Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 3



  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    :flowerforyou: Fantastic work pin ups! :flowerforyou:

    I need to get back into my's been over a wedding planning must take a back seat for now (it's 14months away :laugh: )

    I find that when I start my jogging regime...I want to do it again and again!

    I just find getting started so difficult..especially on such a miserable day like today!

    Plenty of housework to do today and running about...will aim to get my 4.5 miles in sometime tomorrow!

    Keep up the great work everyone :flowerforyou:
  • kayleigh333
    Yay well done everyone... hope I lose next week!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I didn't go running yesterday! Ugh!!! Migraine kicked in and I said screw it. I need to just do it!!!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    It seems there are quite of a few pin-ups who are into running.

    Let's check in, maybe we can motivate one another to get out there.

    I did 5 km run/walk last night. (I'm recovering from a hip flexor and piriformis injury) I managed to get in three - 5 minute run intervals and five - 1 minute run intervals and power walked for 22 minutes.

    I have a 5 km race this weekend that my 12 year old daughter and my sister and her girlfriend are joining me in. My boyfriend is doing the half marathon. I'm getting very excited. This is my daughters first race and then we get to cheer on my boyfriend in the half. My first time as a spectator, I'm making a big sign for him.

  • reesegirl521
    You're charts are so beautiful!! thank you for doing this!! Congrats to everyone on keeping up with the progress!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Soooo there's no more excuses when it comes to my running. My bf just informed me today that he's gonna run with me now. That's a good thing because I can't skip and I'll push that much harder with someone else watching, but it's also going to make me insanely self-concious. I don't want him to watch me jiggle and see just how out of shape I am! Ewwwwww :laugh:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I really admire all of you who run. I just can't bring myself to do it. I have asthma, so running makes it feel like I'm breathing fire. Not fun. My husband wants to do the C25K program and wants me to do it with him. I know it's great exercise, but still... I think I'll let you ladies do it on my behalf. :happy:
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    we all should push it this week ladies!!!

    Yesterday I almost didn't do my workouts because I felt crappy, kind of a sore throat, stuffy/runny nose, & a sinus headache.

    But I told myself no excuses and I did all 3 of my workouts I was suppose to do for Monday (doing hip hop abs level 2 and Brazil butt lift - although tempted to stop hip hop abs and go back into insanity) - that was about 80 mins of exercise all together.

    I gave the workouts the best that I could and it felt good that I did something - it was afterwards I should had gone to bed early vs staying up late watching TV.

    Still feel a little bit crappy but today is a rest day from Hip Hop Abs - so all I need to do are my 2 Brazil Butt Lift workouts! lol

    I'm not a runner though! Crazy to think before I can run 2 - 5miles w/o stopping but than again your butt will run when you have a drill instructor yelling at saying "you better not fall out or else we are going to start all over" LOL I do miss Army Basic Training (or at least what it use to be). Joined the Army during my Junior year of high school, so when I went bck for my senior year....I was looking good and FINALLY started to get attention from the guys but than I felt too mature for high boys hahahahahaha
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Mornin pin-ups!
    Getting outta here soon for another nice long walk today with my g/f and although I was taking the week off from working out we decided were going to do the shred and wii today after our walk and before we pick up our boy's from school. Having a workout buddy really is motivating,:laugh: . I've been loving our walk's too, they burn soo good, (we try to power walk faster then eachother) I love a little competition :wink:
  • reesegirl521
    we all should push it this week ladies!!!

    Yesterday I almost didn't do my workouts because I felt crappy, kind of a sore throat, stuffy/runny nose, & a sinus headache.

    But I told myself no excuses and I did all 3 of my workouts I was suppose to do for Monday (doing hip hop abs level 2 and Brazil butt lift - although tempted to stop hip hop abs and go back into insanity) - that was about 80 mins of exercise all together.

    I gave the workouts the best that I could and it felt good that I did something - it was afterwards I should had gone to bed early vs staying up late watching TV.

