my fiance keeps junk in the house



  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    I have trouble keeping my hands off my husband's junk too. If he would keep it out of sight I think it would make things easier, but whenever I see it I start craving. I'm sure you feel the same way, about your fiance's junk. When the junk is available it is much harder to resist. I like the idea a previous poster mentioned of keeping it in a cupboard or something locked away.
  • laughingirl71
    laughingirl71 Posts: 51 Member
    Yes, I will say...My fiancé's "junk" is AWESOME...and I always want it for myself. HAHAHAHA. I'm rolling here. Thank you Blue for making me giggle. I don't think he would like his "JUNK" locked away...but I'll ask!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I think I may just be too selfish to get married. On the other hand, it feels like he chose ice cream over my feelings.

    Oh sweetie, I think you have that backwards. When we think that having a bowl of icecream is more important than the health and happiness of someone we are supposed to love, now that is being selfish.

    A good relationship is about compromise. We BOTH have to give a little in order for a relationship to be a good one. If you can not come to a compromise now, over something like junk food, trust me, having kids is not going to be a piece of cake (pardon the pun).

    You ARE WORTHY of someone that puts you first, period.
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    Yes, I will say...My fiancé's "junk" is AWESOME...and I always want it for myself. HAHAHAHA. I'm rolling here. Thank you Blue for making me giggle. I don't think he would like his "JUNK" locked away...but I'll ask!

    Yeah, I doubt my husband would appreciate it much either. Let the junk roam free. Better for everyone involved. :wink:
  • Ryanne513
    Ryanne513 Posts: 3 Member
    My problem is a little worst than yours. I watch my 3 year old nieces three days a week and I buy cookies and ice cream for them.
    Problem is I've been eating more of that stuff than they have. I just started MFP a couple of days ago. But I have come to the conclusion that it is my problem, so I have to figure out a way to navigate my way out of it. What I am doing is making sure I have free stacks available for myself when temptation arises, i.e. sugar-free popsicle, rice cakes, sugar-free jello, sugar free hard candy etc. "Good Luck" , and remember you are not alone.
  • JuliaLee67
    JuliaLee67 Posts: 149
    and a small part of me is very selfish. (or maybe a large part of me) I own my house, and was used to having my own way until he moved in a month ago. It's been a huge adjustment (as should be expected) and the whole situation stresses me out. not just the food.

    And that is the root of your problem. If it is not him, it will be someone else, so what will you do, blame having the food on everyone else. It is all up to you. I go through this daily, some days are harder than others. Learn to have a couple chips and save the rest or tomorrow. At the end you will become a stronger person.

    this so much. and op, also consider your life down the road: if you have to work, there's a very good chance that your work enviornment will be filled with 'junk food' every day. there will be birthdays with cakes, people bringing in donuts or other treats, dishes of candy, vending machines full of chips and sodas... and then there's the holidays, lol. and you will have to deal with friends and family who enjoy things like that. the point is, you really do just have to suck it up and deal with it.

    its not easy, but it can be done and you can do it, too. and in my opinion from what i have observed [and echoing what others have said], indulging oneself as a treat every once in awhile increases your resistance to temptation all those other times!
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    My problem is a little worst than yours. I watch my 3 year old nieces three days a week and I buy cookies and ice cream for them.
    Problem is I've been eating more of that stuff than they have. I just started MFP a couple of days ago. But I have come to the conclusion that it is my problem, so I have to figure out a way to navigate my way out of it. What I am doing is making sure I have free stacks available for myself when temptation arises, i.e. sugar-free popsicle, rice cakes, sugar-free jello, sugar free hard candy etc. "Good Luck" , and remember you are not alone.

    you might also want to consider giving the kids something a little more healthy if you're giving it to them 3 day a week. that is often. Just a thought.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Let the junk roam free.

    Uhmmmm.... you do know how most people take things literally, here?

  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    It's your relationship and whatever you decide to do about this issue is up to you.

    You have the option to fight until you win/ break up or drop it.

    Your current partner needs to realize that he will benefit from a happier and thinner you.

    Only you know how much you care about this issue.

    Good luck.
  • laughingirl71
    laughingirl71 Posts: 51 Member
    LOL...I teach fourth grade, and my students know the way to my heart is reece's. I recognize that life is full of temptations. I was honestly just looking for a way to solve the HOME problem. I do NOT as some have suggested, expect friends, hosts and hostesses of outings, restaurants, co workers, students to change and accommodate my nutritional desires. Contrary to popular belief, I am not quite that egocentric. I HAVE managed to lose 65 lbs and keep it off for over a year...even with all of the aforementioned distractions and temptations. That being said, I am an individual, and what worked for me while losing and maintaining was keeping a relatively clean home environment. A safe zone. Perhaps everyone else in the world can surround themselves with "junk" and not ever be tempted to partake, but I, alas, am not that strong. OR...dare I suggest, this is part of the secret to my success, while the pictures of some of the other posters who claim to have no problem with will power or junk food would suggest otherwise. May we all find our own path to health and happiness, and allow others the same chance.
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    Let the junk roam free.

    Uhmmmm.... you do know how most people take things literally, here?

    {ron jeremy creeps me out}

    LoL Well, I was referring to a man's junk in his own home. I have no qualms with that. Unless he prefers being caged of course. To each his own.
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    hey at least he has could be unfortunate enough to be with someone who doesnt know how to use their junk
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    My fiancé has never struggled with his weight in his life, and the women he's been with in the past were extremely thin as well. I've lost 60 lbs over the past three years, and struggle every day to maintain that loss. I've asked him a few times to please keep chips, candy, ice cream and all alcohol but beer and red wine (I don't care for these) out of the house. He won't, and makes me feel weak and stupid for asking for such a thing. Just this morning, I asked if maybe we could keep these things out of the house just for four weeks, so I could get a handle on my eating....and he refused, saying that I'm the one with a problem. I know I'm the one with a problem, and I suppose I'm selfish for asking for accommodations. Has anyone else had this problem? If so, what did you do? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    I don't really think it's fair to ask him to keep foods he likes to eat out of the house. I think asking him to keep it out of YOUR sight is completely fair though. There must be somewhere in your house for him to hide his "stash." Go out and buy a bin from Target or Walmart and he can keep his junk food in there. That way it is hidden from you- out of sight, out of mind.
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    hey at least he has could be unfortunate enough to be with someone who doesnt know how to use their junk

    Why did you have to go there? She is obviously referring to the junk you eat! Not the sort of junk a guy uses. :eyeroll:
  • laughingirl71
    laughingirl71 Posts: 51 Member
    hey at least he has could be unfortunate enough to be with someone who doesnt know how to use their junk

    LMAO...we have gotten onto a topic with which I have NO complaints....his "junk". I shall never complain about his "JUNK" again. I have been sufficiently chastised and humbled. To quote blue..."let the junk roam free!" Free the junk!
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    [harsh advice follows]

    I'd suggest not trying to push what is ultimately your issue into being his problem.

    The fact is it is up to YOU to deal with your food choices and maintenance, and the rest of the world won't change to make it easier for you.

    ^I couldn't have said this any better myself! Others can only support you so much when it comes to meeting your goals. I see a lot of people on MFP suggesting that their SO isn't supporting them because they're bringing junk food into the house. Refusing to change ones lifestyle alongside you because you want them to is not a lack of support, it is simply a challenge that you will have to find a way to overcome. On your own. Why not just eat these things in moderation since it is so hard to say no completely?
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I have the same problem. My boyfriend is fit & thin and loves ice cream, candy, chips etc...

    He gets ONE cupboard for all of his things. I never go in there.

    If you can't just have a junk cupboard, and stay out of it, I think you have another, different issue that maybe a therapist could help you get to the bottom of.

    People who live with you shouldn't be penalized because of your restrictions You definitely have to find a way to compromise without having this "all or nothing" attitude.
  • Ryanne513
    Ryanne513 Posts: 3 Member
    Don't get me wrong! I give my nieces fruit, veggies too. When I say they have ice cream I mean the little kiddie cups, when I give them cookies it's 3 or 4 animal shaped graham crackers. I prepare balanced meals for them when they are with me. I would be a fool to over feed toddlers....... Don't get it twisted!
  • laughingirl71
    laughingirl71 Posts: 51 Member
    for those of you who are fully invested in this soap opera of a thread...I actually talked to my fiancé about my feelings and a lot of what's been said here. bottom line:

    1. he's not an *kitten*
    2. I'm not always the best communicator
    3. junk food will live at work for four weeks
    4. then he will have a drawer in the pantry
    5. he likes his other junk to be able to roam free (in the house)
    6. I'm ok with that
    7. we really do love and care for each other...but it's not always roses and lollipops
    8. some of y'all really cracked me up and had some insightful things to share
    9. some of y'all are real turkeys, and that's not my problem
    10. peace out.
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    for those of you who are fully invested in this soap opera of a thread...I actually talked to my fiancé about my feelings and a lot of what's been said here. bottom line:

    1. he's not an *kitten*
    2. I'm not always the best communicator
    3. junk food will live at work for four weeks
    4. then he will have a drawer in the pantry
    5. he likes his other junk to be able to roam free (in the house)
    6. I'm ok with that
    7. we really do love and care for each other...but it's not always roses and lollipops
    8. some of y'all really cracked me up and had some insightful things to share
    9. some of y'all are real turkeys, and that's not my problem
    10. peace out.

    *highFive* way to communicate OP!

    ETA Also pleased to know the junk will roam free