

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:

    :laugh: :laugh:
    A hobo (wanderer) comes up to the front door of a neat looking farmhouse and raps gently on the door. When the farm owner answers, the hobo asks him, "Please, sir, could you give me something to eat? I haven't had a good meal in several days." The owner says, "I have made a fortune in my lifetime by supplying goods for people. I've never given anything away for nothing. However, if you go around the back, you will see a gallon of paint and a clean paint brush. If you will paint my porch in the back of the house, I will give you a good meal." So the hobo goes around back and a while later he again knocks on the door. The owner asks, "Finished already? Good. Come on in. Sit down. The cook will bring your meal right in." The hobo says, "Thank you very much, sir. But there's something that I think you should know. It's not a Porsche you got there. It's a BMW.."

    Hope you enjoyed it!

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Well, I've gone over today. I've just been *hungry* the last couple of days. Don't know what that means.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia I didn't get your loke:ohwell: Congrats on that weight loss. Your ticker shows 102 now though.

    I'm one of those that the 'girls' haven't done to well throughout this weight loss thing. My daughter wonders where they have gone. I think they are pretty much flat now. I know I do need to go get refitted again. I think I will go form a 38 to a 36 soon and maybe to a smaller cup size.

    For those of you with a FitBit and are familiar with the sleep tracking, my sleep line looked so beautiful this morning. It was one complete flat line from the time I went to sleep until I woke up. In order for the Devil not to get the best of me and tempt me to push that snooze alarm or turn it off on Sunday mornings I am trying to go to sleep a little earlier on Saturday nights. I also take my Wild lettuce leaf capsule. My daughter gave them to me and I will be getting low on them soon. Said they are expensive. But they are worth it.

    This morning the person I was standing next to was an alto and a member of the choir and heard my voice. I had been toying with the idea of joining the choir but I have officially been recruited and she told the music minister about me so I guess I will go Wednesday night to practice. I told her I was afraid that I wouldn't learn the music before Easter but they assure me I will since I can read music. I love the preaching and the fellowship in a church but it's the music that speaks to me the most and it is quite foreign for me not to be in the choir.

    Allison I am praying that you ALL will have a seamless transfer to the nursing home. I remember right before my MIL died she had a short evening in the ER and I insisted to my husband that we meet her back at the nursing home. She was really scared. We met the ambulance at the door and she grabbed my hand and I held it tight until we got to her room. She knew she was dying and was scared. She was pretty incoherent at that time but she called out my name as soon as she saw me. I will always, always remember that. I remember when my Mom had to make the decision to move into a retirement home. It was very stressful for all of us to give up our family home. But she took the attitude of God has closed a door and opened a window for me. Although she met many different kinds of people there that she never would have met, and I fault her for that, she learned to adapt and was a treasured resident there for 5 years. Assisted living was extra there and Medicare did not pay for it. When she was in hospice and we thought she would be going home with my sister and I as main caregivers, the director said that there would never be any charge for assisted living for Mom as long as she needed it. Sadly she never returned. After her cancer surgery and hip repair the doctor gave her 6 months to live. She lived 6 weeks. 4 weeks in a rehab facility and 2 awful weeks in an inpatient hospice. Sorry, this has nothing to do with your FIL situation. Just me sitting here thinking about my Mom and how much I love her and wish she didn't have to go through the pain and suffering she did. But I do love the special moments my sister and I had sitting in hospice with her. I went home and slept at home one night.

    It's only going to get to 45* here today:sad: Winter coat today.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Joyce, he painted the car, not the porch.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Good Morning all (although there is just a few more minutes of morning:tongue: )

    A great day is started :smile: I think Levi has learned to read as this morning - Sunday is a no alarm clock day in my world - Levi at 6:45 decided it was time to get up he got up sat down on me and began to lick my face, I sure was not sleeping anymore with 50 lbs of dog on my bladder and a wet face! I think he read my post about 3:30 wake up and wanted to find out what *&^%$ was!!!!:laugh: - it got him a long dog walk! :happy: There are 4 houses in my neighbor hood for sale so a neighbor and I walked around to see them - none of them open until later! We'll have to walk it again. I live in an area where the homes were built in 60,61, and 62 and all were one of 4 models. Many have had changes or upgrades, but the smallest original size was 1,033 sq feet and the largest was 1,433... 3 and 4 bedroom .... I have the little one, and the only upgrades I have done are windows, a bath and kitchen appliances. So it is fun to see what others have done and how far from original they are. The prices are crazy high! I bought 21 years ago for 189K and they are going for 645k-689K depending on size and amount of work done. love the equity.

    Wizzywig – Great decision! When work or the work staff is tough a new job is the way to go!
    Boop217 – welcome, dive in and we’ll all get to know each other
    Barbie – I bet it is beautifully quiet at that hour!
    Gloria – what type of business are you in?
    Renny - "When you get to a plateau, think of it as a landing on the stairway to your goal. And maintenance is a lifelong plateau, so a bit of rehearsal for maintenance isn't the worst thing in the world." Love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    JB I love that recipe - it is on my list!

    Better get off to get some work done today.

    Kim in sunny N. CAL
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    I hope this group isn't full. I've read through your thread and you are all amazing. I started with MFP on January 10, 2014. I need to lose at least 100 pounds. But, I would love to lose around 150. I have lost 25 pounds with MFP and 12 pounds prior to that. My doctor thinks that might be to low for my AGE. I am 60. NOT

    I've gained 100 pounds in the last 14 years feeling sorry for myself. I was diagnosed with MS and broke my ankle and leg and was on crutches for two years. In December 2013, I decided enough was enough.

    Ell in Tucson
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,811 Member
    well I feel sort of slighted,I know I shouldnt, but my girlfriends family has gotten together for Mason that is the grandsons first birthday..usually all the birthdays im invited to,but guess they didnt need us there..Sue and her husband Bob are up from N.C. and I am lucky to see them maybe once a year.. they are leaving tomorrow, so if I dont see them today then. I wont see them until who knows when...
    Oh well...
    I am back home ,everything done for the day,DH lunch set for tomorrow,he is watching the Nascar race and I am bored... so will just cruise the web....
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 466 Member
    Hello ladies,

    When Voltaire quotes came up earlier I had to look some up. Love this one.

    "The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood."

    Not to indicate that I am always in one, but it reminds me that it is a choice.

    Have a great evening everyone!

    Cindy in sunny OK :heart: :smile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun!
    Got back from church and ran a couple errands and called my sister.
    Corn beef in the crock,hubby wants reubens.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Wanted to pop in and say hi! I am back from my trip (it was awesome) and need to leave shortly to go pick up my son from work. He went on a youth retreat this weekend--got off work at 2 p.m.on Friday, left town at 4 p.m., got back today at 2 p.m., and was at work at 3 p.m. I wish that diligence would translate into school work!

    Anyway, I have a very exciting announcement: I bought new jeans this weekend and they were--wait for it--size EIGHT!!! I was floored! I still can't believe it! A year ago I was wearing size 20-22W jeans.

    Gotta run pick up the boy child...Be back later!

    Carol in NC
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Carol, that's terrific!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hi All, I did it! I took my personal training test. I have to wait for the results but I feel I nailed it! What a relief that it's over.
    Now, time to focus on my own work outs and results. It has been hard to study, work both jobs and the extra hours the Y has given me, plus get my own work outs in. I really feel a great weight off by the test being over.
    I bought a food scale, proper groceries and no more excuses, I am logging and will weigh in tomorrow morning.
    Margarettuk, I saw Divergent Friday, did you like it? I did. I took my GD.
    I read back on a lot of the posts, but am on the IPad and can't go back and forth.
    Sylvia, I love the jokes and you are so close to onederland, I know you will be there in no time.
    Welcome Ell. In Tucson
    Cindy ok I agree, it's a choice.
    Carol NC, Congrats! Size 8
    Back to work tomorrow, I am going to take the time tonight to schedule work out times for the week, and I'm going to pack my lunch.
    Patty, Cincinnati
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Quick posts to mark my spot. I've read all the posts. Thanks for the good wishes for my brother. Just talked to him and he was pretty up-beat. Pretty drugged up but sounded positive.
    Sue in TX
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 466 Member
    Carol, that's great! Congratulations, size 8, am so happy for you! :flowerforyou: :smile:

    Cindy in OK
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Bump to mark my spot. I promise I won't be so mia any more! Crazy busy week. Meg
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh I get it now. Porche, porch!!!!!! Cute

    Ell, in Tuscon, welcome. I also have MS. I am doing pretty good with it, hope all is well with you. Are you on any special medicine for it?

    Carol, I never would imagine from seeing your face that you were once a size 22! What a dramatic transformation. You are such an inspiration.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Good evening,

    I am feeling better and hope to work tomorrow. I have subbed in this class many times so I it will be a good day. I will not have much time in the morning so I am touching base now.

    Deedee :drinker:

    Pat Oh I am so pleased for you. That is another piece I love about this group is sharing our successes. I liked Divergent because it was just the kind of movie I was in the mood for. It showed how important it is to think for ourselves and the power of love. I also liked watching someone overcome impossible odds.

    Carol I am so proud of you! Size 8 WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hugs Jane

    Cindy love the quote “The most important decision you can make is to be in a good mood." I just bought a small blue bird at one of my favorite small business stores Whimsical Place to remind me of that quote. I bought that too yesterday when I gave myself a day to play.

    Alison sorry you were not there for Mason’s birthday. I am sorry this is a difficult time for you.:flowerforyou:

    Eli welcome you sound ready to put you injuries behind you and manage your MS.

    Kim I enjoy looking at the homes in our neighborhood too. We unfortunately did not get such a leap in value. Fortunately we could still sell our home for more than we paid for it.

    Sylvia love the play on words. Sometimes I think my DH is too literal. He probably would have painted the car too.:laugh:

    Joyce if it makes you feel better our high was 24. I have been in a church choir for years. I don’t care if I miss a note or two for me the most important things is that I sing to the meaning of the words from my soul and enjoy singing. I am glad you found a choir or should I say the choir found you.

    Renny love your quote about maintenance.

    Yanniejannie save the cucumber soup for when I am sick or fear I might be getting sick.

    Jill I like the reminder about checking in with goals.

    Heather thank you for your kind thoughts. I like visiting the successful threads too.

    Kayzoola getting me thinking about gardening. Hopefully soon here.

    To take care of myself today, so I have a healthier tomorrow.
    Plan to have some tart cherry juice and an early night.
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    I have been trying to get on to post all day but I kept getting all of these pop up ads. :grumble: Every time I clicked on the MFP to post food page after page of ads would pop up. I couldn't get anywhere near this area. Finally DH come & fixed it for me.
    I was so frustrated!!:explode:
    I will try & catch up with everyone on Monday. Tuesday I go get hair done which is 60 miles away, Wednesday go watch kids again 60+ miles away in opssite directions, so DD can get stuff done as she going out of town on the weekend & I will be keeping her kids.
    So that leaves Monday & Thursday for me to catch up & work :laugh:
    Hope all of you are doing good. I had a really busy Saturday. Rakes & burned leaves, mowed grass, replanted old plants & planted some new ones etc.
    Today emptied upstairs room out, as it is under construction & setting up my sewing room. It's temp but we just can't to the room to finish it anytime soon so gonna put it to use :ohwell:
    Til tomorrow :yawn:
    Pennie in TX
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi all! I've been keeping up with your posts ... so jealous of those who are able to be outside. It was 14 degrees and snowing when we left for church this morning.

    I am having an awful time staying within my calorie budget. Too many temptations! Got on the scale yesterday and was up a half pound ... trying to stop the runaway eating before it gets too far out of hand. Just keep going back and forth... loved the plateau quote ... but I so much want to move forward!

    Carol ... yay on the size 8!
    Alison ... sorry you weren't able to celebrate with your friend ... don't take it personal ...

    Prayers for those who need them ... high fives to all those with successes!
    Beth in WNY
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Made the best turkey chili tonight---green peppers, black beans, Newmans Pineapple Salsa, fire roasted tomatoes, huge purple onion, various seasonings and chili powder and cayenne for heat.............yummy!!!---the pineapple salsa balanced the hotness perfectly!!! I see it becoming a regular on the rotation.

    Watching UVa basketball but not for long, eyes are closing.
    G'nite all,