

  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    smiles4miles, I've only been doing the challenge for the last week, and yesterday was so busy and we got about two hours of sleep the night before, so I only ended up doing level 2. I was going to do level 2, have a break while my husband did his workout, and then do level 1, but I ended up doing level 2 and falling asleep on the couch. That's the first time I've deviated from the plan and I felt like crap about it but add some sore Achilles tendons to the mix and I was just not up for it. Going to do that extra level 1 on Thursday. There's too much jumping around in it, so I need to give my ankles a chance to heal. Should make BFBM interesting tomorrow.

    On a happier note, we got my spousal visa yesterday and are just waiting on my ID card now so we can go to Tenerife at the beginning of next month. That's why I need to look decent in a swimsuit, by the way. We both really need this break so it will be very good for us. We'll be gone for a week, and most of it will be eating out, but I'm hoping it doesn't screw up what I'm doing too much. Hope everyone has a good day.

    Grandmapope, you'll have to get the dvds and some hand weights, and it is very late in this challenge, not that anyone would care if you joined (I'd imagine) but there's another challenge in November that Kizzy is doing and it will be the same as this one. If you waited for it, you could do the whole challenge.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    I finished NMTZ for the first time last night... oh, well, I didn't do the cool down because I had to run out the door to pick up my son from church.... and BFBM is getting easier :) I can see some definition starting to form in my abs and my clothes are getting looser - my waistband and also my button up shirts aren't as tight in the bust and arms :) I actually think I will be retiring the pants I wore yesterday. They looked stupid baggy on me :D

    Today is my first day for doubling up of workouts because I'm so far behind. I'm going to try to catch up now, but I already screwed up because I was supposed to do the 30DS1 this morning and forgot to set my alarm clock, so tonight I am going to try to do both... we'll see... but that's over an hour of working out!

    On the days that we don't have double workouts, I'm going to try to double up anyways so that I can get caught up. Or I will go for a run on my lunch break. I'm kinda bummed - it's already Thursday and I haven't gone running once this week (but in my defense, it's been rainy). This week has seriously flown by! We're almost done, ladies!!! Well, I'm only halfway done, but if get caught up I'm almost done :)

    I've vowed to not weigh or measure myself again until after I'm done with this plan. Oh, and take my after pics.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I've been resting for the last couple of days, trying to heal my ankle. I've got it wrapped right now and it's feeling much better, so I am going to go ahead and do today's workout. I am behind one Level 1 and one BFBM. I won't be able to make up BFBM until my ankle is healed because of all the jumping, but I plan on doing Level 1 as soon as I'm feeling up to it. I might just end up having to replace BFBM with NMTZ. We shall see. So, even though I decided I was only going to do the challenge workouts so I didn't kill myself, I've started some 100 pushup challenge and have been sort of doing calisthenics and some stuff from the Jillian videos that won't hurt my ankle. I'll skip anything that might hurt me, but I do plan on working out. It's only an ankle. Life goes on.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    bella, sorry to hear about your ankle! just do what you can do and as long as you're staying in your calorie range, things will be fine :) definitely don't rush it getting better!

    ok, i don't even know how far behind I am now. I didn't do my workout last night and again i did not get up this morning. i really need to workout tonight! guess it's probably double workouts for me from here on out, as I really want to finish by the end of October. I want to see the results! I already do and can't wait to do an after pic.

    is everyone that took pics planning to share? i don't know how I want to go about doing it because I'm kinda shy that way...
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Ankle's actually getting better. I wrapped it up really tightly during both workouts today and just didn't do some of the stuff. I substituted with things that don't hurt me. I still got red and sweaty so I feel like I did something. I took before pictures and I plan on taking after pictures, and I'll post them as long as no one has any issues looking at a chubby chick in tight workout pants. At least I'm a little less chubby than when I started.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    Ok, so since I've screwed around and missed so many days, here's my new plan to get me through this as close to on date as possible:



    30 DAY SHRED - LEVEL 2


    30 DAY SHRED - LEVEL 1


    30 DAY SHRED - LEVEL 1

    30 DAY SHRED - LEVEL 1


    30 SHRED LEVEL 1


    I am not going to allow myself to weigh, measure, or take any pictures to compare and see where I'm at until I finish the challenge.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Well, I am not currently following the challenge. I'm really disappointed in myself, but I want to be able to walk during vacation. I feel like the laziest person ever. I did manage level 1 today and I did NMTZ yesterday, and I'll probably do it tomorrow but that might be it for me. I really need this ankle to heal and I"m not sure if it's getting better or if I'm just getting used to the pain. It's still swelling up when I stand for too long. When I get back from vacation, I'm going to start this challenge over and do it properly.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    sorry about your ankle, bella :( you gotta do what you need to do to make sure it heals properly though, that way you can get back up on your feet again. can you go to the dr?

    i am not so sure what the plan is for me either. i think i'm just going to try to mix 2 workouts a night for the rest of the week and then call it good. i skipped last night because i just felt like lounging around w/ hubby after the kids went to bed.

    i really really really want to get more cardio in. other than BFBM, her other workouts don't really have that much cardio. and when i double up on the 30DS and NMTZ, i feel like i'm doing a lot of repititive moves...

    Come Nov. 1st i think i'll do running at lunch and maybe 30 mins of JM video for strength and 30 mins on the treadclimber for more cardio... i need to start burning off some of this fat around my belly.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Oddly enough, my ankle is feeling much better today! I have taken this as my rest day to make sure it is definitely ok, but if I wake up with no soreness, I am going to finish this challenge on time. I am behind two BFBMs and whatever we were supposed to do today. If I double or triple up the last couple of days, I can still finish properly. If my ankle starts to hurt again, though, I won't. Getting nervous about my vacation. Right now, my BMI is around 27.5 and I am not going to feel comfortable on the beach, but I'll just try to stay mostly covered. At least my arms are smaller...

    This weekend, we are going to a Halloween thing at a pub. We're dressing as Morticia and Gomez Addams. I will post pictures this Sunday as the party is on Saturday. I'm even dyeing my hair black, temporarily. Let's hope it washes out before the holiday. I'm going to dye it as soon as the dye arrives. (I ordered it online.) Then, I'll just wash it a couple of times a day Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday morning. We're leaving for Tenerife Tuesday afternoon.

    I probably could go to the doctor, but you can't use the NHS until you've been living here for a year. Now that we're married, though, and I have my residence permit, I might be able to get something sorted. Luckily, I might not have to. Hope everyone's doing well.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    this challenge is such a bust for me. last night i decided that i rather walk on my treadclimber for an hour because it burns more calories... then an hour later, i wasn't feeling well... tummy bug.... so no working out today, possibly tomorrow...we'll see.... i'm too far behind to even try to catch up. oh well. it has still been good and i'm a lot stronger than i was.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    this challenge is such a bust for me. last night i decided that i rather walk on my treadclimber for an hour because it burns more calories... then an hour later, i wasn't feeling well... tummy bug.... so no working out today, possibly tomorrow...we'll see.... i'm too far behind to even try to catch up. oh well. it has still been good and i'm a lot stronger than i was.
  • What do you guys do for the Quick Trouble Zones part? I have the No More Trouble Zones DVD but didnt see a section with that option for the quick part? Thanks so much I will have to do the Quick part on Sunday. :smile:
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Well, I'm sort of back at it. I'll have to do a NMTZ, a BFBM, and a level 1 or level 2 each of the next three days to end on time, but at least I'd be a little more buff for vacation. Not sure if I'll be able to do it, but we'll see. I have just done NMTZ and am going to clean up a bit before I decide what to do next. Got my Halloween costume today and the dress shows a bit too much of the chubb! I thought the jacket was longer and would hide it, but it's a crop jacket. If I really stand up straight and suck in, I can almost hide it but I am a sloucher, so I don't really know how confident I'll be wearing it. Still, it's a pretty cool outfit, and it mostly fits.

    Ttv2004, I think you can buy QTZ but I've just been using NMTZ. Someone said QTZ is NMTZ without the floor work. I have no idea, but if that's right, I'd rather do NMTZ because the floor work is where I am best. I suck in a huge way at most things arm related, so I'd rather do the whole thing and give my arms and legs a little break for a couple of circuits. Well, I hope everyone is ok. Jenjabbour, hope the belly is getting better. Anyone planning on doing the same challenge in November? I was planning on it, but because we'll be gone from the second to the ninth, I don't know what I'll be doing. I wanted to start c25k in November but that depends on my ankle and I do plan on starting insanity in December.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    yeah, no way i could work out yesterday, went to bed early again, feeling stronger today, but probably not up to JM workouts... maybe I'll walk at a slower pace on the treadclimber tonight... still not even up to eating 1,000 cals... maybe today i'll be able to eat more...

    bella, sorry the costume isn't fitting how you had hoped. just wear it w/ confidence and have fun!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    yeah, no way i could work out yesterday, went to bed early again, feeling stronger today, but probably not up to JM workouts... maybe I'll walk at a slower pace on the treadclimber tonight... still not even up to eating 1,000 cals... maybe today i'll be able to eat more...

    bella, sorry the costume isn't fitting how you had hoped. just wear it w/ confidence and have fun!

    Ouch. Good luck. And, in the costume's defense, it's a maxi dress made of very soft cotton. It was never going to be flattering on someone with a few lumps here and there. Anyway, it's not too bad. It's really comfortable, which is a plus, and the jacket is actually a little loose on me! I knew I had a picture around here of my Halloween costume from last year and I found it. Boy oh boy. Sometimes you forget just how big you let yourself get. Will post last Halloween/this Halloween pictures, somewhere.

    I've done NMTZ and BFBM now and jeez. That woman is evil. Still, the cardio one really gave me some energy, so now I've got a lot of other things to do in a short time!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Well, not sure if anyone's really doing this anymore, or even coming to the thread, so I'm kind of feeling like it's pointless to post here, and I think I'll just do a blog post with my before and after pictures. All I have to do is one BFBM and a level 1 and I've finished. Got up and did NMTZ this morning. My muscles were really protesting, but I so want to finish the challenge on time. Anyway, good luck ladies. I hope everyone is well.
  • LAYLAH17
    LAYLAH17 Posts: 170 Member
This discussion has been closed.