tattoo argument with spouse



  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Don't use the internet to ***** about your spouse. How would you feel if he tried to undermine your opinions by slagging you off.

    This is between you two, but mainly your damn decision. Give him a step to have an opinion don't get angry if he doesn't share the same one. It is your body, and your decision. However don't act like a 3 year old yourself slagging him off. You're a grown adult, act like one.

    Best answer ever!!!!
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    Honestly he should respect that it's your body. You can decorate it as you please! As long as you remember that it's a forever mark, you should be fine! I don't regret any of mine...
  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member

    I'm sorry but are you kidding me!?

    It's her freaking body. She can get a tattoo if she wants it.
    And does not need his permission or approval.

    He can step off.

    So true, its HER body, but it is a marriage, a partnership. Where ALL things should be discussed. I'm the only one with a job in my home, so should I go spend my money on a New Les Paul and tell her "It's my Money B#*ch! I do what I want!

    Oh, and I have Tattoos, so I'm not judging you for them. BUT I have seen too many people get Tats only to regret them because they didn't think it through. There's no hurry, wait a year if you still feel that way then get your Tat.
  • tattygun
    tattygun Posts: 447 Member
    Tattoos are just trash!!!!

    Seriously though why are we listening to old peoples opinions of tattoos!? Why are those people relevant!?

    Hahaha yes! THIS!
    You shouldn't. I'm just smiling.

    When I was younger, I thought shoulder length hair was cool. Fortunately, when styles changed, I didn't have to go to a long hair removal studio to change it. This time I'm sure it will be different. Whatever tattoo you get at 20 or 30, you will surely like when you are 40 or 50. Some things are just timeless.

    Yes I could come to regret getting a tattoo but it's just a marking on my skin, it can be covered and in the grand scheme of things it's of little relevance.
    There a lots of things you can come to regret in life. Right now I seriously regret taking a job with my family, a regret just like I could regret having a tattoo. Big difference? The decision to work with my family is having an actual effect on my life but should that meaniI stop taking risks or acting on how I feel at a particular time? Hell no! That'd be ridiculous.
    When I got my biggest tattoo at 18 (the one in my profile picture) I remember my mum having the typical reaction 'old people' have. She screamed at me that she'd paid for my body, that I'd never get employment (lol I work for her now) that I'd look stupid when I was old (my grandpa had loads of army tatts and I thought he looked BADASS, oh and he said he didn't regret a thing, that it reminded him of old times) Perhaps saying old people is the wrong choice of words and I apologise to any of the non judgemental older folk who see life as it is (let's remember non of it means fk all because they're all gonna end up as rotten worm food anyhow) but to those who truly believe your going to change your life for the worse because of a farking drawing on your skin then I say GET A GRIP!
  • nutellabrah
    Just so you guys know, as far as being considered "art" --tattoos are a one-note artistic statement.

    It doesn't matter if you have a mural or a chinese symbol, it doesn't change the artistic thesis.

    Every tattoo is essentially saying the same, trite, low-brow, one-note statement: we are mortal and it hurts.

    Thats it.

    Every time someone is impressed with your tattoo, that is what they are relating to. Thats why its the universal ice-breaker for the insecure members of our society to relate to one-another.

    So there is no variable art in it per se as in it or the specific designs or what they "mean" "to you" (like anyone cares). Its like a wholesale artistic expression for the insipid.

    Cool story, bro. How do you express yourself artistically? Do you have a series of shirtless selfies on exhibit in the Tate Modern in London? I'm sure whatever artistic endeavors you undertake must be SO deep and awesome because you're SO self-assured and confident and a shining beacon of inspiration to us bottom-feeding insecure wretches.

    I live in a country where having tattoos gets me excluded from public gyms, public baths, public pools. I would lose my job if any of my students saw my tattoos. I do not have any friends with tattoos here. So why do I keep getting more? Because I like them. I'm not trying to make any kind of statement, or "connection" with anyone. So guess again, "brah" and don't worry, I'm sure you're not overcompensating for anything yourself ;)

    When I was still in high school I was in movies.

    By 19 I had starred, produced, directed, edited, a commercial that ended up on MTV every day, three times a day, for two months.

    I have written works that have been read by more people than you favorite author or column writer ever has.

    I have done such a wide versatile of artistic expressions that the list of what I have done is synonymous with modern art: Acting, Modeling, Directing, Screenwriting, Stand-Up Comedy, Film Production, Professional Dancing, Film Criticism and even Photography and Product Marketing.

    And you think Im impressed by your wack tattoos or consider it art? lol.

    At least make it a piece that is congruent with the body on a symmetrical and aesthetic level, like sleeves or leg, side design and not some blob of something that just looks like a dirty stain on your flesh about something that nobody really cares about and is associated with trash and pain and insecurity.

