
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    bella ~ i did NMTZ last night and couldn't finish. i felt low energy from the start, but it was 10 pm when i started my workout, so maybe that contributed to it! that's why i really don't like to workout on Tuesdays... because that's the only time i can do it... but i'm behind on my workouts, and I have to take Thursday off because I'm going out to dinner with my mother-in-law.

    I went for a 30 minute run today on my lunch break. Definitely need to do that more. I think that will help w/ my endurance on BFBM.
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    I had trouble last night, too. Only did half the time. :( Hate when that happens. I started strong with doubling up everyday and slowly have petered out.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    ugh! I couldn't do last night! My lunch time run wiped me out - I'm actually sore today from it! I ran about 2 miles all up / down hills - such a great workout! But when it came time to do my workout, I had no energy and my muscles were stiff, so I decided to take a bubble bath instead :)
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Hope your muscles get better soon, Jen! I would still rather do just about anything than NMTZ but I did manage it and without crying or shouting too much. I actually did all the superman thingies, and I usually can't because they make me feel like I'm going to throw up. I hope this means it's getting easier! I'm excited for the break today. Just did some jogging with the wii earlier and will actually work out with my husband tonight. He is on his last day of level 1! I must say, he was much less disgustingly sweaty last night after his workout. I was just as sweaty as ever after NMTZ though...

    How is everyone feeling about being almost halfway through?! I have actually noticed a couple of small changes in my belly and double-chin area in the past couple of days. I had to get a new passport photo and I looked much smaller than the last one!
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    well, i'm 3 days behind, but it does feel good to be almost done. I'm not going to try to "catch up" , unless it means I used up one of my off days for it. I'll probably just roll the last few workouts into the first couple days of November. I don't want to skip any workouts because i think it's important to do them all... so my 30 days has turned into 33 days...LOL...

    I'm starting to notice some visible differences - my legs are more toned, my tummy is shrinking :) and my formerly tight pants are loose today :)

    I plan to keep doing the running thing 2 - 3 times a week... i still haven't figured out how i'm going to do the two workouts on the days those are specified... i really really really do not want to get up to workout in the morning and i'm scared that there's no way I can do them back to back in the evening... something's gonna have to give though. I have a feeling that that's when we'll start to really see differences...
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    I think my tummy is coming down a little, but nothing major. I am trying to do two workouts a day, one workout for the slim down and then a level two shred, plus a run. I just want the fat to start melting away! Why can't I be a candle! I am trying to start a biggest loser challange at work so I stay motivated.

    I hate the hip lifts! I don't understand them and don't do them.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I think my tummy is coming down a little, but nothing major. I am trying to do two workouts a day, one workout for the slim down and then a level two shred, plus a run. I just want the fat to start melting away! Why can't I be a candle! I am trying to start a biggest loser challange at work so I stay motivated.

    I hate the hip lifts! I don't understand them and don't do them.

    What are hip lifts? I must be missing something in the dvds!
  • I used my "off" day to make up one of the BFBM workouts that I missed. I made it through the entire thing, I'm so proud of myself! Before I was ready to pass out by circuit 4. Even though my jeans aren't any looser, I'll take the boosted endurance as a small victory. I do have to say this though: Jillian really needs better music. I felt like I should be watching something naughty while I was doing my jumping jacks. :P

    Nice job everyone for keeping up with it! It's awesome that you're all noticing changes!
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    today was the scheduled off day...but i missed monday thru wednesday so i did monday and tuesday...ill do wednesday another day this week...because tomorrow is the scheduled 2 vids...lol...AND i work in the afternoon and need to do some grocery shopping
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    How's everyone feeling about the doubled-up day? I just did level 1 and it felt like a warm-up! The only thing I found difficult were the stupid anterior raises. Otherwise, easy. That's so exciting. I remember when that workout made me feel like I was going to die. I'm already cold again. There's absolutely no way I burned off 200 calories with that. Must get an HRM. Anyway, going to torture myself with NMTZ now. No way that one will feel like a warm-up, lol. Going out to eat tonight. Let's hope I can stay away from the brownie sundaes!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    By the way, happy birthday, Jen! :smile:
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    I think my tummy is coming down a little, but nothing major. I am trying to do two workouts a day, one workout for the slim down and then a level two shred, plus a run. I just want the fat to start melting away! Why can't I be a candle! I am trying to start a biggest loser challange at work so I stay motivated.

    I hate the hip lifts! I don't understand them and don't do them.

    What are hip lifts? I must be missing something in the dvds!

    I cann't remember what dvd it is on... Its the one where you are on your side and you left your bum up. Its right before you lift your leg while laying on your side.
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    Today is the day i decided to run 2 miles. So when I get home from work I will do the 40 minute, then when hubby comes home run 2 miles, then do the 20 minute after dinner... Maybe he will join me! I like when he works out with me. He is very uncoordinated!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Oh, those things. I always feel like I'm going to roll backward for some reason, but they're getting easier. They're in NMTZ. :grumble: Good luck with your running, and that is the exact reason I like my husband to work out with me.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Helloooooo! Chiming in super late here - but hoping that's okay. I wanted to start this on October 1 - but that wasn't very realistic. Just returned home from vacation on October 11 - so there's half the month left. I started Jillian's NMTZ today and found it to be BRUTAL. I know it can't be that bad, I'm just out of shape.

    Can I nose my way in here? If I'm gonna do this, I definitely need some support and accountability.

    Jenjabbour - I saw your comment about how to fit in running with the program. I'm not sure what the best combination is - but that would be ideal for me too. Today i did zumba (in heels) - breaking them in for Halloween - and then a pitiful attempt at NMTZ. It will get better from here. I'm certain of it!

    To all of you who are hanging in there - I'm so impressed! Great job. :flowerforyou:
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Good to see you, smiles4miles. :) NMTZ is brutal, that's what I came to post (complain) about just now. I hate it! Just when I thought it was getting easier, my husband watched me do it, so I was trying to do everything at the advanced level. She is a mean, mean woman. So, who is still doing this challenge, and if you are, how are you finding it? It seems like there are just a few of us left. I can't stop, though, if I want to look anything less than frightening in a swimsuit in November.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Good to see you, smiles4miles. :) NMTZ is brutal, that's what I came to post (complain) about just now. I hate it! Just when I thought it was getting easier, my husband watched me do it, so I was trying to do everything at the advanced level. She is a mean, mean woman. So, who is still doing this challenge, and if you are, how are you finding it? It seems like there are just a few of us left. I can't stop, though, if I want to look anything less than frightening in a swimsuit in November.

    Keep going! You can do it :) I may have missed it while browsing the thread - what's the occasion for a swimsuit in November?
    Thanks for sharing your opinion about NMTZ... yes, Jillian is mean. I think I'm either going to do shred level 1 or run on the treadmill today. It's nearly 5:00 pm and i was going to say screw it for the day -but knowing you did your thang makes me feel like I can too.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    i'm still doing it! I'm a few days behind, and might start trying to catch up if I ever have any energy left after just 1 workout. I wanted to double up last night after I did BFBM, and over halfway through I still thought it possible, but that 2nd to last circuit kicks my butt everytime!!! it was easier than the first time I did it, so at least I know I'm getting stronger :)

    I'm fitting running, bike riding, walking, and any other activity I can find time to do into my exercise schedule. I figure I'd much rather burn calories than eat less... and building muscle helps to continue burning fat even at rest anyways, so the more the better :) When I have the kids with me, it's the bike because I put them in the trailer and go. If I'm at work, I can run or walk up and down these huge hills :D great workout! I might pick my son up early from school one of these days and take him to a local lake w/ a paved trail going around (6 miles roundtrip) and then I have my choice - either running or rollerblading. I like to mix it up so I can work all the different muscles.

    I'm starting to get impatient... wanting to see more results faster... doesn't help that I've splurged two weekends in a row due to hubby's and then my birhtday... no more birthdays/anniversary's/holidays for a couple weeks now, so I need to really be serious. I'd like to get down to 120 by Halloween. I'm not giving myself much breathing room in losing these lbs, but it's because I know myself and i'm impatient and I will lose focus if it takes too long.

    Hubby promised me a trip to a vacation island near us when I've lost all the weight I want to lose. Nice carrot to dangle ind front of me, huh?

    Ok, hope everyone has a great day today :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Ickybella - I was re-reading this thread and saw that you're exercising like a mad-woman! Please make sure you don't over-do it. I remember when I did this workout with a group on MFP, some of us decided to up the cardio b/c it didn't feel like enough. It was awesome to be working out so hard, but then I burned out big time. I hope you avoid the crash-n-burn and just melt it off like you want!

    Jenjabbour - island vacation sounds wonderful! I'm tired just reading about the double workouts, but I'm impressed by you guys. I guess the main point is to be active and commit to the workouts (and have good eating). You got this!

    Yesterday I hit the treadmill. I also did some of the arm exercises from NMTZ, but without doing the DVD. I"m trying to flush out lactic acid from the first day I attempted it. Sore muscles! any tips?
  • Hello
    I'm just joining MFP today is it to late to join this plan. I do not have any DVD's yet
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