My Experience with Raw Vegan 80/10/10 Challenge Month



    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    Can you have mashed potatoes on 80/10/10?

    How about boiled potatoes?

    How about freedom fries?
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Can you have mashed potatoes on 80/10/10?

    How about boiled potatoes?

    How about freedom fries?
    No. The oil in "freedom" fries makes the percentage of calories from fat way too high.
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    Can you have mashed potatoes on 80/10/10?

    How about boiled potatoes?

    How about freedom fries?
    No. The oil in "freedom" fries makes the percentage of calories from fat way too high.

    So I could do freedom fries if I baked them?
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Can you have mashed potatoes on 80/10/10?

    How about boiled potatoes?

    How about freedom fries?
    No. The oil in "freedom" fries makes the percentage of calories from fat way too high.

    So I could do freedom fries if I baked them?

  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Can you have mashed potatoes on 80/10/10?

    How about boiled potatoes?

    How about freedom fries?
    No. The oil in "freedom" fries makes the percentage of calories from fat way too high.

    So I could do freedom fries if I baked them?

    it would depend on how much oil you sprayed on them, even baking fries tends to add some fat.
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    Can you have mashed potatoes on 80/10/10?

    How about boiled potatoes?

    How about freedom fries?
    No. The oil in "freedom" fries makes the percentage of calories from fat way too high.

    So I could do freedom fries if I baked them?

    it would depend on how much oil you sprayed on them, even baking fries tends to add some fat.

    Hmmmmm, how about potato pancakes then?
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Are they allowed to


  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Are they allowed to



    I see what you did there.
    I strongly approve! :laugh:
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    Can you have mashed potatoes on 80/10/10?

    What about sweet potatoes?

    Can you have vodka?

    Of course you can........he so Absolut!! Oh wait.......he said, Absolutely. My bad!!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Can you have mashed potatoes on 80/10/10?

    How about boiled potatoes?

    How about freedom fries?
    No. The oil in "freedom" fries makes the percentage of calories from fat way too high.

    Tater tots?
  • MrJThomasEsq
    MrJThomasEsq Posts: 144 Member
    What about Tater Salad?

  • Lard_Vader
    Lard_Vader Posts: 138 Member
    Food diary still closed? That's too bad. I'm sure there is a lot we could learn from it.

    For example, I bet it's mostly potatoes.

    No potatoes, I eat miles like you eat cookies.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Food diary still closed? That's too bad. I'm sure there is a lot we could learn from it.

    For example, I bet it's mostly potatoes.

    No potatoes, I eat miles like you eat cookies.

    One or two miles every other day or so except when you're bulking and then it's three or five miles?

    And here I thought you were an elite athlete.


    But seriously, your food diary is *still* closed...which makes me wonder, what are you afraid of? I have no reason to hide my food diary, despite people like you taking potshots based on your own distorted food biases. I wonder what you're hiding. Could it be that your talk is more impressive than your walk? Perhaps you're a recent convert to this One True Way™ of eating and you don't want people to see your past history. No, that can't be started here in January 2014.


    I guess we'll never know.

    ETA: I just realized that this isn't the same member who was picking apart my food diary despite him having a closed food diary, but a *different* member...who also has a closed food diary. Why is it that those who preach the loudest about their superior way of eating seem most likely to have a closed food diary???
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Food diary still closed? That's too bad. I'm sure there is a lot we could learn from it.

    For example, I bet it's mostly potatoes.

    No potatoes, I eat miles like you eat cookies.

    good grief. eye roll.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    what about spud-u-like with tuna mayo and baked beans?
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    I love reading about weak people posturing.
  • stronghealthywoman
    stronghealthywoman Posts: 44 Member
    Hello everyone, this is a great thread! Right now I'm debating between following a raw/vegan diet or following a low carb high protein diet called (see My goal is weight loss & improved energy. Ideally, I would like to be able to call this way of eating a healthy lifestyle, not a diet.

    For over a year I was gluten and dairy free, I ate protein, veggies & fruits and had soy. My energy was decent which was important due to all the training I was doing, I needed it for my swims, biking and running! Because I have a horrible sweet tooth I also ate processed foods containing lots of junk during this time. Still, I didn't have a weigt problem then, which was only a year & a half ago.

    However, a number of months ago I 'fell off the wagon', & began eating too much of the wrong foods, items that my body was not conditioned to eating. To trump a newly bad diet, I stopped training. Ouch! That was a big mistake.

    Although I'm getting back on track now, exercising again and my diet is improving, my BUT! Is that I need to get the unhealthy weight off fast! I'm a 31 female, 5'6 and a smaller frame.

    In your experience, what type of diet has worked best for you in terms of weight loss & is this diet a way of life for you? Low carb high protein vs. raw/vegan?

    For all you lovers of raw check out dr. Fuhrmans book, eat to live. He advocates a plant based diet. Amazing doctor!


    I been a raw/vegan for almost 2 years and I honestly can say that I would not go back to being a meat eater, I'm not saying that if I'm invited to a family gathering I won't eat it, I mean eating it 1 or 2 a year is not going affect your body as if you ate meat every day.

    But I can honestly believe that a raw/vegan lifestyle is a great approach because not only are you providing nutrients to your body but also your feeding it elements that the body recognize/breakdown.

    Its a lifestyle, not a "diet" that can be maintained for life.

    I see it this way, a "diet" if you get off it, you will gain the weight back and more, because its not something you can keep up forever.

    A lifestyle is what it says, its a way of living, something that can be done forever, and won't have to worry about coming off because its a lifestyle, not a "diet" that you do for 6 months and that's it.

    Like I mention before I been a raw/vegan for 2 years and I can say it has helped me lose weight and maintain my weight when I don't work out, because again its a lifestyle not a "diet".

    I hope this helps.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Food diary still closed? That's too bad. I'm sure there is a lot we could learn from it.

    For example, I bet it's mostly potatoes.

    No potatoes, I eat miles like you eat cookies.

    One or two miles every other day or so except when you're bulking and then it's three or five miles?

    And here I thought you were an elite athlete.


    But seriously, your food diary is *still* closed...which makes me wonder, what are you afraid of? I have no reason to hide my food diary, despite people like you taking potshots based on your own distorted food biases. I wonder what you're hiding. Could it be that your talk is more impressive than your walk? Perhaps you're a recent convert to this One True Way™ of eating and you don't want people to see your past history. No, that can't be started here in January 2014.


    I guess we'll never know.

    ETA: I just realized that this isn't the same member who was picking apart my food diary despite him having a closed food diary, but a *different* member...who also has a closed food diary. Why is it that those who preach the loudest about their superior way of eating seem most likely to have a closed food diary???

    Elite athlete? Nah, I'm just like you, nothing. Pass the dbol & whey.

    And that is what they call winning.

    Jof, you have won the internet.

  • dsalveson
    dsalveson Posts: 306 Member
    Did somebody say freedom fries?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    And that is what they call winning.

    Jof, you have won the internet.


    I've been working on this flawless victory for a couple of years now. I certainly didn't expect it to happen on this thread.
