SWaT Walking Group



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I thought I'd let everyone know that Leslie is starting a November walking challenge on Monday. The details are here:


    I think I'll join it.
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, All.

    Mid-week check in... so encouraging to see everyone on track (or already met!) their October goal. I have five miles to go, so I'm sure I'll make it by Sunday. I want to thank everyone for the support. I just tallied my Walk Away the Pounds miles from August (19) and September (23), and know it was this group that gave me the motivation to be more consistent in my walks to hit 40 miles for the month of October. Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

    PJM: Thanks for the tip on Leslie's Walk at Home Challenge (and enjoy your visit to Phoenix; it has FINALLY cooled down to the 80s and it's so nice! I'm sure you'll enjoy your visit.)

    See you all Sunday with a final tally.

  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    Well got 2 miles in yesterday and 4 miles in this morning,
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    I thought I'd let everyone know that Leslie is starting a November walking challenge on Monday. The details are here:


    I think I'll join it.

    Thanks for the heads up on the challenge. Im signed up. I had to reactivate my facebook account. Its all different from when I was on it last. Everytime I get used to something it gets all changed around. Im on this computer way to much.

    Well anyway Im soooo close to my goal yippie!! Gonna do it this time without cramming in a bunch of miles the last day or two like usual. It will be interesting to see how our next challenge goes for me with the cold months in Wisconsin.

    sandara- Just wanted you to know I am now in love with Black Bean Burgers too! I never thought they would be sooo good!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Marie and Sandy--I love Black Bean burgers, too and I never in a million years thought I would!

    I bought the Walk Off 10 Pounds 3 Mile DVD yesterday and did it this morning. I like it and am glad I got it.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    Are you a member of the Walking Club? It was $35.00 and I don't think I really want to spend that much. I could get 2 or 3 WATP videos for that. I accepted the Facebook invite for the challenge, I guess I won't get the calendar that the members get. That's ok. I have my own calendar and I'll just mark it. Thanks for adding the link to your post. I never thought to look for Leslie on Facebook. Good luck with the challenge. We'll have to keep in touch about our progress.

    Three more miles today! I'm over my goal...and quite happy about it! Everyone has done a fantastic job this month. We're gonna be really healthy abd skinny before we know it! Woohoo!!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Are you a member of the Walking Club? It was $35.00 and I don't think I really want to spend that much. I could get 2 or 3 WATP videos for that. I accepted the Facebook invite for the challenge, I guess I won't get the calendar that the members get. That's ok. I have my own calendar and I'll just mark it. Thanks for adding the link to your post. I never thought to look for Leslie on Facebook. Good luck with the challenge. We'll have to keep in touch about our progress.

    Three more miles today! I'm over my goal...and quite happy about it! Everyone has done a fantastic job this month. We're gonna be really healthy abd skinny before we know it! Woohoo!!!

    Patti--I joined in June for what was supposed to be a 3 month free trial but it seems I am a member until Sept. 20, 2011 and I don't know why. It says it will cost $29.95 to get a years membership if I renew. That isn't too bad but I'm not going to renew if they don't get their video player changed. I joined to check out the workouts she posts for the members but most of the time the video player isn't working.
    I didn't have internet service for a while today so I haven't gotten back to the Facebook page. I didn't know anything about a calendar! I'll have to check that out!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Kathy, I like the Walk off 10 lbs workout too. It's a good one.

    Patti & Marie, I joined the WATP site before I found the MFP. It wasn't free at the time but if you are an aarp member you can get a discount (or you could when I joined) but after I found MFP I rarely go to the site. Mainly to check out any new stuff coming out. I'll have to check out the FB challenge I've seen it pop up but haven't really looked at it.

    I took Thursday off from walking and then yesterday my Dad fell and cut his head. We spent hours at the ER waiting to get a cat scan and didn't get home until almost 10 last night. He's fine and the cat scan was just a precaution due to his age (82). Seems like every time I take a day off something happens the next day to keep me from walking too. How can it be so exhausting just sitting and waiting?

    Everybody has already done so well this month and we still have 3 more days to go! I am happy to announce that I am still candy corn free! :laugh:

    It's Friday! YAY! Hope everyone has a good day! :flowerforyou:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Kathy, I like the Walk off 10 lbs workout too. It's a good one.

    Patti & Marie, I joined the WATP site before I found the MFP. It wasn't free at the time but if you are an aarp member you can get a discount (or you could when I joined) but after I found MFP I rarely go to the site. Mainly to check out any new stuff coming out. I'll have to check out the FB challenge I've seen it pop up but haven't really looked at it.

    I took Thursday off from walking and then yesterday my Dad fell and cut his head. We spent hours at the ER waiting to get a cat scan and didn't get home until almost 10 last night. He's fine and the cat scan was just a precaution due to his age (82). Seems like every time I take a day off something happens the next day to keep me from walking too. How can it be so exhausting just sitting and waiting?

    Everybody has already done so well this month and we still have 3 more days to go! I am happy to announce that I am still candy corn free! :laugh:

    It's Friday! YAY! Hope everyone has a good day! :flowerforyou:

    Sandy--I'm sorry about your Dad but I'm really glad he was checked at the ER. I used to work with the elderly and sometimes they will just refuse to be checked. We had one woman who fell, refused to be checked and ended up in the hospital a few days later because she had broken a rib and perforated her lung!
    My Mom also used to not let anyone know if she fell so we wouldn't make her get checked out. Two of my sisters live with her now and they keep a pretty good eye on her.

    I ALMOST bought candy corn the other day while out but looked at the walking DVD in my hand and decided I didn't want it. I know I'll have a little candy on Sunday but I plan an allowing for it and not going overboard!

    Hope everyone has a great day! It's raining here again so I'll be doing my walking inside unless it lets up a bit. I don't mind walking in the rain but I do mind being in an outright downpour!
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    Got 4 miles in this morning but now my foot is killing me, I don't think I stepped down wrong, but the top off to one side, flat out hurts, so not sure what I will be doing tomorrow,
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Sandy: I'm sorry to hear about your dad but glad he wasn't seriously hurt.

    Leslie: Hope your foot feels better. Maybe your walked your way out of your shoes and need new ones for better support?

    Did 4 miles today and I've made ! I'm so proud of myself :love: . I never would have thought I'd make 80 miles in 29 days 3 months ago. I'm debating whether I want to stay at 80 miles for November - which would allow me to add in more strength into my repetoire or up the mileage. I've got a couple of days to decide. In the meantime, I've got one more scheduled walking day - unless the Halloween festivities get in the way.
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    Leslie: Hope your foot feels better. Maybe your walked your way out of your shoes and need new ones for better support?

    Yea that is what I am thinking, because most of my shoes are getting loose, I think I have lost most of the weight off my feet....LOL
    Going to get me a new pair of shoes today.
    Foot is still hurting this morning but not as bad as last night
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    Leslie: Hope your foot feels better. Maybe your walked your way out of your shoes and need new ones for better support?

    Yea that is what I am thinking, because most of my shoes are getting loose, I think I have lost most of the weight off my feet....LOL
    Going to get me a new pair of shoes today.
    Foot is still hurting this morning but not as bad as last night

    Hi Leslie-I hope thats all it is and its an easy fix. But if the pain doesn't go away don't ignore it ok. I did. I found out I was walking around on a stress fracture for a month. It I would have refractured it, it would have been a big deal. I kept blowing it off because the pain would get better then come back then go away again. Never had swelling or bruising either.

    Sandy-Im glad that your dad is ok. I have cared for my elderly parents too and know how it is to spend hours and hours in the ER. Its exhausting, even though your just sitting there 99% of the time.
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    Hi Leslie-I hope thats all it is and its an easy fix. But if the pain doesn't go away don't ignore it ok. I did. I found out I was walking around on a stress fracture for a month. It I would have refractured it, it would have been a big deal. I kept blowing it off because the pain would get better then come back then go away again. Never had swelling or bruising either.

    I am giving it till wed and if it not better I am going in, I have no bruising or swelling, keeping it up most of the day. So it looks like no walking for me for a few days :( As long as by Sunday night I can walk around for about 3 hours, To late to cancel for the carnival. May end up having the kids come to me for their balloons
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    FYI - Queen's step-father passed away yesterday so keep Queen and her family in your prayers.

    Hi everybody! Looks like a great weekend ahead here in Georgia. Thanks to everyone for the well wishes for my dad. He's doing fine now, just a little sore.

    Kathy - Yes, my Dad did refuse to go to the ER so we took him to a Quick care first (I knew they would send him on to the ER) amd I knew he probably wouldn't argue with them. He can be a little stubborn at times. :wink:

    I did my 3 mile Walk off 10 lbs last night since you all got me thinking about it. Gonna try to get in a longer one this afternoon.

    Everyone has done wonderful on their October walk and yes we'll start a November walk for Monday. Keep in mind when setting your goals that the October walk started in mid-September so we actually had about 41 days. The November walk will only be 30 days! And everyone here in the states will have Thanksgiving to deal with! Ouch! :sad: But we'll get through it together.
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, All.

    Just logging in my last miles for the month... I'm so grateful to everyone for the support (and to Sandara for starting this challenge!); I know I wouldn't have come anywhere near the 46 miles if it hadn't been for this challenge. Before, I would use the WAtP tapes three or four days a week, but this past month it was five or six (and even seven) times a week. Hope you all had great success as well.

    Happy Halloween (make your treats healthy so the fat grams won't be the trick). :tongue:

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Happy Halloween Everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks AZ, I hope everyone is happy with their accomplishments. It doesn't really matter if you actually made it to your goal or not. The important thing is that you exersized and got healthier.

    I finished up this challenge with 80 miles.

    This has been a wonderful group and I hope you will all join me for the November Walk. Maybe we'll pick up some new walkers too. I'm going to need some help making it through the food holidays we have coming up. I'll be posting a link to the new thread later.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Here's a link to the November Walk - Hope to see you all there. If your schedule doesn't allow you to join us in November be sure to stop in and say Hello and cheer us on once in a while! :flowerforyou:

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Looks like I got 109 miles in this time. (I haven't added in today's miles yet because I need to use the PC to get to the right ticker!)

    I want to keep walking and am also going to do the walking challenge on Leslie's facebook page.

    I'll be visiting my mom and 2 sisters for Thanksgiving week and I am a bit worried. There won't be a scale and they don't eat the way we do--oh well, I will just do my best and try really hard to maintain. Once I am back home I'll be able to do some damage control! LOL!

    I do plan on taking my netbook so I can at least try to log my foods and--hopefully--check in with my buddies on occasion!

    See you all in November!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Kathy - 109 miles is great!

    I still haven't got around to looking at the WATP challenge.