if you could go back...



  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    Though they are horrible, horrible human beings who did things that would make your hair stand on end, allowing me to progress to adulthood without teaching me to make homemade mayonnaise and custard was one of their more serious transgressions.

    If only I had more confidence with eggs, I might not have wound up having a severe mental health problem. Just saying....
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    I would love to contribute but I turned out pretty ok so I guess it all worked out and compared to you guys it was sooooooo good!

    2 things: one would be can we go find my friends (who I hadn't met yet) and go fetch then from the hell in which they lived and When Lizzy goes to uni you seriously don't need to give her that much money to live on, she's not going to spend it on anything good... oops!
  • Rachifloon
    Rachifloon Posts: 129 Member
    I sometimes find myself wishing my dad lived past me being 8 months old. Don't get me wrong, I like where my life is now, and my stepdad is pretty lovely, but while my mother was single she done some things that pretty much will forever mentally scar me and I just can't help wonder if they could of all be avoided if my dad was still around...
  • bumblebeez86
    bumblebeez86 Posts: 208 Member
    One day you will be the reason that I try to be a better mom. So don't change anything. Your horrible parenting kept me a fighter.

    Probably this
  • Keevy333
    Keevy333 Posts: 32 Member
    Sperm Donor: Your absence in my life will play a significant part in my self esteem, and how I view men...so yeah, having a father is pretty important you azzwipe...be a father.

    Mom: Your cruel comments and your lack of attentiveness to me will leave me feeling worthless, lonely, very depressed and suicidal at a young age. I need you to encourage me, love me, and tell me you love me...even if it isn't true.

    I am stealing your words for your father cause that's exactly what I would say to mine!

    But to my mother: Thank you so much for all you have sacrificed for me. You are doing a wonderful job. When I become a unruly teenager, just stay strong cause we will make it through this phase and once I get in my twenties you will be one of my best friends.
  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    The choices you make now will affect your relationship with your children for the rest of your life. Try not to make colossally stupid decisions.
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    To cut the apron strings much sooner.

    Edit: Some of these comments break my :heart: and make me want to :cry:
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    This one is for my mother and father:

    Just because your body says you're ready for children does not mean that your mind is.
    Wait long.
    Wait for other people.

    JUST WAIT, damn it. Wait.

    If there were a time machine, would I want them to, sacrificing myself? Hell yes.
  • LarDoucheLar
    LarDoucheLar Posts: 171 Member
    I'd tell them i loved them even more and although sometimes i acted like a ***** and a spoilt brat because i didn't understand they were only doing what they thought was best for me.. they did a brilliant job at raising me and my siblings. Yes some things parenting wise i don't agree with but since having my son i have a new appreciation for them and know if i raise my son half as good as i was raised he'll be absolutely fine.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    I think parents do what they know. Everyone will make mistakes as a parent. Some parents are better at nurturing than others, some are old school and very strict, while others are too lenient. In the end all parents will have things they did right and wrong in raising their kids. I would not blame mine for things they did wrong, I did things wrong raising my child. I would thank them for putting a roof over my head and keeping me fed, making sure I stayed in school, and although we never did any, my parents were over the top in checking us for alcohol or drugs but better than a parent not caring. My father was extremely strict, especially with a beating if you did wrong and just speaking disrespectfully could get you that. While I didn't think it was fair, at least I didn't turn out to be a little jerk.
    I wish my parents did something's differently. I have to accept what was as it wasn't in my control and hope I created something better for my own child than what I had. My kid will eventually say this about me. She might say something like my mom did great, we have fun traditions and memories but.....(insert whatever her complaint about my personal or parenting flaws here) and it is what it is.
  • RissyChris
    Well in the world of dieting one thing I would tell them (besides the obvious don't have kids if you can't support them emotionally and financially) is that you probably shouldn't stuff your kids with cheap Burger King meals and salty fat in some sick, twisted attempt to please yourself until that kid gets a series of painful kidney stones from the ages of 7-11, has surgery to remove them, then gets obese because you suck at parenting and are so ignorant you have no concept of diet and exercise, and then emotionally abuse that kid well into their late teenage years because you are dangerously jealous that they lost the weight.

    Don't you just love ignorance?
  • infinitevast
    infinitevast Posts: 875 Member
    I would tell my parents that they shouldn't be afraid or that it's not a sign of weakness to show emotion. I was never hugged or told I love you that I can remember. I knew they loved me but it was never expressed. We were made to almost feel embarrassed if we ever cried or showed emotion. As an adult now I struggle with showing love to everyone. I have to remind myself to give hugs and kisses to those I love because it just doesn't come naturally. To this day I feel awkward whenever I'm in a situation where I have to show or express any type of feelings or to say I love you to my parents.
  • TrevNiel22
    TrevNiel22 Posts: 182
    Money doesn't buy happiness.
  • MizMiami305
    MizMiami305 Posts: 188 Member
    I would tell my dad to not move us from LA to Fresno

    I would tell my mom to be a bad cook!
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    Jesus Christ.
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    Jesus Christ.

  • josephbar
    josephbar Posts: 187 Member
    Nothing they did an amazing job.....ok...perhaps a few hot stock tips (Yahoo, Google, Tesla, etc..)
  • mariepreston1995
    I would tell them that time flys and life is too short to fight with those you love.
  • yolohunter
    yolohunter Posts: 79 Member
    I would tell them that you should tell your child that you love them and show them some affection and time every once in awhile if you want them to grow up strong and confident with high self-esteem.

    And I second the stock tips ;)
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    I'd tell mom not to go back to work so quickly and don't brush off those massive migraines. She had 2 aneurysms removed when K was a tween. Dad, I'd ask him to stop yelling, but I'd hug forever him because he passed away from cancer last month.