SWaT Walking Group



  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    Feeling great today, started with a 3 mile this morning, and really felt great so I just did a 2 mile ... wooot 5 miles today. I bet tomorrow I feel it :)
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    I have to recheck my miles. I tried to update it last night and it didn't work, then it did. I did 4 miles last night cause I ate wayy too much junk food and felt really guilty. I feel it today though, that was too much.

    I will recheck tomorrow as I am very sleep deprived again. I showed being up 5lbs from the other day. Some of it is water I know from the junk. I can feel it in my fingers. But some I am afraid when I didn't eat as often last week. :) I hope I lose it again in the next few days and that it is just water. :sad:

    Will post tomorrow
  • I did a 2 mile... WATP! Didnt want to but I did... I feel better! :smile:
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    I copied this from the actual Walk Away The Pounds website. Though you guys would be interested in it.

    Calorie burn per Mile?
    To continue from yesterday …. “How Many calories do we burn per Mile of exercise?”
    All of these factors play a part in the actual number of calories used (burned) ….

    AGE, GENDER, your WEIGHT, your EFFORT (INTENSITY), your FITNESS level, HORMONES, some GENETICS ….. and even things like medications, etc.
    could effect the rate at which our bodies use calories during exercise and the rate that we use calories just for basic body functions like breathing, eating, controlling body temperature, circulating blood … even at rest we are always burning calories. So it’s pretty clear that the EXACT number of calories burned will always be a challenge to nail down …. no matter how improved the tools and technology get to measure calorie burn, it will be an approximate number. BUT WAIT …. even with all that said …. we can get close just by knowing the “intensity” of the exercise and body weight.

    Our walks always move at a brisk pace – we design the speed (miles per hour) of the walk by the beats per minute of the music – if you keep the pace of our walk and follow the arm movements at full intensity … you can burn at least 100 calories per mile … your body weight will determine if it will be a bit under this amount (a lighter body weight will burn less calories) …. others will burn over 100 calories because of a higher body weight … and don’t forget all those MUSCLE ACTIVATING Walk Boosters …. if you use hand weights, bands, belts …. you BOOST the intensity of the Walk …. you BURN MORE calories!

    The simple answer to “How many calories do we burn per Mile?”
    The Walk without Boosters … approx. 100 calories per mile!
    The Walk with Boosters ….. approx. 125 – 150 calories per mile!

    Has anyone tried the 3 mile Walk & Firm with the firm band? That was the next DVD I was thinking about getting.

    Walked to my WATP 2 miles, has some firm band exercise in it and I like it.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I finally got to do my walk tonight. I did the WATP 4 Mile Super Challenge. It was a super challenge too. Leslie's voice did not match her lips though! :laugh: I don't know if it is just my DVD or if they are all that way? I'll have to give it a good cleaning and see if it helps. Kind of like watching one of those old kung fu movies that was dubbed with english.

    LOL! I just did a walk from the WalkClub website--Not only did her lips not match--none of the moves matched, either! Thank goodness the audio was clear--i finally turned to look out the window and just followed the audio!

    The DVDs I have are okay but I HAVE noticed that some of my downloaded videos from exercisetv.tv are off a bit on the soundtrack. Makes it interesting--or annoying, depending on my mood!

    I did a total of 6 miles today plus a Richard Simmons workout as part of the Skinny Saturday Challenge. I am feeling pretty wiped out right now! Feels good, though.
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    ended my week on a high note, did 3 miles this morning and just got done with another 3 miles.
    Tomorrow I will be lucky to get 2 miles in if I get any.
    Time to hit the shower LOL
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I would like to join the group. I drive a semi for a living but i think I can do the walk away the pounds dvd in the sleep while my hubby takes his turn driving. I am 31 years old and would like to lose about 30 pounds. I would like to start out light and do 20 miles by October 31. ( I would like to start out slow and work my way up
  • DesertCowgirl
    DesertCowgirl Posts: 42 Member
    LOL Thanks for the tip about teaching the dog to walk on a treadmill, Maynard. ehehe But then that would defeat the purpose of my walking him for my exercise. Then there is the thing that my dog, Yiska is strictly an out door dog. He has reached his full growth and he towers over the cats. He thinks they are play things, and Pumpkin doesn't like that. ehehe So he has to stay out side. Don't have a treadmill anyway. I have thought about getting one, but they are rather expensive.

    It was not to terribly warm this morning so I did do three miles in an hour. Then there was a good breeze blowing this afternoon, about 4:30pm, so I went ahead and did three miles in an hour again. Don't know if I will do that in the morning. Then I will be spending the afternoon visiting my horses, so there won't be an afternoon walk. But I do count the time grooming the horses and then walking through the store for groceries as exercise.

    Maynard, thanks, too, for the info and calories burned per mile. Very interesting.

    Congratulations to those who have increased their miles. Does one good to push beyond the usual, just don't push too hard or too fast. Injuries that lay you up just defeat the purpose of all the walking.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Has anyone tried the 3 mile Walk & Firm with the firm band? That was the next DVD I was thinking about getting.

    Maynard - I checked my DVD's and I don't have that one. You got me wondering so I made a list of all the dvd's I have. I've been meaning to do it so I could pick a workout easier instead of having to rummage thru the pile. I've actually got a total of 70 miles worth of WATP workouts, so I definitely can't use the bored excuse. :laugh:

    Welcome to the group Smadag! Glad to have you with us. :flowerforyou:

    Looks like everyone is having a great weekend. The weather is beautiful here in Georgia right now. Nice to see the lower temps finally coming in. I can't wait for the leaves to start changing colors and we're long overdue for a motorcycle ride.

    I didn't walk yesterday but did make it to the consignment store with some clothes and did the grocery shopping. So I felt like I had a workout anyway. I did the 4 mile punch up your walk this morning and now I'm off to work on the closet some more.
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Still haven't checked my miles but I did do another 4 miles yesterday. My son said he wanted to start going for walks and I talked him into doing WATP with me. LOL. So we did my usual two mile walk and then he wanted to do the watp for abs the three parter off you tube. Ugggh so I did it with him.

    I just hope I can move tomorrow.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Still haven't checked my miles but I did do another 4 miles yesterday. My son said he wanted to start going for walks and I talked him into doing WATP with me. LOL. So we did my usual two mile walk and then he wanted to do the watp for abs the three parter off you tube. Ugggh so I did it with him.

    I just hope I can move tomorrow.

    WTG on getting your son involved. I've just gotten mine to start loggin his food but I haven't got him to exercise with me yet. I think he will soon.

    I don't know if the ab workout you did used the belt but if it did I rigged up a homemade one. I took a belt and tied a stretchie band to the back and it worked pretty good! lol
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    Well I was going to take today off. But we are having a bigger supper then usual. It was going to take me over on my calories alittle. So I got in 2 miles today. I've been doing alittle treadmill work using the incline. Wow is that hard. I can only go 10 min. at a 15% incline.

    Might have to rethink my goal seeing im alittle over halfway there already.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I was going to take today off, too but ended up doing a 2 mile walk. Glad I did, too as I am going to have a drink (alcoholic) later. It will probably put me under the table! LOL! I just don't drink much at all any more!
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Yes it did, but I dont have one. I have a stretchie band for pilates but didn't use it, I find just the moving of my arms makes them extremely sore from the fibro. I still do it but want to wait awhile before adding more resistance to it.

    Today I was really sore all over from overdoing it yesterday so only did 1 mile today but was really killingme today.

    My son is only 15 but getting a junk food belly on him, so he wants to get rid of it. LOL

    Tomorrow if Im not too sore we will try the three mile. :) Still haven't gone t hrough my diaries and added the miles. I am almost back down to my posted weight. A few days ago I was up 5 lbs in three days!! Today I am back down over two pounds. Musta been eating crap last week and no sleep so hope to get down to normal weight in the next few days.

    I never post it when I go back up cause it will jsut depress me. I still weigh myself every day and will record it when I am back down. If i chaned my weight on here everytime I went up and down I know it would discourage me. I still know I have to get back down and I do but seeing that red number go up would just make me give up.

    Do you think this is dishonest, or just keeping myself motivated? It makes me work harder to get back to that posted weight. It seems I go down, down, down then up a little then WAY down. the I start creeping back up again and finally get below the original weight. :grumble: It's a pattern but I know I will get back down but dont want to see my numbers go up down up down up down. DOes anyone else do this? Or view it as cheating? I view it as mind game to keep myself motivated.

    What are your thoughts?
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Thanks again for coordinating this group and challenge. Friday night on my drive home from work, I kept thinking how glad I was for the week to be over and that I could just go home and veg! A few miles from home, I remembered this challenge and knew I could give 30 minutes to complete the 2 mile WATP video. I'm so glad I did. The weekend is over, but I'm on my way to making my goal.

