Do men like women with....



  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    Men like women that have vaginas. Period.

    QFT, as it applies of course!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    My brother was gay and, in one of our many heart to heart conversations, he was trying to explain it to me.

    The one thing he said that resonated with me was when he said, "At least after sex I can have an intelligent conversation with my lover."


    Pffft, have you ever tried to have an intelligent conversation with a hetero man in the refractory period? It goes something like this.....ZZZZZZZZZZ (snort) ZZZZZZZZZZZ
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Men like women that have vaginas. Period.

    some men like men that have penises.

    Some men like women that have penises.

    Some men love their prize winning goat Percy
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member

    Please stop this nonsense. I understand that we want guys to find us attractive and we worry about our flaws, but if you are constantly worrying if a guy will like your ____(enter insecurity here)_____ you aren't going to be happy.

    I have been at all ends of the spectrum. Guys liked me when I was fat or when I had abs, when I had big boobs or when I had no boobs, when I had short blonde hair or when I had long black hair. There were also guys who told me that they were not attracted to me because of any one of those factors.

    Do what you want, look how you want to look and live how you want to live. If you are happy and confident guys are going to be more attracted to you anyway.

    Be the best you that you can be. By becoming that, you will attract the guy that will accept you for who you are and that is the man you ought to be with (as long as you can accept him for who HE is)... By all means, continue working on problem areas.. but not to please a man... to please and perfect yourself and for your own self-actualization.

    TO OP: Great back muscles by the way... Keep up the awesome work! (Not a come-on, I promise)
  • BansheeCat
    BansheeCat Posts: 140
    It's not just women. Also, the obsessive need for affirmation is desired from everyone, not just their partner, even if it's something not yet achieved. The esteem ineptitude is an all encompassing deep seeded fear of rejection and irrational desire to be accepted. It's easier to please (try to please) someone else than to work on themselves.

    Back to women and physically speaking, the female form is meant to tempt and provoke interest. A solid mind along with it makes a desirable loveable woman.
  • khurrambutt
    khurrambutt Posts: 260 Member
    Men like women that have vaginas. Period.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    I like women with good credit.

    I'm with this guy
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Men like women that have vaginas. Period.

    Actually, not that crazy about the Period.

    But yet not really that crazy about her missing her period either.

    Haha if there is a non pregnant reason it's great...ask my husband...although no hummer week...:laugh:

    That being said the OP is correct...self confidence is sexy...I know because I have lots of brothers and male friends who tell me so.

    Men have preferences agreed...but when it comes down to it...2 woman who look the same they will chose the one who isn't needy, clingy and who is self confident over a woman who is not self confident, clings, requires constant compliments etc...

    And ladies why would you want a man who likes clingy, needy lacking in confidence women? what does that say about them?
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member

    Please stop this nonsense. I understand that we want guys to find us attractive and we worry about our flaws, but if you are constantly worrying if a guy will like your ____(enter insecurity here)_____ you aren't going to be happy.

    I have been at all ends of the spectrum. Guys liked me when I was fat or when I had abs, when I had big boobs or when I had no boobs, when I had short blonde hair or when I had long black hair. There were also guys who told me that they were not attracted to me because of any one of those factors.

    Do what you want, look how you want to look and live how you want to live. If you are happy and confident guys are going to be more attracted to you anyway.

    But how can we be happy if we don't know what men like?!?!? What other purpose is there for us if not to be what men like :cry:
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member

    Do what you want, look how you want to look and live how you want to live. If you are happy and confident guys are going to be more attracted to you anyway.

    Yep. I love a successful, confident woman.
  • lucille_heather
    lucille_heather Posts: 650 Member
    confidence to me is everything.
    i think if your confident and have a positive attitude, you'll find other people pick up on that and its attractive.
    confidence is such a turn on!
  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member

    Please stop this nonsense. I understand that we want guys to find us attractive and we worry about our flaws, but if you are constantly worrying if a guy will like your ____(enter insecurity here)_____ you aren't going to be happy.

    I have been at all ends of the spectrum. Guys liked me when I was fat or when I had abs, when I had big boobs or when I had no boobs, when I had short blonde hair or when I had long black hair. There were also guys who told me that they were not attracted to me because of any one of those factors.

    Do what you want, look how you want to look and live how you want to live. If you are happy and confident guys are going to be more attracted to you anyway.

    This is an awesome post!
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    Hmm.....I will be honest I don't quite agree with this post.

    There is a difference between being insecure and doing something to please something else.....but so what if I worry about what guys think about my weight? He still might like me however surely by demonstrating that I am putting the effort in isn't that an attractive quality.

    The feed might suggest that in 20, 30, 40 years time you might be with someone and just let yourself go because you don't care.

    Does that mean you wouldn't be upset if they left you for someone who did look after themselves?

    If your husband leaves you for someone else because they look after themselves he didn't really love you.

    Trouble is, you have NO IDEA if that's actually correct or not.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    thank you op. you made me feel a whole lot better.
  • rustyguy
    rustyguy Posts: 51 Member
    Showing up naked with pizza is a good start.
  • wmstormvet
    wmstormvet Posts: 145
    Agree. I have never been perfect or the most attractive but if you are confident and rock what you have then the right person will find you attractive. Hell, lots of men will find you attractive. And if others don't, so what!! SEMPER FI, usmcmp!!
  • wmstormvet
    wmstormvet Posts: 145
    Hmm.....I will be honest I don't quite agree with this post.

    There is a difference between being insecure and doing something to please something else.....but so what if I worry about what guys think about my weight? He still might like me however surely by demonstrating that I am putting the effort in isn't that an attractive quality.

    The feed might suggest that in 20, 30, 40 years time you might be with someone and just let yourself go because you don't care.

    Does that mean you wouldn't be upset if they left you for someone who did look after themselves?

    If your husband leaves you for someone else because they look after themselves he didn't really love you.

    Trouble is, you have NO IDEA if that's actually correct or not.

    Actually wouldn't that be TOTALLY correct? That is what love is, that is what marriage is and that is what you should have. Wedding vows actually state, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, in good times and bad. Just because it doesn't specifically say while skinny but not while fat/ overweight, doesn't mean that it isn't included.