

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Allie - I was crazy over my sodium yesterday but I am hoping that all my water today from the race will help to flush some of it out of my system before weigh-in on Monday.

    I'm also planning to make room in my daily calories for full fat ice cream with my boyfriend after the race. I have been craving ice cream for weeks/months and they FINALLY have candy cane ice cream available in stores... I'm worth it! haha

    Good luck on your last few days in Oct everyone. Be strong amidst all the Hallowe'en junk -- It REALLY doesn't taste as good as you remember it tasting :wink:

    Looking forward to a new month and a new challenge. Have a great weekend!
    -Meag :heart:

    ps. I'll post my race results later on today when I get a moment away from the boyfriend! haha
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    Meag- Super Duper Triple Dog good luck vibes to you. Enjoy your boy and your ice cream- both well earned and worthy rewards.

    Tara- You did great this month!! And your mini challenges keep me on task, so AWESOME!

    As for my update/Month in review (Sat's my weigh in): I am down 1 lb to acheive my 2nd October Goal of 162 lbs!! So for this month I have lost 7 lbs, 8 Inches (dear Lord, I lost a newborn!) 4 of which came off my hips and damn if it isn't ridiculously obvious (two pairs of my work pants are almost falling off me). The boy is being unbelievably supportive- aside from letting me store my failed kimchi experiment in his fridge, he is trying out cooking dishes that stay within my cals and soduim and anything else I'm in a challenge for (we used to have Hamburger helper 1-2x per week). He's also doing the push ups challenges, and just generally being awesome.

    So cannot wait for the Nov Challenge. I am totally down for it and feeling awesome!!

    Best of luck to everyone with Halloween and American Thanksgiving right around the bend. You guys are totally awesome!!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    thanks Meggon :) you are doin fab too!!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    congrats on your race Meag! i got into running this year, so when the weather starts to get warm again, i'll be out there. i really want to do a 5k.
    so the work party was fun. i made it a point to only have 1 of something, and managed to stay away from the cookies simply for the fact that i knew they were 180 each! i did have a small brownie and slice of pizza, but i got in a good workout, so hopefully i somewhat balanced lol. be safe out there this weekend everyone please! i work in a hospital and last night we had a bad trauma come in which i'm sure could've been avoided. fortunately the person is ok.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey all! UPDATE TIME! But first...

    Meggon - Your boyfriend sounds awe-SOME! So nice to have someone that supportive in your life. My boy is the same way and it's so incredibly motivating. We're a couple super lucky gals, we are :happy: Keep up the good work and super duper congrats on meeting your Oct goals!!

    Allie - Thanks, darling :) You should definitely try to get back into it once the weather gets warmer. There are so many good running programs to follow and they REALLY work. When I signed up for this 10k a mere 6 weeks ago the farthest I'd ever run was 5k and that was including at least 3 walking breaks. In 6 weeks I managed to double my distance and barely walk at all, just a few very short walks to either get some water or just give my legs a 30 second rest. I'm actually amazed with my progress and how quickly it's all happening. If you need any advice on training programs let me know :) There is n better feeling than realizing your body and mind are capable of so much more than you thought! :bigsmile:

    OK Onto my race update:
    I'm giving the race itself a C - they were SO poorly organized and it was such a disappointing race. Was supposed to start at 1pm, so we got to the start line around 12:35 to get sorted and warm up a bit (my bf came along to cheer me on, what a sweetheart!) It was literally freezing outside and I hadn't brought any extra clothes to keep warm, but hey 25 mins - I'll live. Except they didn't start it until 1:40! When we got there there wasn't even a start line, no chip timing, just a "GO!" and everyone starts running. Epic fail with 200 runners.

    Chip timing was done for the finish though and my official time was 64:37, so I am giving myself an A+ for effort. I was really hoping to run under a 10:00 min mile, but that goal may have been a bit lofty for my first ever 10k. According to my RunKeeper application on my phone, however, I actually ran 6.44 miles (who knows how accurate GPS is?) in 64:50, which is an avg pace of 10:04 and my fastest mile was a cool 9:07 (mile 3)... So I was really happy about that. And, I finished with a smile! I wasn't exhausted or burnt out, just happy to be done. The last mile felt great. I was a bit slowed down by then because my legs were on their last, well, leg... but my cardio and breathing was better than ever and I could have kept going with some prosthetics, I'm sure :wink: Felt so good to finish. And it was so wonderful to see my boyfriend and my parents at the finish cheering me on. They were so proud, I could see it all over their faces. Incredibly nice :happy:

    Anyway, as for my Oct goals - Weigh-in on Monday and have to lose 1.5lbs, which is a tall order and I probably won't meet it. Finished my 10k race, Check! And I think tomorrow I'm going to TRY and knock out 10 push-ups, just to see if I can before Nov 1st. Will begin week 2 of the hundredpushup challenge on Monday.

    Great work everyone and enjoy your last day of October!! OH and thanks for all the support and kind words. Love you guys for it!
    Meag :heart:
  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    Wow everyone has been soooo busy in the few days I haven't logged in!
    Great work all of you!!
    I feel really guilty admitting that during the few days I was away I completely ruined all my hard work!!! Me and my boyfriend went for a few days away in Belfast, Northern Ireland and I literally didn't stop eating crap! Looking back now I can't believe I was letting myself put all that rubbish into my body!! I also missed my normal Friday weigh in so I'm gonna weigh in tomorrow morning( Nov 1st) and try to not be too disappointed by what I see on the scale!! I need to forget about trips away until I have good enough willpower to say no to crisps and chocolates and...Oh god I can't even write down all the **** I ate because I asm that ashamed of myself!!!
    I'm sorry I've let team October down, and even more I'm sorry I've let myself down!!!
    Tomorrow begins another month where I have no plans which might distract me from my goals so bring on November is all I can say!!!!

