SWaT Walking Group



  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, Everyone.

    Just making a mid-week check-in. Great to see everyone on target with their goals! I had my weekly weigh-in today and hadn't lost even an ounce (although, no gain either!) since last Thursday. My "coach" says it could be due to the increased exercise and not increasing my protein. I will say I have been more consistent in using the WAtP tapes since joining the October challenge, so I am hoping that the no weight loss is due to the protein thing. Any advice? Thanks!

    Make it a great week!

  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    I did another 3 miles yesterday :)
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    yea got 4 miles in this morning
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    ok got 4 miles in this morning and that is most likely it for the rest of the week,
    We are having are annual girls sleepover at the church we are expecting 75+ girls this year, Can we say EXHAUSTING!!!! Oh but we have so much fun. And this years theme is "Tea Party" the girls are going to have so much fun, and us adults too :)
    So type at everyone Monday....
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    Hi Everyone!

    This week really went by fast for me Im sorry I haven't posted since Sat. I've been walking just about everyday though. Only had one day off. I knew rain was coming before I seen the weather forcast yesterday. My body was so achey. Im trying to adjust to the colder weather, but it seems harder and harder each year. Whats up with that! If im winey about it now what am I going to be like when I get older. Don't want to think about it.

    Looks like the team is doing good. Great to see.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Happy Friday Everybody! Glad to see we're all still walking!

    AZ - I really don't have any idea on the no weight loss thing other than the fact that some weeks will be like that. I had no loss this week either but I can tell I'm waterlogged! My legs are puffy, so I'll just have to wait it out.

    Maynard - Don't forget you have less insulation from the cold now that you've lost weight! It hasn't really hit here yet. We're having nice upper 60's and 70's right now, so it's perfect.

    I didn't walk any yesterday, I spent the evening making pumpkin muffins from the pumpkin thread. If you haven't tried them yet, check them out they are great.

    I did the 3 mile Walk Your Belly Flat tonite. Hope to get in a good long one tomorrow and we'll probably go to one of the fall festival's nearby. Dahlonega has a Gold Rush Festival every year. So I'll take my pedometer and get in lots of walking then.

    HOpe you all have a great weekend!
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Did one more mile tonight, might still do one more before bed if i can crank it out. Still feeling crappy, think I am getting this cold/flu thingy.

    Have NOOO idea how many miles I am at now ticker still not working - haven't fixed it yet~
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hope your feeling better soon Iluvwdw! What's wrong with your ticker?

    I did all 5 miles of the 5 day slim down. YaY! And I also finally got around to adding a picture. :smile: Didn't have many to choose from.
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    Hey Everybody! I just got back from my cruise today. Beautiful New England and Canada with the changing leaves. It was 7 days of wonderful! I walked and walked and walked. OMG I have no way of knowing how many miles but it was a workout. Who knew that New Brunswick had such steep hills? Of course we took one or two wrong turns and ended up going up and down the same hill twice. I just kept thinking about all of you and how proud I was of myself for all this walking. Tomorrow is the real test...I weigh myself. Here's hoping that I didn't gain any weight on vacation. Hope everyone had a great week. Missed all your postings last week. I'm going to read them now and get caught up. Bye for now! Patti (Luneytoonz)
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member

    I would like to join too. I have been walking 1 mile every day on my lunch break plus some at home. I have have the walking tapes. I will be doing those once winter hits. I would love to try to do 30 miles. I started walking 9/20 as well. So far I have 14 miles in. Not including this week.

    What Else do I need to do?

    Welcome to the group! Just do your best. You set the goal for yourself and check in once in a while so we know how you're doing. Happy walking! Patti (Luneytoonz)
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    Is it too late for me to join?
    I am a somewhat newbie to MFP, have been meal tracking for about 30 days, but need to "move it to lose it"!
    One of my stumbling blocks is working 12 hour night shifts, with no set schedule, and I am so good at making
    My new plan is to walk the mornings after I get to sleep....that will get me going 4 days/week.....
    will look for he Sansone DVD, that sounds like a good motivator....
    Not sure where that will leave me mileage wilse, but we all start at 0.....
    Nice to meet you all, Barb

