Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 3



  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Hello Ladies!! I have been busy busy busy this week! I did take a peek at the scale and I am down a pound so far at 160 lbs!!
    woo hoo!
    I am hoping to be in the 150's by Monday!! *fingers crossed* Maybe I can lose another 0.5 lb, by then.
    Oh and I changed my ticker!! It's a pin-up cowgirl! yee haw!

    Good Night Ladies!! :heart:
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    and just as i posted that, the baby woke up.... damn... looks like i might not be working out after all worries....just get a little extra in tomorrow...cwtch (hug..welsh slang) that baby tight...


    I love that you say cwtch too! I use it all the time, and even my boyfriend has started saying it - he's not even Welsh!!
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    well girls, i have to confess my EPIC FAIL!
    Yesterday, I went for my normal lunchbreak workout. Found out that my gym membership has EXPIRED, so I couldn't work out. Weighed in (after 2 days of zumba and 1 day of kickboxing) only to find that I have GAINED a pound. Ugh. Yeah, so yesterday was not a good day.

    I definitely don't want to gain everything back because I lost my gym membership! I'm in Louisiana, so it is definitely wayyyyy too hot to be running outdoors (still 100 degrees out). Does anyone have good reccomendations for home workout videos??

    Try this lady:
    She's incredible! All her workouts can be done at home, with minimal equipment, and you can see from the shape she's in just how well they work.
    When I need inspiration to workout, she's a big motivation!
    Hope that's helpful
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Hello Ladies!! I have been busy busy busy this week! I did take a peek at the scale and I am down a pound so far at 160 lbs!!
    woo hoo!
    I am hoping to be in the 150's by Monday!! *fingers crossed* Maybe I can lose another 0.5 lb, by then.
    Oh and I changed my ticker!! It's a pin-up cowgirl! yee haw!

    Good Night Ladies!! :heart:

    Congratulations! Bring on Monday!
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Ugh I forgot my lunch at home and so I went to McD's and made far from healthy choices. Now I feel like I screwed up my day. No time for a workout tonight because we're going to a Drowning Pool concert I got free tickets to. Hmm I think I'll just make the best choices I can for the rest of the day and not worry about it.

    Don't fret too much about it - everyone has slip-ups. The best thing you can do is make good choices the rest of the day and get back on it tomorrow!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay it's only 9am and I'm already in a baaaad mood.

    My roommate and I have lived in our new apartment a month and we STILL have mice. I can't afford to keep replacing food. And I really don't enjoy waking up to half eaten bananas strung out across the counter tops, oatmeal all in the closet, loaves of bread on top of the fridge, and mouse **** everywhere. GAAAAAHHHH!!!!! All the maintenance and extermination people do is put out traps....really!?!?! How about finding where they're getting in pleeeeeeease. I'm about to demand a walmart giftcard or discount on my rent to make up for the food. I'm so frustrated!!! :explode:
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Lovely pin ups just wanted to say I've really enjoyed reading and catching up on all these posts!

    I haven't posted on here for a while - had a ridiculous week at work but so relieved it's the weekend finally! My credit was on again on Thurs night so that cheered me up!

    I looked at the website and the blog - I haven't really been a dress girl but most of them are so pretty that I could be about to change! The blog was inspiring - thanks for sharing it!

    Made a bad food choice last night so definitely going to the gym shortly to make up for it. Had a sneaky mid-week weigh in and lost 0.9kg which is about 2lbs so just hoping that it stays that way for Monday particularly given the pizza last night! Haven't had a cheat day since I started 5 weeks ago so I figure one meal is not going to kill me! Much more positive today (and slept for about 12 hours last night which I haven't done in sooo long so think I needed it)!

    On the question of how supportive your partner is - I don't have one at the moment :ohwell: but my family have been so supportive and pushing me on. Mum always tells me how proud she is that I'm doing this for myself so that's great! Am finding that my friends (well some of them) are not as supportive and don't really seem to want to see me do well so I don't share with them what I'm doing.

    Rach - I think you should speak to your landlord and get him to sort the problem out immediately. That's terrible that you should have to put up with it. Can you negotiate a couple of months rent free just for the hassle and distress it's caused? Maybe try the friendly approach first and if that doesn't work how about threaten to report him?!

