Would you date someone overweight?



  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    My husband was 80 lbs overweight when we married, learned that he was headed for a heart attack, and dropped the 80 and then some.

    He was the kindest, funniest, smartest man I knew and after 25 years of marriage he is even more so.

    You can lose weight, you can't gain a heart.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    whenever chicks start saying they care about "personality" and "conversation' it just makes me LOL because it is the biggest load of BS ever….

    Are you saying that looks matter to women? Never!

    Everyone on this site who are here to lose weight and get fit are doing it solely for medical reasons, right? Right?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some women find Johnny Depp hot, but others might find Brad Pitt hot. Personally, I find pre-40 years old Marilyn Manson to be irresistible.

    Of course it is Saying that looks don't matter (shouldn't matter?) and that they are in the eye of the beholder are very different though.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    whenever chicks start saying they care about "personality" and "conversation' it just makes me LOL because it is the biggest load of BS ever….

    Are you saying that looks matter to women? Never!

    Everyone on this site who are here to lose weight and get fit are doing it solely for medical reasons, right? Right?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some women find Johnny Depp hot, but others might find Brad Pitt hot. Personally, I find pre-40 years old Marilyn Manson to be irresistible.

    my ex looks exactly like young m manson ..gooooooooood god yes :love:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    whenever chicks start saying they care about "personality" and "conversation' it just makes me LOL because it is the biggest load of BS ever….

    I won't spew that BS. If my husband hasn't been attractive (to me) he wouldn't have had the chance to show how good his 'conversation' is; I'm not in for trying to make nice with dudes who I aren't pleasing to look at, nor do I expect guys who aren't into chicks who look like me to waste their time finding out if maybe they can get past not finding me attractive.

    Conversation is another word for diq right? ...Oh, you meant actual conversation? ...I mean. I guess that's important too. If you're into talking.

    And, on topic, I like the tall and lean look.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    whenever chicks start saying they care about "personality" and "conversation' it just makes me LOL because it is the biggest load of BS ever….

    I won't spew that BS. If my husband hasn't been attractive (to me) he wouldn't have had the chance to show how good his 'conversation' is; I'm not in for trying to make nice with dudes who I aren't pleasing to look at, nor do I expect guys who aren't into chicks who look like me to waste their time finding out if maybe they can get past not finding me attractive.

    Conversation is another word for diq right? ...Oh, you meant actual conversation? ...I mean. I guess that's important too. If you're into talking.

    And, on topic, I like the tall and lean look.

    honesty is the best policy :)
  • happyfeet1993
    happyfeet1993 Posts: 138 Member
    whenever chicks start saying they care about "personality" and "conversation' it just makes me LOL because it is the biggest load of BS ever….

    Are you saying that looks matter to women? Never!

    Everyone on this site who are here to lose weight and get fit are doing it solely for medical reasons, right? Right?

  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    whenever chicks start saying they care about "personality" and "conversation' it just makes me LOL because it is the biggest load of BS ever….

    Are you saying that looks matter to women? Never!

    Everyone on this site who are here to lose weight and get fit are doing it solely for medical reasons, right? Right?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some women find Johnny Depp hot, but others might find Brad Pitt hot. Personally, I find pre-40 years old Marilyn Manson to be irresistible.

    my ex looks exactly like young m manson ..gooooooooood god yes :love:

  • brewji
    brewji Posts: 752 Member
    whenever chicks start saying they care about "personality" and "conversation' it just makes me LOL because it is the biggest load of BS ever….

    Are you saying that looks matter to women? Never!

    Everyone on this site who are here to lose weight and get fit are doing it solely for medical reasons, right? Right?


  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    whenever chicks start saying they care about "personality" and "conversation' it just makes me LOL because it is the biggest load of BS ever….

    Are you saying that looks matter to women? Never!

    Everyone on this site who are here to lose weight and get fit are doing it solely for medical reasons, right? Right?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some women find Johnny Depp hot, but others might find Brad Pitt hot. Personally, I find pre-40 years old Marilyn Manson to be irresistible.

    Of course it is Saying that looks don't matter (shouldn't matter?) and that they are in the eye of the beholder are very different though.

    Yep. My obese boyfriend isn't going to make the cover of a magazine as the world's hottest man anytime soon, but his amazing hair, heart-melting smile, and utterly fantastic *kitten* got me checking him out before I ever talked to him. Now top it off with mind-blowing sex, and there's certainly a LOT more there than personality and conversation (though he's a complete winner in those areas too... he's pretty much perfect.) A solid relationship will have attraction in every area.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    whenever chicks start saying they care about "personality" and "conversation' it just makes me LOL because it is the biggest load of BS ever….

    I won't spew that BS. If my husband hasn't been attractive (to me) he wouldn't have had the chance to show how good his 'conversation' is; I'm not in for trying to make nice with dudes who I aren't pleasing to look at, nor do I expect guys who aren't into chicks who look like me to waste their time finding out if maybe they can get past not finding me attractive.

    Conversation is another word for diq right? ...Oh, you meant actual conversation? ...I mean. I guess that's important too. If you're into talking.

    And, on topic, I like the tall and lean look.

    Most truthful thing posted in this entire thread.
  • I've dated men with various types of bodies...tall and thin, short and teddy bear-like. So, yes. If they're attracted to me and vice versa, that's all that matters.
  • AwesomeGuy37
    AwesomeGuy37 Posts: 436 Member
    I like all kinds of shapes. I don't discriminate. I've not been single very much in life to know how to date. I'm just losing weight so I can put on my socks without getting out of breath.
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    I'm honestly not attracted to bigger guys, but anything is possible if you have a great personality. My ex boyfriend liked me for 3 (looong) years and finally won me over. He was overweight, but definitely the sweetest guy I've ever dated.
  • ashleyblossom1
    ashleyblossom1 Posts: 699 Member
    Yes I would. I'm attracted to intelligence and I'll take it in whatever package it comes in. A fat guy can be instantly sexy if he's really smart. Throw in a sense of humor and a caring heart and he's perfect. To me looks have nothing to do with anything, I've dated guy that looked like models and guys less appealing. Personality is key. When you get past the physical connection and connect on a deeper level its a beautiful thing.

    PS. Its not BS to love a person for their personality. Some people just care more about the important things vs the circumference of a man's bicep.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    whenever chicks start saying they care about "personality" and "conversation' it just makes me LOL because it is the biggest load of BS ever….

    I won't spew that BS. If my husband hasn't been attractive (to me) he wouldn't have had the chance to show how good his 'conversation' is; I'm not in for trying to make nice with dudes who I aren't pleasing to look at, nor do I expect guys who aren't into chicks who look like me to waste their time finding out if maybe they can get past not finding me attractive.

    Conversation is another word for diq right? ...Oh, you meant actual conversation? ...I mean. I guess that's important too. If you're into talking.

    And, on topic, I like the tall and lean look.

    Most truthful thing posted in this entire thread.

    I actually find this thread depressing. "If he's nice and not a total butt nugget that's good enough!" Shouldn't nice and not a dbag be standard traits in a mate? Is that really all it takes? The absolute bare minimum of human decency? REALLY?
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    whenever chicks start saying they care about "personality" and "conversation' it just makes me LOL because it is the biggest load of BS ever….

    Are you saying that looks matter to women? Never!

    Everyone on this site who are here to lose weight and get fit are doing it solely for medical reasons, right? Right?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some women find Johnny Depp hot, but others might find Brad Pitt hot. Personally, I find pre-40 years old Marilyn Manson to be irresistible.
    I don't like any of those :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    whenever chicks start saying they care about "personality" and "conversation' it just makes me LOL because it is the biggest load of BS ever….

    I won't spew that BS. If my husband hasn't been attractive (to me) he wouldn't have had the chance to show how good his 'conversation' is; I'm not in for trying to make nice with dudes who I aren't pleasing to look at, nor do I expect guys who aren't into chicks who look like me to waste their time finding out if maybe they can get past not finding me attractive.

    Conversation is another word for diq right? ...Oh, you meant actual conversation? ...I mean. I guess that's important too. If you're into talking.

    And, on topic, I like the tall and lean look.

    Most truthful thing posted in this entire thread.

    I actually find this thread depressing. "If he's nice and not a total butt nugget that's good enough!" Shouldn't nice and not a dbag be standard traits in a mate? Is that really all it takes? The absolute bare minimum of human decency? REALLY?


    Although, my standards are all over the place. I kind of like a little butt nugget now and again. I mean, if he's hot. Total butt nugget? Nosomuch. A little goes a long way.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    Yes, of course I would.
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    I've been single through all of my weight loss starts & stops & failures & successes, & I just worry about dating in general throwing me off the wagon. Being single & living alone makes dieting incredibly easy because I can buy the foods I like and that work for my diet, as well as fix foods for myself that are healthy &/or easy to track. I'm never tempted by potato chips or Nutella [some of my ultimate weaknesses!] because I just don't keep them around. If I had a boyfriend & we ate meals together & went out more often, I would struggle a lot I think.

    So, in general, yeah, I probably would date someone who was overweight. Obviously I would have to find him attractive, but overweight can still be attractive sometimes. & I care more about the connection we have than anything else. I just irrationally worry about how dating would change my lifestyle and mess up my weight loss journey!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    whenever chicks start saying they care about "personality" and "conversation' it just makes me LOL because it is the biggest load of BS ever….

    I won't spew that BS. If my husband hasn't been attractive (to me) he wouldn't have had the chance to show how good his 'conversation' is; I'm not in for trying to make nice with dudes who I aren't pleasing to look at, nor do I expect guys who aren't into chicks who look like me to waste their time finding out if maybe they can get past not finding me attractive.

    Conversation is another word for diq right? ...Oh, you meant actual conversation? ...I mean. I guess that's important too. If you're into talking.

    And, on topic, I like the tall and lean look.

    Most truthful thing posted in this entire thread.

    I actually find this thread depressing. "If he's nice and not a total butt nugget that's good enough!" Shouldn't nice and not a dbag be standard traits in a mate? Is that really all it takes? The absolute bare minimum of human decency? REALLY?


    Although, my standards are all over the place. I kind of like a little butt nugget now and again. I mean, if he's hot. Total butt nugget? Nosomuch. A little goes a long way.

    Oh for sure. Attractive can balance out a whole host of little things that may not otherwise be tolerated.

    I do enjoy a little dbaggery in my men, but just enough that I know they can keep up with my big old mean streak. I suspect you know a little about that. :tongue: