SWaT Walking Group



  • maynard46
    Morning Guys! Im ready to start a new week. Putting last week behind me. Don't know what happened but I totally lost it with the diet. Thank you Sandy for your words of wisdom. You have definately become one of my inspirations. I needed to hear that Im not alone.

    Got myself some new workout shoes this weekend. Skechers - Shape Ups. Wow, really feel different walking. Kinda bouncy. They definately work some muscles in the legs. My shin muscles are sore. We will see if they are good or bad, I have problems with arthritis in my feet.

    My goal this morning is to sit down and figure out some DOABLE goals. (did I spell that right? this website really needs spell check)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    My goal this morning is to sit down and figure out some DOABLE goals. (did I spell that right? this website really needs spell check)

    If you use Firefox it spell checks just about everything you type! Comes in handy when my kitty thinks I should be petting her instead of posting! LOL (Like right now.)
  • maynard46
    My goal this morning is to sit down and figure out some DOABLE goals. (did I spell that right? this website really needs spell check)

    If you use Firefox it spell checks just about everything you type! Comes in handy when my kitty thinks I should be petting her instead of posting! LOL (Like right now.)

    No I've never heard of it Thanks. My kitty is dusting the desk with his tail right now. Likes to reach and touch the keys every once in awhile too. LOL What would we do without them right?
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    I did the WATP 1 mile walk/jog and boy do I feel so good about myself right now!!! I even did crunches after I finished.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Welcome to the group Leslie! Glad to have you walking with us.

    I'm glad to see that everyone is off to a great start this week. I think the one good thing about mondays is they are like a fresh new start. So forget whatever mistakes you may think you made and just start again. lol

    I did the WATP 30 minute walk (2 miles) - I think it's the first time I've done that one and it was pretty good. I can't believe I have WATP workouts I haven't even tried. It's on one of those DVD's that has 5 different workouts.

    Everyone have a great week and keep on walking! :wink:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I did the WATP 1 mile walk/jog and boy do I feel so good about myself right now!!! I even did crunches after I finished.

    Way to go Queenie! I need to do some crunches too. Maybe I should try some in the mornings since I agree with Kathy about the morning workouts. I just haven't been able to make myself do it lately.

    And My kitties (I have 2) love to jump on my desk when I'm trying to type too! Little attention hogs.
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    Hey Everyone! Started this week with the 4 mile walk. I didn't think I'd finish it, but I did. I feel so good when I get done exercising. I think the key (for me) is to get right out of bed and start exercising right away. If I lay in bed thinking about it I don't do it. My friend gave me good advice....She said think of it like taking your morning shower. You don't give it a second thought. You just get up and do it.

    Have a good week everyone.

    Patti (Luneytoonz)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Patti (luneytoonz)--That's how I look at it. I have a cup of coffee then do a 20-30 minute workout in the morning. It'smy routine now and it actually feels 'wrong' when i don't workout then!

    I started my day today with day 1 of her 5 Day Slim Down and then did the 4 Mile Super Challenge this afternoon. (I like to have enough calories for a snack if I want one!)

    I am on a mission--I am going to visit family in November for Thanksgiving and I want to lose another 10 pounds before then. It's been almost 3 years since i have seen them and that was almost 100 pounds ago (I lose slowly.).

    I then plan on maintaining during the holiday season. There are just too many special goodies around for me to want to try to lose so i will consider it 'training' for when I reach my goal!
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    OK I just did another 2 miles today! Thanks Kathy for the links. I looked them up cause I just started work (barely) and can't afford to buy her DVD yet. So yesterday I found a 2 mile walk in two parts on youtube thanks to your links. They were by realage and today did the three part walk away the pounds for abs. Whoo I feel it.

    Thanks for the links they really help and I just do it in my room in front of my computer.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hope everyone's week is going well! I did the 5 mile Fat burning walk tonight! I might have to think about upping my goal. Maybe . . .
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Did 5.1 miles total today with the 5k walk at lunch and 2 miles after dinner. Still aiming for 75 miles by September 30 - 8 more to go with 2 days left :bigsmile: So totally doable!
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    Okay so tonight was great!!!!:bigsmile: Went to my boot camp, where we work out non-stop for an hour. But by the time I got home, I still had some energy to expend so I popped in my WATP dvd and did the 1 mile walk/jog:drinker: I am so proud of me:flowerforyou: Hope everyone is walking away those pounds successfully:happy:
  • Lesliet05
    yea figured out how to update mile ticker!!!!
  • maynard46
    Okay so tonight was great!!!!:bigsmile: Went to my boot camp, where we work out non-stop for an hour. But by the time I got home, I still had some energy to expend so I popped in my WATP dvd and did the 1 mile walk/jog:drinker: I am so proud of me:flowerforyou: Hope everyone is walking away those pounds successfully:happy:

    Wow that is very impressive! Great Job :drinker: You should be proud of yourself! :happy:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi everyone! Yesterday I did day 2 of the 5 Day Slim Down before work and then did the 3 Mile ATP for Abs workout. The last mile of that I did while holding Isaac, my 3 month old grandson, while Daddy fixed him a bottle. He weighs 15 pounds now and, boy, could I feel it afterward! I actually used him instead of the walk belt bands and lifted him over my head and out in front of me.

    Today I did day 3 of the Slim Down and then the AHA 3 Mile Walk after work. Now the sun is actually out so maybe I'll take a walk later.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Way to go everybody! You are all working so hard. We're going to be ready to sail right through this Halloween candy Invasion!

    I didn't get in a walk today! Just didn't happen but I'll be back at it tomorrow!

    I made those black bean burgers from the recipe board for supper tonight. They came out to be 159 calories for a very generous sized burger. I melted a piece of the borden's fat free sharp cheddar cheese on top and added a little salsa. Yummy! My son (17)loves them :love: but the hubby is not impressed! :yawn:
  • maynard46
    Hi everyone! I didn't post yesterday but just updated my ticker. I did a 1mile with my WATP tape in the morning. Then put on my pedometer and cut the grass which turned out to be another 3!

    Today I went hiking at the off leash Dog Park nearby. Put in 2 miles there and another 1 mile after supper in our neighborhood. I feel really good with my weigh in this morning. Was at a standstill for a couple weeks. I finally hit my first goal for myself of 25lbs.

    Everyone is doing great!

    Sandy, now the black bean burgers sound good. I couldn't get myself to make the brownies.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Sandy, now the black bean burgers sound good. I couldn't get myself to make the brownies.

    :laugh: I'm gonna hafta try them just to see if they are disgusting!

    And CONGRATS on making your first goal!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    My computer hiccupped or sumfin?
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Well, another 5 miles down today, 3 at lunch with the 3 fast miles tape and then I did 2 more miles of the Fat Burning Walk tape. I also found an old tracking sheet and found out I'm less than 1 mile from this month's goal. I have a 3 mile walk planned tomorrow and I'll be doing so with a :bigsmile: Also took my measurements and I'm down 4.5 inches - so while the scale hasn't reflected a lot of success, my measurements are.