OCTOBER 30 Day Shred Group



  • Jillid71
    Jillid71 Posts: 38 Member
    Just did L1D1!!
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Hey All!

    Today got crazy for me so it looks like I'll be making the chart late tonight or early tomorrow - but have no fear! It will be here! For the newbies, you can send me or post your current weight and measurements for your arms, waist, hips and thighs and I'll be making a chart to track progress weekly. And feel free to friend me too!

    Chart will be posted soon! Promise!

    Yeay shred!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    L1D1 done! I'm already sore, tomorrow morning will be tough but I'm in it for the 30days.

    SW 158
    Arms 12
    Chest 38
    Upper waist 29
    Lower waist 39
    Hips 46
    Thighs 27
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    about to start L1D1, and have a lot of motivation.... not only did I gain 1 lbs last month :cry: , I also gained like 7 or so inches (I measure a lot of places though! :explode: didn't think the month was that bad!!! TOM is coming in a day or 2, so hopefully I'll have a nice surprise when I remeasure later! Grr.

    Anyway, starting measurements (probably more that you wanted to know, but it all matters to me):

    SW: 190.6
    neck: 13.5
    upper waist: 45.0
    waist (belly button): 43.0
    hips: 49.0
    calf: 17.0
    thigh: 24.0
    bust: 46.0
    forearm: 6.0
    upper arm: 13.5
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Ok guys, here it is! Sorry about the abbreviations, the message boards are so skinny (is that MFP's way of mocking us?). If I copied something wrong, let me know. It's late and I'm tired :-P

    So basically send me updates every Monday and I'll post em Monday night or Tuesday morning!

    Great start everyone!

  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Also, if anyone else wants to be on the chart, send me your info! MFP won't let me add any other names to the first chart because the message boards are too skinny but I've gotten some interest already in a second chart and I'll totally do that! So send away and as soon as I have a good amount of people I'll post a second chart :-)
  • rbcca19
    rbcca19 Posts: 91
    Thank you for doing the chart! How often do we measure ourselves?
  • carreen
    carreen Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks for doing the chart! :happy:
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Day 4, done!
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Thank you for doing the chart! How often do we measure ourselves?

    Weekly! I'll post an updated chart on Monday nights or Tuesday mornings so just send em sometime on Monday!
  • fthoodbaby
    fthoodbaby Posts: 52 Member
    I got mine through Netflix
  • AbsoluteLM
    AbsoluteLM Posts: 22 Member
    Day 2 of the Shred done and, while I thought it would be harder because my muscles are sore, it actually felt easier. Does this mean I'm in for horror tomorrow, though? Lol.

    I wanted to post my full stats for the chart. I just took my measurements today:

    SW: 144.2
    Bust: 39.5
    Waist: 31
    Hips: 42.5
    Thighs: 24
    Arms: 13.5

    Hope you are all doing well!

    Today was my third day. I agree, the second day felt easier than the first! Today wasn't bad at all for me. I actually really enjoy it and for me, it seems to go by really quickly. :)

    My third day wasn't that bad either! I did have to stop and rest a bit during one jumprope section and the bicycle crunches... despite Jillian telling me that we were all in it together and I needed to keep on going! Haha. I hope everyone is doing well with the 30DS. Thanks so much for putting the chart together MT!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Day 2 of the Shred done and, while I thought it would be harder because my muscles are sore, it actually felt easier. Does this mean I'm in for horror tomorrow, though? Lol.

    I wanted to post my full stats for the chart. I just took my measurements today:

    SW: 144.2
    Bust: 39.5
    Waist: 31
    Hips: 42.5
    Thighs: 24
    Arms: 13.5

    Hope you are all doing well!

    Today was my third day. I agree, the second day felt easier than the first! Today wasn't bad at all for me. I actually really enjoy it and for me, it seems to go by really quickly. :)

    My third day wasn't that bad either! I did have to stop and rest a bit during one jumprope section and the bicycle crunches... despite Jillian telling me that we were all in it together and I needed to keep on going! Haha. I hope everyone is doing well with the 30DS. Thanks so much for putting the chart together MT!

    Oh those bicycle crunches hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt, but I did all of them today and I felt that knot she refers to. I was cursing her under my breath hahaha.
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    L1D2 done :) I've got a good sports bra, but had to dig out some shape-wear I had so things didn't jiggle so much during the jumping jacks and jump rope :blushing:
  • rbcca19
    rbcca19 Posts: 91
    oh my gosh! I feel like barfing! It's not like this every time is it? I was shaking SO BAD during the squats.
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    L1D1 done this morning. I'm sooo happy I got 2 lb weights instead of using the 5s I already had! My arms are a nice healthy burn right now (I think I may use my 5s on day 5 or 6 and then go back to the twos for the beginning of level two and so on) but my thighs are ON FIRE. It wasn't so bad when I was doing it but now, about 10 hours later, I can hardly stand! rbcca I feel ya, but stay with it! Modify whatever you need until it gets easier! I do a lot of walking and running so endurance wasn't an issue but those damn squats! They were killers! Here's to day two being a little easier, and day three a little easier than that....:drinker:
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    ack! i'm a day behind. i was to busy to do the shred today. :( i'll be back tomorrow!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    oh my gosh! I feel like barfing! It's not like this every time is it? I was shaking SO BAD during the squats.

    Don't give up! It does get easier!!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Day 5, done! Whoo hoo!
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Well, I skipped doing the Shred yesterday but got a good jog in instead. I went back to it today, and it seemed so much easier. Don't know if it was the rest day, I lowered the weights half way through each set (5 lbs first half, 2 lbs second half), or the fact I turned off Jillian's voice :laugh: My husband played around with some a/v cables, and I didn't want to not do my workout to take the time to sort everything out. So I played music instead and I swear it helped. Jillian's "motivational" quips really tend to irritate me, so I think my bp was lower listening to music and therefore made for an easier workout. I also was really sore after Fri. workout, so today I skipped the cooldown, walked for 5 min, then replayed the warm-up followed by the cooldown. My muscles don't feel as sore, but I guess I won't really know until tomorrow. :ohwell:

    MTdork87-thanks for the chart. I've never been good with spreadsheets, so I really appreciate your talent. You say you'll update every Mon.? but I think I'll record mine at the end of every level (10 days) because I'm at maintenance and don't expect to see much change after only a week. I can try to update here only on Mon. following my check ins if that helps.