Snacking too much!



  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member

    Straw-man argument, I haven't seen anyone on this site claiming that some foods don't have a higher nutrient value than others. But I have seen PLENTY of people trying to claim that these so called "bad" foods are responsible for an entire plethora of ailments when they have absolutely NO evidence to back the claims.

    So you don't believe that the SAD is responsible for America's obesity and overall health woes? Huh. Because I'm pretty sure every scientist, nutritionist and doctor would disagree with you on that one.

    Now you're extrapolating. Any food can make up part of a healthy diet, so no food is inherently bad. It is the combination and amount of foods one chooses to imbibe that determines the overall quality of diet.

    no food is inherently bad, but can a particular food be "worse" than another particular food in a vacuum?

    No. And no food should have the guilt that comes with the labeling of it as "bad." There's nothing wrong with a ding dong if it fits into your nutritional goals.

    that wasn't the question. I said in a vacuum. is a ding dong not less nutritious in a vacuum than an equal caloric load of kale?

    It is not, no. Good vs bad nutrition depends on the nutrients the body needs so there is no vacuum.

    But I'll tell you, if I've met my other goals for the day and just got out of a tennis match at 10 pm and have 300 calories to eat.... I'm not going to go for three pounds of kale. I'll take the ding dongs.

    come on babe just answer the question. an equal caloric portion of kale and ding dongs are sitting on a counter NOT being digested or eaten by anyone.

    which option is more nutrient dense?
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    that does not mean a kale salad = a ding dong. get it? one is more healthful and nutritious than the other.

    The ding dong is arguably more nutritious than kale.

    fine. nevermind. make that argument please.

    nourishing; efficient as food.

    By that definition, the higher Carbs, Protein and Fat in a ding dong could arguably make it more nourishing or efficient as food.

    You can't eat enough Kale to nourish your body properly. It's not efficient as food.

    shame I thought you were going to help me compare nutrient profiles in which we'd see kale far surpasses a ding dong.

    yall are hilarious.

    Oh sure it's got more micronutrients .. but without the carbs, protein and fat ... well it's like saying a multivitamin is more nutritious.

    look up kale's nutrient profile. It has carbs, fat and protein as well as miles more micronutrients.

    More micro nutrients doesn't mean better. People don't get that. it... it just does.

    Yeah this pretty much sums up the depth of your thinking about humna nutrition.

    More vitamins means better.
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    that does not mean a kale salad = a ding dong. get it? one is more healthful and nutritious than the other.

    The ding dong is arguably more nutritious than kale.

    fine. nevermind. make that argument please.

    nourishing; efficient as food.

    By that definition, the higher Carbs, Protein and Fat in a ding dong could arguably make it more nourishing or efficient as food.

    You can't eat enough Kale to nourish your body properly. It's not efficient as food.

    shame I thought you were going to help me compare nutrient profiles in which we'd see kale far surpasses a ding dong.

    yall are hilarious.

    Oh sure it's got more micronutrients .. but without the carbs, protein and fat ... well it's like saying a multivitamin is more nutritious.

    look up kale's nutrient profile. It has carbs, fat and protein as well as miles more micronutrients.

    More micro nutrients doesn't mean better. People don't get that. it... it just does.

    Yeah this pretty much sums up the depth of your thinking about humna nutrition.

    More vitamins means better.

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    So there ARE situations in which a food may be bad

    Yes. Avocados and kale can be bad nutrition in a given situation, as can ding dongs and Bic Macs.
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    that does not mean a kale salad = a ding dong. get it? one is more healthful and nutritious than the other.

    The ding dong is arguably more nutritious than kale.

    fine. nevermind. make that argument please.

    nourishing; efficient as food.

    By that definition, the higher Carbs, Protein and Fat in a ding dong could arguably make it more nourishing or efficient as food.

    You can't eat enough Kale to nourish your body properly. It's not efficient as food.

    shame I thought you were going to help me compare nutrient profiles in which we'd see kale far surpasses a ding dong.

    yall are hilarious.

    Oh sure it's got more micronutrients .. but without the carbs, protein and fat ... well it's like saying a multivitamin is more nutritious.

    look up kale's nutrient profile. It has carbs, fat and protein as well as miles more micronutrients.

    More micro nutrients doesn't mean better. People don't get that. it... it just does.

  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    So there ARE situations in which a food may be bad

    Yes. Avocados and kale can be bad nutrition

    in a given situation, as can ding dongs and Bic Macs.

    give me ONE situation in which kale can be bad nutrition in a healthy human with no medical issues.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Yeah this pretty much sums up the depth of your thinking about humna nutrition.

    More vitamins means better.

    I know it's just a typo, but all I have in my head now is the Eddie Murphy skit about Ralph Kramden and Ed Norton ..

    Humna humna humna humna ....
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    So there ARE situations in which a food may be bad

    Yes. Avocados and kale can be bad nutrition

    in a given situation, as can ding dongs and Bic Macs.

    give me ONE situation in which kale can be bad nutrition in a healthy human with no medical issues.

    If it makes you go over on caloreis...?

    I don't eat kale because I think it tastes like poison so I don't know what its nutrient profile is like.
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    So there ARE situations in which a food may be bad

    Yes. Avocados and kale can be bad nutrition

    in a given situation, as can ding dongs and Bic Macs.

    give me ONE situation in which kale can be bad nutrition in a healthy human with no medical issues.

    If it makes you go over on caloreis...?

    I don't eat kale because I think it tastes like poison so I don't know what its nutrient profile is like.

    you don't know anything about kale yet you say it can be bad nutrition in certain situations.

    please, what situation? keep in mind a cup of kale is 33 calories.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    So there ARE situations in which a food may be bad

    Yes. Avocados and kale can be bad nutrition

    in a given situation, as can ding dongs and Bic Macs.

    give me ONE situation in which kale can be bad nutrition in a healthy human with no medical issues.

    Eating enough kale to equal the caloric content in two ding dongs would likely make me physically ill. Otherwise, the numbers are likely better, unless I needed an easy source of fat. Of course, the fact remains that there's no way I'm eating that much kale.
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    So there ARE situations in which a food may be bad

    Yes. Avocados and kale can be bad nutrition

    in a given situation, as can ding dongs and Bic Macs.

    give me ONE situation in which kale can be bad nutrition in a healthy human with no medical issues.

    Eating enough kale to equal the caloric content in two ding dongs would likely make me physically ill. Otherwise, the numbers are likely better, unless I needed an easy source of fat. Of course, the fact remains that there's no way I'm eating that much kale.

    200 calories of kale would have 3.6 grams of fat. that's not insignificant.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    So there ARE situations in which a food may be bad

    Yes. Avocados and kale can be bad nutrition

    in a given situation, as can ding dongs and Bic Macs.

    give me ONE situation in which kale can be bad nutrition in a healthy human with no medical issues.

    If it makes you go over on caloreis...?

    I don't eat kale because I think it tastes like poison so I don't know what its nutrient profile is like.

    you don't know anything about kale yet you say it can be bad nutrition in certain situations.

    please, what situation? keep in mind a cup of kale is 33 calories.

    I did. Or if eating kale prevents you from getting enough calories or fat or protein. That's the whole point. Any food is fine if it fits appropriate nutrient goals. Any food can be bad if it doesn't fit those goals.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    So there ARE situations in which a food may be bad

    Yes. Avocados and kale can be bad nutrition

    in a given situation, as can ding dongs and Bic Macs.

    give me ONE situation in which kale can be bad nutrition in a healthy human with no medical issues.

    Eating enough kale to equal the caloric content in two ding dongs would likely make me physically ill. Otherwise, the numbers are likely better, unless I needed an easy source of fat. Of course, the fact remains that there's no way I'm eating that much kale.

    200 calories of kale would have 3.6 grams of fat. that's not insignificant.

    No, but it's much less than I'd get from a ding dong.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Well crystal075, I think you've gotten a good amount of feedback to your original question.

    Good luck on your weight loss! Snacking isn't so bad so long as you don't go over your macros and calories for the day! Don't feel bad about it!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    the only bad food is the one that makes you blow out your calories for the day, or blow out your macro % …in my opinion...
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Well crystal075, I think you've gotten a good amount of feedback to your original question.

    Good luck on your weight loss! Snacking isn't so bad so long as you don't go over your macros and calories for the day! Don't feel bad about it!

    Yes, this. Ding dongs are 100% fine as long as they fit your goals for the day. Same as any food.
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    So there ARE situations in which a food may be bad

    Yes. Avocados and kale can be bad nutrition

    in a given situation, as can ding dongs and Bic Macs.

    give me ONE situation in which kale can be bad nutrition in a healthy human with no medical issues.

    If it makes you go over on caloreis...?

    I don't eat kale because I think it tastes like poison so I don't know what its nutrient profile is like.

    you don't know anything about kale yet you say it can be bad nutrition in certain situations.

    please, what situation? keep in mind a cup of kale is 33 calories.

    I did. Or if eating kale prevents you from getting enough calories or fat or protein. That's the whole point. Any food is fine if it fits appropriate nutrient goals. Any food can be bad if it doesn't fit those goals.

    eating the kale is what keeps you from getting enough calories? that's the kale's fault? if you have eaten zero calories and then you eat 50 calories of kale, the kale isn't at fault for you not reaching your 1700 calories - in fact it's helping by getting you closer.

    your logic in this is just hilariously flawed.

    there is literally no situation in which kale is a bad food choice in a healthy adult human being with no medical conditions
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    the only bad food is the one that makes you blow out your calories for the day, or blow out your macro % …in my opinion...

    so if you're at 1800 calories and your goal for the day is 1800 calories, but it's only 9pm and you're a little hungry and you've got and equal caloric amount of kale and a package of two ding dongs to choose between, which is worse?

    if you're at 1750 out of 1800 which is worse?

    if you're at 1900 out of 1800 which is worse?

    see a pattern?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    the only bad food is the one that makes you blow out your calories for the day, or blow out your macro % …in my opinion...

    so if you're at 1800 calories and your goal for the day is 1800 calories, but it's only 9pm and you're a little hungry and you've got and equal caloric amount of kale and a package of two ding dongs to choose between, which is worse?

    if you're at 1750 out of 1800 which is worse?

    if you're at 1900 out of 1800 which is worse?

    see a pattern?

    I suppose that would be up to the individual person and what their goals are or how they feel for the day ..

    If I have already had ice cream or cookies then I might go for something else…or I might just stay at 1750 …

    If I was really hungry and had something similar to kale, I would probably go for that ..or maybe some string cheese..

    I really do not like Kale, so I would never have it at my place to choose from ...