    To all you amazing guys who have managed to meet your goals.... WELL DONE! I only hope next month I can join the celebrations!
  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    Meag- I've only just re-read your last comment and I wanted to say you are amazing!!!! Your first 10 K in such a brilliant time!!!!! Well done girlie!!! You are my inspiration!!

    Meggon- You're boyfriend really does sound amazing!!! My boyfriend sits around eating pizza and taking me on city breaks where I lose all willpower to say no to foods!!!! Not that I'm blaming him or anything!!hahaha!!
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    meag....a big congratulations!! you did so well & i'm so glad i have a friend who's such an inspiration for so many of us!!

    emmyworthy...we all have our bad days...i too had mine this week where i didn't log my food intake but am back on track now...november's going to be a good month for us :)
    and my hubby was just like your boyfriend...actually he still is...he just ate a big slice of cake in front me!! but he's changing...has started controlling the amount of food he eats & goes to the gym once in a while with me...trying to make him regular at that..

    good luck everyone for your final weigh-ins for this month!! i'm always excited at this time of the week :D
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Emmy - You've already lost 15lbs, woman! Give yourself some credit and don't beat yourself up over one weekend. We all have those days sometimes and vacations are tough! I'll be going away with my boyfriend for a few days in a weeks time and I sure wouldn't be surprised if I gained a pound or two while I am gone as well. Just have to do your best while you're away without denying yourself too much and get back on the wagon when you get home! It's nothing that can't be undone with a little hard work. Obviously - since you've already lost over a stone! :wink:

    Thank you for your sweet words ladies. It's so nice to hear that my progress inspires you guys to get out there and push yourselves too! Considering how horribly unfit I was when I started a year ago, I am certainly very motivated by how much progress I've made and wanting to see how much farther I can push myself. The old Meag would have NEVER thought any of this possible. It's so nice to surprise yourself :smile:

    Today - My boyfriend and I are spending Hallowe'en night at Canada's Wonderland, a massive theme park north of Toronto. They go all out and haunt everything - loads of scary haunted houses, roller coasters and LOTS of fun. Can't wait! Besides - there is loads of walking to be had as well. Love it! Just have to bundle up since it's going down to ZERO celcius tonight... See you folks tomorrow morning for the start of the November Challenge!

    Until then, good luck Team October!

    ps. Doing my push-ups in a little bit. I WILL do 10 in a row! Mark my words!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Emmy I have to concur- a few bad days do not a ruination make! Besides, you got to go Belfast (jeeeaaalllouussss). Letting go a bit every now and then is totally worth it- do yourself a favor and don't hold on to guilty or bad feelings. They just hold you back. No one here is disappointed in you- in fact we're all proud you keep coming back! Two steps forward and one step back still gets you a step ahead.

    Meag- it sounds like you kicked *kitten* in that race. I mean I remember only a couple weeks ago when doing one mile in 10 min was an achievement! You've come a long way and are hands down one of the reasons I can keep getting out to run (I had the WORST caffeine headache yesterday but still got 2 mi in). Have a great time at the park!

    Great job this month everybody. Can't wait to start up November!!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    And here it is... Drum roll please! The November Challenge post:

    Keep up the posting, ladies. It's so motivating to hear from all of you!!
  • kattungen
    I did it, I did it, I reached my goal! I've lost 10 lbs in October! Yay :D
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Meag - Congrats on finishing the 10K!! That is so amazing! And you were just a few seconds away from your 10-minute mile goal. And you finished it!! Kudos to you!! :bigsmile: One of my goals for next year is to finish a 5k run. It will take some time to get me into that kind of shape but I am SOOOO up for the challenge.

    Emmy - you didn't even come close to letting us down and you shouldn't feel that you have let yourself down either. If you hadn't realized that you were making bad food choices than you could question it but you realized where things went wrong and have gotten back on the path of where you want to go. Bad days will come and go but having the ability to realize that you have had a bad day and coming up with a plan to alleviate those bad days will lead you where you want to be.

    As for me...I let Halloween get the best of me. I went to a party with my kids last night and there was so much good food that I couldn't stop eating. I felt horrible on the drive home and realized that my body is just not used to eating those kinds of food anymore and that amount of food. My official weigh-in day is tomorrow so we will see what the scale holds for me. Another problem I have with the weekends is that I don't even come close to drinking my water. I really need to work on that. I am looking forward to the November challenge though!!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    kattungen - Congrats on meeting your October goal!!! That is great!!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    ughh i hate admitting this, but i definitely blew the last weekend of october, which means i unfortunately didn't make my goal. however, i am back on the saddle and so ready to make november a great month (with no falling off the wagon!!!).

    congrats to everyone who made their goals! you deserve to celebrate!

    to those who didn't, it's a new month. let's make november great! we can do it!!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Amy: Don't forget to set your Nov. goals

    Don't even worry about October- you made some progress and we got a whole new month ahead. 'sall you. See you on the Nov thread!

  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    I'm right there with you Amy!!

    Good news is that I didn't gain any weight. Bad news is that I also didn't lose any either. However, I should be very grateful for that considering how much I indulged on the last day of October. I am having a rough day today also and fighting the urge to eat everything in sight.
  • mrsblair84
    I'm trying to get back to 135lbs. That's how much I was when my fiance and I started dating over 3yrs ago.