Why the fitness culture on Social Media needs to die



  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    11 Reasons Why The Fitness Culture On Social Media Needs To Be Stopped
    Brought to you by the makers of Doge

  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    I read a couple of her other articles after reading through this one...How she received her degree, let alone a job after, is currently a mystery to me...
  • BigSnicka
    BigSnicka Posts: 151 Member
    Why does it always seem like the biggest idiots get the biggest platforms, audiences and microphones?
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member

    What IS funny, though, is that she more than likely wrote her own bio. She describes herself as "intellectual" and then writes:
    Graduating from Monmouth University in New Jersey, she now seems to put that Communication degree to good use.

    That is one of the most poorly-crafted sentences I've ever read.

    and ironic. considering she claims to be the proud owner of a "Communication" degree. lulz.

    BTW, is it called a Communications degree anyway? with an 's' at the end? double lulz.
    I believe you, sir, are correct.

    Actually... sorry to be a fuddy duddy on this -- and I know it's not the main point of your critque -- but it could really be either (for instance, I have a degree in Mass Communication, without the "s" because the word "mass" already makes it plural - something I learned in my MassComm 101 class... yeah, I'm a dork) . I thought the article was ... less than awesome, and her bio is laughable (who the heck thinks that having no filter is a positive characteristic? only self important people who think their opinions are more valuable than the feelings of other people - not that we should always bow to other people's feelings, but seriously? Filters make society bearable - I know people with no filters and they are difficult to be around!) - but let's critique it on the merits - not on whether she puts an "s" at the end of communication or not (especially given that it really can go either way).
  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    I'm sure someone has said this already, but IMHO, anything that gets people off their a$$es nowadays is cool in my book.

    Whether it be neon, food prep, or what have you, at least we know that there's a "cult" growing dedicated to...GASP...fitness.
  • ImpishVanity
    ImpishVanity Posts: 224 Member
    I don't think having a job is an excuse not to get your workout in. You can easily plan around your (for most people) very predictable schedule. The pics of the ladies on there that the author thought were gross were actually rather pretty. And I like neon. And benching. And squats. And what's wrong with asparagus and grilled chicken??! That actually looked tasty, not sad.

    I feel like the author is jealous and feeling bad because they don't want to put in the work to look the way those women look. It doesn't matter if someone is "naturally slim", building muscle and looking the way those examples look takes WORK. And if you don't want to put the work in that's fine. But don't complain about it because seeing it makes YOU feel bad about yourself.
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
  • SamanthaD1218
    SamanthaD1218 Posts: 304 Member
    Dumbest thing I've read all day. And that's saying a lot.

    As someone who worked damn hard for her own Communication B.A. (and now has an awesome job), I am horrified.
  • Coltsatc
    Coltsatc Posts: 36
    Ironically this article makes me want to go workout... :laugh:

    I'll make sure I post it on facebook too
  • Desterknee
    Desterknee Posts: 1,056 Member
    Kayla Inglima sounds pretty bitter.
  • Jhaturtle
    You know, these things can be expanded to a lot, a LOT of other subjects. Kids, pets, hobbies, politics, racism, patriotism.
    I do not have kids and do not have pets, I will in the future but that doesn't mean I enjoy it, AT ALL, to see friends/family/acquaintances post pictures of their kids or pets or complain/praise/whine/***** about their kids or pets.
    Same with politics and who votes for who and who is pro what and who isn't.

    But those with kids will be less likely to find it annoying, those with pets will more likely find the picture of X/Y/Z's dog doing a trick more amusing. Those with certain political opinions will be happy to see someone express the same opinion.
    This person who wrote this blog is being very bitter. You can't take her serious when she refers to a group of people who find "this" attractive then goes and labels it "gross", whilst "speaking for" a group herself.

    Yeah, before I made the change it WAS annoying to see my friend who works out 7x a week post a picture of his protein shake and chicken salad while I was downing my 3rd Red Bull and frozen-pizza dinner. It DID make me feel like I was doing something that I shouldn't be doing. But that was in no way or shape his fault. I felt that way because of envy and self guilt. If you personally feel fine to be, as the blogger wrote, "enjoying your bloody mary, eggs benedict and coffee with cream at brunch" then all of the pictures of healthy food in the world won't phase you one bit.
    The fact that they do means you are either (subconsciously) aware that maybe you shouldn't be eating that.

    I read this, and the only thing that was humorous to me was the amount of overweight/non-fit/out of shape friends and family I have on FB that shared it. But oh hell no if I were to make a blog post like this about all the baby pictures or religion pictures or political text posts that all of them share/circlejerk around. Then they're all offended and it's none of my business and I should accept them for who they are.

    Anyway, I'm off to go lift some weights and do cardio. Not before I post on FB that I'm going to do so, of course. Can't miss the chance to ruin someone's day by somehow making them feel bad about themselves due to no fault of my own :P
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    Social media sites like Facebook need to die off, nothing good has come of it. Forums work just fine and don't steal your info to sell to companies.
  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    I nearly choked on my sweet potato when I read that stupid hater article. The sweet potato that I carted to work, along with the other 3 meals, in my giant food transporter. Damn you OP, you have thrown me off schedule. I should be searching for the perfect "Leg Day" meme to post all over Instagram, FB, here, etc...
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Ironically this article makes me want to go workout... :laugh:

    I'll make sure I post it on facebook too

  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    This article actually is everything that is wrong with humanity.

    And you like it.

  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    I'm fat and out of shape but dang, I'm not that bitter (thank goodness)!
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    What I got from the article: Other people suck, I don't want to hear about them. What I post is the only thing worth reading, ever, and **** anybody who dares share on social media.

    Author has a serious case of the butthurt.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    "Nothing like waking up, getting ready for work and seeing a quick meme-reminder from #FitFam saying: WAKE UP! GO TO THE GYM! #NO #EXCUSES… But, I have a job…"

  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    I thought the article was such a B.S. biased opinion. But hey the internet's full of articles that are so one-sided. The part that got me was the part about waking up:

    Nothing like waking up, getting ready for work and seeing a quick meme-reminder from #FitFam saying: WAKE UP! GO TO THE GYM! #NO #EXCUSES… But, I have a job…

    I do too! I need to be there at 8 A.M., Monday to Friday. I have more energy in the morning, I will wake up at 4 and hit the gym for 5. It's just how I/you set my/your priorities.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    #3 *is* sexy.

    Also, what a ridiculous "article".