    You'll like the Leslie Sansone DVDs. But I'll let you know this...she has a "no excuses" policy. Good luck and keep walking!!!
    Patti (Luneytoonz)
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    I hope we started over again, but I am here to tell you that for Sunday (a day I normally don't exercise) I got in 1.5 miles this morning. I just need to take advantage of this beautiful autumn wether while it lasts!!! I am not sure if I should set a goal because I never make it, but my goal is to just walk more!!!! Great job everyone on meeting or exceeding your goals, this is a great place for motivation and support!!!!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi everyone! I have been walking and doing other exercises but have not been online as much as I used to. Partly because I am actually working out more and partly because I am working on Christmas ornaments and gifts (jewelry and crocheted items).

    I DO log my food and exercise and I am happy to report that my weight has FINALLY started coming off again! YAY! (It came to a halt, for the most part, when I quit smoking last April.) I have been trying to stay current with all my friends' posts but will have more time in a week when my job ends for the season.

    Hang in there! Everyone appears to be doing well.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hey Luney, Glad you had a great cruise! You'll have to tell us about it.

    Queen - We're still on the October 31st phase. This one ran a little longer since we started mid-month. Next one starts Nov 1st to get us thru Thanksgiving.

    PMJ's mom - Would love to see more pictures when you have time.

    I'm off to the Gold Rush Festival today in Dahlonega. I'm going to take my pedometer to see how much walking I do.

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Well I didn't get in as much walking at the festival as I'd hoped. Only about 1 mile according to the pedometer so I don't think I'm going to count it towards my walking ticker. I did count the walking time for my days exercise though. I was naughty at the fair and ate a corndog. It was one of those big ones so I counted it as 2 regular since I couldn't find the big ones listed. Still stayed in my calories assuming I estimated high enough on the corndog. But it was my day off so I'm not going to sweat it too much.

    They had fried oreos, fried candy bars (snickers, milkyway, 3 musketeers & reese's) and fried twinkies along with all the other typical carnival fare. The roasted ears of corn might not have been so bad if they weren't soaking in butter. And the giant turkey legs were grilled but I wasn't going to eat a whole leg and nobody wanted to split one.

    Hope you all had a great weekend! Back to work tomorrow to wait for another weekend!

    Happy Walking! :flowerforyou:
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, All.

    Hope everyone is making inroads on their goals. I, myself, had a pretty weak weekend. Thursday and Friday I had late work commitments, so didn't get any walks in. On Saturday, I volunteered at a community walk for the November election. I brought my pedometer eager to track steps toward a mile/s. Unfortunately, it must have fallen out of my pocket, so 10 blocks walked, no steps counted. :o(

    I did get in the 2 mile WAtP tape today, so that's something! And still on target to make my October goal.

    Make it a great week everyone!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi, all. Had a pretty good weekend. My DS and my DD both had to work on Sunday so I did some extra exercising because I was bored.:smile: I remember a time when I would have done some extra EATING because I was bored! :laugh: What a change!

    AZChatter--I lived in Phoenix many years ago and while there I was told that 8 of their blocks equaled a mile. So, there's another mile for you to log!:happy: (Perhaps, to be sure, you could check with the city.)

    I have one more week of work and then I need to start getting ready to visit my Mom and sisters in Laveen, AZ for Thanksgiving week. Part of that will be working out more--I am looking forward to seeing them but NOT looking forward to the way they eat! I will manage, though. I have worked too hard at this!:noway:

    Well, need to get ready for work--have a great day, everyone!:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    I got up this morning, exercised with Leslie and then walked my dog, all before coming to work!!! This is one small step to a big reward someday!!! Have a great day everyone, WE CAN MEET THE CHALLENGES WE FACE DAILY!!!
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    got the 4 miles in this morning (huff huff huff) Some days are easier than others, But I forced myself to do it
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Did about 8 miles over the weekend, 3 on Saturday, 5 yesterday. Walked, but didn't track mileage during my son's cub scout campout Saturday afternoon. Boy, keeping up with 20 7- & 8-year-olds will tire you out! I'm still recovering :yawn: !

    Congrats to everyone working toward their October goals!