

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Katla - Very Happy 44th Anniversary! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :love:
    I was married to my first husband in 1970. I realised today that it will be 20 years since we separated this year. I googled the 1994 calendar and the date was Oct 29th. I remember it because we separated on a course for couples and felt very happy about it at the time. (I changed my mind later :brokenheart: ) The next morning we went shopping and found the supermarket shut - we had forgotten about the clocks going back in all the excitement. I think I will send him a card im memoriam.:laugh: He now has a 10 and a 12 year old at the age of 66! Lucky him! ! ! ! ! !:bigsmile:

    Sylvia - wonderful canoeing sucesses! I used to canoe in France and loved it. Sometimes I was half naked as was normal at that time and in that locale. One time a hail thunderstorm broke out and I ran into a tiny hut to shelter. I only then realised I had only my bikini bottoms on and there were several men in a cramped space with me , , , !:noway: :laugh: :tongue: I am pleased to say they acted with complete aplomb.:wink:

    I had made some notes to reply, but I have left them somewhere irretrievable. :noway:

    Barbie - so kind of you to attribute the saying I got from you to me. I know you got it from The Happiness Project who said she got it from someone who got it from Voltaire. I don't know about that, but Voltaire is one of my heroes. For anyone who doesn't know him, he was an 18th century French philosopher and author. His most famous work is Candide. When I go to Paris I often walk past the room where he died. There is a plaque. He is said to have recanted his atheism on his death bed and some people think that was a sign of weakness. I prefer to think he was just hedging his bets!:laugh: When he was younger the French state started a lottery to raise funds. He worked out a way to beat the odds! He managed to make a considerable fortune before the state wised up. So folks, DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD! :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Bye for now, love Heather in Hampshire UK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a fantastic day!

    Here is today's joke of the day:


    Mr. and Mrs. Thorne had just reached the airport in the nick of time to catch the plane for their two-week's vacation in Majorca. "I wish we'd brought the piano with us," said Mr. Thorne. "What on earth for?" asked his wife.

    "I've left the tickets on it."


  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Ooooo. I feel so techie...I found this picture of Connor on my dil's facebook and figured out how to get it on here. He is about 1 month in the picture. (He will be 5 weeks tomorrow.)

    Eileen near San Diego
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Looks like a lot of us have more cold weather on the way :noway: I walked this morn & was very chilly.Even walking didn't help.
    Had a couple errands later,was glad to get home where it's warm.Our highs will be in the 30's till last of the week.A good time to make a vat of soup.

    Our DDs are having their Sister time,5 days in NYC. They love going there & enjoy just the 2 of them spending time together.Talk about walking! They are pretty much on the go from early am to after dinner.Will see 2 shows,go to a couple TV talk shows,shopping
    Eating out etc.Can't wait to see all the pictures. One DD is into cameras big time.

    Made baked oatmeal using a new recipe. Think I will stick with old recipe.DH Likes anything with raisins.Does anyone make fried mush without having to use a lot of oil?

    Time for shower & robe.Have a nice wk end & stay warm! Pat in Ohio
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy anniversary Katla.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I too was married in the 70`s divorced in the 80`s.
    2nd marriage in 1993.
    Enjoy your day.Got the errands done and cooking dinner.
    HUGS:heart::heart: :heart:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    evening my friends,
    well so much for laying low and relaxing, although I do feel alot better...
    rake for almost an hour and a half this morning raking the perimeter of our yard getting all the sand and rocks out from the winter.. DH went around with the riding mower with bagger and picked up debris..
    came in and we took showers and went to see DFIL ,he isnt happy being in the hospital ,but he needed IV antibiotics and fluids for the pneumonia... I made a list of 4 nursing homes that they can send him to once he is discharged..
    It is for the best that he gets the skilled nursing care round the clock.. now another reason I want him in a place near us is so that I can monitor his condition,If I dont like what I see,you know for sure I will make a racket...
    My SIL will have to deal with all the paperwork, and my DH isnt to happy that his father is going into a home..
    I explained to him that 1,it is getting to be to much for Iris and Doug to take care of him,2.he has fallen,doesnt bath,puts clean diapers on top of soiled ,gets dressed and goes outside at in appropriate times and 3. neither he nor can take him on we are both working...
    We also stopped to see Toms Aunt , she is home from the hospital... on oxegen 24/7 and a huge amount of pills.. of course her sister thinks she has one foot in the grave,Mary has panic attacks and severe depression ,so her son is looking into getting her to see a shrink, sorry if I offend cant spell the real name..
    she is a hot ticket and says whats on her mind.. but I explained to her, and her sister, that would be my FIL sisters that he really needs the 24 care. and they seemed ok with it,now I smoothed it over ,because they cannot stand my SIL, she is lazy and a slob.. but I try and sorta stay the middle man between everyone.
    my best friend is up from N.C. for her grandsons first birthday and I hope to get see all of them tomorrow night...
    got my 10,000 steps in today ..and I am thinking of getting my DH a fit bit flip ...
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    No loss this morning but no gain either...I'll take it as a win :laugh:

