
    1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    1 stick unsalted butter, melted
    1 pound cream cheese, 2 (8-ounce) blocks, softened
    3 eggs
    1 cup sugar
    1 pint sour cream
    1 lemon, zested
    1 dash vanilla extract
    Warm Lemon Blueberry Topping, recipe follows
    Warm Lemon Blueberries:
    1 pint blueberries
    1 lemon, zested and juiced
    2 tablespoons sugar
    Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.

    In a mixing bowl, combine the ingredients with a fork until evenly moistened. Lightly coat the bottom and sides of an 8-inch springform pan with non-stick cooking spray.

    Pour the crumbs into the pan and, using the bottom of a measuring cup or the smooth bottom of a glass, press the crumbs down into the base and 1-inch up the sides. Refrigerate for 5 minutes.

    For the Filling:

    In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat the cream cheese on low speed for 1 minute until smooth and free of any lumps. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, and continue to beat slowly until combined. Gradually add sugar and beat until creamy, for 1 to 2 minutes.

    Add sour cream, lemon zest, and vanilla. Periodically scrape down the sides of the bowl and the beaters. The batter should be well-mixed but not overbeaten. Pour the filling into the crust-lined pan and smooth the top with a spatula.

    Set the cheesecake pan on a large piece of aluminum foil and fold up the sides around it. Place the cake pan in a large roasting pan. Pour boiling water into the roasting pan until the water is about halfway up the sides of the cheesecake pan; the foil will keep the water from seeping into the cheesecake. Bake for 45 minutes. The cheesecake should still jiggle (it will firm up after chilling), so be careful not to overcook. Let cool in pan for 30 minutes. Chill in the refrigerator, loosely covered, for at least 4 hours. Loosen the cheesecake from the sides of the pan by running a thin metal spatula around the inside rim. Unmold and transfer to a cake plate. Using a spatula spread a layer of Warm Lemon Blueberry topping over the surface.

    Slice the cheesecake with a thin, non-serrated knife that has been dipped in hot water. Wipe dry after each cut.

    Warm Lemon Blueberries:
    In a small saucepan add all the ingredients and simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes or so until the fruit begins to break down slightly. Leave to cool before spreading on cheesecake.

    Yield: 6 servings
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Ummm actually it is not…It is a free country and if people want to be fat and lazy then they can be fat and lazy with no help from you..on the flip side, if people want to be athletic, eat right, and be healthy then they can with no help from anyone else..

    this country was built on self reliance and independence…..not a nanny state that told people what mold they have to fit in …geez….

    But they ARE getting help from me. As I noted in my OP, taxes pay for a good deal of medical care in this country. More medical care for preventable conditions = more taxes. No way around it. For the insured, more claims that the insurer has to pay for preventable conditions = more premiums we all pay. Not to mention the human cost of those preventable conditions- not being able to enjoy a good bike ride, getting winded after a walk down your driveway, knee pain, back pain. I want everyone to feel as good as I do.

    Having said that, I am re-thinking this practice of telling people what's in the crap they post since so many people think it's mean. And I had already cut the news feed off for one guy who seemed to post nothing but recipes for things I wouldn't eat. Tell me about your vacation or your kid's wedding or shoe me a pic of your newest grandchild or even express an opinion I disagree with. I'll be gentle if I reply at all. Just don't blindly repost stuff. (And I WILL stay off pinterest.)

    frankly my dear, it is none of your business…

    "I want everyone to feel as good as I do" this is the famous last line of communists and despots everywhere..they want the people to "feel good" and "be equal" so they set up a system of government to make everyone equal and all it does is put its boot on the back of their neck and repress them…just because you want everyone to be "fit and healthy" does not give you the right to force that feeling/lifestyle on them...

    in the words of forrest gump - thats all I have to say about that...
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Ummm actually it is not…It is a free country and if people want to be fat and lazy then they can be fat and lazy with no help from you..on the flip side, if people want to be athletic, eat right, and be healthy then they can with no help from anyone else..

    this country was built on self reliance and independence…..not a nanny state that told people what mold they have to fit in …geez….

    But they ARE getting help from me. As I noted in my OP, taxes pay for a good deal of medical care in this country. More medical care for preventable conditions = more taxes. No way around it. For the insured, more claims that the insurer has to pay for preventable conditions = more premiums we all pay. Not to mention the human cost of those preventable conditions- not being able to enjoy a good bike ride, getting winded after a walk down your driveway, knee pain, back pain. I want everyone to feel as good as I do.

    Having said that, I am re-thinking this practice of telling people what's in the crap they post since so many people think it's mean. And I had already cut the news feed off for one guy who seemed to post nothing but recipes for things I wouldn't eat. Tell me about your vacation or your kid's wedding or show me a pic of your newest grandchild or even express an opinion I disagree with. I'll be gentle if I reply at all. Just don't blindly repost stuff. (And I WILL stay off pinterest.)