    Wow just realised this is a long post from me - I guess I'm making up for not posting in a few days!

    Happy weekend pin ups and bring on the weigh in on Monday!!
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    Still Sick. Missing the gym... and really cranky thanks to my stupid job. Waiting for my Dr to call back so I can hopefully get on my antibiotic.... showering... and going back to sleep.

    Sorry to be so depressing I just can't handle this day anymore :(
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Hello Sexy Ladies!

    I am in the freakin' 150's! Weighed in at 159.5 this morning...let's hope it sticks!
    Haven't seen that number since college. Hopin to get to HIgh School weight soon! :bigsmile:

    Have a beautiful day girls!

  • ♥jewelchristian♥
    ♥jewelchristian♥ Posts: 3,666 Member
    Hello Pin-Ups!

    Congratulations Dani! That is fantastic!! I don't get to be around much during the week, because of work, but that's how the cookie crumbles.

    I weighed in today and am down .2 of a lb. Better than gaining .2! I haven't been able to do any working out at all because my shifts at work have been all over the place (I'm at work now). Come Monday, I will be starting my lunch hours walks and hopefully the C25K soon.

    I love the ms*****blogspot. I can't wait to read it fully, and I've always been a big fan of the pin up clothing site as well.

    Have a wonderful week ladies!!

  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    Hello Pin-Ups!

    Congratulations Dani! That is fantastic!! I don't get to be around much during the week, because of work, but that's how the cookie crumbles.

    I weighed in today and am down .2 of a lb. Better than gaining .2! I haven't been able to do any working out at all because my shifts at work have been all over the place (I'm at work now). Come Monday, I will be starting my lunch hours walks and hopefully the C25K soon.

    I love the ms*****blogspot. I can't wait to read it fully, and I've always been a big fan of the pin up clothing site as well.

    Have a wonderful week ladies!!


    I have been doing C25K for 2 workouts and am loving it! I have never run before so I always so proud when I finish one. I think it will take me double the time to finish the plan, but thats ok.
  • sarahbobara
    sarahbobara Posts: 10 Member
    I would love to join!!!!
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Okay, moving to uni tomorrow and won't have internet for a while so am weighing in early :smile:

    Unfortunately I'm still at 177 (Its been a bad week)

    But at least its not a gain!

    Lets hope for better results next week!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I would love to join!!!!

    LOVE YOUR TICKER!!!!! Too cute! :wink:
  • jldodd
    Hi everyone! I was on vacation last week so I haven't logged in in awhile. Due to vacation and too many fun dinners and drinks I'm at 174. I feel bad and know I way overindulged. Being super good today... maybe tomorrow I will lose something... :P
  • kayleigh333
    Hey pin ups, I weighed myself this morning and I've lost some more weight this week, I'm now down to 136.8 lb and I haven't weighed so little in years! :bigsmile: I just hope it stays off now!

    I saw a really interesting link that somebody posted on MFP to a site which shows you how to work out your BMR really accurately, and then your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). You can then figure out exactly how many calories you should be eating daily in order to lose a pound a week by subtracting 500 from your TDEE.

    I'm thinking of trying it out for a week: eating exactly the amount of calories it has given me every day, as it is a scientific formula then surely it must be more accurate than MFP, especially as it takes into account the number of workouts you do per week so you don't have to log your exercise on top of that, which apparently can be estimated way out on MFP.

    This is the link if anyone's interested: cals.htm
  • kayleigh333
    Oh and good luck for tomorrow everyone!
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good evening lovely ladies,

    How is everyone doing?

    I have been a bit quiet on here this week because I haven't been well :sad:

    I am not sure whether to weigh myself tomorrow because I haven't done much exercise and gone over on my calories a few days......
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey everyone! Been a busy weekend. Haven't tracked my eating (I know it wasn't good), because it's been so busy. Wondering what the weigh-in tomorrow will show after exercising 3 times last week. First I've exercised in months! Will see you all in the morning.
  • kayleigh333
    Morning everyone, I've weighed in at 136.8 this week, so a good loss for me this week! :bigsmile: