Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 3



  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I've had a successful day!!!

    First the victory on the scale.

    Then I called our apartments AGAIN about our mouse problem, and got my roommate and I $100 off next month's rent for food and such.

    And then I called our power company because we were paying 11.6cents per kWh...and got us onto a new plan that's only 8.1cents/kWh.

    Sheesh!! :happy:
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I've had a successful day!!!

    First the victory on the scale.

    Then I called our apartments AGAIN about our mouse problem, and got my roommate and I $100 off next month's rent for food and such.

    And then I called our power company because we were paying 11.6cents per kWh...and got us onto a new plan that's only 8.1cents/kWh.

    Sheesh!! :happy:

    You should play the lottery!

    Although, that number on the scale had nothing to do with luck :wink:
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    164.4 this morning. Tough couple of weeks. I'm a paralegal and this week we're in a big trial. Lunch at courthouse, no walks and I'm exhausted when we finally get out. Oh, well.... always excuses, aren't there? I was able to pick out a salad at courthouse cafe today, so hopefully I won't do too bad!
  • Hannah_2507
    The same this week :( 174
  • dvlpup69
    Hi beautiful ladies...hope everyone is staying committed to loosing a couple of more pounds :-) Everyone is doign great and it is very motivating to see. Do not worry if you did not loose anything this week, it happens while we adjust to any weight loss. Take heart that next week will be better.

    Rachel, today's weigh in for me was at 176.8 almost at that ten pound mark :bigsmile: :bigsmile: almost ten down...forty to go!!! off to walk I go!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    ugh 175 today for my weekly weigh-in. darn you vacay!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Over here ladies!!! We're in WEEK 5!!!!

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