SWaT Walking Group



  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    Well everyone today was a good day! I managed 3 miles total today worked out before and after work!!! Yay me!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everybody! I hope your week is off to a good start. I managed to get in the 2 mile big burn tonite.

    Queenie! I wish I could get back into a morning routine. Just can't seem to get that motivated in the mornings any more! Maybe one day.

    PMJ - I'm kinda worried about Thanksgiving myself. We'll just have to make sure we keep working out and skim right over it! lol
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Autumn is definitely here, Mother Nature at her best! The changing leaves and the crisp, cool air. I just love it.

    I'm having trouble getting back to my regular exercise routine since vacation. I think I'm getting a sore throat and cough. I just feel ho-hum and lazy. I need some encouragement. Help.

    What is the "raisin" walk?

    Have a good day!

  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    i beated my original goal of 50 miles...so i'm upping it to 80 miles by the end of this month....

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Autumn is definitely here, Mother Nature at her best! The changing leaves and the crisp, cool air. I just love it.

    I'm having trouble getting back to my regular exercise routine since vacation. I think I'm getting a sore throat and cough. I just feel ho-hum and lazy. I need some encouragement. Help.

    What is the "raisin" walk?

    Have a good day!


    Patti--the "raisin walk" is this:


    Scroll down the page and click on the Web video link to the right of the picture. A new window will pop up and then just wait a bit until the video loads! It's a basic and fun 1 mile 15 minute walk and is perfect for starting out the day!

    I hope you start feeling better soon.
    Did about 8 miles over the weekend, 3 on Saturday, 5 yesterday. Walked, but didn't track mileage during my son's cub scout campout Saturday afternoon. Boy, keeping up with 20 7- & 8-year-olds will tire you out! I'm still recovering yawn !

    I remember those days! It was a lot of fun, though.

    Leslie, QueenB and Sandy--you guys are doing great! Keep it up!

    and kizzy_muss--congratulations on going past your goal! Keep on walking!

    I'm in a pretty good mood today (in case you can't tell!)--I was notified yesterday that I won the weekly drawing at the EverydayHealth.com Slim Down in 8 Weeks Challenge forum. It's a Jillian Michaels' fitness package and includes DVDs, a game and books. I can't remember the last time I won anything!
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Hi all.

    One more mile last night!
  • ElvenMother427
    Hi everyone....I know it is kinda late in the month to join, but if it is ok I would like to. I found your group doing searches on Walk Away the Pounds....it seems everyone is doing such extreme stuff on here...and with my bad knees Leslie's videos are what I do most.

    I was doing 4 miles in the morning and evening, but I have been slacking majorly for the last 2 weeks. I am really wanting to get back on track with exercise, and am hoping that being in a group like this wil help keep me on track and motivated.

    It is late in the month, but I will set a goal for myself of 50 miles by the 31st. I am doing a lot of sewing this month so I might not have time to do 4 miles twice a day....gonna start with once a day. If it is too late to join...I will just start up with you in November :):):) Thank you.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi everyone....I know it is kinda late in the month to join, but if it is ok I would like to. I found your group doing searches on Walk Away the Pounds....it seems everyone is doing such extreme stuff on here...and with my bad knees Leslie's videos are what I do most.

    I was doing 4 miles in the morning and evening, but I have been slacking majorly for the last 2 weeks. I am really wanting to get back on track with exercise, and am hoping that being in a group like this wil help keep me on track and motivated.

    It is late in the month, but I will set a goal for myself of 50 miles by the 31st. I am doing a lot of sewing this month so I might not have time to do 4 miles twice a day....gonna start with once a day. If it is too late to join...I will just start up with you in November :):):) Thank you.

    It's never to late to join in. We are a pretty informal group who are just keeping each other motivated. Welcome!

    iluvwdw--you are doing great! be sure not to overdo it! (Wouldn't want you to get in trouble with your doctor again!)
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I'm in a pretty good mood today (in case you can't tell!)--I was notified yesterday that I won the weekly drawing at the EverydayHealth.com Slim Down in 8 Weeks Challenge forum. It's a Jillian Michaels' fitness package and includes DVDs, a game and books. I can't remember the last time I won anything!

    Congratulations PMJ! That's awesome. I don't think I've ever won anything and I can remember a time not so long ago where that kind of prize wouldn't have excited me one bit. Shows how much we've changed! Let us know how you like the DVD's.

    Welcome to the group ElvenMother! Like PMJ said it's never too late to start walking. And it's easy to jump right in with our group since we all set our own goals.

    Everybody is doing great! I had to work late so no walk for me tonight. I'll have to try and make up for it tomorrow. Maybe I'll have to find Fab's Skinny Wednesday challenge! :noway: And the sad thing is the only thing I have left to cook for tomorrow is spaghetti! :sad:
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Congrats PMJ on winning the fitness package. That's awesome! I'll be interested to see how you like the DVDs too.

    Did the 3-mile Walk Your Belly Flat today. One of my bosses came in and delayed me getting downstairs to our workout room at work. In the past if I was late I wouldn't have gone down, using it as an excuse. Luckily my boss only kept me a few minutes and when I headed downstairs I only missed about a quarter mile and was able to jump right in. Sometimes the smallest changes are the most noticeable :wink:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Did the 3-mile Walk Your Belly Flat today. One of my bosses came in and delayed me getting downstairs to our workout room at work. In the past if I was late I wouldn't have gone down, using it as an excuse. Luckily my boss only kept me a few minutes and when I headed downstairs I only missed about a quarter mile and was able to jump right in. Sometimes the smallest changes are the most noticeable :wink:

    You can work out at work? I am totally jealous! :love:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I got my 4 miles in today, had to make up for yesterday!

    Hope everyone had a great Hump Day! Over halfway to Friday, YAY!

  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, Everyone!

    Mid-week check in. Congrats, Kizzy, on making your goal! (and Kudos for extending your goal!)

    I see that my few days off here and there are catching up with me, so tonight, I did the WAtP 3 mile tape for the first time. Whew! I had planned to switch to that at the holidays for an extra boost, plus thinking I would need these few extra weeks with the 1 mile and 2 mile to build up endurance. Thanks to the support of this group, I decided to give it a try, and I'm so glad I did.

    PMJ, thanks for the tip about the blocks to miles ratio for Phoenix; I'll check that out. How long since you were in Laveen? It has grown so much in the last five years!

    Thanks, all! Keep Walking!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    PMJ, thanks for the tip about the blocks to miles ratio for Phoenix; I'll check that out. How long since you were in Laveen? It has grown so much in the last five years!

    Thanks, all! Keep Walking!

    Actually, I never been to Laveen. My 2 sisters and my mom moved there about 8 months ago from Phoenix (they moved to Phoenix about 3 years ago).
    I lived in the Phoenix area for 14 years 22 years ago. I left because of a drug addicted, potentially abusive (ex)-husband and have not been back since.
    I bet a LOT has changed since I was last in that area!
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Did the 3-mile Walk Your Belly Flat today. One of my bosses came in and delayed me getting downstairs to our workout room at work. In the past if I was late I wouldn't have gone down, using it as an excuse. Luckily my boss only kept me a few minutes and when I headed downstairs I only missed about a quarter mile and was able to jump right in. Sometimes the smallest changes are the most noticeable :wink:

    You can work out at work? I am totally jealous! :love:

    Yes, I'm really lucky. We have a "Wellness Center" which is basically a full gym in our basement. We pay $0.50/week to access it. We have a 2:00p Walk Away the Pounds Class which is what I do on my lunch hour. I live in a state with one of the highest rates of obesity so they did this as a way to help employees get healthier and better control healthcare costs - but whatever the reason, it's a great deal. With a 45-minute commute one way, two kiddos ages 7 & 5 and a hubby, I always struggle to fit in exercise otherwise.

    I did the 3 fast miles yesterday and the 5k with a twist today. I've got tomorrow off from work so am looking forward just having a quiet day at home without having to go anywhere or do anything. I'm not sure I've had a day like that in over 8 years. It's bliss just thinking about it :bigsmile: Happy Friday eve everyone!
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    I got my 4 miles in this morning
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    Hey Guys!

    Im still here just alittle quiet lately. I've been walking too.

    I got in 3 miles on the bike trail yesterday. Hopefully I will make my goal.

    tracyts - Just wondering about the Walk Your Belly Flat DVD. How do you like it? I need a new one and Im considering that one.
  • panda742002
    panda742002 Posts: 68 Member

    Ok when I joined this, I have been walking every day on my lunch break plus at home since the 20th of September. When I saw this walking I thought there is now way I can walk 50 miles by Halloween, to much of my surprised I have already walked 40.59 mile. I guess that I can do the full 50 miles and more. I am super happy right now.:happy:
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    tracyts - Just wondering about the Walk Your Belly Flat DVD. How do you like it? I need a new one and Im considering that one.

    The Walk Your Belly Flat is a good one. There seems to be more kicks and knee lifts than her other DVDs. No extras like weights, bands, etc. There are boosts though at the end of each mile.

    I got in my 5 Fat Burning Miles today - phew! That one wears me out everytime, but I feel so empowered afterward. Never could have done that even 4 months ago. While I can't do all the boosts yet, I know I'm working toward it and will get there :wink:
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    PMJSMOM....thanks for the link to the Raisin Walk. That was cute. How did that raisin go a mile in that outfit?