    I got up this morning to go to aquafit. Went out to my car only to find a wonderful white layer of SNOW...ugh :noway: :noway: I hear we are in for more snow on Tuesday. yuck!!!!

    It was good to be back into the pool as some of my muscles are still a bit sore.

    Gotta run, have a great night

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison I would be so happy to have you as my siter. You are so kind and helpful, always considering some one else.

    Oh, sister time in New York. That sounds like so much fun. I know when we are together as a family sometimes I have to shush my two daughters down they have so much fun. I don't think me and my sister could ever do that. For one she is so much into herself and her self pity, how many pills she takes a day, how many surgeries she has had, how bad her back is, blah, blah, blah. She recognizes that she has addictive personality, her son is a recovering alcoholic. My sis loves her pain meds. I do love her so much though and when I can keep the conversation going we can have a great time. Now my two brothers would be a hoot to go on vacation with. Laughter is their middle name. But now my sister has so many orthopedic problems that it is extremely difficult for her to walk. She is looking into buying a van that has a hydraulic to handle her power chair. I would pick somewhere a little smaller than New York city to go to though. I don't like big cities, to much hassle, business, traffic. Plus it;s kind of hard for em to release that kind of money for the shows and shopping. Now spending hours going through antique stores I can do!!!!

    We, Charlie and I, went to Jason's Deli tonight. He got the chicken salad and didn't like it at all. The chicken is ground and he didn't like that. I told him before we got there that I didn't think he would like it but he had it in his mind that he was going to get that. I encouraged him to look at the menu and get something else. I think the only reason he will consider going back is that they have free ice cream and it was pretty good.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Yikes, didn't I say the last time I did it that I'm not going to venture out of the safety and comfort of this little group?

    Made the mistake of popping into another thread and offering some support/feedback. People are nuts "out there":noway:

    Reconfirmation that menopause sucks the drama out of us:laugh:

    Had a very "productive" day around the house. Got a candle order made, a bunch of cleaning done. Think I'll face some thank you notes tomorrow AFTER I EXERCISE. Have to loosen up for day 1 of T25 on Monday.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, my birthday is Tuesday. When the dryer repairman was here, he said that the new motor might come in so he could install it on Tuesday and Jake started to tell him that Tuesday wasn’t a good day and then we decided that the sooner the dryer could be repaired, the better. It was raining yesterday so Jake couldn’t do the mowing he was supposed to do on his friend’s property so he suggested my birthday lunch after line dance class. He loves taking me out to lunch on special occasions so even though I’m not a big restaurant fan, I always agree to go.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Margaret, one of the greatest skills I have is that I enjoy my own company…..i am not dependent on anyone else to nurture me or make me feel ok…..I love my hubby, my friends, and all of you at MFP, but being alone is a great joy….I know how to be kind to myself

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Katla, happy anniversary…..glad to hear that your heart is OK….sorry to hear about the acid reflux.

    :bigsmile: Eileen, your new grandson is a real cutie

    :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: Lila, congrats on starting some exercising with weights

    :flowerforyou: Heather, when I use a wise saying long enough, I claim it as my own…….since you regularly remind us that you are being guided by “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the best”…..I attribute it to you because you’re the one who reminds me about it….wise words are no good unless we remember them.

    :flowerforyou: Gloria in Detroit, I post here and Senior Golden Sneakers and two threads where I keep track of my walking……..I tried commenting on other threads and it was never very satisfying and it wasted my important time.

    :flowerforyou: The dogs and I got up at 3:30 so we’d have time for our walks and my breakfast and still be ready to leave the house by 8:15 for the all day meeting Jake and I attended. I had 12,000 steps by the time I got in the car so I was OK with having to sit most of the day. It was frosty when we walked and didn’t get much warmer all day. I took a break from logging food and exercise today……the only detour off my eating path was two pieces of cornbread. I logged over 20,000 steps and rode the exercise bike for an hour while watching TV.

    :bigsmile: I am grateful today for all the great friends I saw today at my all day meeting

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi all,

    Last night was a great success. Everyone had a fun time! Had friends over afterwards and goofed off until after midnight, so I've been running a "quart low" all day. :tongue:

    Planted broc, cabbage, cauliflower seedlings in the garden today, plus a flat of pansies in the front yard. Absolutely gorgeous, sunny day. I was dressed too warm while gardening, my feet especially, still wearing winter socks. :huh:

    I'm about to chop swiss chard for steaming....I love it like that, but I've also made quiche with it which is fantastic. Swiss cheese and a pinch of nutmeg helps :wink:

    Take good care.:flowerforyou:

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Yesterday I got a call that my older brother was in the hospital needing surgery. Today they removed his big toe as he has septic arthritis. He is also diabetic and has copd. As a result I didn't sleep last night. Finally after 3 am I dozed off. It's been a quiet day for me today.
    Katia - Happy Anniversary. Enjoy your visit with family. Safe travels home.
    I've read all the comments and send good wished to you all.
    Sue in TX
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just popped on again to read the rest of the days posts, sometimes we are soooooo prolific!!! Had a quiet day after an insane week..........and it felt GOOD! Cleaned up a few leaves and some of the debris in the yard and found my hosta is poking through---jusy a tiny bit, maybe a quarter inch but it's there...........and my hydrangea has signs of some new leaves!!! Picked a big bunch of daffys and put them in a blue vase.........wish I could do the picture thing, I'd show them to you all.

    Eileen..........You absolutely are right, he is a real cutie!!!

    Heather.............Long time Voltaire fan here too..........I visited a quote page and had some very enjoyable reading refreshing my memory.

    Sue...........Sorry to hear about your brother. Hope he has a quick and smooth recovery.

    G'nite all.........sweet dreams..........
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did an hour of these challenges that I got on another forum today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do some balance games on the Wii.

    Vince is at a train show, so I made him chocolate chip cookies, these zucchini apple muffins (where I substituted the oil with silken tofu - you can't tell the difference) then some fish for later in the week.

    It's absolutely gorgeous here today. Have the porch open for the cats who love it out there

    Lucy - I forgot to tell you, some years ago Vince came back from FL and told me that it was going to be his parent's 50th anniversary that year, so we made all the plane reservations, etc. etc. Turns out that it was their 49th anniversary. We had surprised them for their 49th. Don't ask me how a CPA can make this kind of mistake. They had a plaque on their porch that said the year their house was established. You take that year, minus it from the current year, and you get how many years they were married. But you know something, they never in a million years expected us for their 49th. So I think having the party in October will be just grand

    Kim - I find chard to be a bit on the bitter side, especially if you're not used to it. I would use mine in soups (kind of like spinach)

    Cynthis - impressive loss!

    DeeDee - I don't take the Sudafed at any particular time, just when I notice that my sinuses are acting up. Fortunately, I don't use it a whole lot, but this winter has been something else!

    Can't believe that 30 years ago today I was in the hospital giving birth!

    boohoohoo - I finished the last grapefruit yesterday that I brought back from Florida. They were SOOOOOO good

    DeeDee - wasn't there someone on here who used to post all the birthdays? You and me both are so bad about reading and then falling asleep with the book in my hand. I do that with the TV, too. I turn it on and then proceed to go to sleep

    Cynthia - I don't know if they've changed Sudafed's formula. For years and years, really ever since I've taken it, it's always kept me wiidddeeee awake. That and it makes me want to drink, drink, drink. Yesterday I didn't have any lunch but at mahjongg I had 102oz of iced tea (unsweetened)

    Cindy - the color of the kitchen sounds really lovely. You must post pics when you're done.

    katla - happy anniversary! Glad to hear your heart is fine. But that acid reflux!

    Sue in SD - whoo hoo on those measurements! I've heard the same thing about exercise (doing the same thing your body adjusts). Honestly, I think the main reason I change things up is because I get bored so easily! So it really works out. I do try to do the deep water class at least once/week and the extremepump at least once/week. But other than that, I'm not really committed to doing something all the time. I do shoot for at least 3 days of cardio of some sort (one being the deep water) and 2 to 3 days of weight training of some sort (one being the extremepump class)

    jluna - welcome! I so agree with you, it's amazing how much we can do that a 20 or 30 something can't.

    Eileen - hope you feel better fast.

    Eileen - Connor is soooo adorable (but I bet I don't have to tell you that). Thanks for sharing the pic with us

    alison - have fun with your friend

    Joyce - I love going to Jason's Deli. You do have to watch, they have some very good (calorie-wise) items on their menu, but other things...watch out! Yet, their food is very good, they have gluten free things and a vegetarian menu. As I recall, nothing they serve contains HFCS.

    Gloria - so sorry you had a bad experience with that other group...but on the other hand, not sorry because that incident confirmed why it's so great here.

    Sue in TX - prayers for your brother. Please be sure to take care of yourself.

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Cynthia, thanks for the quiche idea - I love quiche

    Liz – I would be lost without the library for books and movies – I don’t have a reader yet either – neither of us is too old to learn it, but smart enough to know that we want to use our learning powers somewhere else

    DeeDee – Levi tolerates a bath, but once he has been in that water he has no choice! And my 7am, then rescheduled for this am and NEVER:angry: called – her kids showed up at 7pm tonight grrr… she is getting charged more! :grumble:

    Cynthia – On bras…..I think that is what the padding and filler stuff is for to make small endowed look bigger! And part of the cup size is to accommodate under arm fat.. so maybe that what you are loosing
    Katla – Happy anniversary; but so sad you spent it at the hospital – I am glad to hear it was not your heart! Take care!!!:happy:

    Eileen – cute picture!

    Joyce – what a great motivator – finding money and other awesome things when you climb inside a dryer! :laugh:

    Alison, if that day is laying low I think we all need to chip in and buy you a dictionary!!!:laugh: :laugh: But I am really glad you are feeling better. I am glad to hear that DH listened to you, and accepted your explanation of why DFIL should have professional care! :smile:

    Sandy – sometimes holding is winning!

    Gmom316 – I pretty much only lurk on other threads – some of the folks are snarky! I love this thread!!!

    Barbie – If Levi got me up at 3:30 for a walk – I’d *&^%$ ; you are such a committed Dog mom!

    Sue – best wishes for your brother…:flowerforyou:

    Michele - LOL on the 49th surprise party!!!!! I just loved that :laugh:

    It was a good day got lots done:happy: and visited with a couple of neighbors, saturdays are good for that :bigsmile: Got all the errands done!!! I try to get to them during the week, but this week it never happened. I was enthralled with the idea of black bean brownies; so searched the web and found one that sounds good. I'm off to bake it now - they are 99 calories for a 2 inch square - so that is my treat tonight. I'll report back on how they turn out! I can't remember who makes the zucchini muffins with tofu, but could I get that recipe???

    Smiles Kim in Sunny N. CAL
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    black bean brownies - not bad; but not right :)
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: Happy Birthday for Tuesday Barbie - I'm saying it now, to wish you a fab day as I'm so inconsistent with my checking in with you lately, that I thought I better send good wishes now. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    I think I can see a light at the end of the tunnel - I've been feeling down for so long now I was beginning to think I'd never feel normal again. But now (and I don't want to jinx myself) I feel a bit more like my old self.

    I have decided to look for another job, and now I've made the decision I'm feeling more positive. Trouble is I need to find a job - part time if possible - that pays a certain amount. I will be able to take early retirement from my current job, but I need to wait 8 years before my state pension kicks in, and that is if they don't change the age limit again before then! So lots to work out and think about.

    Hope everyone is doing okay, my weight is still hovering around the 147lb mark so I need a kick in the behind to get serious and stop making excuses.

    Hugs to all :heart:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Morning everyone; hope everyone does one nice/fun thing today. :flowerforyou:

  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Happy Anniversary Katla! Glad to know you are well.
    Heather hope your knee is fine!
    Barbie wishing you a joyful year ahead! Rather be early than late! You dont cease to amaze me.... you got 20000 steps done before 8am. Thats dedication.
    Wishing a wonderful weekend to everyone. Sending you the sun and some warmth.
    Anamika from Mumbai :flowerforyou: :love: :drinker: