Is a 20 minute 5k really that great



  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    i ran 4.7km in 14:50... and that was about 3-4 years ago.. We practiced running twice a week for 3- 4 weeks, which got us pretty fit.. 5km is quite a challenge, so I think yes, it's that great.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Regardless of your time - YOU ARE RUNNING and not sitting on the couch! And that's all that matters. Good on you for getting your cardio up!

    No. She's not.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    My Elliptigo does it in 12 parsecs

    There is so much wrong with this statement that it is totally right!


    And I've been wondering for 35ish years why the Millenium Falcon's time is measured in units of distance.

    Apparently because the falcon was able to navigate closer to some of the more dangerous anamolies in that region of space.
    So rather than taking the "safer" 18 parsec route, the falcon was able to take a less safe 12 parsec route, closer to black holes and that sort of thing... apparently, or so was the theory floating around out there

    It was probably just Han Solo trying to show off though, he was a bit of a bull*******


    I'll get me coat...


    This sounds legit.

    I also thought that maybe the Kessel Run was more like a 12 hour race or whatever where you go as far as you can in a given amount of time and Han Solo was able to do 12 parsecs in that amount of time. Although the way he phrases it "less than" makes that less likely.

    I'm definitely on board with the bull****ting part though.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Yea, elliptical does not translate much to actual running, even the treadmill doesn't translate fully to running on actual ground. A 20 minute 5k is very fast. Just to put it in perspective, my roommate is a Marine and they do timed 3 mile runs and these guys are in amazing cardiovascular shape, and an 18 minute time is a perfect score and extremely hard to get. A 20 minute 5k equates to under a 6.5 minutes/mile pace held for just over 3 miles which is very fast.

    I must've had some fit mofos in my school then... The record was 4.7km in 12:30
  • tappae
    tappae Posts: 568 Member
    Yea, elliptical does not translate much to actual running, even the treadmill doesn't translate fully to running on actual ground. A 20 minute 5k is very fast. Just to put it in perspective, my roommate is a Marine and they do timed 3 mile runs and these guys are in amazing cardiovascular shape, and an 18 minute time is a perfect score and extremely hard to get. A 20 minute 5k equates to under a 6.5 minutes/mile pace held for just over 3 miles which is very fast.

    I must've had some fit mofos in my school then... The record was 4.7km in 12:30

    That's approaching the world record! Where did you go to school? Addis?
  • tappae
    tappae Posts: 568 Member
    Not gonna lie, but these things look like a lot of fun. I just wouldn't want to be seen riding one by anybody on this planet.


    I saw one of those on my greenway when it was warm last year. He had to tack back and forth to go up a hill (like sailing into the wind). It's pretty terrifying to see that coming at you!
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    I have no idea but you can be sure I am going to find out tomorrow what my time is.. I would imagine it'll be 45 mins ish (that was what it was last time I was going to the gym)
    32.5 mins
    pretty darn proud of that!
    (I know nobody else cares but if I don't record it somewhere I will never know what it was.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I have no idea but you can be sure I am going to find out tomorrow what my time is.. I would imagine it'll be 45 mins ish (that was what it was last time I was going to the gym)
    32.5 mins
    pretty darn proud of that!
    (I know nobody else cares but if I don't record it somewhere I will never know what it was.

    :drinker: WOOT:drinker:
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Totally different than running. Definitely easier. Running a real 5k in 20:00 is about average. I consider anything sub 17 fast. And to be competitive sub 15:30. Last one I ran was 17:45. I have some work to do.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Speaking of Mo Farah, if you all haven't seen this yet, you should

    Here are a few highlights of the interview about the Rock ’n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon:

    NORTON: "Wow. Now, I have to say -- first of all, congratulations. Your final time, 61 minutes? Which is a course record? Congratulations!"

    FARAH: "Oh, no, thank you. It's a great-- You know, it's a fast course, so it was nice to break the course record, really enjoyed it. ..."

    NORTON: "Now, haven't you run before?"

    FARAH: [wonderful pause] "S- sorry?"

    NORTON: "Haven't you run before? This isn't your first time."

    FARAH: "No. This isn't my first time. ..."

    NORTON: "Wow. What does it take to prepare for a marathon like this?"

    FARAH: "Uh... I haven't done a marathon yet. ... A marathon's a long way. It's completely -- it's double the distance of what I've done today."

    NORTON: "Once again: The male winner of the Rock 'N' Roll Marathon, uh, Mo Farah, running 61 minutes, setting a course record."

    I'm so confused. Why is the interviewer asking if he's ever ran before. And he calls it a marathon instead of a half. Is he completely clueless?

    You think you're should see the video of Farrah. LOL.
    Anyone else flashing back to Chris Farley "interviewing" Paul McCartney? :tongue:
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    would you guys say elptical running and street running are basically equivilant?
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    would you guys say elptical running and street running are basically equivilant?
    Not even remotely close.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Well done llizzy!

    Your age is a factor- I used the runners world calculator for age grading, and if I could do a 20 min 5k I'd be better than 87% of females my age.
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    Well done llizzy!

    Your age is a factor- I used the runners world calculator for age grading, and if I could do a 20 min 5k I'd be better than 87% of females my age.

    Thank you!
    I still feel very much at the beginning of my journey so there is plenty of room for improvement. The fact that I can even run that far is still mind blowing to me!
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Totally different than running. Definitely easier. Running a real 5k in 20:00 is about average. I consider anything sub 17 fast. And to be competitive sub 15:30. Last one I ran was 17:45. I have some work to do.

    Last year, in the largest race in my state, only one female in any age group finished sub 20 minutes in the 5k.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    would you guys say elptical running and street running are basically equivilant?

    No "basically" about it. They are exactly the same in every respect.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Totally different than running. Definitely easier. Running a real 5k in 20:00 is about average. I consider anything sub 17 fast. And to be competitive sub 15:30. Last one I ran was 17:45. I have some work to do.

    Last year, in the largest race in my state, only one female in any age group finished sub 20 minutes in the 5k.
    Whel, it's different here in Las Vegas, NV. Forgot to mention that the competitive times (15s) were for men.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Today at work some coworkers were talking about their fitness activities in the lunch room. One of them is training the other for her wedding coming up. I asked him some questions about leg cramps I have been having when I run or walk briskly on the treadmill or in "real life" (i.e., the pavement). I mentioned I can do a 20 minute 5k on the elliptical after doing the c25k program, and he acted all impressed, like he did not believe me or something. (I can't do it in "real life," because of this cramping problem I'm having)

    So, is it really that impressive or hard to believe? I just did the program, I thought that was supposed to be the end result of it??

    I'm just curious, is her wedding going to involve a run? Otherwise I think training for her wedding might be better to happen at someplace else.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Hell, I can drive 5K in less than 2 minutes.

    My jetpack can do it under one.

    My Elliptigo does it in 12 parsecs

    My time machine does it in negative 3.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    My Elliptigo does it in 12 parsecs

    There is so much wrong with this statement that it is totally right!


    And I've been wondering for 35ish years why the Millenium Falcon's time is measured in units of distance.

    Is there some sort of genius trophy, because I think sjohnny just won it.
