Do you need friends?? Post up!



  • Supergirl9801
    Hi, I'm 34, a SAHM to two beautiful kiddos that I homeschool. I just started working out and eating a little healthier about 3 weeks ago. Looking for any encouragement/advice I can get considering I'm new to all this. I log my food/workouts daily and tend to workout 5-6 days a week for at least an hour. I like to mix it up between bike riding, weights, and kickboxing workouts I find online.

    SW: 168
    CW: 165
    GW: 130

    I'm 5'6".


    Rachael (Super)
  • Bjamino
    Bjamino Posts: 51 Member
    More friends the better! Feel free to add me people! :)
  • DefiningMyHealth
    DefiningMyHealth Posts: 92 Member
    Hey, I would love to have more MFP friends! I have been on here for a few years but my activity on here was off and on. Now I have recently become an active member again and decided to get rid of the old profile and in with the new!
    My heaviest weight was 337 pounds and currently I am down to 234 pounds! Health and not only my own has become a big passion of mine. I love blogging, helping and encouraging others and video vlogging as well about my weight loss and health.

    Feel free to add me if you would like. :flowerforyou:
  • FlyThisKite
    FlyThisKite Posts: 183 Member
    Do minions count?I like minions...

    Accomplices will do too.
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    Always lookin for some new friends on here =)
  • ashCHB
    ashCHB Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Ashley! Feel free to add me! I'll accept any friend request.

    I'm re-starting on this quest to better myself. I was working in a really active job, which was great because I was essentially getting paid to exercise. I had lost about 20 pounds by also eating healthier. I then got a promotion, which is awesome, except I definitely don't get paid to exercise anymore! So I gained about 15 lbs of it back... So I'm coming to grips with the fact that I have to exercise outside of the workplace now!

    Height: 4'10" (yup, I'm short)
    SW: 145
    CW: 136
    GW: 115
  • kiralu76
    kiralu76 Posts: 28 Member
    I have been on here for a number of years as well, but I feel like I am just getting serious about this.

    I would like some friends to help keep me motivated
  • raindawg
    raindawg Posts: 348 Member
    Hi Everyone, I wouldn't mind more friends. But there's a catch. I'm not really the raw raw type that will "like" and comment on every post but I also do not be-grudge people who do. It's just not me. I do read the updates most days and I do comment and offer up experiences, perspective at times.
  • annieocean
    annieocean Posts: 5 Member
    I am 44 and female. I don't like to give personal details online and will never ask for others details. I am just looking for online weight loss buddies.
    I had a serious illness several years ago and have growths in my spine that cannot be removed, but thankfully everything that got messed up by them is relatively fixed though not perfectly. I want to lose weight to take pressure off of my back and hope to lose 20 pounds. I also want to look better and feel better. I am five 8 and a half and weigh 162 at present. I hate back rolls and got those and want rid of them. If anyone knows good exercise for that area, please share. :)
    I am married with 2 kids and am a stay at home mom since my illness.
    Hopefully, I can get some buddies who will encourage me not to give up and to stay on track and I can return the encouragement.
  • Allisonfitness99
    Allisonfitness99 Posts: 128 Member
    Hey, I'm allison 22
    I don't have many friends who have weight to lose so I don't got a lot of people to talk threw things with :)


    Iv been on my weight loss journey for a year and a half now LOTS of ups and downs..
    Joined this in hopes to keep track of things, and met some new people going threw what I am :)
  • therealwoj85
    therealwoj85 Posts: 7 Member

    Eric, 29

    SW - 215
    CW - 170
    GW - 165

    I go up, I go down, I'm like a metabolic roller coaster.
    Add me.
  • Flourisher
    Flourisher Posts: 19 Member
    Male, 34 from UK. 215lbs. Struggling to get motivated. Please add
  • andreacason
    andreacason Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I'm 34, almost 35, trying to lose the last 30 or so pounds on my journey! I am looking for friends as well to keep me motivated and to share food ideas with!

    I was about 220 2 years ago, currently 178, goal weight is 140!
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I can always use some new friends.

    I am looking for CONSISTENT LOGGERS who know how to fill out the message box when sending a FR.

    I am 25 with a logging streak of over 635 days.

    SW: 270lbs
    CW155 lbs
  • Dandelion454
    Greetings to everyone. I am a 60 y/o Grandma that is tired of being overweight & finally doing something about it. I currently am at 325. My goal is 150 - 165 in three years. I need on-line friends to help me when I gain the occasional pound, hit points of time when I just can't lose, and to share the good news of weight lost with. I can offer the same, and will ask advise on how someone else likes a product like "Crystal Light" before I spend money on it. (Some low-calorie stuff is equally low on flavor :>) I have lost 10 pounds since Christmas, & with Spring finally arriving, can get out & walk around the block sometimes. Good luck to everyone. We can do it.
  • Bjamino
    Bjamino Posts: 51 Member
    Forgot this bit.

    SW - 265
    CW - 165
    GW - 159

    100lbs down in 8 months :) August 2013 to April 2014.

    Again feel free to add guys!

    I'm 25 and like to help motivate and encourage people :)
  • amitris
    amitris Posts: 2 Member
    I like motivating and receiving motivation and support so anyone add me if you'd like!
  • kayha112
    kayha112 Posts: 5 Member
    I've been on MFP for about 9 days now. Anyone can feel free to add me.

    SW: 184.6
    CW: 182
    GW: 155, for now

    I'm determined to make this happen!
  • KatieKat1979
    KatieKat1979 Posts: 470 Member
    Hi all! I'm Katie, 35 from Southeastern Wisconsin. I had a MFP account but decided to scrap it and start fresh. (Needed a clean slate). I'm looking for new friends to keep me accountable and be supportive, and I'm willing to do so in return.

    I had a recent breakup after 3 years, so I'm taking this change seriously. I had a bf that constantly sabotaged my diet but was the first person to criticize and put me down. No more. I am ready to break free and be who I always envisioned myself being. I hope I can inspire and be inspired while meeting friends along the way!

    Feel free to add me if you like!! :-)
  • mythaidream
    im hannah! :)

    ive joined this a few times now, but this time im hoping to really make a go at a healthy lifestyle, complete with exercise and hopefully some weightloss lol

    i try and post inspiring stuff throughout the day which helps me a little, would love to have some friends on here to help eachother through the cookie cravings and bad bingey days!

    anyway feel free to add me!