

  • planegal717
    planegal717 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Gals, I am April. I live in Northwestern Oklahoma. I am a Sales rep for a International
    After market airplane interiors company. I have three kiddos and 5 3/4 grand kids that are my world.
    I am going to beat this weight this time. If anyone would like to add me I would love to have some more
    fitness pals.
    Good Luck to all of you on your weight loss!!!:flowerforyou:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Happy Sunday, lovely ladies. I did not sleep well last night. Had woken up, and just could not fall back to sleep again. Once that mind starts working...you know it's hard to stop.

    DH's finger is far from healed, but we knew from doc that it would take a month.

    Welcome to the newcomers. Yes, this is a supportive group. I find it helps to post and read, although during the week i am often too busy. Reading these ladies' struggles and successes has helped me.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    well I am down for the count... I think one of the cysts on my kidney burst, I am having right flank pain, so I am lying down with a heating pad and 2 dogs parked on top of me... cant take any meds...so will wait it out.. just glad this didnt happen yesterday..
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Oh poo! Someone messaged me and asked me to join a FB "support group" for people doing T25. Looks like she's going to try to sell me something. Why can't people JUST BE HONEST?? Wasn't really in the mood to tell someone about themselves today but a girl's got to do......

    Can't believe it's "only" 11:30ish. Read most of the paper, made Sunday breakfast and have most of the house cleaned...all the stuff I put off from yesterday. Still have a bathroom to do and then I'll get my sauce started.

    Somewhere in this "day of rest" I'm going to try to get a little walk or bike ride in and maybe relax a little. Also need to make a quick Joann run for some thread. Cut some stuff yesterday from material I've had sitting around through my mom's illness, etc. but don't have the right thread to turn them into the yoga pants, tops, etc. they are meant to be.

    Hope everyone has a great day. Congrats on the losses and even more on the efforts!

    As Flo Rida would say "it's a new day, you know how I feel ooooooooooh...."

    xo-Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Good morning all of you bright ladies!
    I was able to get real walking done yesterday! Yea me. Finally, I started. Now, hopefully I will continue. My plan is to walk twice a day either with a walking DVD or outside, depending on weather. I used to love walking and did early every morning. Then I just stopped. So I am determined to get back into that routine again.

    I had a good food day yesterday. It has taken me a few days to get into the "habit" of thinking about what is going in my mouth.

    I appreciate the warm welcome from everyone.

    Have a "sunny" Sunday, even if the sun is not shining in your neighborhood!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Heather: you do know that we are expecting a photo of that cake? :happy:

    Yes! I want to see it too, please!

    Alison .... should you see a doctor? Praying for quick relief!

    Hello to the new ladies!

    Working on my menu plan for the week ... why is this so difficult? :huh:

    Beth in WNY .... where our first crocus is trying to emerge!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    All of you lovely ladies who are expecting a photo of the cake - the christening isn't until May 18th! ! ! ! ! ! :laugh: :bigsmile: :tongue:
    I will post a photo when the time comes.:happy: I just wanted to get the cake made, trimmed, sliced and in the freezer so I can concentrate on the decorations. I want to have them all made and ready so that when we get back from our week in France on the 15th May I only have to ice the cake and stick the decorations on it.
    The second tier is done and will be trimmed tonight or tomorrow. Luckily the chocolate fudge cake freezes perfectly. I often make it as cupcakes for DH and freeze them.
    It's still raining here, off and on. Having a lazy day and reading, "When Things Fall Apart". I like to have a spiritual book on my Kindle so I've always got one on my phone or tablet to read at odd moments. Especially good for sleepless nights.:laugh:
    I am also reading a biography of Oppenheimer which is very interesting. I love biography and I love popular science books, so it is perfect.
    DH and I are preoccupied a bit at the moment by his nephew who has marriage problems. We would love to be of more help, but the young man is not really communicating with anyone. DH has had a short exchange of texts with him, but he is not even managing to get to his beloved football, for what reason we can only guess at. We are very fond of him and feel so sad for them both.

    I will grasp the nettle and weigh myself tomorrow to see what real damage I did on my trip away. Not looking forward to it, but I shall just carry on with my regime. My DB and wife and his two younger children are coming for lunch on Thursday. I usually am not too bad when I am cooking the food and don't feel the need to overindulge.

