Why do so many female body builders get fake boobs?



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I am a under the muscle implant girl. The muscle acts like a built in bra when you have the implant under the muscle. It is also harder to see the shape of the implant. I went to a plastic surgeon at Northwestern in Chicago and he refuses to do them any other way just because he wants his name on more natural looking implants. I would never even have to wear a bra if I didn't want to cover up my nips. TMI sorry!

    Also I am all for the other way too.

    Interesting. I guess if I didn't have much muscle I could consider doing that (no offense meant about you not having muscle). When it comes to bodybuilders and figure competitiors I think it would have to be inside the breast and not under the muscle since our muscles are generally larger and tighter to the chest (not allowing room for movement or space under).

    well- they create space.

    Remember when they did braces- they put expansion things in there- and every month you went and had them tightened or expanded.

    Same thing- they shove a balloon under there and expand it every so often to create room. I suspect it would be very difficult for people in your shoes- and result in a smaller implant- they can only force the issue but so much. I think it's probably to big of a time loss for training- and too small of an implant for most people who seriously lift to go that way- Faster- less time off and less issues with an over the tissue implant.

    I think friend's sister went down a cup and a half size from what she planned because the muscle was too tight to the body- they couldn't force the area to expand any more- she's not a body builder- but she's some sort of fitness instructor or something if memory serves me correctly. The trade off probably isn't worth it.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    The thought of implants "Bottoming out" makes my stomach feel upset.

    Ohhhh's hell...I was intending to get them. Breastfeeding and weight loss have been unkind to mine...windsocks, indeed, when I plank. :frown: I was also intending to do them under the muscle, because they do look more natural...but I didn't consider the effects of them and weight lifting?

    Well, being as I'm new to lifting, it will be a while, before this comes to play. I'll have time to figure it all out by "then."

    Implants at all make me feel queasy, must be honest. I saw a video of it once (do not recommend) and I thought, "It's no wonder you're battered and bruised when they're done"...

    I will be happy when I get to the "almost no boobs at all" stage. I really dislike mine since I've lost weight, for me at least they've turned into awkwardly shaped uneven C-cups (no currs about TMI).

    Implants aren't really an option for me, since over-the-muscle ones that don't seem to hinder chest work tend to look as fake as they are (lol) and I love chest work, so under-the-muscle and the potential for boobs falling down and getting ****-eyed nipples is not a risk I'd take.

    Well, that's your opinion, and we're all entitled to them.

    I've seen cockeyed nipples, and I've seen amazingly perfect implants, so you can't really judge the procedure on a crappy surgeon...or what your body or maintenance practices happen to do with them. It IS really painful, involves risks, and not something to be taken lightly, though. I'm still IN for boobies, one day. :wink:
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    Krispy Kreme's anyone?
    Sorry just couldn't resist!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Hooray for boobies..............both bought and natural :-)
    This. :happy: :wink:
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    Well, that's your opinion, and we're all entitled to them.

    I've seen cockeyed nipples, and I've seen amazingly perfect implants, so you can't really judge the procedure on a crappy surgeon...or what your body or maintenance practices happen to do with them. It IS really painful, involves risks, and not something to be taken lightly, though. I'm still IN for boobies, one day. :wink:

    Definitely wasn't being disparaging, and my comment about ****-eyed nipples was specifically directed at what sometimes happens when they bottom-out due to exercise. I think it would be difficult for someone who has paid to have "better" boobs to have to deal with something like that.

    I'm not a boob-Nazi by any stretch of the imagination... there's beauty in them at all sizes and shapes.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Low bodyfat = no boobs. Boob job = boobs.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Well, that's your opinion, and we're all entitled to them.

    I've seen cockeyed nipples, and I've seen amazingly perfect implants, so you can't really judge the procedure on a crappy surgeon...or what your body or maintenance practices happen to do with them. It IS really painful, involves risks, and not something to be taken lightly, though. I'm still IN for boobies, one day. :wink:

    Definitely wasn't being disparaging, and my comment about ****-eyed nipples was specifically directed at what sometimes happens when they bottom-out due to exercise. I think it would be difficult for someone who has paid to have "better" boobs to have to deal with something like that.

    I'm not a boob-Nazi by any stretch of the imagination... there's beauty in them at all sizes and shapes.

    That's reasonable. I wouldn't want to pay for them only to have them get messed up with exercise. Good point.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Low bodyfat = no boobs. Boob job = boobs.

    Well, boob-ish.
  • helen8328
    helen8328 Posts: 36 Member
    Correct me if wrong, but I think DLB explicitly states she's "lifetime natural"?

    Maybe states that but from what I recall she was found out for taking gear of some kind, lost some cred for that. That said, she is a physique competitor, not a body builder, completely different look.

    Madonna still denies ever having Botox, doesn't mean its true though...
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    I'm going to guess its to make them feel and look more feminine because lets be honest they do look quite manly..
  • icha3x
    icha3x Posts: 54 Member
    Implants go on top of the muscle. They fill in the area where breast tissue is supposed to be. I'm a bit concerned by any doctor that would put it under the muscle.

    it's pretty common with cancer patients- my friend and her sister both had it- and her sister is a big fitness type girl and apparently had some issues only because it's uncomfortable to do pressing stuff with what's essentially a balloon under the muscle.

    i was very lucky with mine that i did not need the ex-pander put in. not sure what i would have done if i woke up with that instead of the implant. think it helped being a avid lifter in college. and in the case of breast cancer there is no tissue to go under so it has to go under the muscle.
    doing anything with my right arm does feel really weird. even vacuuming, i often switch arms from the pullback. took me a while to get used to the feeling from the muscle being stretched. still gets me after 5 years. big thing from the doc to keep them in place was no sports bras and always wear an underwire...ugh...you all know that did not sit well ;) if not then someday my boob would be in my gut :( so far so good :D
  • I look at a lot of fitspo in order to get me motivated during my journey and it always seems a bit bizarre the amount of women that work so hard to achieve an excellent figure and then they go a get C or D cup boob jobs that look so fake like two halves of a grapefruit have been sewn onto their chest. It's looks so obvious. To me it's like wearing a Chanel suit with Primark shoes - it's going to stand out. Surely more natural boob jobs could be performed. I just fail to understand why people would sabotage their appearance in such a way.
    P.S: I'm not hating on anyone who has fake boobs I'm just trying to understand the logic/craze behind body builders with fake boobs.

    Images for ref:

    A body builder I follow was asked this and she said 'boobs are mostly fat so body builders with 0% bodyfat rarely have large breasts. Also in our profession we want to look good.'
  • My mother lifts weights and has implants. She chose to get them because after breast feeding and age they obviously weren't what they used to be. It was her personal choice and I think it was a good one. In my opinion I think this thread is terrible. It's sad that a woman posted this and then goes on to show extreme cases in photos that may or may not be photoshopped . Then gives the little disclaimer that she's not hating. That is totally laughable......but I'm not hating on you, so don't take it the wrong way......ok?
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    My mother lifts weights and has implants. She chose to get them because after breast feeding and age they obviously weren't what they used to be. It was her personal choice and I think it was a good one. In my opinion I think this thread is terrible. It's sad that a woman posted this and then goes on to show extreme cases in photos that may or may not be photoshopped . Then gives the little disclaimer that she's not hating. That is totally laughable......but I'm not hating on you, so don't take it the wrong way......ok?

    Actually I intentionally showed a variety of different types of muscly women. I get the impression that you didn't actually read through this thread. Additionally I think you are being more than a bit dramatic. I wonder how sensitive you are in real life to take a generic albeit slightly naive question so personally. It really isn't about your mother or anyone in particular so get over yourself. Also I didn't take the photos but since I am a designer I can tell you that very little editing has been done to these photos.
    Thank you for your self righteous, unnecessary comments.
  • cuz they have so little fat that their boobs disapear but they still want to appear feminine. simple as that.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Because to cut down to the level of body fat required to compete, your boobs will go. No way to avoid it, it'll happen no matter what. So it's quite common for competitors to just get augmentations so they can stay chesty, even with their bf% pretty low.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Surely more natural boob jobs could be performed.

    You'd be surprised. What makes the soft feminine "natural" looking curve of a woman's breast is fat. And like I already said, body fat in competitors is extremely low. When it drops that low, lines striations and contouring everywhere tend to sharpen, including the "seam" between boob and chest. It's just how it is.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm going to be honest even though it's not popular. I would never want to compete if it required elective surgery. When I pick up fitness magazines and see the majority of women with implants it gives me a negative impression of what is being accomplished. However I fully understand people getting reconstructive surgery after cancer. And I still respect the women and their fitness advice. It just results in me not wanting to do everything they have done. So, I won't go below 18 percent bf. And it's ok that I feel that way and make thst choose. Different people want different things. I'm happy with small perky breasts just the way they are. Surgery is not something I would do for a non medical reason. I wouldn't want a job that required it. I do like when some women remain as an example of not getting surgery. Such as Christmas Abbot and Erin Simmons. Both gorgeous women.
  • My mother lifts weights and has implants. She chose to get them because after breast feeding and age they obviously weren't what they used to be. It was her personal choice and I think it was a good one. In my opinion I think this thread is terrible. It's sad that a woman posted this and then goes on to show extreme cases in photos that may or may not be photoshopped . Then gives the little disclaimer that she's not hating. That is totally laughable......but I'm not hating on you, so don't take it the wrong way......ok?

    Actually I intentionally showed a variety of different types of muscly women. I get the impression that you didn't actually read through this thread. Additionally I think you are being more than a bit dramatic. I wonder how sensitive you are in real life to take a generic albeit slightly naive question so personally. It really isn't about your mother or anyone in particular so get over yourself. Also I didn't take the photos but since I am a designer I can tell you that very little editing has been done to these photos.
    Thank you for your self righteous, unnecessary comments.

    I'm not sensitive at all. I get the impression that you're self righteous and a know it all. I'm supposed to take your word for it that the photos are legit because you're a designer? I don't think so. I don't know you. When you speak about women with implants you are speaking of friends and family of mine who have them. So it is a little personal. Do you get that? Not hard to understand. These people are close to me so I'm going to have an opinion about it. If you get so worked up over "unnecessary comments" on the Internet, you are a going to have a very tough time. We women do many things to enhance our appearances. If I made disparaging remarks about your drawn in lips that resemble the Joker. I would expect you to have a less than favorable reaction. But I wouldn't do that because that wouldn't be very nice of me.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I also forgot to say that I think all kinds of breasts are beautiful. All sizes, shapes, colors of breasts and nipples, real, enhanced.