    The world does not revolve around you.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Tell them they have too much time on their hands. I really dont understand the mentality of people on Facebook. People never used to phone or text their friends to share what they are having for dinner for example, so why on Facebook.

    The thing is, smart phones, for all their advantages, are just ruining society and people's social skills....

    Back in the palaeolithic era, people sat around campfires and shared banal pieces of information, like which part of the animal they were eating, or how far they had to walk to gather the roots they brought to the tribe, or how many moons it would be until berry season and good ways to cook roots and berries. and who was shagging who and who argued with who and all kinds of other gossip

    When humans invented farming, they shared useless information while tilling the fields and tending their herds and stuff like that

    In the bronze age and iron age, they had taverns to sit around chatting about banal stuff in

    move forward to the middle ages, people still sat around in taverns or went to each others' houses to share banal information like what they were having for dinner, swapping recipes with neighbours and stuff like that

    And nowadays, we have social media, so all this banal social chat that humans have been doing ever since we evolved the ability to speak, has now moved onto social media like facebook. Humans talk to other humans about banal, boring stuff. It actually serves a vitally important function in human societies, i.e. making and maintaining relationships with other humans, which is critical for co-operation as a group, which is a major, highly critical factor in human evolution. So if people posting boring shizz on facebook is a side effect of us having evolved to be highly advanced, social, co-operative beings with an advanced level of language, then I think I can live with people posting boring shizz on facebook.

    That's a good point. But this woud probably have been shared between a relatively smaller group of people, and people who interacted with each other in daily life. Maybe we (I) have too many FB friends and too many of them are people I barely know and never see. That may dilute the value of this kind of sharing.

    This actually makes me want to cut my FB friends way back and use it as a sort of virtual tavern. Or maybe have 2 accounts. Hmm...
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member

  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    i like the recipes friends post on FB. Yes, many of them have a stupid amount of calories, but I don't have to eat it. Or I can just eat a little bit of it and fit it into my calories, which is what I usually end up doing. I also like the recipes because I enjoy cooking for friends and family who are not counting calories and like that stuff even if I choose to eat something different.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Why not post your own healthy alternatives instead of being all preachy about what they are posting. Or ignore it. If they wanna get healthy maybe they will ask.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I don't get what's wrong if someone likes to share this kind of unhealthy, but delicious food, it's their choice. Even though they're overweight. It's not like someone who's overweight HAS to diet or do something about it. It's not like every food HAS to be healthy just because yours is.
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    i like the recipes friends post on FB. Yes, many of them have a stupid amount of calories, but I don't have to eat it. Or I can just eat a little bit of it and fit it into my calories, which is what I usually end up doing. I also like the recipes because I enjoy cooking for friends and family who are not counting calories and like that stuff even if I choose to eat something different.

    You are too reasonable for this topic.

  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Ummm actually it is not…It is a free country and if people want to be fat and lazy then they can be fat and lazy with no help from you..on the flip side, if people want to be athletic, eat right, and be healthy then they can with no help from anyone else..

    this country was built on self reliance and independence…..not a nanny state that told people what mold they have to fit in …geez….

    But they ARE getting help from me. As I noted in my OP, taxes pay for a good deal of medical care in this country. More medical care for preventable conditions = more taxes. No way around it. For the insured, more claims that the insurer has to pay for preventable conditions = more premiums we all pay. Not to mention the human cost of those preventable conditions- not being able to enjoy a good bike ride, getting winded after a walk down your driveway, knee pain, back pain. I want everyone to feel as good as I do.

    Having said that, I am re-thinking this practice of telling people what's in the crap they post since so many people think it's mean. And I had already cut the news feed off for one guy who seemed to post nothing but recipes for things I wouldn't eat. Tell me about your vacation or your kid's wedding or show me a pic of your newest grandchild or even express an opinion I disagree with. I'll be gentle if I reply at all. Just don't blindly repost stuff. (And I WILL stay off pinterest.)

    WHY DID YOU EVEN START THIS THREAD?? You asked if you were being mean and overstepping but are trying to justify what you are doing when you are getting the answers you don't like.

    It's wonderful that you feel wonderful and want everyone to feel wonderful. But your tactics aren't making people feel wonderful, they are making people feel like crap. This seems to be the opposite of what you want. There are better ways of inspiring people.
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    So, your friends are ignorant overweight people who *you think* should lose weight and it is your mission to educate them. I can't imagine why they'd become defensive...

    This is your issue. It's not about changing what others do.

  • otillie03103
    otillie03103 Posts: 107 Member
    For me it's easy because most of the items have gluten (I'm gluten intolerant), meat (I'm a vegetarian) and dairy (it makes me super congested) in it. I just breeze on by those because If I eat gluten or dairy I will feel like crap. The meat is a personal choice.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    While I agree that obesity DOES affect the costs of healthcare, there's a lot of widespread social conditions at play here that contribute to this -- taking it out on your friends because they're baking brownies only causes resentment and probably won't help.