Snacking too much!



  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    So here's my question, how many of the people who pontificate on here about the scary chemicals and processed foods actually have a degree in chemistry? Heck I'll give you just a flat out science degree of any kind? Have taken organic chemistry? Know a thing past high school education about chemistry? Because I have yet to meet a single person who gets worked up about this topic who actually has the necessary training in chemistry to know what they're talking about.

    I happen to know a few chemists and I don't want ANY of their bodies or health issues. That's like expecting a doctor not to smoke, drink or otherwise participate in unhealthy activities. Argumentation fail.

    P.S. I don't really eat clean. But I was a Rhetoric student and this is a poor argument technique.

    My argument is that someone claiming chemicals are unhealthy should actually have the science degree to back it up, see part in bold.....
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Out of curiosity. What are your thoughts about eating junk food even though you stay within your daily caloric goal? I have such a hard time getting any control over my snacking habits, but I'm wondering if it will prevent my weight loss progress.

    Your choice of what you put into your body is far more important than the number of calories you take in. Remember, when you eat JUNK............ YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. For example, eating a bowl of sugary cereal is the same as shooting up heroin.
    Oh my god no. This post should just get your internet turned completely off.


    and also more
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Out of curiosity. What are your thoughts about eating junk food even though you stay within your daily caloric goal? I have such a hard time getting any control over my snacking habits, but I'm wondering if it will prevent my weight loss progress.

    Your choice of what you put into your body is far more important than the number of calories you take in. Remember, when you eat JUNK............ YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. For example, eating a bowl of sugary cereal is the same as shooting up heroin.

    And more sucking sounds . . .
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Out of curiosity. What are your thoughts about eating junk food even though you stay within your daily caloric goal? I have such a hard time getting any control over my snacking habits, but I'm wondering if it will prevent my weight loss progress.

    Your choice of what you put into your body is far more important than the number of calories you take in. Remember, when you eat JUNK............ YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. For example, eating a bowl of sugary cereal is the same as shooting up heroin.

    Please, please, PLEASE tell me you meant to use sarcasm font when you posted this!!!!!
  • RachSuzanne
    RachSuzanne Posts: 74 Member
    No, I didn't. You are suggesting that the people who "eat clean" should learn chemistry if they really want to understand that the chemicals they are appalled by are actually normal chemicals found in everyday things. Arsenic and formaldehyde in an apple, etc. I'm saying that suggesting knowledge effects dogmatic belief (which is what the "clean" movement is, a dogma) is absurd. Simply because one has knowledge, does not mean one follows it. ...Blarg.

    Seriously though....why is everyone so angry? Perhaps we should all have some chocolate.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Out of curiosity. What are your thoughts about eating junk food even though you stay within your daily caloric goal? I have such a hard time getting any control over my snacking habits, but I'm wondering if it will prevent my weight loss progress.

    Your choice of what you put into your body is far more important than the number of calories you take in. Remember, when you eat JUNK............ YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. For example, eating a bowl of sugary cereal is the same as shooting up heroin.

    This is joke, yes?
  • RachSuzanne
    RachSuzanne Posts: 74 Member
    That made me really happy.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    No, I didn't. You are suggesting that the people who "eat clean" should learn chemistry if they really want to understand that the chemicals they are appalled by are actually normal chemicals found in everyday things. Arsenic and formaldehyde in an apple, etc. I'm saying that suggesting knowledge effects dogmatic belief (which is what the "clean" movement is, a dogma) is absurd. Simply because one has knowledge, does not mean one follows it. ...Blarg.

    Seriously though....why is everyone so angry? Perhaps we should all have some chocolate.

    I think the suggestion was also that people have no idea what they're scared of (hence if I can't pronounce it I won't eat it, as if such reasoning isn't a sad admittance of stupidity and a lack of desire to learn).

    I was born angry. Is that problem?

  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member

    Your choice of what you put into your body is far more important than the number of calories you take in. Remember, when you eat JUNK............ YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. For example, eating a bowl of sugary cereal is the same as shooting up heroin.

    See, the issue is never really about whether you should or shouldn't eat "clean". Whether you're eating "clean" or "dirty", if you're eating in a sustainable, enjoyable way, just keep doing it. The real issue with "clean" eating is with statements like the one made above. Because that statement is just plain ridiculous.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Out of curiosity. What are your thoughts about eating junk food even though you stay within your daily caloric goal? I have such a hard time getting any control over my snacking habits, but I'm wondering if it will prevent my weight loss progress.

    Your choice of what you put into your body is far more important than the number of calories you take in. Remember, when you eat JUNK............ YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. For example, eating a bowl of sugary cereal is the same as shooting up heroin.

    oh for the love of god enough with this BS ….

    sugar cereal = shooting up heroin …get the over yourself man…

    according you my daily bowl of ice cream is equal to shooting up heroin…LOL …this is so dumb I can't even laugh...
  • DrWhoodles
    DrWhoodles Posts: 145 Member
    I don't consider any foods technically off limits, except apples because my body seems to think they are poison and then I feel like I'm dying. That being said I'm also greedy and stingy with my calories. I don't buy a box of oreos because I have trouble with moderation with 2 cookies is 140 calories. I could eat all my calories in oreos (easily) but I would be so cranky all day. I want the most food I can eat and stay within macros. Does that sound weird? I can't even buy s'mores cereal any more because I want to eat the whole box in a day.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    So here's my question, how many of the people who pontificate on here about the scary chemicals and processed foods actually have a degree in chemistry? Heck I'll give you just a flat out science degree of any kind? Have taken organic chemistry? Know a thing past high school education about chemistry? Because I have yet to meet a single person who gets worked up about this topic who actually has the necessary training in chemistry to know what they're talking about.

    I happen to know a few chemists and I don't want ANY of their bodies or health issues. That's like expecting a doctor not to smoke, drink or otherwise participate in unhealthy activities. Argumentation fail.

    P.S. I don't really eat clean. But I was a Rhetoric student and this is a poor argument technique.
    so all chemists are fat and have health issues? Way to generalize an entire group of people….
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    No, I didn't. You are suggesting that the people who "eat clean" should learn chemistry if they really want to understand that the chemicals they are appalled by are actually normal chemicals found in everyday things. Arsenic and formaldehyde in an apple, etc. I'm saying that suggesting knowledge effects dogmatic belief (which is what the "clean" movement is, a dogma) is absurd. Simply because one has knowledge, does not mean one follows it. ...Blarg.

    Seriously though....why is everyone so angry? Perhaps we should all have some chocolate.

    I teach evolution, I gave up convincing fanatics long ago. The point is that the people who spout about the clean eating movement don't have any knowledge to begin with. It is one thing to be a doctor who smokes, you still have the education and experience necessary to advise others against smoking. Telling people that chemicals are bad for them when you don't even know how to PRONOUNCE the chemical names is not on the same level.
  • RachSuzanne
    RachSuzanne Posts: 74 Member
    So here's my question, how many of the people who pontificate on here about the scary chemicals and processed foods actually have a degree in chemistry? Heck I'll give you just a flat out science degree of any kind? Have taken organic chemistry? Know a thing past high school education about chemistry? Because I have yet to meet a single person who gets worked up about this topic who actually has the necessary training in chemistry to know what they're talking about.

    I happen to know a few chemists and I don't want ANY of their bodies or health issues. That's like expecting a doctor not to smoke, drink or otherwise participate in unhealthy activities. Argumentation fail.

    P.S. I don't really eat clean. But I was a Rhetoric student and this is a poor argument technique.
    so all chemists are fat and have health issues? Way to generalize an entire group of people….

    Yep...Yep. That's what I said.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I don't consider any foods technically off limits, except apples because my body seems to think they are poison and then I feel like I'm dying. That being said I'm also greedy and stingy with my calories. I don't buy a box of oreos because I have trouble with moderation with 2 cookies is 140 calories. I could eat all my calories in oreos (easily) but I would be so cranky all day. I want the most food I can eat and stay within macros. Does that sound weird? I can't even buy s'mores cereal any more because I want to eat the whole box in a day.

    if you know your trigger foods then it is probably best not to keep them in the house until you have taught yourself moderation ..

    Right now i have about four containers of talenti gelato in my freezer, and a box of pepperidge farm dark chocolate cookies in the kitchen …but I can have one serving of either and be fine….
  • RachSuzanne
    RachSuzanne Posts: 74 Member
    No, I didn't. You are suggesting that the people who "eat clean" should learn chemistry if they really want to understand that the chemicals they are appalled by are actually normal chemicals found in everyday things. Arsenic and formaldehyde in an apple, etc. I'm saying that suggesting knowledge effects dogmatic belief (which is what the "clean" movement is, a dogma) is absurd. Simply because one has knowledge, does not mean one follows it. ...Blarg.

    Seriously though....why is everyone so angry? Perhaps we should all have some chocolate.

    I teach evolution, I gave up convincing fanatics long ago. The point is that the people who spout about the clean eating movement don't have any knowledge to begin with. It is one thing to be a doctor who smokes, you still have the education and experience necessary to advise others against smoking. Telling people that chemicals are bad for them when you don't even know how to PRONOUNCE the chemical names is not on the same level.

    Argumentation WIN! (Gold star in Rhetoric for you!)
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    In purely to find out what a Ding Dong is. Do you eat it or shag it?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    In purely to find out what a Ding Dong is. Do you eat it or shag it?
    hostess-ding-dong.jpeg both?
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    No, I didn't. You are suggesting that the people who "eat clean" should learn chemistry if they really want to understand that the chemicals they are appalled by are actually normal chemicals found in everyday things. Arsenic and formaldehyde in an apple, etc. I'm saying that suggesting knowledge effects dogmatic belief (which is what the "clean" movement is, a dogma) is absurd. Simply because one has knowledge, does not mean one follows it. ...Blarg.

    Seriously though....why is everyone so angry? Perhaps we should all have some chocolate.

    I teach evolution, I gave up convincing fanatics long ago. The point is that the people who spout about the clean eating movement don't have any knowledge to begin with. It is one thing to be a doctor who smokes, you still have the education and experience necessary to advise others against smoking. Telling people that chemicals are bad for them when you don't even know how to PRONOUNCE the chemical names is not on the same level.

    Argumentation WIN! (Gold star in Rhetoric for you!)

    Did I forget to mention both my parents are lawyers and I spent my elementary school years going to law-school with them? :wink:

    I swore by 3rd grade I would NEVER be a lawyer, but some habits die hard.....
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    In purely to find out what a Ding Dong is. Do you eat it or shag it?
    hostess-ding-dong.jpeg both?

    Ahh yes I can see that now thank you :laugh: