

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member


    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs, complete my 10k race, and be able to do 5 full regular push-ups - 0.8lbs to go!
    inskydiamonds: use the WiiFit at least 5 times a week for at least half hour sessions. Increase the amount of good fats I'm eating and decrease my sodium intake.
    cshaffer213: Lose a total of 20 lbs - Started @ 8 and am curently @ 18.5 only 1.5 lbs left!! :D
    TheNewStacie: Lose 5 lbs, get in at least 3 days of cardio
    miss_amy: To lose 4 more lbs & work out 5 days a week!-2.2lbs to go!
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 162 lbs & to have a 10 mile single week running mileage
    LostAlykat: To weigh less than 170, to make it to the AM workout class 2 times a week/ workout 5 days a week.
    Stuartme123: To weigh less than 160lbs, to work out at least 3 days a week
    sophieg77: to lose 3 kilos. 1k to go!
    TheAmateur- lose 7lbs (almost there ... maybe I should adjust it to 10lbs ?!?!?)
    spellbinder25 - Lose 8 lbs by end of October, exercise 5 days a week and eat healthy (= avoid desserts)! - 4 lbs to go & doing pretty well on the desserts :)
    Allie7383: To begin and stick with the TurboFire schedule for Oct (and beyond), and get into the 160's... officially weighed in at 168 this morning!! new goal will be to be under 165.
    emmyworthy: Have lost 13 lbs so far( nearly a stone woohoooo!) still hoping to be under 200lbs by the 31st but if it doesn't happen i'm okay with losing around 18-20lbs=]
    tjradd73-lose 10lbs (down 8LBS AND 2 TO GO!)
    Steph_135 - To reach 183 lbs by Halloween, workout more than I am now (2-3 times a week), and to buy new running shoes.
    MeganKS - to reach a weight below 200lbs for the first time in over a year, work out for at least 30 min a day, incorporate more fruits and veggies into my daily food intake
    christzl - lose 8 lbs by end of October (lose 60lbs in total)
    Paigeb15- my already planned goal for the month was to run my first 5K (completed on 10/16! at 34 min), other goal.. maintain my goal weight of 115 all month (ive been here before but never maintained) and work on toning up!
    kattungen - lose 3.3 lbs by November 1st
    CoryIda - 30-45 minutes of cardio 5x/week
    guamgrly (Bethany) - lose 2 pounds and get back to working out at least 2 times per week
    sbusch21- To get down to 180lbs by halloween, keep training for my race in november, and drink more water.
    hazeldiva1913- to loose 3 lbs a week until christmas. 2 hour workouts in the am 6 days a week.
    margarette - to lose 16lbs and be toned to perfection by the time the hubby gets home from deployment (7 months- should be doable right?)
    Pandemonium- To lose another 4 pounds before the end of the month.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I am up for whatever we all agree on... Seems that everyone's at a difference place in their journey, so making a set goal might be difficult. If we all set our own goals for Nov and post them as we have here, and just keep it rolling that way, I am fine with that. I think setting monthly goals we each want to achieve can help to motivate us. Is everyone on board for keeping this up? Or do we want a dedicated challenge? I mean, on the side I have my push-up challenge but that is going to take me months to complete... If you all have other ideas, I'm all ears!

    Update from me--
    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs, complete my 10k race, and be able to do 5 full regular push-ups ***0.8lbs to go, weigh-in tomorrow AM - 5 days to my 10k race and 5 FULL regular push-ups done today!*** Here's hoping the scale is good to me tomorrow!

    Hope everyone had a great Monday and started their week off strong :) If not, tomorrow's a new days, folks! Have a great night :bigsmile:
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member

    I am up for whatever we all agree on... Seems that everyone's at a difference place in their journey, so making a set goal might be difficult. If we all set our own goals for Nov and post them as we have here, and just keep it rolling that way, I am fine with that. I think setting monthly goals we each want to achieve can help to motivate us. Is everyone on board for keeping this up? Or do we want a dedicated challenge? I mean, on the side I have my push-up challenge but that is going to take me months to complete... If you all have other ideas, I'm all ears!

    I think it makes most sense to allow everyone to set their own challenges, just because not everyone's at the same part of our weight loss.

    OR if there's a dedicated challenge there should be more than one. Maybe one fitness related, one nutrition related, etc.
  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    I'm up for setting our own goals again!!!
    I think we've all done pretty well keeping on top of everyones different aims so im sure we'll be fine for next month too=]
    Let's go with Kicking *kitten* in our twenties!!! That will motivate me to actually kick some of my big *kitten* into gear=]
    Keep it up for the last few days of the month guys!!!!! Woooooooop
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    I love the name Kicking *kitten* in our Twenties! I also think it makes sense to keep going with everyone setting their own goals - we're aiming for lifestyle change after all, and I think every one of us are trying to create unique (albeit healthy!) new lifestyles for ourselves.

    Update from me: I've resigned myself to the fact that I will not be meeting my scale-goal for this month. I've been up and down the same 2-3 pounds all month - which is better than it could be because I'm definitely maintaining, but next month I need to make some changes in order to kick my *kitten* in to some weight loss gear.

    AND yesterday was my 3rd rock-climbing class. We spent a lot of the time learning how to tie knots, but we did get to climb UPWARDS at the end of class! I made it all the way to the top of the wall (ours really isn't that high, maybe 20-30 feet) and got to ring the little bell. I'm not entirely sure if my heartrate was up because of the exertion or because I was a little bit terrified (my belayer missed the class when we learned how to belay and did not instill much confidence as I started ascending). Can't wait to go up again tomorrow :bigsmile:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    just wanted to say that everyone is doing great and to keep up the good work!!

    Meag-i also think that setting our own goals is a good i will plan on posting my November goal as soon as October is finished :)

    Good luck to everyone on the last 5 days of October's challenge!! :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Update: Gained 0.7lbs this week...

    Not terribly motivating, but I am just going to chalk it up to the fact that a) I am sick, once again and b) I haven't been getting enough water. I was definitely WAY under my calories this week from all my running and other exercise, so it can't possibly be actual weight gain. I refuse to believe that. I've been getting significantly more protein and have changed my diet quite a bit, so it's possible that my body just has to get used to it.

    The good news is that I have 5 more days, and my NSGs are going to be met. So all in all it was a very successful month. And although I want to get down to 135 and may not make it, I will be close and have still lost this month, so it's all a victory :happy:

    Hope everyone's having a great day today. I'm going out in a bit for my 3mi run to test out my new fuel belt. Very exciting.
    Keep kicking *kitten* ladies!
    -Meag :heart:

    PS. If you guys want, I can start up a new thread Nov 1st for our Nov challenge + goals?
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    I agree that everyone should set their own challenges. Everyone knows where they want to be and what they are capable of. If we had one set goal then people would be more likely to get discouraged. And I vote for the name...Kicking *kitten* in our Twenties!! was my official weigh-in and it was the same exact number on the scale today that was there last Tuesday. I can't complain though. I am happy to have maintained and not gained. I am just not at the weight that I want to start maintaining. I am headed to the gym tonight for my kickboxing and hula classes so I am hoping there will be room for my daughter in the kids club tonight. But the good news is that I put on a shirt that I hadn't worn since last summer and I was expecting it to be a tight fit but it actually was a little big on me. And much as we want that number on the scale to become smaller and smaller, if we are working out consistenly then we will be gaining muscle which weighs more than fat. So don't focus on just the number on the scale but also focus on how your clothes are fitting and how you are feeling.

    Question...does anyone ever have days that they struggle to meet their calorie intake for the day?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Question...does anyone ever have days that they struggle to meet their calorie intake for the day?
    You should friend me and see the discussion on my profile right now... lol! On days when I run, my calorie intake is usually quite a bit too low. Especially on days when I run farther than a few miles. On Sunday I ran 5.75 miles and I had 577 calories remaining at the end of the day, despite devouring everything in sight when I got home from my run. It can certainly be a struggle when you are used to eating very "light" for weight-loss and then ramp up your exercise significantly. For months and months I didn't exercise hardly at all and just ate 1200-1400 calories a day and the weight came off. Now I need to re-program and start eating more proteins and fats and thinking about FUELING my body so it doesn't continue to eat away at the muscle. Food isn't the enemy any longer :happy: Which I am happy to report, because I LOVE to eat! haha

    Add me as a friend - My diary is open and I'd love your input. I cook all the time and love trying new foods. I'd be happy to offer and support/advice that I can on yours as well. Good luck!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Today was my weigh-in day. I really need to get better about updating on here, because the support helps a lot. I'm going to try to make a point to update on my own progress Tuesdays, because those are the days I weigh.

    I weighed in this morning only .2 pounds less than last week, which isn't meeting my 1-2 lb loss a week. I know why too, so it just makes me mad at myself. I ate a lot this week and I consumed a lot of sodium, so maybe this is just my body holding water but it was totally avoidable.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Today was my weigh-in day. I really need to get better about updating on here, because the support helps a lot. I'm going to try to make a point to update on my own progress Tuesdays, because those are the days I weigh.

    I weighed in this morning only .2 pounds less than last week, which isn't meeting my 1-2 lb loss a week. I know why too, so it just makes me mad at myself. I ate a lot this week and I consumed a lot of sodium, so maybe this is just my body holding water but it was totally avoidable.

    A loss is a loss. Enjoy it! You have already realized the areas that you need to readjust so just go forward from here. Try to turn everything into a matter what it takes.

    Happy Losing!! :flowerforyou:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    I wasn't able to go the gym the last 2 days & it seems like ages since I haven't. I can't even quantify the amount of dessert I've eaten in the last 2days & this morning too :) But I'm back on track now & will try my best to lose the last 2 lbs for this month...I'm still hopeful!!

    Good luck everyone!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    spellbinder-we can do it!! i also have 2lbs to go...lets cross our fingers :) and good luck to you!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Just stay focused ladies!! Keep your goal in sight and don't let anyone get you distracted of what you want!! Make these last few days worth it. And even if you don't make it to your goal, you will be that much closer to next month's goal.

    Happy Losing!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Ughhh.. I'm really quite upset with myself today :brokenheart:

    Yesterday's 0.7lb weight-gain really has me in a funk. I feel like I work REALLY hard at this - I am diligent about eating healthy, I am trying to increase my good foods and minimize the sugars and other garbage I eat, I am consciously trying to increase fat + protein so that I can build lean muscle, and I am training to become a "real runner"... At the moment it feels like Im dedicating a TON of time and effort to health + fitness and a gain during one of the weeks where I have tried the hardest is really tough for me....

    I am seriously considering lowering my calories goal back down. Last week I decided to bump it up and change my goals to lose 0.5lbs per week but now since I am not making progress I feel that perhaps that was premature.

    In haste this morning I decided to weigh myself again, maybe in hopes that yesterday was a fluke. Unfortunately, I'm still just as sick and feel just as awful as yesterday, so I'm not sure why I anticipated any other results. Either way, the scale showed not only the 0.7lbs I had gained by yesterday but AN ADDITIONAL 0.7lbs... :sad: I really cannot believe it. How can it be that with a run yesterday and consuming around 1600 calories I gained nearly an entire pound? Grrrr :angry: I'm not checking-in here with my new weight, since I only ever weigh myself once a week, but I still feel pretty bummed about it and even MORE bummed because I let it get to me so badly that I weighed-in two days in a row, which I know is futile and might be a manifestation of some really destructive body-image and weight issues -- I do not want to end up being obsessive about this.

    Not quite sure what to do here. Should I re-set my goals to what was working before, or should I listen to the people who are telling me I am not generally eating enough? Anyone with some solid advice -- please post or message me. I'd really appreciate it.

    -Meag :heart:
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Ughhh.. I'm really quite upset with myself today :brokenheart:

    Yesterday's 0.7lb weight-gain really has me in a funk. I feel like I work REALLY hard at this - I am diligent about eating healthy, I am trying to increase my good foods and minimize the sugars and other garbage I eat, I am consciously trying to increase fat + protein so that I can build lean muscle, and I am training to become a "real runner"... At the moment it feels like Im dedicating a TON of time and effort to health + fitness and a gain during one of the weeks where I have tried the hardest is really tough for me....

    I am seriously considering lowering my calories goal back down. Last week I decided to bump it up and change my goals to lose 0.5lbs per week but now since I am not making progress I feel that perhaps that was premature.

    In haste this morning I decided to weigh myself again, maybe in hopes that yesterday was a fluke. Unfortunately, I'm still just as sick and feel just as awful as yesterday, so I'm not sure why I anticipated any other results. Either way, the scale showed not only the 0.7lbs I had gained by yesterday but AN ADDITIONAL 0.7lbs... :sad: I really cannot believe it. How can it be that with a run yesterday and consuming around 1600 calories I gained nearly an entire pound? Grrrr :angry: I'm not checking-in here with my new weight, since I only ever weigh myself once a week, but I still feel pretty bummed about it and even MORE bummed because I let it get to me so badly that I weighed-in two days in a row, which I know is futile and might be a manifestation of some really destructive body-image and weight issues -- I do not want to end up being obsessive about this.

    Not quite sure what to do here. Should I re-set my goals to what was working before, or should I listen to the people who are telling me I am not generally eating enough? Anyone with some solid advice -- please post or message me. I'd really appreciate it.

    -Meag :heart:

    I doubt you actually gained that much weight, especially overnight. You'd have to be consuming a ton of calories for that to be possible. It could be that you're holding water. Make sure you cut back on sodium and get all your water in. Try that and see if it helps :)
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Meag - here is my unprofessional opinion...I think you might be consuming too few calories based on the amount of exercise and running that you do. Perhaps your body isn't getting enough of what it needs so it has kinda put itself into starvation mode to ensure that it gets what it needs from all of the running and exercise you do. And I think you set yourself up by getting on the scale 2 days in a row when thats not your norm. If you would have waited a week, like you usually do, you could have had the opportunity to work off that original .7 lbs and then some without even noticing the additional .7 lbs you had gained. You are discouraging yourself. We all have good days and bad days so just take it one day at a time and don't overwhelm yourself. With continuous hardwork and motivation, we will all get to where we want to be. Just hang in there!!! :flowerforyou:
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I too, must weigh in against moving your cals back down. At least for a while. For 1, I you haven't actually increased your calorie intake much (you allowed for more but not really eaten them) For 2, if you want to build lean muscle, you are going to have to learn to cope with weight gains. This may not be the muscle perse, but you can't go cutting your cals back just cuz you gained weight, cuz these last few lbs where your body figures itself out for the long run.

    Just as an example, I "gained" 3 lbs from Saturday to Monday this weekend- and I was within calories both Sat and Sun. Today I'm back in normal range. Your body just has some crazy reactions day to day and you aren't used to how that is, since you only weigh in on Mondays. You need to let it adjust how it needs to. I weigh in multiple days a week, but I only compare #'s from week to week (ie this monday with last monday and the monday before that, etc)

    Stick with the upped cals, and in fact figure out a way to start eating them, and focus on completing your workouts. No more scales for you missy. I have put you on a scale time out. It is official. This # cannot dictate your life. I say NO.

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    LOL @ Meggon

    Thanks ladies! :heart: I'm trying to get my calories in - really, I am! I just REALLY want to make sure they are healthy, good calories that fuel my body and not just calories for the sake of calories... It's a struggle, for sure, but at least yesterday (my first day of really trying) I net-ed around 1350 after accounting for exercise calories, so well above the 1200 minimum.

    I think it's reasonable to expect that I am REALLY hesitant to start eating 1500 calories + my exercise cals a day, simply out of fear of gaining all my weight back - It's taken over a year to lose this weight and I REALLY never want to gain it back. This is it for me. I want to be fit and healthy from this day on - I like how I feel about my health, fitness and my body and I only want it to get better. So yes, it's slow going and not going to happen over-night. But I don't see how I could possibly be dropping into starvation mode since this has never happened throughout my entire weight-loss journey while I was consuming + using/burning roughly the same # of cals... It just doesn't seem to make any sense.

    Anyway, I'm going to focus on getting my proteins and fats and calories, drinking loads of water, checking my sodium intake and feeling better (damn head cold...) this week. Then my 10k and devouring loads of delicious food afterward. After that, I'll weigh-in Monday and re-evaluate.

    Thanks for listening. Love this board, and love you guys for being SO awesome! :drinker: