Snacking too much!



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    the only bad food is the one that makes you blow out your calories for the day, or blow out your macro % …in my opinion...

    so if you're at 1800 calories and your goal for the day is 1800 calories, but it's only 9pm and you're a little hungry and you've got and equal caloric amount of kale and a package of two ding dongs to choose between, which is worse?

    if you're at 1750 out of 1800 which is worse?

    if you're at 1900 out of 1800 which is worse?

    see a pattern?

    Lower calorie options are better if you've already hit your calorie goal.

    Now which is a better choice if you're at 1500? 300 calories of kale, or of ding dings?
  • 4realrose8
    4realrose8 Posts: 117 Member
    Unbelievable. If I didn't know better, I would say MFP is a super secret "fat acceptance" group to sabotage innocent people looking to lose weight and improve their health.

    I've been off and on diets for DECADES and all of them allow for an occasional splurge or treat. No biggie.

    But, some of your pot stirrers walk around acting like junk food doesn't matter one Iota when it comes to health and fitness.

    Well, I'd like to see how many morbidly obese people, who have struggled for decades with their weight, will say-- "Meh- eat the junk as part of your daily diet." Why do you think some choose surgery with God awful side effects? Because they can't control it like you can. They are desperate and the surgery is their last resort.

    What would be more helpful would if people truly offered support. Maybe to say-- "Stay away from your trigger foods. Keep them out of the house. Yes, an occasional treat is fine, plan for it, have it and move on" How hard is that??

    It's tiresome to see mostly young people who don't have a significant weight problem make light of what can be a real issue and stumbling block to losing weight.

    It's frustrating when you have to work hard for something, and people put up gif of cookies and brownies as a joke on a fitness site. It can be a temptation and you are NOT helping.

    Please, think before you post. Please be kind. There are people out there for whom this ISN'T a joke, it's their very life and their health (not a few vanity pounds).

    So, if someone is asking for help with "no control snacking" don't come in bragging how you have no problem eating junk food every night and you still lost weight. Lucky you-- but your situation doesn't apply to all. It's not helpful and it's rude.
  • salstg
    salstg Posts: 504 Member
    Article on why kale is not always the best choice.

    basically it says it could possibly cause a thyroid condition...... but you gotta eat a crap ton of it. The other side effect is bloating.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    So there ARE situations in which a food may be bad

    Yes. Avocados and kale can be bad nutrition

    in a given situation, as can ding dongs and Bic Macs.

    give me ONE situation in which kale can be bad nutrition in a healthy human with no medical issues.

    People can and do overdose on micronutrients in a misguided attempt to be "super" healthy, while this is highly unlikely to occur from food, it is theoretically possible.

    And as has been pointed out, the ding dong isn't bad nutrition for a human with no medical issues either.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Unbelievable. If I didn't know better, I would say MFP is a super secret "fat acceptance" group to sabotage innocent people looking to lose weight and improve their health.

    I've been off and on diets for DECADES and all of them allow for an occasional splurge or treat. No biggie.

    But, some of your pot stirrers walk around acting like junk food doesn't matter one Iota when it comes to health and fitness.

    Well, I'd like to see how many morbidly obese people, who have struggled for decades with their weight, will say-- "Meh- eat the junk as part of your daily diet." Why do you think some choose surgery with God awful side effects? Because they can't control it like you can. They are desperate and the surgery is their last resort.

    What would be more helpful would if people truly offered support. Maybe to say-- "Stay away from your trigger foods. Keep them out of the house. Yes, an occasional treat is fine, plan for it, have it and move on" How hard is that??

    It's tiresome to see mostly young people who don't have a significant weight problem make light of what can be a real issue and stumbling block to losing weight.

    It's frustrating when you have to work hard for something, and people put up gif of cookies and brownies as a joke on a fitness site. It can be a temptation and you are NOT helping.

    Please, think before you post. Please be kind. There are people out there for whom this ISN'T a joke, it's their very life and their health (not a few vanity pounds).

    So, if someone is asking for help with "no control snacking" don't come in bragging how you have no problem eating junk food every night and you still lost weight. Lucky you-- but your situation doesn't apply to all. It's not helpful and it's rude.

    MFP has users who have lost 300+ pounds and say sure eat the ding dongs.

    You might want to stop and consider why you've yoyo dieted so much.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Unbelievable. If I didn't know better, I would say MFP is a super secret "fat acceptance" group to sabotage innocent people looking to lose weight and improve their health.

    I've been off and on diets for DECADES and all of them allow for an occasional splurge or treat. No biggie.

    But, some of your pot stirrers walk around acting like junk food doesn't matter one Iota when it comes to health and fitness.

    Well, I'd like to see how many morbidly obese people, who have struggled for decades with their weight, will say-- "Meh- eat the junk as part of your daily diet." Why do you think some choose surgery with God awful side effects? Because they can't control it like you can. They are desperate and the surgery is their last resort.

    What would be more helpful would if people truly offered support. Maybe to say-- "Stay away from your trigger foods. Keep them out of the house. Yes, an occasional treat is fine, plan for it, have it and move on" How hard is that??

    It's tiresome to see mostly young people who don't have a significant weight problem make light of what can be a real issue and stumbling block to losing weight.

    It's frustrating when you have to work hard for something, and people put up gif of cookies and brownies as a joke on a fitness site. It can be a temptation and you are NOT helping.

    Please, think before you post. Please be kind. There are people out there for whom this ISN'T a joke, it's their very life and their health (not a few vanity pounds).

    So, if someone is asking for help with "no control snacking" don't come in bragging how you have no problem eating junk food every night and you still lost weight. Lucky you-- but your situation doesn't apply to all. It's not helpful and it's rude.

    I dunno, I spent the first 32 years of my life fat. I started at 337 lbs. I'm sorry you can't accept that some folks DO change their lives and are able to eat what they want AND lose weight AND be healthy. I've lost most than HALF of my starting body weight.

    If it's a stumbling block, then keep it out of your life. It isn't for me and I don't feel like you have any right trying to shame those of us that can deal with it just because you can't.
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    the only bad food is the one that makes you blow out your calories for the day, or blow out your macro % …in my opinion...

    so if you're at 1800 calories and your goal for the day is 1800 calories, but it's only 9pm and you're a little hungry and you've got and equal caloric amount of kale and a package of two ding dongs to choose between, which is worse?

    if you're at 1750 out of 1800 which is worse?

    if you're at 1900 out of 1800 which is worse?

    see a pattern?

    I suppose that would be up to the individual person and what their goals are or how they feel for the day ..

    If I have already had ice cream or cookies then I might go for something else…or I might just stay at 1750 …

    If I was really hungry and had something similar to kale, I would probably go for that ..or maybe some string cheese..

    I really do not like Kale, so I would never have it at my place to choose from ...

    i dont think this was part of the hypothetical.

    point is none of you have been able to point out a situation in which kale is bad, however there ARE situations in which ding dongs are bad.

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    the only bad food is the one that makes you blow out your calories for the day, or blow out your macro % …in my opinion...

    so if you're at 1800 calories and your goal for the day is 1800 calories, but it's only 9pm and you're a little hungry and you've got and equal caloric amount of kale and a package of two ding dongs to choose between, which is worse?

    if you're at 1750 out of 1800 which is worse?

    if you're at 1900 out of 1800 which is worse?

    see a pattern?

    I suppose that would be up to the individual person and what their goals are or how they feel for the day ..

    If I have already had ice cream or cookies then I might go for something else…or I might just stay at 1750 …

    If I was really hungry and had something similar to kale, I would probably go for that ..or maybe some string cheese..

    I really do not like Kale, so I would never have it at my place to choose from ...

    i dont think this was part of the hypothetical.

    point is none of you have been able to point out a situation in which kale is bad, however there ARE situations in which ding dongs are bad.


    We have, you just ignore them.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Unbelievable. If I didn't know better, I would say MFP is a super secret "fat acceptance" group to sabotage innocent people looking to lose weight and improve their health.

    I've been off and on diets for DECADES and all of them allow for an occasional splurge or treat. No biggie.

    But, some of your pot stirrers walk around acting like junk food doesn't matter one Iota when it comes to health and fitness.

    Well, I'd like to see how many morbidly obese people, who have struggled for decades with their weight, will say-- "Meh- eat the junk as part of your daily diet." Why do you think some choose surgery with God awful side effects? Because they can't control it like you can. They are desperate and the surgery is their last resort.

