How do you keep your food intake "Clean"?



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    well I am back, and I see that Jo-Rockas has pretty much cleared this up for me...

    The original person said they avoid "sugar" which would mean they would have to avoid all of those foods...hence, my point being that they must only eat meat and oils. That person is free to come back and clarify what they meant...

    Then again, you are doing a rather amusing job of trying to divine their intentions...

    Because this sentence " they would have to avoid all of those foods" is 100% false.

    well if they are avoiding sugar then they would as all those break down as sugar in your body...
  • HarrietSabre
    HarrietSabre Posts: 186 Member
    I eat some processed food because I find it easier to calorie count with those than with making all my food from scratch. I never know how much oil to count, and some things are really complicated to weigh every single ingredient every time you cook. Easier to just use a packet which already tells you!
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    I eat some processed food because I find it easier to calorie count with those than with making all my food from scratch. I never know how much oil to count, and some things are really complicated to weigh every single ingredient every time you cook. Easier to just use a packet which already tells you!


    I'm just kidding!

    I actually find processed, packaged food easier to track than a lot of other things. I eat those other things, too, but a glance at my diary will indicate that I eat a lot of delicious premade foods.

    eta: image was removed
  • daliyanin
    daliyanin Posts: 93 Member
    Eating clean means eating no processed foods or minimally processed foods. Lean meats, fruits, veggies, nuts, cheese.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member

    the original person that I quoted (see above) said they stay away from sugars, which would be all carbs too, which means they eat no pasta, bread, vegetables, fruit, and anything else with carbs in I guess they just eat meat and essentially, nothing.

    Sounds like you're just working from different definitions of sugar. Still wouldn't be nothing. Might not be healthy, but that's different.

    In one of the sugar fiascos last week a woman told me she had to go off all sugar because she was addicted. Her diary said she ate three bananas that day, so....:noway:

    umm no sugar is I have one definition.

    No sugar is sugar?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    the original person that I quoted (see above) said they stay away from sugars, which would be all carbs too, which means they eat no pasta, bread, vegetables, fruit, and anything else with carbs in I guess they just eat meat and essentially, nothing.

    Sounds like you're just working from different definitions of sugar. Still wouldn't be nothing. Might not be healthy, but that's different.

    In one of the sugar fiascos last week a woman told me she had to go off all sugar because she was addicted. Her diary said she ate three bananas that day, so....:noway:

    umm no sugar is I have one definition.

    No sugar is sugar?

    except when it is delivered from angels in the form of fruit..then it is fine….but added sugar…that stuff will make you go on a one month bender and you will end up broke living in ditch surrounded by a pile of your own vomit….
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    the original person that I quoted (see above) said they stay away from sugars, which would be all carbs too, which means they eat no pasta, bread, vegetables, fruit, and anything else with carbs in I guess they just eat meat and essentially, nothing.

    Sounds like you're just working from different definitions of sugar. Still wouldn't be nothing. Might not be healthy, but that's different.

    In one of the sugar fiascos last week a woman told me she had to go off all sugar because she was addicted. Her diary said she ate three bananas that day, so....:noway:

    umm no sugar is I have one definition.

    No sugar is sugar?

    punctuation matters LOL

    ummmm no.
    Sugar is Sugar.

  • WakkoW
    WakkoW Posts: 567 Member
    I love kale. Kale is the new kid on the block in trendy nutritional circles. Before it was hip, people never heard of it unless they grew up in southern Maryland or farther south. I grew up on it.

    Well, no, actually kale is quite common in a lot of dishes in a variety of cultures. It's just more likley to be a new idea here because few people who are overweight got there on a diet including a healthy amount of vegetables.

    About the only way I hand't already had kale was the "trendy" over baked "chip" style. But, that probably has more to do with not having been raised on potato chips and never really thinking about any sort of chip as a snack. They are quite handy through as a travel snack.

    This is a really interesting point. Recently I read on these boards that quinoa was the new and trendy thing.I wondered where they were from. I've been eating it on a regular basis for more than a decade. I guess I'm just way ahead of my time.

    Same with kale. And other greens. I don't think of these things a trendy at all. They are simply food items I enjoy eating. But then again, I come from a family that enjoys cooking and isn't afraid to try something new. Also, I have never been obese. Maybe 20 pounds overweight at my heaviest.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member

    except when it is delivered from angels in the form of fruit..then it is fine….but added sugar…that stuff will make you go on a one month bender and you will end up broke living in ditch surrounded by a pile of your own vomit….

    Wow. I just thought you burn the energy from it quickly and will get hungry again soon. I didn't know all that. Where'd you hear that? You'd think that kind of info would be shared here.
  • lozeliz
    lozeliz Posts: 17 Member
    BUMP - love reading this thread :P
  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    "Clean" means something different to everyone. I've been eating my own version of 'clean' for a month now, purely for nutrition reasons, not to lose more weight, and I honestly feel amazing. I eat whole foods, organic, lean proteins, etc. As little processed food as possible. I think what I go for though is 'basic eating'; I don't add a tablespoon of sauce here or fifty different seasonings and extra ingredients. If I'm having chicken and veggies for dinner, then that's exactly what I'm having.

    This doesn't mean I feel guilty about the occasional burger and beer, though!

    This. Everyone has a different opinion about what clean eating is, and that's fine. To me "clean" eating means basically eating unprocessed, chemical free food. I take it to the extreme where 95% of my diet consists of single-ingredient food ie absolutely nothing manufactured or added. If it comes out of a packet, tin or box, I don't eat it unless it is 100% organic and only has one ingredient. If it comes from a fast food restaurant, I definately don't eat it. I make as much of my food as I can at home only buy organic veggies, fruit and meat/eggs.

    I don't eat this way to lose weight as I've never been fat in my life - I simply treat my body like an expensive sports car. You wouldn't put low octane dirty fuel into a Ferrari would you? So why fuel your body with low octane, dirty food? That said, I do enjoy eating out in fine dining restaurants and enjoy the occasional bottle of wine, cocktail and sweet treat when I feel like it and I don't care if it fits my macros or not :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    except when it is delivered from angels in the form of fruit..then it is fine….but added sugar…that stuff will make you go on a one month bender and you will end up broke living in ditch surrounded by a pile of your own vomit….

    Wow. I just thought you burn the energy from it quickly and will get hungry again soon. I didn't know all that. Where'd you hear that? You'd think that kind of info would be shared here.

    run a search of "sugar" and read through some of threads…
  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    I try and follow as close to Paleo nutrition as possible = try and eat as little or no processed food as possible. Paleo = if a caveman was alive how or what would he eat. No grocery store bag food etc. I too have had great success with this down 40 pounds and 25 inches. I also watch my carb intake, but with working out we still need 150g minimum or so porbably more for a guy. Good Luck on continued sucess!!! You got this! Read the websit "Mark's Daily Apple".
    Lol, cavemen drank untreated water and sucked marrow out of bones.

    AND had a life expectancy of about 40 years...

    Common misconception.

    In reality, the "life expectancy" of prehistoric men was artificially low because of infant morality and accidental death due to injury. For the most part people who avoided dying of a minor disease while an infant, or breaking their leg on a hunt and being left behind, lived well into their 60s, 70s, and 80s.

    And they didn't have anti-biotics. If we didn't have anti-biotics nowadays we probably wouldn't live much past 40 either.
    I would also bet that no caveman died of heart disease, diabetes or cancer either.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member

    except when it is delivered from angels in the form of fruit..then it is fine….but added sugar…that stuff will make you go on a one month bender and you will end up broke living in ditch surrounded by a pile of your own vomit….

    Wow. I just thought you burn the energy from it quickly and will get hungry again soon. I didn't know all that. Where'd you hear that? You'd think that kind of info would be shared here.

    run a search of "sugar" and read through some of threads…

    This one had enough nonsense for me. I know my experience with refined sugar. All the "sugar is sugar" in the world won't keep my blood sugar spikes at bay. I tried to tell it not to worry, but it didn't seem to care. Maybe I should eat a dictionary.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I would also bet that no caveman died of heart disease, diabetes or cancer either.

    .. Why?
  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    Now there are going to be dozens of people that are things like gym teachers, stay at home dads and car sales men that are going to come into this thread and tout that "science" does not suggest that eating kale is better than eating doritos and that will fight tooth and nail that a cheeseburger from 5 guys is just as healthy as a spinach salad. I laugh and move on.

    What does this even mean?

    considering kale is absolutely the most disgusting thing pushed on us by the "health food" guru's I'm all about dorito's and bugers.

    *kitten* eating kale. that *kitten* is nasty.

    Kale is food that no one actually likes, but everyone feels like they're supposed to, so they act like it's tasty. It's the elephant in the room that no one will talk about. Lol

    Clean eaters are obnoxious. It doesn't exist and it's utter trash.

    If you read this thread in its entirety, along with all the other threads that feature healthy food you will clearly see that it is not the clean eaters who are the obnoxious ones. I have not seen one single post where anyone has been insulting or rude to those people who choose to eat junk food, but plenty where junk food eaters feel they have the right to insult those of us who choose to avoid processed foods and eat healthy. I mean what's up with that? Eat all the junk food you like no one really cares but at least have the common decency and manners not to insult people who may have different views to yours. If you can't hold a civilised discussion on a public board without resorting to personal attacks and insults you might want to think about getting some psychological counselling or something.

    I can only assume that you subconsciously feel threatened by any person who has differing views and opinions to you because you know your views are not the be all and end all truth and you don't have the language or social skills to communicate with other people.

    The OP was asking how people eat clean, if you have nothing intelligent to contribute, then move on without posting.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Now there are going to be dozens of people that are things like gym teachers, stay at home dads and car sales men that are going to come into this thread and tout that "science" does not suggest that eating kale is better than eating doritos and that will fight tooth and nail that a cheeseburger from 5 guys is just as healthy as a spinach salad. I laugh and move on.

    What does this even mean?

    considering kale is absolutely the most disgusting thing pushed on us by the "health food" guru's I'm all about dorito's and bugers.

    *kitten* eating kale. that *kitten* is nasty.

    Kale is food that no one actually likes, but everyone feels like they're supposed to, so they act like it's tasty. It's the elephant in the room that no one will talk about. Lol

    Clean eaters are obnoxious. It doesn't exist and it's utter trash.

    If you read this thread in its entirety, along with all the other threads that feature healthy food you will clearly see that it is not the clean eaters who are the obnoxious ones. I have not seen one single post where anyone has been insulting or rude to those people who choose to eat junk food, but plenty where junk food eaters feel they have the right to insult those of us who choose to avoid processed foods and eat healthy. I mean what's up with that? Eat all the junk food you like no one really cares but at least have the common decency and manners not to insult people who may have different views to yours. If you can't hold a civilised discussion on a public board without resorting to personal attacks and insults you might want to think about getting some psychological counselling or something.

    I can only assume that you subconsciously feel threatened by any person who has differing views and opinions to you because you know your views are not the be all and end all truth and you don't have the language or social skills to communicate with other people.

    The OP was asking how people eat clean, if you have nothing intelligent to contribute, and believe me you don't, then shove off and let the grown ups talk.

    The people on the "eat clean" side of this debate have it exactly backwards. It's the clean eaters who constantly tell others that the food they eat will give them cancer, heart disease, etc. It's the clean eaters who constantly shame the actual foods that other people eat.

    The rest of us are trying to free people from the tyranny of "this bad food that you love will kill you." It's madness.

    It's not about insulting people whose views are different. It's about attacking pseudoscience and nonsense and food phobia.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    Now there are going to be dozens of people that are things like gym teachers, stay at home dads and car sales men that are going to come into this thread and tout that "science" does not suggest that eating kale is better than eating doritos and that will fight tooth and nail that a cheeseburger from 5 guys is just as healthy as a spinach salad. I laugh and move on.

    What does this even mean?

    considering kale is absolutely the most disgusting thing pushed on us by the "health food" guru's I'm all about dorito's and bugers.

    *kitten* eating kale. that *kitten* is nasty.

    Kale is food that no one actually likes, but everyone feels like they're supposed to, so they act like it's tasty. It's the elephant in the room that no one will talk about. Lol

    Clean eaters are obnoxious. It doesn't exist and it's utter trash.

    If you read this thread in its entirety, along with all the other threads that feature healthy food you will clearly see that it is not the clean eaters who are the obnoxious ones. I have not seen one single post where anyone has been insulting or rude to those people who choose to eat junk food, but plenty where junk food eaters feel they have the right to insult those of us who choose to avoid processed foods and eat healthy. I mean what's up with that? Eat all the junk food you like no one really cares but at least have the common decency and manners not to insult people who may have different views to yours. If you can't hold a civilised discussion on a public board without resorting to personal attacks and insults you might want to think about getting some psychological counselling or something.

    I can only assume that you subconsciously feel threatened by any person who has differing views and opinions to you because you know your views are not the be all and end all truth and you don't have the language or social skills to communicate with other people.

    The OP was asking how people eat clean, if you have nothing intelligent to contribute, and believe me you don't, then shove off and let the grown ups talk.

    The people on the "eat clean" side of this debate have it exactly backwards. It's the clean eaters who constantly tell others that the food they eat will give them cancer, heart disease, etc. It's the clean eaters who constantly shame the actual foods that other people eat.

    The rest of us are trying to free people from the tyranny of "this bad food that you love will kill you." It's madness.

    It's not about insulting people whose views are different. It's about attacking pseudoscience and nonsense and food phobia.

    Is it? It's about freeing people? How many does it look like you're convincing?

    Maybe you need a new approach.

    The OP asked people who eat clean how they do it. If you want to start a "Why you don't have to eat clean" thread, might go over better than threadjacking every question you don't like. Doesn't make you look like a liberator. Makes you look.... like something else.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Is it? It's about freeing people? How many does it look like you're convincing?

    Maybe you need a new approach.

    The OP asked people who eat clean how they do it. If you want to start a "Why you don't have to eat clean" thread, might go over better than threadjacking every question you don't like. Doesn't make you look like a liberator. Makes you look.... like something else.

    A lot, actually. Look how popular IIFYM is on this site. Every week I get a new PM from someone thanking me for helping them learn to enjoy the foods they love and understand that losing weight doesn't require punishing yourself. I imagine SideSteel and Sara and others get far more of those than I do.

    That's what IIFYM is all about. Freeing you from the mental bondage of having to think of foods you love to eat as "bad food" you're supposed to feel guilty for enjoying.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    except when it is delivered from angels in the form of fruit..then it is fine….but added sugar…that stuff will make you go on a one month bender and you will end up broke living in ditch surrounded by a pile of your own vomit….

    Wow. I just thought you burn the energy from it quickly and will get hungry again soon. I didn't know all that. Where'd you hear that? You'd think that kind of info would be shared here.

    run a search of "sugar" and read through some of threads…

    This one had enough nonsense for me. I know my experience with refined sugar. All the "sugar is sugar" in the world won't keep my blood sugar spikes at bay. I tried to tell it not to worry, but it didn't seem to care. Maybe I should eat a dictionary.

    just make sure it does not have sugar in it...