    Heather in rainy Hampshire UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    well I am down for the count... I think one of the cysts on my kidney burst, I am having right flank pain, so I am lying down with a heating pad and 2 dogs parked on top of me... cant take any meds...so will wait it out.. just glad this didnt happen yesterday..
    Wouldn't it be a good idea to at least call the doctor and check? :flowerforyou:
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello all,
    just popping in to say hope everyone has a great Sunday. I've been lurking (sorry, that sounds bad) and just haven't had the wherewithal to just post. You all sound so connected, it's really nice to hear (or see I guess is the operative word).

    I've been working like a fool, long hours, stressful, not doing enough exercise except for weekends when I try to catch up on everything around the house and property. I think I need to work on BALANCE. So that is going to be my goal for April, developing some balance in my life.

    I woke up to lovely sunshine and seeing I have about 3 hours of yard work to finish; I'd better get some breakfast and get out there before it clouds over.

    Hope everyone has a good week coming up.
    Lila in the West Kootenays, South East BC (west, se, how's that for confusing?)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    With Polycystic Kidney disease ,it is just one of the things you need to deal with I guess,It really hasnt effected me to much , the closer I get to 60 ,I think the more symptoms will crop up.. another reason to get the lbs off
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    BAD night.........awake till almost 5am; this after one of the best nights of sleep ever the night before. Going over to see Gwen later and play some Scrabble and set up her meds for the week. Have a chance later this month to go see Bruce Springstein who is on tour...........and it is amazing me that I'm even debating this...........what has happened???? This is Bruce Springstein!!!! Awwwwww..............I can't believe this.

    OK.......one week goals......eat fish twice, walk half an hour daily (pedomerter is not working so can't count steps at the moment), get bike out of shed and ride a bit, log food.

    The hosta which was just peeking through a few days ago is now up 6-8in. Amazing Mother Nature!!! Must go check on the peonies later.

    mid-Atlantic.............cloudy, cool
  • Shirley0220
    Shirley0220 Posts: 8 Member
    This looks like an excellent group for me. I am 67 and retired. I was doing another program for about two years and decided to come back to MFP.

    My goal for April is to lose 8 lbs, do weight training 3 x week and track daily.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    My son is visiting this weekend and I don't want to waste a minute with him. :noway: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I'll be back after he's gone.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good grief! It's Sunday already! I'm taking the kids swimming at 3:00 and wanted to get some drafting jobs done before, but it looks like that's not going to happen. It's 1:00 and I'm still in my jammies, but I have managed to get a load each of laundry and dishes done. I had a really good lunch today. Low sodium tomato soup from Trader Joe's in my new soup mug I bought yesterday. Love them both! Plus, I cut some of my homemade bread into croutons, drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with garlic, and baked them in the oven and put them in my soup. Yummy!

    Here is today's joke:


    “Have you got any kittens going cheap?” Asked a customer in a pet shop.

    “No, sir,” replied the owner. “All our kittens go “Meow.”


    Today's pearl of wisdom was nice too:

    Kindness to Others
    When you dig another out of their troubles, you find a place to bury your own.

    - Anonymous

    Have a great day!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Had a wonderful day at church. I love singing in the choir, have made some dear friends and had the Lord's supper today. So it was a good day. I was able to beat the chocolate urge this weekend so far. Our youngest daughter, the one who lives here in town, goes out to eat with us every Sunday. It's our way of taking her out for a nice meal once a week and checking in with her to see how she is doing. She is not one who would call every day like her sister would if she lived in town. She really wants to go to Red Robin. She hasn't gotten on this diet thing yet. We are hoping that since her sister finally saw the light that Michelle would to. She likes Red Robin because it is bottom less french fries:frown: :noway: She gets tired of the places we go to so I told Charlie that we really need to just go and I'll find something to eat. Surely they have something. I'll check the website. I want her to know that we hear her and value her opinion.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    Had a wonderful day at church. I love singing in the choir, have made some dear friends and had the Lord's supper today. So it was a good day. I was able to beat the chocolate urge this weekend so far. Our youngest daughter, the one who lives here in town, goes out to eat with us every Sunday. It's our way of taking her out for a nice meal once a week and checking in with her to see how she is doing. She is not one who would call every day like her sister would if she lived in town. She really wants to go to Red Robin. She hasn't gotten on this diet thing yet. We are hoping that since her sister finally saw the light that Michelle would to. She likes Red Robin because it is bottom less french fries:frown: :noway: She gets tired of the places we go to so I told Charlie that we really need to just go and I'll find something to eat. Surely they have something. I'll check the website. I want her to know that we hear her and value her opinion.