    Hats off to all who have started and/or are on target. Have a GREAT week.

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Tomorrow if Im not too sore we will try the three mile. :) Still haven't gone t hrough my diaries and added the miles. I am almost back down to my posted weight. A few days ago I was up 5 lbs in three days!! Today I am back down over two pounds. Musta been eating crap last week and no sleep so hope to get down to normal weight in the next few days.

    I never post it when I go back up cause it will jsut depress me. I still weigh myself every day and will record it when I am back down. If i chaned my weight on here everytime I went up and down I know it would discourage me. I still know I have to get back down and I do but seeing that red number go up would just make me give up.

    Do you think this is dishonest, or just keeping myself motivated? It makes me work harder to get back to that posted weight. It seems I go down, down, down then up a little then WAY down. the I start creeping back up again and finally get below the original weight. :grumble: It's a pattern but I know I will get back down but dont want to see my numbers go up down up down up down. DOes anyone else do this? Or view it as cheating? I view it as mind game to keep myself motivated.

    What are your thoughts?

    I have never recorded a gain. My weight loss has been just like you described, Up and down and then down for a loss. And it does motivate me to work that much harder to see that number again. This weight loss is not a competition but a challenge with ourselves so as long as we are aware of the reasons behind what we are doing then how can it be cheating?
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    See? Great minds think alike LOL I view it as healthy competition with myself. I forgot to weigh in this am before I ate, so I will check in tomorrow and hopefully I will be back to my posted weight. I just feel like so much time is wasted by going up down up down....I could lose this weight in 6 months instead of 9 if I didn't go up and down all the time. :grumble: Oh well, at least it's coming off. I was just so close to my 25 pound mini goal :frown:
    Edit to add: I felt guilty only doing one mile yesterday so I did two more :happy:
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    Tomorrow if Im not too sore we will try the three mile. :) Still haven't gone t hrough my diaries and added the miles. I am almost back down to my posted weight. A few days ago I was up 5 lbs in three days!! Today I am back down over two pounds. Musta been eating crap last week and no sleep so hope to get down to normal weight in the next few days.

    I never post it when I go back up cause it will jsut depress me. I still weigh myself every day and will record it when I am back down. If i chaned my weight on here everytime I went up and down I know it would discourage me. I still know I have to get back down and I do but seeing that red number go up would just make me give up.

    Do you think this is dishonest, or just keeping myself motivated? It makes me work harder to get back to that posted weight. It seems I go down, down, down then up a little then WAY down. the I start creeping back up again and finally get below the original weight. :grumble: It's a pattern but I know I will get back down but dont want to see my numbers go up down up down up down. DOes anyone else do this? Or view it as cheating? I view it as mind game to keep myself motivated.

    What are your thoughts?

    I have never recorded a gain. My weight loss has been just like you described, Up and down and then down for a loss. And it does motivate me to work that much harder to see that number again. This weight loss is not a competition but a challenge with ourselves so as long as we are aware of the reasons behind what we are doing then how can it be cheating?

    Nicely said Sandy. I too have the same pattern. In the beginning I did add the weight gain and it discouraged me too.
  • I'm having the same problem with going up and down with my weight. Last Thursday was my one month anniversary of switching to a healthy eating plan and exercise, so I wanted to weigh myself even though it wasn't my usual weigh-in day. This was a bad idea. I was down five pounds since Sunday, which is my usual weigh-in day! Then when I weighed in yesterday I was back up a pound. For no good reason. I haven't changed anything about my diet or exercise, and there's no other reason for that pound to be there! And then I weighed again today, just because it was bugging me, and I'm up another pound! What's is the deal?! So I've pushed the scale back behind a bookcase where I can't reach it.

    ...And I made myself do four miles today.

    Convinced the scale is crazy and not us! :wink:
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Took Saturday as a rest day, did 5 miles yesterday and doing 4 miles today at lunch.

    I'm glad to know some other folks have the down, down, up, down pattern. Nice to know I'm not allow. I'm actually not weighing in right now as it's been very unmotivating for me to see that. Hoping if I still log in my foods (okay, I skipped the weekend, but am back to it today), drink my water, and exercise, I will see a difference. It may not be the number on the scale, but will see it in the way my clothes fit and how I feel. I give that number on the scale way too much power :noway:
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