Why am I not losing? I want your opion!



  • RaggedyAnnazon
    RaggedyAnnazon Posts: 183 Member
    Just from what I saw it looks like you're starting your day off with way too few a calories.

    You're pretty much just slowing you're matabolism that way, plus you have a lot of zero calorie liquids instead of food. Although the tea is awesome, your body can't live off tea alone all morning and afternoon until dinner.

    My mom does the same thing, she'll bearly eat all morning and afternoon then have dinner and maybe log in around 1600 calories but she's still overweight. It pretty much shuts you're metabolism down. You're body wont keep your metabolism going if it doesn't get food regularly.

    Also, the multivitimin comment made me look at the diary again. Not a lot of fruits and veggies or nutrtion dense foods in your diet. I know if I don't get enough of a certian nutrient I feel hungry until I get it. I'd maybe swap out the iceburg (water in leaf form) and do a more dense lettuce like green leaf, then add in some more fruits durring breakfast and lunch.
  • RaggedyAnnazon
    RaggedyAnnazon Posts: 183 Member
    I see you eat a tiny breakfast and huge dinner... dinner should be the smallest meal of the day, breakfast the biggest so you have all day to burn it. Also, those who drink artificial sweeteners have a 70% bigger waistline then those who drink regular. Artificial sweeteners trick your brain into thinking you just had calories, but the brain isn't stupid, 20 minutes later, you will be craving more food then ever... stay away from soda pop.

    I don't want it to sound like I was jumping down your throat though, I appreciate your input and yes I know soda is the devil and I agree I should have less, although I was clear of almost all of it for several months, I've been kind of picking up the bad habit again, but not as severely. In June of 2012 it was not uncommon for me to have 5 x 32oz Diet Cokes daily! I can hardly believe that but it is disturbingly true!

    A lot of people have been calling Stevia artificial sweetener on this thread, and before I had figured out my game plan I was just categorizing those comments in the "not useful" category and moving on with making a TDEE game plan. But now here presents itself for a perfect opportunity to explain why I did brush off that advice.

    It's not that I don't appreciate people trying to give advice, just that I've done extensive research on this one and feel like it's OK for us to just agree to disagree on this particular topic.

    Depending on the brand of stevia it's actually very beneficial. I prefer getting mine from the drugstore because it's pure stevia and nothing else, but when I'm broke I'll go for stevia in the raw, even though it has maltodextrin in it. Stevia also makes you crave sugar LESS. So "artificial sweeteners" : P

    If you can afford it I'd get the purest you can, you'll really see the benefits.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    April 3, 2014 4:49 PM
    I NEED HELP !!
    Please feel free to look at my diary and tell me what I am doing wrong !
    I started working out jan 10th 2014 we are now in April 2014 I have only lost 2 pounds !!
    I do see more muscle and have lost an over all total of
    8 -10 inches off my entire body but the weights just not coming off .
    I stay in my calorie range as much as possible . Between 1,200-1,300 sometimes a little over depending on my workouts .
    I work out 5 days a week doing mostly body weight exercises or weights through fitnessblender .com I might skip a day if I'm really sore or not feeling well .
    I do lack entering foods on weekends but I still keep an eye on what I'm eating .
    I eat fast food a lot since I'm out a lot but I eat in moderation for example I'll have a bottle of water a mcchicken no bread and no sauces just the chicken and lettuce only.
    I'm working on my water intake but overall water is the only thing I drink besides plain sugarless iced coffee or a pre workout.
    I am healthy no health issues but vitamin d deficiency which I have been taking vitamins for .

    Any suggestions I'm willing to hear all your opinions anything could help .

    Thanks in advance .:)
    Edited by jennifer8989 On April 3, 2014 4:51 PM

    My suggestion is to start your own thread. If you build it, they will come.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Alrighty... so the final number on the scale at my home came to 189.6. I am thankful beyond measure that my little experiment into TDEE calorie counting did NOT push me into the 190's, I'm also seeing the very real fact that this doesn't work for me or my body. I've eaten at a strict calorie deficit all week, I gave it a full 7 days of nothing but ****ing salads, and it didn't work. So, back to the drawing board.


    Sunday 3/30/2014:

    1,219 cal

    Monday 3/31/2014:


    Tuesday 4/01/2014:


    Wednesday 4/02/2014:


    Thursday 4/03/2014:


    Friday 4/04/2014:


    Saturday 4/05/2014:


    I started out at 187.3 and finished at 189.4. Did I look or seem hungry and mad? Well, it's because I was. I was very hungry from not eating enough food, and mad because while being hungry watching myself gain weight all week.

    I gave the TDEE experiment a true chance, I was miserable the whole time and gained weight. Pretty much every single day this week I had to skip some meal to keep my calories in check, some days two.