    Joyce, Indiana

    You can definitely find something healthy on the Red Robin menu! Instead of a ground beef burger on a bun with bottomless fries and a coke you can get a chicken breast wrapped in lettuce with a side salad, Lite Ranch on the side and unsweetened ice tea! I think your Sunday tradition is fabulous. Good job Mom:flowerforyou:
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    It's Sunday!:flowerforyou: I've cooked and eaten breakfast and I have a 30 minute break before getting ready to go to church!

    I've decided to make Sunday my weigh in day and this morning I am happy, thrilled, and reporting a 6.4 pound weight loss for last week. I know its my first real week since getting back on track and changing back to healthy eating and exercising! :blushing: So I am encouraged for next week.

    Have a great day all!


    Wow Tere! That's incredible. Great job! Care to share your secret? (Heading over to see if you have an open diary for some fresh ideas)
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    well I am down for the count... I think one of the cysts on my kidney burst, I am having right flank pain, so I am lying down with a heating pad and 2 dogs parked on top of me... cant take any meds...so will wait it out.. just glad this didnt happen yesterday..


    Ouch! That sounds painful! I have a son who had a kidney transplant 17 years ago.
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    Update on son in the hospital with kidney problems: His biopsy went well. NO rejection but he does have to start self catheterizing daily at home. As scary as the word REJECTION is, it would have been better because treatment to reverse it is just 3 days of IV Prednisone and away we go. He is only 19. A lifetime of daily cathing will not be easy on him. On the upside, he gets to come home tonight. Thank you for all your thoughts prayers and well wishes.

    Update on my April challenge to lose 5 lbs: so far have lost 4. Granted, this IS my first time back at in in 4 months which did include a cruise with a 10 lb weight GAIN. So I am almost back where I was 4 months a go. Adjusted my goals to lose not so fast and am happy to enjoy more calories:) I've got to get in shape so I can qualify to be his next donor!

    Kay in NW Wa
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Deedee:drinker: .

    Kathrine from Kansas love the poppies reminds me of my friend when she lived in Belgium.

    Class on emotional outburst helped me review how to help my students and myself. She divided how people respond into three categories. The level headed, the ticking time bomb, the explosion. She explained where interventions are most helpful in the levelheaded time. In other words make the plan in the level headed stage. Once a child in the ticking time bomb stage it is time to initiate the plan. By using the plan it hopefully circumvents the explosion stage. What I found most thought provoking was she said there are patterns that children have to cope with their emotions. The problem when it goes the explosion route is the brain if the patterns are not changed the brain will go to explosion route again. One way to check in if someone is escalating is to check on the heart beat. If that is going up that is a good time to intervene. Interventions include placing a gentle hand on the child if not sensitive to touch, taking a break, a walk, breathing, tapping, doing a yoga exercise, taichi, and setting a limit. Sitting still does not always work because the energy level is rising. Punching a pillow or screaming only escalates the situation. Prevention includes diet, exercise, rest, avoiding stressful situations if possible, and having appropriate stimulation.

    An insight I had when it comes to the abusive personality. If a person does get to the explosion stage when it is over they fell lousy. That helps explain why an abuser is so apologetic and swears they will not do it again. Unfortunately if the patterns are not changed the explosion will come again with all its damage and chaos.

    The levelheaded, ticking time bomb, and explosion reminded me of changing my diet. It is easier to make my plan about what to do with my diet when I am calm and feeling full. The ticking time bomb is when I am confronted with temptations that are hard for me to resist. That is where the plans I made when I was level headed need to come forward. The explosion is when I overeat. The next day I feel lousy and tell myself never again. Since I have started making plans in the levelheaded stage I have had fewer explosions.

    She did warn that when you start helping children with these issues it often is worse before it gets better. Again reminds me of dieting.

    Today I will keep my blood sugar even by eating whole foods at mealtime and snacks and avoid highly processed foods, so I wake up feeling better and stronger tomorrow.

    2014 word: contentment