30 day shredders...starting Monday!



  • ceredonia
    Day 2 of Level 3 down. I was already worn out from doing an hour of kickboxing class at the gym, but I figured maybe I was at least warmed up enough. I still can't do all the moves "correctly" so I modify them further. There's a couple cardio moves that I can't do--jumping squats and sumo squats. I just do regular squats for those, because my knees can't really handle all the jumping. I also don't care for the last set of cardio, which has "rock star jumps" (jumping up kicking both feet back), but I try my best and can do about half of them.

    Level 3 is definitely tough, but I don't think it's harder than Level 2, mostly because of the lack of planks (there's still a couple plank moves but nothing new).

    Also, does anyone feel like the "superman" move is complete crap? Or am I just doing it wrong? I'm lifting both my chest and legs up, keeping my head level, doing it "correctly" but I don't feel anything. I think I might substitute her "squirms"* move from her No More Trouble Zones DVD for a little extra ab work.

    *Squirms (lying down with knees bent. lift head and shoulder blades off ground and alternate bending to the side and tapping your heels). (taken from the first review on Amazon.com)

    I think my left shoulder is a little messed up from all the kickboxing and DVD work though...it's sorta pinching just below the shoulder, at the very top of the bicep muscle. I hope I don't have to take a day off. I'll just take it easy tomorrow and do 30DS by itself.

    I forgot to mention though, we do ab work at the end of kickboxing at the gym, and today we did bicycle kicks--and I can DO them now, thanks to 30DS Level 1! Haha.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member

    9/29 measurements as follows: Haven't changed since I am going to not do this until I am done with the program.
    Waist Across Belly Button 37"
    Hips Across Hip Bone 41"
    Right Thigh 24.5"
    Left Thigh 25"
    Right Bicep 13.5"
    Left Bicep 13"

    D1 10/11 - 167 lbs

    Heart Rate Max: 141
    Heart Rate Avg: 116
    Calories Burned: 192*

    3lb weights used on all exercises.

    Forgot to put more goo on my chest strap so my fault. Wednesday (day 2) will be more accurate.

    Overall impression of Level 3 ... MUCH more difficult then level 2. DO NOT SKIP ANY OF THE LEVELS AND SUGGEST YOU STICK WITH EACH FOR 10 DAYS BEFORE PROGRESSING. You are going to need the conditioning from the other levels to make it through this level. Everything is dialed in to "11". I have to do some modified moves due to my knees but other then that I am trying to accomplish as much of the Natalie versions as possible. It should also be noted that NATALIE DOES NOT HAVE GOOD FORM. It's really unfortunate that she doesn't have Anita doing the advanced moves as she seems to be more on point throughout the exercises. Natalie seems to "phone it in" a lot when she thinks the camera isn't on her. Jillian busts her a few times in Level 2. In Level 3, It's even more sloppy on Natalies part. Just an observation.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Not very encouraging reviews of Level 3 ... I will see tonight. Already seeing that the burn wasn't as good as some expected I may have to do a tad more cardio (although I have my entire meal planned out sans snack and have calories left over). will report later. Jumping around doesn't sound encouraging ... are there plans involved?

    It was alot of polyometric moves. I had a hard time with it. You may have an easier time because you are lighter. I have a hard time jumping up an down my knees feel like crap and then I end up taking way to many days off to feel better. You use the weights a lil more also which would be for toning so I understand why level 3 is lower in the calorie burn. Hope you have a great burn ... cant wait to hear how it went for you. I think tom. I will do level 2 and then 3 to up my calories burned.

    My knees are for ****e too and so I had to modify a lot on level 3. It IS harder and yeah, it doesn't burn as much but if you kick up the cardio on that level it will be on par with level 2.

    I think that Natalie (as mentioned above) really doesn't do the "advanced moves" justice and by level 3 she is just sloppy and doesn't look like she wants to be there anymore. Anita really does the moves better. I am sticking with it though, 9 more days. Tomorrow is an off day for me and boy am I looking forward to that! LOL
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    So, finally back on track with completing Day 8 of Level 2 last night. I hope to wrap up Level 2 on Wednesday and move on to Level 3 and my last 10 days! I also started C25K last night and found it to be a great warmup to 30DS. Sooo glad to be back!
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    Question. So with the 30 day Shred, you do it every day, but at what point is everyone moving from beginners to advanced?
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Question. So with the 30 day Shred, you do it every day, but at what point is everyone moving from beginners to advanced?

    I am taking 1 day a week off, tuesdays. The system is designed to do each level for 10 days, for a total of 30 days :)
  • ceredonia
    Day 3 of Level 3 went easier. I'm trying my hardest on those stupid plank moves (the mountain climbers and the forearm up/down ones) but I just can't do more than a few without my arms completely giving out on me. Sigh.

    Also, I subbed the "squirms" move (from my last post) in place of the "supermans" on the first strength circuit. I flipped over and did the 2nd set of supermans but I just don't feel like they're doing ANYTHING for me. What a useless move. :/

    I think I'm liking Level 3 more, but I honestly find myself kinda missing Level 2! Never thought THAT would happen!
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    I didn't Shred yesterday - my mom came at the last minute to stay for a night and see my daughter, so I didn't have time to plan and get my workout in in the morning. So, hopefully tonight I get back on track - I will finish the 30 days even though it seems like it's taking me forever!
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Just completed Day1 of level 3!
    Defenitly more difficult, but I'm feeling great and very accomplished. . . I'm wearing a Size small in a Hollister top that my 7yr old daughter got from a little girl on the block who's 13:wink: . . . So I'm feeling the inches coming off, haven't measured in 3wks and probably won't until I finish this program all the way!

    Hope you all are doing good!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Day 3 of Level 3 went easier. I'm trying my hardest on those stupid plank moves (the mountain climbers and the forearm up/down ones) but I just can't do more than a few without my arms completely giving out on me. Sigh.

    Also, I subbed the "squirms" move (from my last post) in place of the "supermans" on the first strength circuit. I flipped over and did the 2nd set of supermans but I just don't feel like they're doing ANYTHING for me. What a useless move. :/

    I think I'm liking Level 3 more, but I honestly find myself kinda missing Level 2! Never thought THAT would happen!

    Supermans actually build up your back muscles and your ab muscles as you get better at them and you can come up higher off the ground they will work better :)
  • kayleigh333
    Level 2 has been making my knees hurt as well, and I've never experienced knee problems in my life.

    Does anyone know if this could be causing them permanent damage, or will they be fine once I've finished the shred? I don't want to give up as I'm enjoying it so far, but I also don't want to put too much stress on my knees if it's going to cause me problems!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Level 2 has been making my knees hurt as well, and I've never experienced knee problems in my life.

    Does anyone know if this could be causing them permanent damage, or will they be fine once I've finished the shred? I don't want to give up as I'm enjoying it so far, but I also don't want to put too much stress on my knees if it's going to cause me problems!

    Make absolutely SURE your knees aren't going over the tops of your feet when you are doing the lunges or squats THAT will cause knee injury. Look down, pay attention to form it is super important.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I have not done the shred since Friday...I am so scared to keep doing it every day because I gained 5 pounds. So I think I am going to be doing the shred 4 times a week. instead of every day. plus me knees are killing me from level 2 not sure why...
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    D2 10/13 - 166.2lbs

    Heart Rate Max: 154
    Heart Rate Avg: 132
    Calories Burned: 248

    3lb Weights and 5lb Weights used ...

    I am not sure why people are saying they aren't burning calories on this level. This is the most calories burned for me ever on any of the levels. Used the goo this time fresh and I actually LIKE this level the best LOL ... go figure.
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    I did L2 D9 last night. . .almost ready for Level 3! Hopefully I can wrap up Level 2 tonight and start Level 3 either tomorrow or Saturday.

    Karen, you make me excited to start Level 3 - I'm looking for a good calorie burn!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    :cry: totally missed my workout yesterday. Going to do level 3 twice tonight. My goal was to get up and do it and then do it when I get home from work but I hit snooze :explode: twice this morning LOL. I also want to say I do like level 3 when I do the moves correctly and give it my all I do burn way more calories.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    For those of you skipping the "supermans" in Level 3 ... they are SUPER important and practically work the entire body. If you are doing them right and really pushing you should feel the strain in every area Jillian talks about. Do yourself a favor and don't skip or modify this move.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I did L2 D9 last night. . .almost ready for Level 3! Hopefully I can wrap up Level 2 tonight and start Level 3 either tomorrow or Saturday.

    Karen, you make me excited to start Level 3 - I'm looking for a good calorie burn!

    Just make sure you really PUSH yourself. Monday I didn't feel like working out. I really phoned it in on cardio at the gym and on the 30DS ... although, to be fair, the first day of each level I was a tad lack luster just had to watch the moves. Yesterday was only Day 2 of Level 3 but I really did like it and like I said it seemed to go faster! Read above about what I said about the Supermans on Level 3 ... some people say they dont' do anything but they do and they are HARD when done right.
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    Karen - have you done P90X at all? I'm wondering if the Supermans are the same move from that?!?! I loved that move during P90X - it was hard to finish all of them because it was so much work!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Karen - have you done P90X at all? I'm wondering if the Supermans are the same move from that?!?! I loved that move during P90X - it was hard to finish all of them because it was so much work!

    I don't ... but the supermans are lying on your tummy lifting your arms and legs straight while flexing your butt, working your core. Super hard to do right and super hard to do ...

    In other news:

    D3 10/14 - 166.2lbs

    Heart Rate Max:139
    Heart Rate Avg:117
    Calories Burned: 194

    3lb Weights and 5lb Weights used ...

    I think I was lazy tonight LOL ... I went to 2 grocery stores after work and didn't really feel like doing the shred but pushed it out!