    So.. Effective immediately, I'm going low-carb, high-fat, paleo with dairy style eating. I'm going to be doing lots of research and aiming for Keto.

    Wish me luck, send links, advice, anything, thank you all for sharing my ordeal!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Here's my TDEE info, it's also posted up in this thread and up on my profile:

    So my TDEE is 1854 and if I have that many calories on average every day I will not gain or lose.

    To lose 1lb per week, I'd eat 1854 * 7 - 3500 divided by 7 per day, right? 1354 cal per day. Whew, that's low.

    To lose 1/2 lb per week, I'd eat 1854 * 7 - 1750 divided by 7 per day? 1604. That's a little more like it.

    I'm scared to eat at all being so close to 190. :-(
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    TDEE to your metrics and amount of activities you do seems a bit low...are you sure you got the number right?
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I think so. You can view every step of my calculation on my profile, as well as up further in this thread, than compare that to my publicly view-able diary.

    I used a very long time span, details are there on my profile page.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I noticed that in your diary for the past week, the beginning was lower carb and all but yesterday was much higher carb than usual for you. I think that a possibility for you is that your weight yo yo's with the carb intake (fluid), and the reason you yo-yo in near the same range is due to the days where you eat over maintenance. Are you anywhere near your period by any chance?

    If low carb helps you stick to your deficit, go for it.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    No where near my period, but I am beginning to wonder if my frustrating appetite is connected to the carb intake.

    I'm going to skip the apples, potatoes, gluten-free cookies and, try to knock my body into Keto.

    That's when the number on the scales goes down.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Keto is very hard to maintain and once you come back from it it's very easy to gain the weight back. While I've fluctuation as much as 10 pounds either direction with over and under eating since Jan 1st. I'm exactly the same weigh today as I was on Jan 1st. I know why. I know i'm eating to much junk food and too much over all, and then over compensating by undereating a few days and over exercising. Which is the only reason i'm not losing. I'm not eating properly.

    The only thing that works long term is to eat whole healthy foods that meet nutritional requirements, To exercise regularly and to throw in a day or two of indulgence.

    I don't know what your height is, but you seem to be built similar to me. My BMR is 1604 - My average TDEE according to my body bugg is 2900 - I adjust that down 300 to account for any errors the machine has which still leaves me at 2600 and that's a ton of food. I am very very active though and often get burns closer to 4000, if I don't eat enough for those days, I feel like crap and I don't lose weight. (which I generally don't eat enough because I can't eat that much, and I'm too exhausted to try lol) I do follow my own meal plan and eat what I think is best when I am really watching my intake. (not this week though and I don't feel good because of it). But I don't follow a fad diet, which is what paleo and keto is. The only people I know who really benefit from keto are those with severe diabetes. You have to be very strict with those and with paleo you pretty much have to work out or it doesn't work.

    I know you are going to do what you want, we all do. But if you're hungry. You need to eat more lower calorie healthy food. If you're not losing weight, you need to cut back on high calorie, carb/sugar heavy and/or alcohol. Or switch beer for ciroc and soda water with a twist.

    Healthy living and weight loss is quite an interesting journey.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I had phenomenal success with Paleo for my first 50 or so pounds.

    Then I stopped losing, not necessarily gaining.

    It was around the time I dropped from obesity level to overweight level.

    So, I got influenced by other people's success and decided to try the TDEE.

    I was also in love with the idea of eating whatever I wanted as long as it was in my calorie goal and still losing weight.

    I'm sure it works like a charm for some, but it didn't work for me.

    I'm going back to a more dedicated/strict Paleo/Keto.

    I'm thinking now in hindsight is that the reason I stopped losing on Paleo is from eating a very high carb Paleo diet and cheating a lot.

    I will certainly keep you all up to date on my progress.

    Yep, with one week on TDEE I lost nothing and gained so much weight I was 1lb away from obesity again. No way!

    No way in hell! Not happening!

    I stopped when I had gained up to 189, because anything over 190 and I'm obese BMI again.

    I'm not going back to obesity.

    No way! I've come way too far to go back.

    Not for an experiment. Not for anything!

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I was also in love with the idea of eating whatever I wanted as long as it was in my calorie goal and still losing weight.

    I'm sure it works like a charm for some, but it didn't work for me.

    Well, to be fair, it didn't work for you because you didn't do it. You apparently never spent any significant time reaching your calorie goal.

    Good luck in whatever method you use to control your calorie intake, be it Paleo or whatever.
    Yep, with one week on TDEE I lost nothing and gained so much weight I was 1lb away from obesity again. No way!

    Oh, wait. One week.

    Jesus H Christ.