Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 3



  • xDeannaGarciax
    I'm printing up my top favorite dresses off that site and hanging them on my wall for motivation. :flowerforyou:

    Great idea! :happy:
  • xDeannaGarciax
    I see the address was edited so here it is again, just leave out the space between the b and the i


    LOL, yeah they do that... will defenitly check it out, thank you! I have quite a few girlfriends that also are very "pin-up", meaning styles, some model other's go-go dance, lol. Me, I'm just in love with red lipstick, cute hair and I LOVE wearing dresses, especially, sexy/sophisticated dresses and of course I love that time era...always have been infatuated with it. :heart:
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Great job Rach, running with the bf!! I don't think I could run with my hubby! I would be too nervous!

    And once we got home, showered and had dinner, he told me he was proud of me. That right there has me ready to push even harder tomorrow. :flowerforyou:

    so sweet!!!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I love them all...especially all the ones with the cherries on them....but I LLLOOOVVVEEE this one!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I was in the middle of getting my hiney kicked by a new cardio workout and my doorbell rang. My husband is at work, so I had to corral the dog, and answer the door, sweaty and out of breath. It was a person selling organic cleaning products. Seriously? She said, "Oh, were you running?" Yes, I ran to the door so I could have someone smear finger prints all over my window to demonstrate something that doesn't work. And now I have collapsed and probably won't finish that workout. :explode:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I just found some old measurements of mine!! Along with the last 25lbs, I've lost 3in in my waist and 2.5in in my hips! Wow!!!

    (Luckily I haven't lost any in my boobs yet...thank goodness! I've got just enough :laugh: )
  • emilysparey
    I see the address was edited so here it is again, just leave out the space between the b and the i


    she's such an inspiration!!! my all time dream would be to be a pin up, i love the whole rockabilly style and dress like it as much as poss, but seeing her makes my dream seem less hard to achieve
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    I was in the middle of getting my hiney kicked by a new cardio workout and my doorbell rang. My husband is at work, so I had to corral the dog, and answer the door, sweaty and out of breath. It was a person selling organic cleaning products. Seriously? She said, "Oh, were you running?" Yes, I ran to the door so I could have someone smear finger prints all over my window to demonstrate something that doesn't work. And now I have collapsed and probably won't finish that workout. :explode:

    That would have made me so mad!! I don't usually answer the door unless I am expecting someone just cause usually I am really crazy busy!

    So I went for my first jog EVER last night! I loved it! I did the first day of the C25K program and it was awesome! I think I tied my shoes to tight though cause my feet hurt afterwards, but thats ok! Now I know for next time. I am an every-day weigher, and this morning my weigh was down another 2.4 pounds! I know its just water weight, but it made me happy to see!

    Hope everyone has a great thursday! Tomorrow is the weekend!
  • xDeannaGarciax
    I love them all...especially all the ones with the cherries on them....but I LLLOOOVVVEEE this one!

    Oooooh I LOVE the cherry dresses, but that one is incredibly sexy too!
  • xDeannaGarciax
    I just found some old measurements of mine!! Along with the last 25lbs, I've lost 3in in my waist and 2.5in in my hips! Wow!!!

    (Luckily I haven't lost any in my boobs yet...thank goodness! I've got just enough :laugh: )

    Hehe, that's great, no boobie lost here either, thank god although my bra size has gone from a 36 to a cup change though....yayeee! :bigsmile: My hubby's lovin it too...he's a boob man, lol.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I just found some old measurements of mine!! Along with the last 25lbs, I've lost 3in in my waist and 2.5in in my hips! Wow!!!

    (Luckily I haven't lost any in my boobs yet...thank goodness! I've got just enough :laugh: )

    Hehe, that's great, no boobie lost here either, thank god although my bra size has gone from a 36 to a cup change though....yayeee! :bigsmile: My hubby's lovin it too...he's a boob man, lol.

    Lucky for me, my guys more into the booty.....that I have pleeeenty of. :laugh:
  • kayleigh333
    I was just wondering how supportive everyone's other halves are of their weight loss?

    My boyfriend has just come in to the room with a cup of milkshake he made with Carte D'or ice cream for me to try, and in the last week has made me go to kfc and mcdonalds and sit there while he eats... not fair :grumble:

    He isn't purposely trying to sabotage me, though he does have some kind of mental block about healthy food. I made a veggie chilli which he absolutely loved, then after I told him how healthy it was he's started complaining when I say I'm making it. Same with a spinach and ricotta lasagne I make, he loved it till he found out how low in calories it was. Yet he still goes to kfc all the time, even though he always says it wasn't even nice afterwards, like he thinks he SHOULD enjoy it because it's bad for him. Strange.

    Have to admit, I was well behaved at kfc and mcdonalds (it doesn't even smell nice anymore) but I had a taste of the milkshake. I've got to be a bit naughty sometimes :wink:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    My bf's supportive because he really wants to see me feel good about myself. He tells me I have no reason to be self-concious or upset about how I look. He does however like to be a guy and stand in front of me chugging soda, like 'OMG this is soooo good' when he' knows I'm trying not to drink it. I think it's just a guy thing.

    As far as not eating things because it's 'healthy'. I used to be like that. I had a thing against healthy foods because I viewed it as a punishment. We were always rewarded with food growing up. If you got straight A's, dad would take you to Denny's for breakfast. There were always cookie, candy and ice cream treats at night before bed. You get the idea. So when my dad got remarried and everything went to organic and portioned, I felt like I was being punished. Like, what did I do wrong? Why can't I have ice cream or chips? It took a long time for me to retrain my brain, and I still struggle with it. I'm not sure if that's anything like what he's going through. He might just have a 'I don't need to eat healthy, I just want to eat what tastes good' attitude. Lol! Beats me! :laugh:
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    I'm fortunate that my boyfriend lives a healthy lifestyle and works out continually. It was funny the day we moved my daughter was so surprised that he actually ate McDonalds. She had never seen him eat any kind of fast food, I think that was the last time as well (two years ago).

    When I made the change to a healthier lifestyle he was so supportive and I think relieved. He made it quite clear that he loved me the way I was.

    He is also a fabulous cook and that has made me enjoy cooking. We do not buy any packaged or processed foods, everything is homemade.

  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Hello gorgeous ladies,

    Thanks for the links to those websites - I'm gonna spend some serious time drooling over those dresses!

    My boyfriend is very supportive - he will normally eat whatever I eat, just a whole lot more of it!! It's incredible how much he eats and how skinny he stays! He's a pretty good cook so now he's become quite careful of what he cooks for me and tries to make it healthy. We do have the occasional splurge though!!

    Feeling quite a bit better today - the nausea and shortness of breath disappeared yesterday and replaced itself with horrible joint pain - everywhere. Literally everywhere. The worst hit seem to be my hands, neck and hips and last night and this morning I could hardly use my hands. Seems to be ebbing away though - I can type at least!! The doctor said it should ease off and disappear in a few days. Lucky because I have to be moving house on Monday and there is SO much packing to do!! Because of feeling unwell I haven't exercised the last few days so not so sure how well the next weigh in will go...Ah well, positive thoughts!!

    Stay gorgeous all of you

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Awwww my bf brought me lunch at work today. Grilled chicken sandwich...yum!!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Great job everyone!!! Keep up the good work!!
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Well I'm finally starting to feel better!

    3 days straight with feeling crappy w/ a mini cold I had but I still worked out all three days - I just had a low cal burn than usually.

    Today though I decided to sleep in so I had 3 workouts to complete. I worked out from 2:30pm to 4:45pm and I still have so much more energy LOL.

    Going to Bingo tonight so I hope it rubs off and brings me luck!

    After I did my Hip Hop Abs - The mailman came and dropped of my box from beachbody - - - - it was my Insanity shirt!!!! Omg that was such a energy boost! I ripped open that box and put on my shirt ASAP!

    IT FELT AMAZING TO WEAR THE SHIRT!!!!! Not too many are up to the Insanity challenge or can complete it. I was out of shape and weighed 175 but I did it and this shirt shows everyone the hard work I put in for 63 days!!!!

    Than on to my Brazil Butt Lift DVD's - I happen to fall under the combination butt type and of course that workout plan has you doing 2 dvds a day LOL

    So I want to spread my energy to everyone one else!!! If you haven't worked out yet put on some workout clothes that make you feel good, look at yourself in the mirror and say to yourself "I'm about to work you out GOOD!!" (while doing some poses lol) and GO FOR IT!!! Bring on that sweat!!! =)
  • reesegirl521
    Love the website. Dresses are totall hot. Something about a tight fitting pencil skirt makes me wanna get to the gym!! Also read some of the blog that was recommended. Love her! How motivating and fun!!

    Hoping everyone is doing well with eating and exercising. Something about the rain and comfy sweats makes me just wanna stay on the couch but I'm 236 cals over my 1200 cal limit so I HAVE to hit the gym!! Damn you cheap little caesar pizzas!!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    I see the address was edited so here it is again, just leave out the space between the b and the i


    she's such an inspiration!!! my all time dream would be to be a pin up, i love the whole rockabilly style and dress like it as much as poss, but seeing her makes my dream seem less hard to achieve

    You would be an amazing pin up :flowerforyou: You have the cheek bones and the added gorgeousness of ink! My husband to be's daughter does pin up photography, don't know If you saw it when I last posted the link on the this thread but she loves pin up!!
