SWaT Walking Group



  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Wow Kathy! 18 miles in already! Excellent!

    I got in another 3 miles today. I did the first 3 miles from the WATP 5 fast miles.

    Everybody keep on walking! :)
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    2 miles done today!!!! I am so proud of me, I can see me actually making my goal this month. Thanks Sandy!!!!:wink:
    Keep walking everybody, it does a body good!
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    It IS great to see the team getting back together! :happy:

    And WELCOME to all the new walkers! :flowerforyou:

    Well I had a good 1st day. I was really happy with my morning exercise I jogged 1 1/2 miles on Wii. Then I did another 1 mile with my Leslie Sanson tape. I was going to leave it at that. But my husband came home from work and decided he wanted chocolate chip cookies and pulled out the tub of dough and baked a couple dozen. The house smelled soooo good I couldn't stand it, so I took a big drink of water, popped some gum in my mouth and went for another walk of 1 1/2 miles. So Im kind of proud of myself for that. The house still smells like cookies though. :grumble: Gonna go open some windows now!

    Why do they do that??? Here we are, working like crazy to get healthy and they drag us into warm chocolate chip cookieland? You did great by having gum. I'm proud of you!
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THE WALK AWAY THE POUNDS SERIES...unfortunately i don't have the anymore, but I will get them again sooner or later...lol...for right now i'll just do walking outdoors...next month i'm going to purchase a month membership to bodybugg website so i can keep track of my miles that way i have the bodybugg it's just not active...WELL...maybe i'll give it a try today....i think it keeps track of a week's worth without the subscription....

    CW: 178

    I'll aim for 50 miles by october 31 as well
  • willimh
    willimh Posts: 227 Member
    Im in too. How many miles are in 10, 000 steps?
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    i think 5 miles
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Great walking everybody!

    Welcome to the group Kizzy & Willimh! Always glad to have more walkers join us. I think Kizzy is right. It's about 2000 steps for one mile according to the websites I saw.

    I did the 2 mile power walk with friends today. It uses small hand weights. Not one of her best but still a decent workout.

    I'll be taking the day off tomorrow from my walking DVD's but I"m sure I'll get in plenty of walking just the same. We're going to to a large flea market and walk around for a bit. I'll try to remember my pedometer just to see how many steps.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    I'd love to join if it's not too late. I'm a big WATP fan. I did Fast Four Miles today and can I tell you I didn't think I'd make it through all 5 boosts, but I did :bigsmile:

    I'm aiming for 75 miles in September and then upping the stakes a bit and will be going for 80 in October.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Tracy,

    Glad to have you with us. Since we all set our own goals it's easy to join in any time.

    I like the 4 fast miles too!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Everyone is doing so well! I love walking--outside AND to my videos.

    kizzy_muss and anyone else who is interested--I have a list of Leslie's videos that are available online--as well as lots of other routines. I was unemployed (and am still 'poor'!) when I started losing weight so I searched online for workouts and I found a LOT of them.

    Here is my list of Leslie Sansone workouts you can do:

    Leslie Sansone Videos Online

    Here are some videos from youtube:




    These 3 equal her 2 mile Walk Away the Pounds for Abs.




    These 2 are 1 mile each. You can create a playlist if you have an account and then you can play them all consecutively. (I have also recently discovered that I can put them on my RealPlayer (free download) and not download the commercials! This is a much smoother transition even than as a youtube playlist.)

    This is a 15 minute 1 mile walk with the California raisin!:


    Scroll down the page and click on the Web video link to the right of the picture.

    And finally, here's a link to her 1, 2, and 3 mile Start Walking workouts:


    All these links can be watched and done on line.

    These links were all still good a week ago so they should be good now.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Thanks for posting the workout list Kathy! I was looking for it to send a friend and couldn't remember who had it!

    Happy Saturday Everyone! :happy:
  • maynard46
    I love seeing more and more people joining the group! Im so glad you started this again Sandy. Thank you.

    Ok so this week hasn't been my greatest. Started out good, got on the scale Wednesday expecting to see some kind of positive change and it was up! What the heck. I usually don't let it bother me too much but this time it did and I've lost my motivation since then. (I even ate a couple of those evil chocolate chip cookies!) Its such a struggle for me to just lose 1lb.

    Im in need of a pep talk guys!

    Kathy - Thank you for posting the workout list again. I know I saved it somewhere safe. Just can't remember where.

    Hope you all have a great weekend! Stay strong weekends are always more of a challenge (for me at least).
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :blushing: Aw shucks! Thanks, you guys. :smile: I was surprised at first how many people here, elsewhere on the web and at work were interested in this list! I have a folder in My Documents where I keep all sorts of information. I have some other videos that I do, also, but I always come back to my Leslie Sansone ones.

    Times are tough all over and I know I'm not the only one trying to lose weight and stay on a budget. It's not easy--whole grain products cost more than simple, more processed ones, Te weather here in the States has been weird and so produce prices are up and most likely going higher, the oil well disaster is affecting our seafood prices and thank goodness we can still afford chicken!

    Well, enough of that. We are supposed to have sun today in the Pacific Northwest and I am excited! One of our news channels (I can't remember which one) said that, all together, we had a total of 9 days of actual summer weather in our area and I think they may be right! It's been a dismal summer and it sure would be nice if things would dry out a little.

    I hope to get some more clean-up done in my garden today.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    yesterday i went 610 calories over my 1200 budget........I have to explain about the mcflurry, I know it's not a good excuse, but I had a 13 min break at job. Worked from 4:30 pm til 10:15 pm. NOT COMPLAINNG AT ALL...we were slammed...they had me in several places throughout the day...drive thru taking both orders and cash...then a few hours later switched me from drive thru to taking orders in the lobby....then after a lil bit switched me back over to drive thru...me personally i prefer drive thru over ANYTHING ELSE there....I'M LOVING IT....LOL...so after i got off work, one of my friends wanted a mcflurry....SOOOOO I decided you know that sounds like a great way to end my day...lol...so i got snack size Reese's flurry.

    Then, when I get home my buddy had BBQ and I just COULD NOT say no to that...lol....I didn't even bother counting...didn't bother measuring or ANYTHING...LOL...anyways i can just count this day as ONE of my cheat days....lol...AFTER ALL my cheat days is the weekend...lol

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Maynard, Don't sweat the cookies. Just think how many you would have eaten before you started MFP. If your like me it would have been a lot more than a couple.

    We all have days that we go over and periods that we don't lose (I'm on a 3 weeker right now). Just power right through them and know that eventually it's going to go the way you want it to go. And even though I haven't lost I can still tell a difference in the way my clothes are fitting so maybe my body is adjusting in other ways right now. I think that the closer we get to our goal the harder it is.
    1. We've been doing this a long time.
    2. Maybe there is a part of us that is a little frightened of actually getting there. What will we do then? How will we maintain it and what if we regain? Lots of things to deal with.
    3. The smaller our bodies get the less fuel it needs and maybe the calorie deficit is not as great as when we started?

    Kizzy, they say around here that it takes about 3500 excess calories to gain a pound. There is nothing wrong with having a treat now and then as long you work it off or get back on track the rest of the time. Saturdays are my relaxed days, I won't say cheat because it's something I think I'll need if I'm going to do this long-term.

    I did go to the flea market today (huge one nearby) and walked for at least 2 1/2 hours. I took my pedometer but lost it about halfway thru and I had over 2 miles the last time I remember checking it. So I"m going to go on the conservative side and only count 3 miles for the day. I found one of those table top grills (like the george foreman) so now I can try out some new meals and recipes. Grilled chicken here I come! lol

    Keep on walking! :smile:
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Okay, I had a really off day today. I didn't do bad on my calories but I wasn't in the very good headspace today. I didn't want to work out but I really want to hit that 75 mile mark by next Thursday so I knew I had to do 5 miles to keep on track. I did it, boosts and all, and I'm feeling like my attitude improved in the process. Why didn't I do that earlier today??? :huh:

    Kathy - Sorry to hear the weather's been the pits out in NW. We lived in the Willamette Valley for 10 years and moved out East 2 years ago. While I miss the mountains, the Gorge, and McMenamins, I in no way miss the sometimes constant rain. Hopefully you'll get an Indian fall with a steady break from the rain!:glasses:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I did the 4 mile Punch up your walk today! Raining here right now so glad I could walk indoors.

    I think the scales are finally starting to understand that I"m not giving up. Keeping my fingers crossed that I can totally convince them they have no choice and must do it MY way! :tongue:
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Ok did 2 miles today back on the bandwagon!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I took yesterday off--only did a 1 mile walk in the morning. I do find that it really helps me get my day going if I start with at least a short walk.

    Now it's Monday and I'll be back to my routine of at least 60 minutes of exercise every day. Have a good week, everyone!
  • Lesliet05
    I love her walk videos, I found them about 6 weeks ago, I will shoot for 75 miles by Oct 31.