    Still feel a little bit crappy but today is a rest day from Hip Hop Abs - so all I need to do are my 2 Brazil Butt Lift workouts! lol

    I'm not a runner though! Crazy to think before I can run 2 - 5miles w/o stopping but than again your butt will run when you have a drill instructor yelling at saying "you better not fall out or else we are going to start all over" LOL I do miss Army Basic Training (or at least what it use to be). Joined the Army during my Junior year of high school, so when I went bck for my senior year....I was looking good and FINALLY started to get attention from the guys but than I felt too mature for high boys hahahahahaha
    Cina~ How do you like the Brazil Butt lift workouts? I'm doing P90x right now but I keep looking in that darn mirror thinking I need to do something about this butt!! LoL.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Does anyone think that the weight range, set as 'Healthy' for your height and age, is a little low??

    All the sites say that my 'healthy' weight range is 105-142lbs, at 5'3". I just think I'd look gross! Maybe I just like my curves to much. At 165 I was a size 10, so I think I'd look great at 150lbs. I WANT to have a little bit of meat on my bones and I'm just afraid that at 135lbs I'l just be stick skinny. I guess we'll see. Anyone else feel this way??
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    Does anyone think that the weight range, set as 'Healthy' for your height and age, is a little low??

    All the sites say that my 'healthy' weight range is 105-142lbs, at 5'3". I just think I'd look gross! Maybe I just like my curves to much. At 165 I was a size 10, so I think I'd look great at 150lbs. I WANT to have a little bit of meat on my bones and I'm just afraid that at 135lbs I'l just be stick skinny. I guess we'll see. Anyone else feel this way??

    Yes I totally do! I have always been "curvy" and love it! My entire life - going back to to elementary school - I was on the high end of my healthy weight. I know that I will never be on the low end of my healthy weight, but I would be happy to be at the high end of it. I like having boobs. Last night my husband looked at me and said sadly "The butt is starting to go away!".
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Does anyone think that the weight range, set as 'Healthy' for your height and age, is a little low??

    All the sites say that my 'healthy' weight range is 105-142lbs, at 5'3". I just think I'd look gross! Maybe I just like my curves to much. At 165 I was a size 10, so I think I'd look great at 150lbs. I WANT to have a little bit of meat on my bones and I'm just afraid that at 135lbs I'l just be stick skinny. I guess we'll see. Anyone else feel this way??

    Yes I totally do! I have always been "curvy" and love it! My entire life - going back to to elementary school - I was on the high end of my healthy weight. I know that I will never be on the low end of my healthy weight, but I would be happy to be at the high end of it. I like having boobs. Last night my husband looked at me and said sadly "The butt is starting to go away!".

    Me too, I happen to like my boobies and butt (and so does my hubby:blushing:) I do not want to look like just skin on bones, curves are super sexy!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Too many hot pockets and ramen...not enough fruits and veggies. :sick: I'm starting to feel sluggish.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    What is a hot pocket???

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member

    There're lean pockets too, that are a little lower in calories. I like the Chipotle Chicken one. :tongue:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Alright I'm cracking down!!! I wanna be in the 160's by Halloween. That's only 5.8lbs to go. No more soda. No more frappes/lattes. And time to watch my portions again!! I wanna be a hott old school pin-up girl for Halloween. :drinker:
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good evening pin-ups,

    Everyone is doing great, wish I had lost some though. The chart is looking fab!

    Had a few bad days. Bf was home so we ended up having Dominoes. It was very nice but now I feel very guilty!

    Keep up the good work ladies :smile:
  • alyz
    alyz Posts: 41
    Hello Ladies!!

    I just wanted to chime in and say that I agree that the "healthy" weight range is low. When I did weigh in that range, I constantly had family asking me if i was sick. And looking back at pictures, I DID look sick.
    I'm setting my overall goal at the TOP of my "healthy weight". I guess that's part of being a pin up girl, huh? WE love those curves!!! haha!

    And I also agree that we should all push it extra hard this week! I want to see a 2 lb loss for myself next week. Good luck to all of you! :)
  • emilysparey

    There're lean pockets too, that are a little lower in calories. I like the Chipotle Chicken one. :tongue:

    that (no offense) look sooo disgusting! lol, *cringe*