    My art speaks on the beauty and celebration of life. Your "art" is about death.
  • luvsherhubby
    luvsherhubby Posts: 135 Member
    Listen to your husband and hopefully he will be your only one.

    I agree. When u become married ur body is not your own but now belongs to your husband and VISE VERSA. It's not just you that has to live with the tattoo he does too. It's not something like dying your hair that is temporary. I wouldn't get one anyway but if I knew my husband was against it I wouldn't get one just like I know if the situation was flipped he wouldnt.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Honestly he should respect that it's your body. You can decorate it as you please! As long as you remember that it's a forever mark, you should be fine! I don't regret any of mine...

    Honestly she should respect that she entered into a partnership with him and that he has offered her an opinion. Perhaps she should ponder how she would feel if he drew a knife down his body and cause a disfiguring scar that she didn't like?
    Ultimately it is her body but they should spend more time working through their feelings about the situation and come to a conclusion that they both feel comfortable with. That's what being in an adult relationship is all about.
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    I personally would never get one and I was raised with a certain distaste for them and that they project a different social class. That being said- I don't find them as appalling as other people do. Some are kind-of interesting.
    And tattygun- we are all wormfood one day - you too dear.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Just so you guys know, as far as being considered "art" --tattoos are a one-note artistic statement.

    It doesn't matter if you have a mural or a chinese symbol, it doesn't change the artistic thesis.

    Every tattoo is essentially saying the same, trite, low-brow, one-note statement: we are mortal and it hurts.

    Thats it.

    Every time someone is impressed with your tattoo, that is what they are relating to. Thats why its the universal ice-breaker for the insecure members of our society to relate to one-another.

    So there is no variable art in it per se as in it or the specific designs or what they "mean" "to you" (like anyone cares). Its like a wholesale artistic expression for the insipid.

    Cool story, bro. How do you express yourself artistically? Do you have a series of shirtless selfies on exhibit in the Tate Modern in London? I'm sure whatever artistic endeavors you undertake must be SO deep and awesome because you're SO self-assured and confident and a shining beacon of inspiration to us bottom-feeding insecure wretches.

    I live in a country where having tattoos gets me excluded from public gyms, public baths, public pools. I would lose my job if any of my students saw my tattoos. I do not have any friends with tattoos here. So why do I keep getting more? Because I like them. I'm not trying to make any kind of statement, or "connection" with anyone. So guess again, "brah" and don't worry, I'm sure you're not overcompensating for anything yourself ;)

    When I was still in high school I was in movies.

    By 19 I had starred, produced, directed, edited, a commercial that ended up on MTV every day, three times a day, for two months.

    I have written works that have been read by more people than you favorite author or column writer ever has.

    I have done such a wide versatile of artistic expressions that the list of what I have done is synonymous with modern art: Acting, Modeling, Directing, Screenwriting, Stand-Up Comedy, Film Production, Professional Dancing, Film Criticism and even Photography and Product Marketing.

    And you think Im impressed by your wack tattoos or consider it art? lol.

    At least make it a piece that is congruent with the body on a symmetrical and aesthetic level, like sleeves or leg, side design and not some blob of something that just looks like a dirty stain on your flesh about something that nobody really cares about and is associated with trash and pain and insecurity.

    My art speaks on the beauty and celebration of life. Your "art" is about death.

    No one cares that you were in a commercial; so is the yellow M&M. And her tatttoo isn't about death; just as my brain cancer/tumor tattoo is, it's about survival and life.

    go back to the forest.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    When I was still in high school I was in movies.

    By 19 I had starred, produced, directed, edited, a commercial that ended up on MTV every day, three times a day, for two months.

    I have written works that have been read by more people than you favorite author or column writer ever has.

    I have done such a wide versatile of artistic expressions that the list of what I have done is synonymous with modern art: Acting, Modeling, Directing, Screenwriting, Stand-Up Comedy, Film Production, Professional Dancing, Film Criticism and even Photography and Product Marketing.

    And you think Im impressed by your wack tattoos or consider it art? lol.

    At least make it a piece that is congruent with the body on a symmetrical and aesthetic level, like sleeves or leg, side design and not some blob of something that just looks like a dirty stain on your flesh about something that nobody really cares about and is associated with trash and pain and insecurity.

    My art speaks on the beauty and celebration of life. Your "art" is about death.

    OMG. Please stop. I cannot breathe!

    You really should take this stuff on the road. Better than Jerry Seinfeld.
  • nutellabrah
    Listen to your husband and hopefully he will be your only one.

    I agree. When u become married ur body is not your own but now belongs to your husband and VISE VERSA. It's not just you that has to live with the tattoo he does too. It's not something like dying your hair that is temporary. I wouldn't get one anyway but if I knew my husband was against it I wouldn't get one just like I know if the situation was flipped he wouldnt.

    Thats because you actually know the meaning of love.

    These broken women weren't loved as children so they don't know how to love in return, to cherish it, to sacrifice for it.

    They don't realize how low their value is on the market because there will always be some loser who puts in work for their vagina.

    But that is not love.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Listen to your husband and hopefully he will be your only one.
    Yay for sexism.....
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    No one believes that you were in a commercial;

  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I personally would never get one and I was raised with a certain distaste for them and that they project a different social class. That being said- I don't find them as appalling as other people do. Some are kind-of interesting.
    And tattygun- we are all wormfood one day - you too dear.
    :laugh: I can assure you, I am of a good social class.
    What a joke...they're tattoos, in the now...
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Uuugg. fighting with the husband over as yet non-existent tattoo = really dumb argument!!!
    So what if I'm honest and like the fact 90% of the people I know won't see my tattoo coming. I'm still getting it for me. It Doesn't mean I can't enjoy just a little shock value...right?
    He said its a life changing thing. I can't possibly know what its like. That set me off! Oh really!?! like, altering my body beyond recognition to have a child??? that kind of life altering thing??? Lets see...Choosing a piece of art versus my body conforming to accommodate a child... yep I'll take the 100% my choice art work thanks.
    Really I only had 3 beers lol.
    I'm of course older than most people on here and have a different view on tats probably because they were unheard of from my generation. People my age with tats usually were "Bikers" and they were basically considered to be a low form of life. I hae a bike but I'm not a "Biker" as far as that definition goes.
    Tats aren't art as far as I'm concerned and It take a certain person to wear one. They are a form of defiling the body. Having ink injected into your skin is permanent unless you get surgery and after surgery there is still an are where the tat was the doesn't look like natural skin. Not judging people who get tats. Be very sure you know what you want and know where you want it put. That's just my opinion.
    Good to know they have internet in the old folks' home these days.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    No one believes that you were in a commercial;


  • vinny76063
    vinny76063 Posts: 133 Member
    I love body-defilement! Sign me up for more. Getting my next on Saturday, actually. All mine are in hidden locations, due to work, but I love them anyway. My husband wasn't a fan of me having tattoos, even though he has three himself. I just figure, my body, my choice. No regrets, and I've had my first one since I was 17.
    I've seen so many say Tats are hot and in the same sentence they are hidden for work or just hidden. I don't know why work would be a reason to hide a tat if it's an accepted form of art.

    Because I have some very conservative clients. I own my company, so I don't rock the boat by adding tattoos where some of my clients may feel offended. I don't feel ashamed, but just like I wouldn't wear a bikini to a meeting, because it would be offensive to my clients, even though I'm not ashamed to wear one, I keep my tattoos covered up.

    I'm same way, I will not go high up on my neck or more than half sleeve partly for work reasons, it's not that I can't or will get fired for it I just choose not to partly for work reasons, Being a salesman I go out and see customers once a week and some yes it would not matter but there are those corporate companies that i must keep more of a professional look. I now have a full chest plate and both ribs done. Not ashamed and outside of work i could care less if seen. Actually getting another on saturday
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Listen to your husband and hopefully he will be your only one.
    Oh, and I have to say..not to be rude but it's not suprising that a comment like this comes from a much older generation....
  • just_Jennie1
    Listen to your husband and hopefully he will be your only one.

    I agree. When u become married ur body is not your own but now belongs to your husband and VISE VERSA. It's not just you that has to live with the tattoo he does too. It's not something like dying your hair that is temporary. I wouldn't get one anyway but if I knew my husband was against it I wouldn't get one just like I know if the situation was flipped he wouldnt.

    Thats because you actually know the meaning of love.

    These broken women weren't loved as children so they don't know how to love in return, to cherish it, to sacrifice for it.

    They don't realize how low their value is on the market because there will always be some loser who puts in work for their vagina.

    But that is not love.

    "Broken women"? Where are these "broken women"?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Listen to your husband and hopefully he will be your only one.

    I agree. When u become married ur body is not your own but now belongs to your husband and VISE VERSA. It's not just you that has to live with the tattoo he does too. It's not something like dying your hair that is temporary. I wouldn't get one anyway but if I knew my husband was against it I wouldn't get one just like I know if the situation was flipped he wouldnt.

    Thats because you actually know the meaning of love.

    These broken women weren't loved as children so they don't know how to love in return, to cherish it, to sacrifice for it.

    They don't realize how low their value is on the market because there will always be some loser who puts in work for their vagina.

    But that is not love.

    "Broken women"? Where are these "broken women"?
    The only women who would consider a date with him.