Judgey in the lunch room



  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Well, I can't totally hate on the OP for this post. They came right out and said they were being judgemental, so that shouldn't really have come as a surprise to anyone.

    I know the popular attitude these days is: eat whatever you want, under calories, lose weight.

    I still think frozen food is such processed garbage that one should not eat it every day. I mean, folks do this in the South. They are effing huge AND malnourished. I think there is a point where it's gross and I'm not too afraid to judge someone for not eating real food. I mean, it's cool that you don't mind that. But I couldn't do it and it grosses me out. Same with people who lose weight on McDonald's. That's great! I'm glad you can do it! You're still eating a patty comprised of slaughterhouse floor sweepings and cow anuses cleaned with ammonia that, according to rumor, sticks around on the burger long enough to do bad things to you if you eat enough of it.

    I'm all for losing weight at some cost, but, truly, god, nature and darwin never meant for you to eat anything remotely close to that. I'm not organic. I'm not vegetarian. I even eat fast food sometimes. But I get the OP's point: EVERY DAY? REALLY?


    Huge? Malnourished?
    Oh, please do go on with your utter brilliance, oh Darwin-immune wise one.

    I truly don't understand your comment or the need to be snarky.

    Yes, people can be malnourish (what I understood to be lacking the basic vitamins, minerals, nutrients that people need to be survive) AND be obese. That's what I mean by huge and malnourished. That's what seems like irony to me. That someone can eat so much, but have scurvy, for example.
  • kathyflannery129
    kathyflannery129 Posts: 151 Member
    Had enough of people who judge..get on with your life..you obviously have too much time on your hands...go out for a walk instead of eating lunch....
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Well, I can't totally hate on the OP for this post. They came right out and said they were being judgemental, so that shouldn't really have come as a surprise to anyone.

    I know the popular attitude these days is: eat whatever you want, under calories, lose weight.

    I still think frozen food is such processed garbage that one should not eat it every day. I mean, folks do this in the South. They are effing huge AND malnourished. I think there is a point where it's gross and I'm not too afraid to judge someone for not eating real food. I mean, it's cool that you don't mind that. But I couldn't do it and it grosses me out. Same with people who lose weight on McDonald's. That's great! I'm glad you can do it! You're still eating a patty comprised of slaughterhouse floor sweepings and cow anuses cleaned with ammonia that, according to rumor, sticks around on the burger long enough to do bad things to you if you eat enough of it.

    I'm all for losing weight at some cost, but, truly, god, nature and darwin never meant for you to eat anything remotely close to that. I'm not organic. I'm not vegetarian. I even eat fast food sometimes. But I get the OP's point: EVERY DAY? REALLY?


    Huge? Malnourished?
    Oh, please do go on with your utter brilliance, oh Darwin-immune wise one.

    I truly don't understand your comment or the need to be snarky.

    Yes, people can be malnourish (what I understood to be lacking the basic vitamins, minerals, nutrients that people need to be survive) AND be obese. That's what I mean by huge and malnourished. That's what seems like irony to me. That someone can eat so much, but have scurvy, for example.

    What escaped your notice is that my ticker features the New Orleans Saints.
    Which are a team based out of New Orleans.
    Which is in Louisiana.
    Which is in the South.

    TL;DR? I'm southern!!

    My point was that your post was full of bigotry.
    And bigotry is stupid.

    ETA: given a choice of bigot or snarky, snarky wins EVERY TIME.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    If you saw my meals, you would probably judge me to death because the majority of my foods come from full-fat cheeses, butters, dressings, and stuff like that. I don't eat fruit because of the carb content of them and only eat dark leaf veggies.

    Don't be a food snob dude. That's not cool.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Well, I can't totally hate on the OP for this post. They came right out and said they were being judgemental, so that shouldn't really have come as a surprise to anyone.

    I know the popular attitude these days is: eat whatever you want, under calories, lose weight.

    I still think frozen food is such processed garbage that one should not eat it every day. I mean, folks do this in the South. They are effing huge AND malnourished. I think there is a point where it's gross and I'm not too afraid to judge someone for not eating real food. I mean, it's cool that you don't mind that. But I couldn't do it and it grosses me out. Same with people who lose weight on McDonald's. That's great! I'm glad you can do it! You're still eating a patty comprised of slaughterhouse floor sweepings and cow anuses cleaned with ammonia that, according to rumor, sticks around on the burger long enough to do bad things to you if you eat enough of it.

    I'm all for losing weight at some cost, but, truly, god, nature and darwin never meant for you to eat anything remotely close to that. I'm not organic. I'm not vegetarian. I even eat fast food sometimes. But I get the OP's point: EVERY DAY? REALLY?


    Huge? Malnourished?
    Oh, please do go on with your utter brilliance, oh Darwin-immune wise one.

    I truly don't understand your comment or the need to be snarky.

    Yes, people can be malnourish (what I understood to be lacking the basic vitamins, minerals, nutrients that people need to be survive) AND be obese. That's what I mean by huge and malnourished. That's what seems like irony to me. That someone can eat so much, but have scurvy, for example.

    What escaped your notice is that my ticker features the New Orleans Saints.
    Which are a team based out of New Orleans.
    Which is in Louisiana.
    Which is in the South.

    TL;DR? I'm southern!!

    My point was that your post was full of bigotry.
    And bigotry is stupid.

    ETA: given a choice of bigot or snarky, snarky wins EVERY TIME.

    Like I said, it's a stereotype. I've already said I know it's not everyone, just enough to become a stereotype. If it makes you feel better I'm white AND I can't dance, thus fulfilling a stereotype. At least you aren't one?
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Man, I clearly don't understand conversations on the internet.

    To the freezer food thing, just like you said about not knowing U.S. brand names, I didn't know your correct terminology for what I have been raised to call t.v. dinners. Pre-made food, sold in the freezer section, that is definitely something more than food that has been frozen. I own a freezer. I preserve food that way. I don't judge anyone for doing this or buying food that has been frozen. My definition of freezer food, which is clearly different than yours, is processed stuff that you can quickly microwave and eat. Not real food that has been frozen. I don't know how to be more clear about that.

    AND I don't hate the south. I don't even hate fat or obese people. Until somewhat recently, I was one. I just know the stereotype of the south as recognized on the West coast of the United States. As I've already stated, I eat fast food, my definition of freezer food, diet soda, etc. My point was more toward moderation. Not eating it every day. To go on with the list: I smoke cigarettes, drink too much, and have a weight problem.

    Not trying to dog on anyone, just saying that this stuff, day after day, leads to health issues, especially without recognizing how much you are consuming. Or just not exercising. Anyway, sorry for offending folks. Just going for debate, not the name calling.

    No idea where the "darwin-immune" comment came from. I was trying to say that whoever you believe in, god or darwin or vishnu or whoever, probably doesn't want you eating ammonia-soaked, reshaped cow anuses day-in and day-out. If they agreed with me, which they probably don't, they'd think it was a once or twice a week thing. So, not trying to play holier-than-thou, just trying to express my views on moderation and agree with the OPs point that every day might be too much...

    Darwin Awards are given to people who die due to their own stupid actions.
    Get it? It was snark.
    And yeah, get used to snark. I have a feeling as long as you perpetuate stereotypes and spew misinformation, you'll get plenty.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Well, I can't totally hate on the OP for this post. They came right out and said they were being judgemental, so that shouldn't really have come as a surprise to anyone.

    I know the popular attitude these days is: eat whatever you want, under calories, lose weight.

    I still think frozen food is such processed garbage that one should not eat it every day. I mean, folks do this in the South. They are effing huge AND malnourished. I think there is a point where it's gross and I'm not too afraid to judge someone for not eating real food. I mean, it's cool that you don't mind that. But I couldn't do it and it grosses me out. Same with people who lose weight on McDonald's. That's great! I'm glad you can do it! You're still eating a patty comprised of slaughterhouse floor sweepings and cow anuses cleaned with ammonia that, according to rumor, sticks around on the burger long enough to do bad things to you if you eat enough of it.

    I'm all for losing weight at some cost, but, truly, god, nature and darwin never meant for you to eat anything remotely close to that. I'm not organic. I'm not vegetarian. I even eat fast food sometimes. But I get the OP's point: EVERY DAY? REALLY?


    Huge? Malnourished?
    Oh, please do go on with your utter brilliance, oh Darwin-immune wise one.

    I truly don't understand your comment or the need to be snarky.

    Yes, people can be malnourish (what I understood to be lacking the basic vitamins, minerals, nutrients that people need to be survive) AND be obese. That's what I mean by huge and malnourished. That's what seems like irony to me. That someone can eat so much, but have scurvy, for example.

    What escaped your notice is that my ticker features the New Orleans Saints.
    Which are a team based out of New Orleans.
    Which is in Louisiana.
    Which is in the South.

    TL;DR? I'm southern!!

    My point was that your post was full of bigotry.
    And bigotry is stupid.

    ETA: given a choice of bigot or snarky, snarky wins EVERY TIME.

    Like I said, it's a stereotype. I've already said I know it's not everyone, just enough to become a stereotype. If it makes you feel better I'm white AND I can't dance, thus fulfilling a stereotype. At least you aren't one?

    Perpetuating stereotypes is wrong, but I now see that you apologized.
    I was too hard on you, perhaps.

    ETA: southerners are stereotyped as being uneducated and backward, too. You won't be going there, will you?
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Man, I clearly don't understand conversations on the internet.

    To the freezer food thing, just like you said about not knowing U.S. brand names, I didn't know your correct terminology for what I have been raised to call t.v. dinners. Pre-made food, sold in the freezer section, that is definitely something more than food that has been frozen. I own a freezer. I preserve food that way. I don't judge anyone for doing this or buying food that has been frozen. My definition of freezer food, which is clearly different than yours, is processed stuff that you can quickly microwave and eat. Not real food that has been frozen. I don't know how to be more clear about that.

    you said "frozen food" initially. I agree, different dialects makes things more tricky when people mean different things by the same words. But for most people frozen food = any food that's been frozen. Anyway, thanks for clearing it up re what you really mean. I don't think there's a standard term for food that comes in packets ready prepared... I'm from the UK, there they're usually called ready meals, and there's also boil in the bag, which is the same kind of thing but instead of microwaving it comes in a plastic bag and you cook the whole thing inside the bag in a large pan of water.
  • some_betty
    some_betty Posts: 322 Member
    I could really go for a green salad almost entirely made out of butterhead lettuce, olive oil and vinegar. All the lettuce hate in this thread gives me a sad. I hope you all die from constipation brought on by severely low fiber levels.

    WTF? Wow. Wishing death on people really speaks volumes about you. take Betty Boop off your profile..you don't deserve her.

  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    No offense, but the fact that I referred to it as a stereotype from the get-go means that I'm admitting it's not about everyone. That's kind of the definition of a stereotype. That's why I didn't say it was a fact that every American in the South is obese. It's a trend, not a 100% fact for 100% of the population.

    If you want proof, I googled "United States map by obesity 2013" and most of the links on the web and maps I got in google images supports what I'm saying. It's staggering.


    Anyway, I still never meant to offend anyone. Just wanted to say that, regardless of CICO, I think it's gross to eat processed food everyday. That said, I'm not a saint with my dietary habits, either. SAINT. Get it?
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Oh goody, I've been hoping to get the chance to use this line....
    So I'm realizing that some people ALWAYS eat trash. They have soda every day, some of them even drink predominantly soda as if it were water. There are people at my work who eat microwave lunches every day! That is a chemical trash concoction and they eat it every. single. day. They probably don't even eat one cupful of lettuce per day and might only have one piece of fruit or none! How is that even possible? Don't you die of malnutrition if you only eat processed food every day all the time? I definitely indulge in the occasional snack of trash, sometimes even twice a day, but every day? All the time? It had just never occurred to me that a person could live without eating any fruits or any vegetables or drinking any water or probably doing any exercise...
    Soda every day. Yep.
    Microwave lunches every day. Yep at the moment since I started this new contract. Was often pizza before that.
    Food made of chemicals. Well, yep.
    Some days won't eat any salad or fruit at all, sometimes a few days in a row.
    Never drink water on it's own - usually soda or squash with artificial sweeteners.

    And here it comes....
    So, how many ultramarathons have you completed in the last week?

    Me; just the one. Probably because I eat 'trash'!

  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I've had a couple of tesco value ready meals recently for my lunch - prefer Morrisons but only Tescos close where I am for this new contract.
    They advertise "made with kitchen cupboard ingredients".

    If that be true, does any of the anti-processed (sic) brigade still have a problem with such food?
    If so, why?
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    No offense, but the fact that I referred to it as a stereotype from the get-go means that I'm admitting it's not about everyone. That's kind of the definition of a stereotype. That's why I didn't say it was a fact that every American in the South is obese. It's a trend, not a 100% fact for 100% of the population.

    If you want proof, I googled "United States map by obesity 2013" and most of the links on the web and maps I got in google images supports what I'm saying. It's staggering.


    Anyway, I still never meant to offend anyone. Just wanted to say that, regardless of CICO, I think it's gross to eat processed food everyday. That said, I'm not a saint with my dietary habits, either. SAINT. Get it?

    Yeah, I see what you did there.:wink:
    I don't dispute the statistics. However, the problem of obesity is a problem beyond food item choices and demographics.
    Stick around MFP and you'll learn plenty! :drinker:
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    No offense, but the fact that I referred to it as a stereotype from the get-go means that I'm admitting it's not about everyone. That's kind of the definition of a stereotype. That's why I didn't say it was a fact that every American in the South is obese. It's a trend, not a 100% fact for 100% of the population.

    If you want proof, I googled "United States map by obesity 2013" and most of the links on the web and maps I got in google images supports what I'm saying. It's staggering.


    Anyway, I still never meant to offend anyone. Just wanted to say that, regardless of CICO, I think it's gross to eat processed food everyday. That said, I'm not a saint with my dietary habits, either. SAINT. Get it?
    If you walk up to a group of people and say something completely racist about that group of people but start out with "this is a stereotype", I don't see that going well for you. Even if the statistics back up the stereotype.

    That said, I live in Houston and am not offended by what you said. For a long time we were the fattest city in America, and it was well deserved. We have all the good foods, it's hot out in the summer (which makes us want to be indoors more), etc. And you're right, there are a lot of skinny people here (I'm not one of them) but there are a lot of large people too. Although to our credit, the fattest city was only based on number of restaurants compared to the number of gyms. :laugh:
  • sebkiwinaspensmama
    sebkiwinaspensmama Posts: 69 Member
    End well, this will not.

    It probably has something to do with the way you came off in the OP... Like you're on a high horse of sort, because you eat your fruits and veggies. Let people eat what they want and worry about yourself imo.

    ^ this.
  • sebkiwinaspensmama
    sebkiwinaspensmama Posts: 69 Member
    Meanwhile...the OP is eating some frozen dinners and enjoying the drama that has ensued as a result of her post. :laugh:
  • srr728
    srr728 Posts: 549 Member
    young and ignorant need to be educated about some things about life and , as well as some need to be educated about nutrition. Everyone needs something, as well I need some of that french toast salad dammit!!!

    you can't judge people because you dont know how their life is.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    Full disclosure: I can't remember the last time I ate lettuce.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,087 Member
    "They probably don't even eat one cupful of lettuce per day"

    Pick me! Pick me!

    Well, I do eat lettuce but nowhere near a cup a day - probably more like half cup/month. :smile: