Liquid diet



  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    So, you're asking about this.. with all of these folks telling you the truth about how it's a bad idea.. hoping for the one person to give you the go ahead?

    No Mr Trogolicious. Im already on the diet. day 2. I just wanted info not opinions. :)

    kinda like how you asked about your hair falling out a few months ago because you weren't eating 1200 calories as a young woman?

    ...or how you freaked out when you ate... A WHOLE MANGO... and thought that it wrecked your progress.

    Maybe it's just me, but you might need to take a step back from extremes and have a talk with someone else about your relationship with foods. We're already telling you that this approach isn't going to work, but hey, what do ANY of us know. You're wanting someone to show up and tell you that you're doing it right. flash: you aren't.

    story at 6: it won't last.


    Gotta go with Trog. The hair falling out is rather concerning and should be a major Red Alert.

    But to add: if you are experiencing digestive issues, instead of a full out liquid diet, why not try eating smaller more proportioned meals? I also have digestive issues. My doctor and a specialist recommended that I up my fiber intake, eat smaller meals and exercise frequently. I'm much happier and I have far less issues. If I go to town (say, my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving) I know I'll have some issues.
  • chelseafisher5648
    chelseafisher5648 Posts: 60 Member
    Options check this site out has dr opinions on this subject it is long so check out the last twenty minute of it start at 55 minutes in. This gentlemen lives half hour from me. I believe most ppl on this site are always interested in learning and would enjoy the information regardless of there side on it. Please let me know if u watched it I did and found interesting.