    What would be more helpful would if people truly offered support. Maybe to say-- "Stay away from your trigger foods. Keep them out of the house. Yes, an occasional treat is fine, plan for it, have it and move on" How hard is that??

    It's tiresome to see mostly young people who don't have a significant weight problem make light of what can be a real issue and stumbling block to losing weight.

    It's frustrating when you have to work hard for something, and people put up gif of cookies and brownies as a joke on a fitness site. It can be a temptation and you are NOT helping.

    Please, think before you post. Please be kind. There are people out there for whom this ISN'T a joke, it's their very life and their health (not a few vanity pounds).

    So, if someone is asking for help with "no control snacking" don't come in bragging how you have no problem eating junk food every night and you still lost weight. Lucky you-- but your situation doesn't apply to all. It's not helpful and it's rude.

    wow, did you even read the entire thread..

    The OP asked if it was OK to have some "junk' food for snacks as long as she maintained a calorie deficit. To which the response was yes, because there really is no junk food or bad food, there is just food that you use for energy.

    OP - did not mention any "trigger foods" and did not say she was "binging" on said snacks. It would be one thing if she said she was binging on ding dongs, and asked what to do, but that is not what this thread is about.

    what is really rude is barging into a thread and accusing a bunch of people of things that did not even occur….wow…

    the point we are trying to make is the there is no "bad" food, there s just food that you use for energy. You can eat 80% healthy and 20% whatever you want, maintain a deficit, hit your macros, work out/move more, and you will have long lasting success; rather then relying on some super restrictive diet that labels foods as "bad" or "addictive' …


    ETA - I used to be 220 pounds, out of shape, and 25% body fat….it took me seven years of hard work, reading up on nutrition, and finding the right exercise program, but I have gotten down to 175, in great shape, and 12% body fat …it was not easy, but I did it…and along the way I still ate ice cream, pizza, cookies, etc….
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    So there ARE situations in which a food may be bad

    Yes. Avocados and kale can be bad nutrition

    in a given situation, as can ding dongs and Bic Macs.

    give me ONE situation in which kale can be bad nutrition in a healthy human with no medical issues.

    People can and do overdose on micronutrients in a misguided attempt to be "super" healthy, while this is highly unlikely to occur from food, it is theoretically possible.

    And as has been pointed out, the ding dong isn't bad nutrition for a human with no medical issues either.

    please re-read the exchange. no reason for me to re-state it since your point has already been addressed multiple times in many different ways.
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    the only bad food is the one that makes you blow out your calories for the day, or blow out your macro % …in my opinion...

    so if you're at 1800 calories and your goal for the day is 1800 calories, but it's only 9pm and you're a little hungry and you've got and equal caloric amount of kale and a package of two ding dongs to choose between, which is worse?

    if you're at 1750 out of 1800 which is worse?

    if you're at 1900 out of 1800 which is worse?

    see a pattern?

    I suppose that would be up to the individual person and what their goals are or how they feel for the day ..

    If I have already had ice cream or cookies then I might go for something else…or I might just stay at 1750 …

    If I was really hungry and had something similar to kale, I would probably go for that ..or maybe some string cheese..

    I really do not like Kale, so I would never have it at my place to choose from ...

    i dont think this was part of the hypothetical.

    point is none of you have been able to point out a situation in which kale is bad, however there ARE situations in which ding dongs are bad.


    We have, you just ignore them.

    no. you simply haven't. there is NO INSTANCE in which you will suffer for having chosen the kale instead of the ding dong. not one. ever. the end. you've all admitted it without admitting it and that's ok - you have your image to uphold and I understand that. :flowerforyou:
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Unbelievable. If I didn't know better, I would say MFP is a super secret "fat acceptance" group to sabotage innocent people looking to lose weight and improve their health.

    I've been off and on diets for DECADES and all of them allow for an occasional splurge or treat. No biggie.

    But, some of your pot stirrers walk around acting like junk food doesn't matter one Iota when it comes to health and fitness.

    Well, I'd like to see how many morbidly obese people, who have struggled for decades with their weight, will say-- "Meh- eat the junk as part of your daily diet." Why do you think some choose surgery with God awful side effects? Because they can't control it like you can. They are desperate and the surgery is their last resort.

    What would be more helpful would if people truly offered support. Maybe to say-- "Stay away from your trigger foods. Keep them out of the house. Yes, an occasional treat is fine, plan for it, have it and move on" How hard is that??

    It's tiresome to see mostly young people who don't have a significant weight problem make light of what can be a real issue and stumbling block to losing weight.

    It's frustrating when you have to work hard for something, and people put up gif of cookies and brownies as a joke on a fitness site. It can be a temptation and you are NOT helping.

    Please, think before you post. Please be kind. There are people out there for whom this ISN'T a joke, it's their very life and their health (not a few vanity pounds).

    So, if someone is asking for help with "no control snacking" don't come in bragging how you have no problem eating junk food every night and you still lost weight. Lucky you-- but your situation doesn't apply to all. It's not helpful and it's rude.

    MANY of the people on this site actually DID start with a significant amount of weight to lose, and many of them started later in life. They are saying those things because they want to help people realize that it DOESN'T have be all or nothing, because that all or nothing stance is what they've seen causing people to give up and quit over and over and over again.

    And the OP wasn't asking for advice to control snacking, the OP asked if the snacks would stop them from losing weight. People gave examples to support the idea that snacks don't have to be a problem IF you can portion control.
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    Unbelievable. If I didn't know better, I would say MFP is a super secret "fat acceptance" group to sabotage innocent people looking to lose weight and improve their health.

    I've been off and on diets for DECADES and all of them allow for an occasional splurge or treat. No biggie.

    But, some of your pot stirrers walk around acting like junk food doesn't matter one Iota when it comes to health and fitness.

    Well, I'd like to see how many morbidly obese people, who have struggled for decades with their weight, will say-- "Meh- eat the junk as part of your daily diet." Why do you think some choose surgery with God awful side effects? Because they can't control it like you can. They are desperate and the surgery is their last resort.

    What would be more helpful would if people truly offered support. Maybe to say-- "Stay away from your trigger foods. Keep them out of the house. Yes, an occasional treat is fine, plan for it, have it and move on" How hard is that??

    It's tiresome to see mostly young people who don't have a significant weight problem make light of what can be a real issue and stumbling block to losing weight.

    It's frustrating when you have to work hard for something, and people put up gif of cookies and brownies as a joke on a fitness site. It can be a temptation and you are NOT helping.

    Please, think before you post. Please be kind. There are people out there for whom this ISN'T a joke, it's their very life and their health (not a few vanity pounds).

    So, if someone is asking for help with "no control snacking" don't come in bragging how you have no problem eating junk food every night and you still lost weight. Lucky you-- but your situation doesn't apply to all. It's not helpful and it's rude.

    Or you have morbidly obese people like myself who read the forums, realize it's ok to fit "junk" into their daily goals and suddenly losing weight is simple and sustainable. I don't have to struggle, food is not my enemy, triggers are meaningless because i can have more...tomorrow. So no, I don't think this is a case of people who've never struggled being cavalier- it's just a group of people saying maybe you don't have to struggle at all.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    the only bad food is the one that makes you blow out your calories for the day, or blow out your macro % …in my opinion...

    so if you're at 1800 calories and your goal for the day is 1800 calories, but it's only 9pm and you're a little hungry and you've got and equal caloric amount of kale and a package of two ding dongs to choose between, which is worse?

    if you're at 1750 out of 1800 which is worse?

    if you're at 1900 out of 1800 which is worse?

    see a pattern?

    I suppose that would be up to the individual person and what their goals are or how they feel for the day ..

    If I have already had ice cream or cookies then I might go for something else…or I might just stay at 1750 …

    If I was really hungry and had something similar to kale, I would probably go for that ..or maybe some string cheese..

    I really do not like Kale, so I would never have it at my place to choose from ...

    i dont think this was part of the hypothetical.

    point is none of you have been able to point out a situation in which kale is bad, however there ARE situations in which ding dongs are bad.


    In your example, yes if I eat the two ding dongs and it blows out my calories then yes that would be "bad" ….however, I would probably just not eat the ding dongs and leave my calorie count where it was and drink a glass of water ….
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    the only bad food is the one that makes you blow out your calories for the day, or blow out your macro % …in my opinion...

    so if you're at 1800 calories and your goal for the day is 1800 calories, but it's only 9pm and you're a little hungry and you've got and equal caloric amount of kale and a package of two ding dongs to choose between, which is worse?

    if you're at 1750 out of 1800 which is worse?

    if you're at 1900 out of 1800 which is worse?

    see a pattern?

    I suppose that would be up to the individual person and what their goals are or how they feel for the day ..

    If I have already had ice cream or cookies then I might go for something else…or I might just stay at 1750 …

    If I was really hungry and had something similar to kale, I would probably go for that ..or maybe some string cheese..

    I really do not like Kale, so I would never have it at my place to choose from ...

    i dont think this was part of the hypothetical.

    point is none of you have been able to point out a situation in which kale is bad, however there ARE situations in which ding dongs are bad.


    We have, you just ignore them.

    no. you simply haven't. there is NO INSTANCE in which you will suffer for having chosen the kale instead of the ding dong. not one. ever. the end. you've all admitted it without admitting it and that's ok - you have your image to uphold and I understand that. :flowerforyou:

    Um no, my husband would suffer severely for choosing the kale instead of the ding dong, his insides would be shredded for hours, but your statement was about completely healthy, which proved absolutely nothing, because the exact same statement applies equally to the ding dong.
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    the only bad food is the one that makes you blow out your calories for the day, or blow out your macro % …in my opinion...

    so if you're at 1800 calories and your goal for the day is 1800 calories, but it's only 9pm and you're a little hungry and you've got and equal caloric amount of kale and a package of two ding dongs to choose between, which is worse?

    if you're at 1750 out of 1800 which is worse?

    if you're at 1900 out of 1800 which is worse?

    see a pattern?

    I suppose that would be up to the individual person and what their goals are or how they feel for the day ..

    If I have already had ice cream or cookies then I might go for something else…or I might just stay at 1750 …

    If I was really hungry and had something similar to kale, I would probably go for that ..or maybe some string cheese..

    I really do not like Kale, so I would never have it at my place to choose from ...

    i dont think this was part of the hypothetical.

    point is none of you have been able to point out a situation in which kale is bad, however there ARE situations in which ding dongs are bad.


    In your example, yes if I eat the two ding dongs and it blows out my calories then yes that would be "bad" ….however, I would probably just not eat the ding dongs and leave my calorie count where it was and drink a glass of water ….

    ok. you beat me. well played.

    owait. :flowerforyou:
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    the only bad food is the one that makes you blow out your calories for the day, or blow out your macro % …in my opinion...

    so if you're at 1800 calories and your goal for the day is 1800 calories, but it's only 9pm and you're a little hungry and you've got and equal caloric amount of kale and a package of two ding dongs to choose between, which is worse?

    if you're at 1750 out of 1800 which is worse?

    if you're at 1900 out of 1800 which is worse?

    see a pattern?

    I suppose that would be up to the individual person and what their goals are or how they feel for the day ..

    If I have already had ice cream or cookies then I might go for something else…or I might just stay at 1750 …

    If I was really hungry and had something similar to kale, I would probably go for that ..or maybe some string cheese..

    I really do not like Kale, so I would never have it at my place to choose from ...

    i dont think this was part of the hypothetical.

    point is none of you have been able to point out a situation in which kale is bad, however there ARE situations in which ding dongs are bad.


    We have, you just ignore them.

    no. you simply haven't. there is NO INSTANCE in which you will suffer for having chosen the kale instead of the ding dong. not one. ever. the end. you've all admitted it without admitting it and that's ok - you have your image to uphold and I understand that. :flowerforyou:

    Um no, my husband would suffer severely for choosing the kale instead of the ding dong, his insides would be shredded for hours, but your statement was about completely healthy, which proved absolutely nothing, because the exact same statement applies equally to the ding dong.

    I've addressed this issue.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Unbelievable. If I didn't know better, I would say MFP is a super secret "fat acceptance" group to sabotage innocent people looking to lose weight and improve their health.

    I've been off and on diets for DECADES and all of them allow for an occasional splurge or treat. No biggie.

    But, some of your pot stirrers walk around acting like junk food doesn't matter one Iota when it comes to health and fitness.

    Well, I'd like to see how many morbidly obese people, who have struggled for decades with their weight, will say-- "Meh- eat the junk as part of your daily diet." Why do you think some choose surgery with God awful side effects? Because they can't control it like you can. They are desperate and the surgery is their last resort.

    What would be more helpful would if people truly offered support. Maybe to say-- "Stay away from your trigger foods. Keep them out of the house. Yes, an occasional treat is fine, plan for it, have it and move on" How hard is that??

    It's tiresome to see mostly young people who don't have a significant weight problem make light of what can be a real issue and stumbling block to losing weight.

    It's frustrating when you have to work hard for something, and people put up gif of cookies and brownies as a joke on a fitness site. It can be a temptation and you are NOT helping.

    Please, think before you post. Please be kind. There are people out there for whom this ISN'T a joke, it's their very life and their health (not a few vanity pounds).

    So, if someone is asking for help with "no control snacking" don't come in bragging how you have no problem eating junk food every night and you still lost weight. Lucky you-- but your situation doesn't apply to all. It's not helpful and it's rude.

    Just because I no longer have a significant weight problem doesn't mean I've never had one. (I was a 220+ pound teenager, actually) I'm clearly not o some fat acceptance crusade, though I suppose you've got me on the vanity pound thing.

    Still there are people on this site who've lost hundreds of pounds, who are parents and grandparents, who'd tell you to eat the damn ding dong and shut the hell up about it.


    There's that.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    the only bad food is the one that makes you blow out your calories for the day, or blow out your macro % …in my opinion...

    so if you're at 1800 calories and your goal for the day is 1800 calories, but it's only 9pm and you're a little hungry and you've got and equal caloric amount of kale and a package of two ding dongs to choose between, which is worse?

    if you're at 1750 out of 1800 which is worse?

    if you're at 1900 out of 1800 which is worse?

    see a pattern?

    I suppose that would be up to the individual person and what their goals are or how they feel for the day ..

    If I have already had ice cream or cookies then I might go for something else…or I might just stay at 1750 …

    If I was really hungry and had something similar to kale, I would probably go for that ..or maybe some string cheese..

    I really do not like Kale, so I would never have it at my place to choose from ...

    i dont think this was part of the hypothetical.

    point is none of you have been able to point out a situation in which kale is bad, however there ARE situations in which ding dongs are bad.


    We have, you just ignore them.

    no. you simply haven't. there is NO INSTANCE in which you will suffer for having chosen the kale instead of the ding dong. not one. ever. the end. you've all admitted it without admitting it and that's ok - you have your image to uphold and I understand that. :flowerforyou:

    Um no, my husband would suffer severely for choosing the kale instead of the ding dong, his insides would be shredded for hours, but your statement was about completely healthy, which proved absolutely nothing, because the exact same statement applies equally to the ding dong.

    I've addressed this issue.

    Nope, you've danced around the issue and ignored the point. But you play it off however you want if it makes you feel better.
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    the only bad food is the one that makes you blow out your calories for the day, or blow out your macro % …in my opinion...

    so if you're at 1800 calories and your goal for the day is 1800 calories, but it's only 9pm and you're a little hungry and you've got and equal caloric amount of kale and a package of two ding dongs to choose between, which is worse?

    if you're at 1750 out of 1800 which is worse?

    if you're at 1900 out of 1800 which is worse?

    see a pattern?

    I suppose that would be up to the individual person and what their goals are or how they feel for the day ..

    If I have already had ice cream or cookies then I might go for something else…or I might just stay at 1750 …

    If I was really hungry and had something similar to kale, I would probably go for that ..or maybe some string cheese..

    I really do not like Kale, so I would never have it at my place to choose from ...

    i dont think this was part of the hypothetical.

    point is none of you have been able to point out a situation in which kale is bad, however there ARE situations in which ding dongs are bad.


    We have, you just ignore them.

    no. you simply haven't. there is NO INSTANCE in which you will suffer for having chosen the kale instead of the ding dong. not one. ever. the end. you've all admitted it without admitting it and that's ok - you have your image to uphold and I understand that. :flowerforyou:

    Um no, my husband would suffer severely for choosing the kale instead of the ding dong, his insides would be shredded for hours, but your statement was about completely healthy, which proved absolutely nothing, because the exact same statement applies equally to the ding dong.

    I've addressed this issue.

    Nope, you've danced around the issue and ignored the point. But you play it off however you want if it makes you feel better.

    in literally no way is this true. I said in my scenario that we're talking about a perfectly healthy grown person, and in that person there is no scenario where kale is bad, but there ARE scenarios in which ding dongs are bad. sad that I have to rehash instead of you just... reading it all when I first said it.