Would you date someone overweight?



  • thomaszabel
    thomaszabel Posts: 203 Member
    I would never date anyone who is overweight!!!!

    Then again, I'd never date someone who is a healthy weight or too skinny.

    The reason is simple. If I dated anyone, my wife would probably find out. And then there would be hell to pay. Her temper is bad enough now. If I added in a bit of infidelity, I would have to:

    1) Always be ready to dodge flying plates and silverware
    2) Learn to sleep with one eye open
    3) Somehow hide all the knives in the house
    4) Hire a professional food taster so I wouldn't come down with a mysterious case of arsenic poisoning.
  • JSE81
    JSE81 Posts: 114 Member
    I am more attracted to the personality than their appearance. I would date an overweight girl, if she had the right attitude to life.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    No.... I lead a active lifestyle and we probably wouldn't have anything in common

    Aren't a good number of the users of this website overweight and 1)extremely conscious of their diet and 2)very active. I mean, there are kind of hordes of us on here who have lots of pounds to lose that you exchange advice and information with here every day! Doesn't that count as having something in common?

    Why is he being questioned by so many?

    A question was asked, he answered it honestly based on his preferences. Why pile on him? It's his personal preference.

    Because he is pretty much saying he wouldn't have anything in common with an overweight woman because she is lazy and inactive (based on her weight).
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    I'm married now but yes I have dated some overweight and underweight and healthy weight. Why? I guess it is more about personality than physical features.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Would also date someone underweight.

    But not looking.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I'd much rather date someone that makes me laugh and treats me with respect who has a some extra pounds on him than someone who is super fit but treats me poorly.

    Fit people are all meanies who treat their SOs poorly?

    That is not what I wrote at all.

    Don't take the bait. He knows that's not what you said. Guy likes trying to stir up trouble.

    And some like white knighting before there is even trouble.

    It was bad logic. But meh

    Maybe you misunderstood her. I'm pretty sure she was just saying it's more important that someone treats her properly than that they be physically fit.

    Which is exactly my position on the subject. My husband is probably overweight technically, but he treats me like a queen. I wouldn't trade him for anybody else! :)

    It's what is known as a false dilemma. Logic. It's what's for Forum.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    No.... I lead a active lifestyle and we probably wouldn't have anything in common

    Aren't a good number of the users of this website overweight and 1)extremely conscious of their diet and 2)very active. I mean, there are kind of hordes of us on here who have lots of pounds to lose that you exchange advice and information with here every day! Doesn't that count as having something in common?

    Why is he being questioned by so many?

    A question was asked, he answered it honestly based on his preferences. Why pile on him? It's his personal preference.

    Because he is pretty much saying he wouldn't have anything in common with an overweight woman because she is lazy and inactive (based on her weight).

    I think you're reading way too much into his one sentence response.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    No.... I lead a active lifestyle and we probably wouldn't have anything in common

    Aren't a good number of the users of this website overweight and 1)extremely conscious of their diet and 2)very active. I mean, there are kind of hordes of us on here who have lots of pounds to lose that you exchange advice and information with here every day! Doesn't that count as having something in common?

    Why is he being questioned by so many?

    A question was asked, he answered it honestly based on his preferences. Why pile on him? It's his personal preference.

    Because he is pretty much saying he wouldn't have anything in common with an overweight woman because she is lazy and inactive (based on her weight).

    I think you're reading way too much into his one sentence response.

    That never happens
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    It means I don't think any less of someone who is overweight as a person. It's like how a lot of women aren't attracted to men who are shorter than them. I almost didn't reply here since I figured someone would find a way to twist what I said.

    I was pointing out that relationship preferences are always about judgement. That's what they are; judging another person as to whether you find them attractive/compatible. I don't have a problem with that and wasn't twisting what you meant (or at least I don't think I was) - my intention was to highlight that "I have X preference" and "it's not a judgement" are incompatible statements. And regarding your response, I think it actually does mean you think less of people with that characteristic since you have decided they aren't worthy of dating (in other words you rank them lower than people you would consider dating). Don't get me wrong, I have certain characteristics that I find more or less attractive, but ruling out an entire group of people based on a given characteristic is a judgement, and it certainly involves thinking less of people with that characteristic. I'm not saying you have to be attracted to overweight people, I'm just saying don't pretend you aren't judging them because you are.

    I don't like how it looks/feels. It is not because of a PRE-JUDGEMENT about personally, lifestyle, or anything else. Hope that clarifies....... If not, I'm thinking you just want something to argue about.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I'm hearing that song "fat bottomed girls" by Queen play in my head

    me too!
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    No.... I lead a active lifestyle and we probably wouldn't have anything in common

    Aren't a good number of the users of this website overweight and 1)extremely conscious of their diet and 2)very active. I mean, there are kind of hordes of us on here who have lots of pounds to lose that you exchange advice and information with here every day! Doesn't that count as having something in common?

    Why is he being questioned by so many?

    A question was asked, he answered it honestly based on his preferences. Why pile on him? It's his personal preference.

    Because he is pretty much saying he wouldn't have anything in common with an overweight woman because she is lazy and inactive (based on her weight).

    I think you're reading way too much into his one sentence response.

    Not at all. I'm just calling him out on what he meant to say but didn't have the balls to say.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I'd much rather date someone that makes me laugh and treats me with respect who has a some extra pounds on him than someone who is super fit but treats me poorly.

    Fit people are all meanies who treat their SOs poorly?

    That is not what I wrote at all.

    Don't take the bait. He knows that's not what you said. Guy likes trying to stir up trouble.

    And some like white knighting before there is even trouble.

    It was bad logic. But meh

    nice try to stir $**t up, dude.

    What's your damage? It was a joke. So very clearly a joke that it could only be made clearer if he'd put a little :tongue: in it.

    The only pot stirrers I see here are you and the other guy who jumped on a clear JOKE and tried to make trouble.

    Get over yourself.

    MFP Start Date: Feb 2014. She'll learn.


    I'm a fast learner. So far I've learned that you're kind of stirring the pot unnecessarily. You have a beef with the guy. I get it. You'll probably hunt him down in another thread and do the same thing at some point. :yawn:

    Oh, and OP, sure I'd date an overweight guy. I have. I married one. He got fit after we got married and got me interested in fitness.

    Actually, no. I could not care less about that dude. I just know that he likes to stir the pot and suggested that my friend not take the bait. Never said one word to him directly, nor will I.

    And with that, enjoy your thread. I'm done. :flowerforyou:

    could not care less, yet, keeps replying to "dude" that he claims to not care less about ….lolz ..okkkkk then ….
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I'm hearing that song "fat bottomed girls" by Queen play in my head

    me too!

    Yay for big booty b!tches
  • sunshine4040
    sunshine4040 Posts: 29 Member
    I had dated someone who was over weight, and I have also dated men who were not. My preference was the man who could carry on a conversation, was caring and genuine, and not stuck on himself, regardless of his body type. You know, the kind who builds you up and is encouraging and loving. Lucky me...I found it. <3
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    whenever chicks start saying they care about "personality" and "conversation' it just makes me LOL because it is the biggest load of BS ever….
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I'm hearing that song "fat bottomed girls" by Queen play in my head

    me too!

    Yay for big booty b!tches

    My big *kitten* has defimitely shaped up! Am also drunk, so forgive any spelling errors!
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    whenever chicks start saying they care about "personality" and "conversation' it just makes me LOL because it is the biggest load of BS ever….

    Are you saying that looks matter to women? Never!

    Everyone on this site who are here to lose weight and get fit are doing it solely for medical reasons, right? Right?
  • SexKittenlovesitrough
    I've dated overweight men, I've dated obese men and I've dated extremely dangerously obese men.

    I've also dated physically fit men and am currently engaged to an extremely fit man. He likes to joke he can barely keep up. (and I'm still technically in the overweight catagory). I run and walk faster than him. He lifts insanely heavier than me but i'm working on catching up. We have things we can teach each other. We have things we can both help each other on.....and the gym is our favourite place. We connect there. That's our we time. (I have a daughter and we help his mom who's living with us and fighting cancer). The gym is where we go to get away.

    anyways, back to the question. I've noticed some things in my dating of all types.

    1. The obese/overweight/extremely overweight men were all delusional about their weight and how it played into things. They got caught up in manipulative mind games easier and were willing to say/do things to attack MY self esteem to ensure I stayed. Things that made it feel like I was blessed for them even taking the time to be with me. Things designed to make me feel ugly undesirable and unwanted by the rest of the world. They would also blame me for various activities (aka sex) that they could not do well.

    I am NOT saying that all men who are in any way overweight will do this. I'm not. But it WAS a pattern that I experienced in all my dating experiences with overweight people. (even the women did this and yes I'm bisexual.).

    2. Physically fit people don't do that. Or at least again, in MY experience and in my range of relationships that has been my pattern. They just want to DO stuff and the relationship only really ever started to fail and lack when I didn't want to join them on doing stuff (remember, I am overweight too. in fact I used to be VERY overweight for a time).

    Essentially in my range of experience 1. overweight does not mean people can't keep up. Sometimes YOU can't. 2. overweight people are very wonderful people and some of the best people I met and dated were overweight and they were funny and awesome and I was SO attracted to them. But, at some point they all became emotionally manipulative.

    I think this is their self esteem playing out. Sometimes I think they had other issues at play, but the weight definitely played a part.

    edited to add: due to these experiences, NO I would not date someone overweight again. But these are my experiences and not yours.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    whenever chicks start saying they care about "personality" and "conversation' it just makes me LOL because it is the biggest load of BS ever….

    Are you saying that looks matter to women? Never!

    Everyone on this site who are here to lose weight and get fit are doing it solely for medical reasons, right? Right?

    yes, 100% medical reasons….
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    whenever chicks start saying they care about "personality" and "conversation' it just makes me LOL because it is the biggest load of BS ever….

    Are you saying that looks matter to women? Never!

    Everyone on this site who are here to lose weight and get fit are doing it solely for medical reasons, right? Right?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some women find Johnny Depp hot, but others might find Brad Pitt hot. Personally, I find pre-40 years old Marilyn Manson to be irresistible.