SWaT Walking Group



  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    Well didn't get any walking in on Sunday, but this morning I did 4 miles.
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    I finally got to do my walk tonight. I did the WATP 4 Mile Super Challenge. It was a super challenge too. Leslie's voice did not match her lips though! :laugh: I don't know if it is just my DVD or if they are all that way? I'll have to give it a good cleaning and see if it helps. Kind of like watching one of those old kung fu movies that was dubbed with english.

    LOL! I just did a walk from the WalkClub website--Not only did her lips not match--none of the moves matched, either! Thank goodness the audio was clear--i finally turned to look out the window and just followed the audio!

    The DVDs I have are okay but I HAVE noticed that some of my downloaded videos from exercisetv.tv are off a bit on the soundtrack. Makes it interesting--or annoying, depending on my mood!

    I did a total of 6 miles today plus a Richard Simmons workout as part of the Skinny Saturday Challenge. I am feeling pretty wiped out right now! Feels good, though.

    Hi What's the Skinny Saturday Challenge? Sounds interesting. Patti
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    Yes it did, but I dont have one. I have a stretchie band for pilates but didn't use it, I find just the moving of my arms makes them extremely sore from the fibro. I still do it but want to wait awhile before adding more resistance to it.

    Today I was really sore all over from overdoing it yesterday so only did 1 mile today but was really killingme today.

    My son is only 15 but getting a junk food belly on him, so he wants to get rid of it. LOL

    Tomorrow if Im not too sore we will try the three mile. :) Still haven't gone t hrough my diaries and added the miles. I am almost back down to my posted weight. A few days ago I was up 5 lbs in three days!! Today I am back down over two pounds. Musta been eating crap last week and no sleep so hope to get down to normal weight in the next few days.

    I never post it when I go back up cause it will jsut depress me. I still weigh myself every day and will record it when I am back down. If i chaned my weight on here everytime I went up and down I know it would discourage me. I still know I have to get back down and I do but seeing that red number go up would just make me give up.

    Do you think this is dishonest, or just keeping myself motivated? It makes me work harder to get back to that posted weight. It seems I go down, down, down then up a little then WAY down. the I start creeping back up again and finally get below the original weight. :grumble: It's a pattern but I know I will get back down but dont want to see my numbers go up down up down up down. DOes anyone else do this? Or view it as cheating? I view it as mind game to keep myself motivated.

    What are your thoughts?

    I only mark down when I lose. I go up and down, but why post it and depress myself? It's all about what motivates us. I'm motivated by seeing a steady decline in my weight. LOL I face the scale everyday...I'll spare you guys the anguish! LOL
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Patti--Sometime on Friday you will find this thread under Support and Motivation (or just search for Skinny Saturday Challenge).
    It is started by FabulousFifty. I try to join it when I can.

    :flowerforyou: Do you need a weekend boost? I sure do! Many times the weekend is a challenge to get through and we end up undoing everything we worked so hard for through the week. :sad: Take the Skinny Saturday Challenge and finish your weekend with a smile on your face! :bigsmile: Here's what it entalis:

    Think double, double, double! :happy:
    Double your exercise~ :tongue:
    Double your water intake (within healthy limits)~ :drinker:
    Double your willpower to stop eating after dinner and log every tidbit that crosses those lips! :bigsmile:

    Just let us know now if you are in....then check in and out when you can tomorrow to let us know how it is going and encourage someone else. Grab a buddy and make the commitment! :heart: There is power in numbers....I know one thing for sure.....


    Bring it on Mr. Saturday!!! :laugh: :happy:

    She also has a Skinny Wednesday Challenge but I won't be doing that until I am out of work on the 22nd (I work a seasonal job.)
  • seana22
    seana22 Posts: 14
    i know its kinda late but i suppose better late then never. i would like to get in on this. i am really looking forward to it!!!! my goal is 200 miles by october 31st. :happy:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    i know its kinda late but i suppose better late then never. i would like to get in on this. i am really looking forward to it!!!! my goal is 200 miles by october 31st. :happy:

    Hi Seana, Welcome to the group. Since we set our own goals it's never too late to join. :smile:

    I just have no energy today. I don't know if it's from cleaning out my closet all day yesterday or if I'm getting the crud thats going around my work. I really hope it's from the closet cleaning! Good news is I have lots of room in my closet. Bad news is I don't have many cold weather clothes, but I guess that's a good thing too when I consider why.

    I joined the Relay for Life team at work. The walk isn't until next spring but I figured it would be a good way to keep me walking until then!
  • DesertCowgirl
    DesertCowgirl Posts: 42 Member
    Got my three miles in this morning. But I only got two miles this afternoon. Had a big rain storm move through, so that delayed me. I usually go out about 4:30pm . It didn't stop with the rain until after 5pm. Got in forty minutes and got back hom just before another storm moved through. ehehe Arizona is finally going to cool down.
  • countrygirl75
    countrygirl75 Posts: 112 Member
    I have the DVDs and was planning on starting them I have the 1-4 mile walks...I was wondering if anyone knew how many calories they were to log in to the exercise log thanks :smile: :smile:
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    OK I did too much walking. I think it was Sat that did it. Sore but, sore abs, sore legs and sore back. Needless to say I took today off.
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Yes it did, but I dont have one. I have a stretchie band for pilates but didn't use it, I find just the moving of my arms makes them extremely sore from the fibro. I still do it but want to wait awhile before adding more resistance to it.

    Today I was really sore all over from overdoing it yesterday so only did 1 mile today but was really killingme today.

    My son is only 15 but getting a junk food belly on him, so he wants to get rid of it. LOL

    Tomorrow if Im not too sore we will try the three mile. :) Still haven't gone t hrough my diaries and added the miles. I am almost back down to my posted weight. A few days ago I was up 5 lbs in three days!! Today I am back down over two pounds. Musta been eating crap last week and no sleep so hope to get down to normal weight in the next few days.

    I never post it when I go back up cause it will jsut depress me. I still weigh myself every day and will record it when I am back down. If i chaned my weight on here everytime I went up and down I know it would discourage me. I still know I have to get back down and I do but seeing that red number go up would just make me give up.

    Do you think this is dishonest, or just keeping myself motivated? It makes me work harder to get back to that posted weight. It seems I go down, down, down then up a little then WAY down. the I start creeping back up again and finally get below the original weight. :grumble: It's a pattern but I know I will get back down but dont want to see my numbers go up down up down up down. DOes anyone else do this? Or view it as cheating? I view it as mind game to keep myself motivated.

    What are your thoughts?

    I only mark down when I lose. I go up and down, but why post it and depress myself? It's all about what motivates us. I'm motivated by seeing a steady decline in my weight. LOL I face the scale everyday...I'll spare you guys the anguish! LOL


    Exactly how I feel. I weigh in every day usually so know where I am.
  • seana22
    seana22 Posts: 14
    i made a ticker how do i get it to go on my page the other one for making it for the goal til october one?
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    I have the DVDs and was planning on starting them I have the 1-4 mile walks...I was wondering if anyone knew how many calories they were to log in to the exercise log thanks :smile: :smile:

    I copied a page from the actual WATP website on Saturday. You can find it on Page 4 about halfway down. It tells you approx. cal. burn per mile.

    seana22 - Copy the bbCode from the Ticker website; go to the top of this page and click "signature" paste it right under the ticker from this website.
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    Got my 3 mile walk in this morning, so far the week is starting out good,
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    i made a ticker how do i get it to go on my page the other one for making it for the goal til october one?

    You need to add the code to your signature, which I believe you access under settings. You'd think I'd know for sure given that I update mine every day :blushing:
  • countrygirl75
    countrygirl75 Posts: 112 Member
    marynard46- thank you I saw it, and if I am right it said, about 100 calories per mile without boosters ( weights, bands etc)
    and it said 125-150 a mile with boosters, I hope this sounds right....other wise if I log i am going to put in a brisk walk....thats what they said the pace was.
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member

  • seana22
    seana22 Posts: 14
    thank you @ maynard46
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    Just logging my miles for the day. Another good day for me. Im finding out my new shoes are not good for my feet like I was hoping. That stinks I spent $80 on them!

    Anyway, I walked to my WATP 2 mile Express this morning then jumped on the treadmill for another 1/2 mile @ 15% incline. I love it because its double the calorie burn compaired to zero incline. Went another mile this afternoon with the dog.

    This group just gets bigger and bigger everyday. Its great to have so many walkers!

    See ya tomorrow!! I think Im going to up my goal from 50 to 75 miles.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Checking in late! Looks like everyone had a good day. I got in a 3 mile walk this afternoon. Ended up overdoing it a little bit on my calories though. I had planned the black bean burgers for dinner but guess what? They don't turn out well if you forget to add the bread crumbs! :sad: So we ended up with black bean burritos instead and a mess on the grill. :embarassed: It's just been one of those days if you know what I mean? :ohwell:
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    Today I did the 5 mile Leslie DVD. I loved it! It had boosts. Never did that before. I felt really proud of myself after 5 miles. I hope everyone is having a great week.