Like Minded Lushes - October 2010



  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Kim, you are so right. Karen keep at it girl. :smile:
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    So far so good this week! I only had one glass of wine yesterday. But it's my sister's birthday this weekend, so I don't know what's going to happen. Lol.
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    i was good monday, tuesday ...wednesday i finished the bottle of wine from last weekend..i couldnt resist plus i did really good on my food diary...then yesterday was awful at i drank 4 keystones ugh! but i still didnt go over my cals ...tonite i am doomed becasue my bff's are having a party for me tonite...but I am going to try to eat well all day...I am shooting for 2lbs off this week and I am going to work my butt off all weekend to make up for all this drinking! Good luck to every one!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Okay so the scale creeped up a pound this week. So now I really have to get serious. So after this week I am going to go on the wagon for real for a while. I figure I can do anything for a month so my goal is no alcohol until thanksgiving. there is one exception. on 11/7 I already have tickets for the Oyster New Year festival which is an all you can eat oysters and wine and beer tasting bash. It is so much fun and we try to go every year. So I will be clean and sober until then and after that until thanksgiving. If I can't do this then I really do have a problem so this is going to be my focus. I am going to avoid the scale during this time except a weekly weigh in ( i am a daily weigher right now) and I am focusing on keeping sugars down to 15g or less per day. I am telling all of you to help keep me accountable.

    Until Monday I will enjoy a drink or four. :tongue:
    have a good day.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Janna, I think work does make me drink...One time, I came home after a particularily crazy night and boom...there went a bottle of skinny margaritas...I think most of us drink to deal with stress, it's something I have been working on. Plus, I really do love it which I am also working on

    I weigh in on Mondays; so, I am going to be really good this weekend and hope for a good loss...I'll let everyone know how I do...*fingers and toes crossed*...fridge with the alcohol locked and wired with electrical shock, maybe some barbed wire too
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Robin; well done on the goal for the next month. Think it will help knowing that you have a 'treat' to look forward with the Oyster Festival. Looking forward to hearing how you get on. Have stayed alcohol free since Sunday and have done well with my exercise and my calories this week so am hoping for a good weigh in in the morning. But whatever happens, I am looking forward to my gin and tonic tomorrow night! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Have a great weekend everyone. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I can't imagine giving up alcohol for a month! wow! I am impressed. I must have a problem:tongue:
    I had a vodka press yesterday afternoon, and then I made a quick sangria with leftover wine, orange juice, sprite and soda. I had to use up the leftover wine!
    My mom is here, she is not a drinker so it's really not that hard to not drink. Tonight we are going to this show, Cavalia, like cirque du Soliel with horses, should be fun!
  • fsuxo2003
    I was naughty last night and had a (big) class of chianti......Thankfully I live by myself and have been staying away from my 'lush' friends for the past month to keep me from binge drinking. It's just until I get to my goal weight (15lbs to go still). I find that it helps not having peer pressure....for some reason some of my friends really can't stand it when I don't annoying!

    Anyway - Race for the Cure Sat, so may reward myself with some light beer for the FSU Football game! :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Sunday, 0 drinks
    Monday, 5 drinks
    Tuesday, 0 drinks
    Wednesday, 0 drinks
    Thursday, 0 drinks
    Friday, 0 drinks...gotta get up early for work, 0'dark thirty

    2 more days to go and then I just may have an endulgence
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Sunday, 0 drinks
    Monday, 5 drinks
    Tuesday, 0 drinks
    Wednesday, 0 drinks
    Thursday, 0 drinks
    Friday, 0 drinks...gotta get up early for work, 0'dark thirty

    2 more days to go and then I just may have an endulgence
    woo hoo way to go Kim. I am finishing off a whole bottle of red myself. gearing up for a long term abstinance.
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Wow, am I good?!! Woke this morning just before 07.00 so got up and did 55 mins on the WiiFit including 30 mins Free Step. Then washed hair, showered and dressed. Stripped bed and put load of washing on. Walked to High Street to get my paper and was home by 09.12!! Whoooeeeeee. Am now going to 'chillax' (as the grandkids would say) and have a leisurely breakfast while reading the paper. Am babysitting for Dawn tonight, need to be there at 16.30, so am conserving my energy for the rest of the day for dealing with the munchkins!! Happy Saturday, fellow lushes :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Sunday, 0 drinks
    Monday, 5 drinks
    Tuesday, 0 drinks
    Wednesday, 0 drinks
    Thursday, 0 drinks
    Friday, 0 drinks...gotta get up early for work, 0'dark thirty

    2 more days to go and then I just may have an endulgence
    woo hoo way to go Kim. I am finishing off a whole bottle of red myself. gearing up for a long term abstinance.

    Hope it was delicious!!! Sad thing is, I would crack a 2nd bottle:noway:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Had a bottle of cider last night but not having any tonight. Think the idea of not drinking for a month is actually quite good, considering going for that too.
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    Had a bottle of cider last night but not having any tonight. Think the idea of not drinking for a month is actually quite good, considering going for that too.

    too much wine last nite for me..i ended up tossing my cookies out the window of the car on the home...I cant even think about liqour tonite...i am thinking water water water, treadmill! you have some crazy willpower..i dont think i could go a whole month :drinker: :laugh:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hubs and I have decided to go out tonight for some cocktails...flirtinis-a-flyin'...janna, hopefully, not out the window...that would be a waste and some of us don't approve of
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hubs and I have decided to go out tonight for some cocktails...flirtinis-a-flyin'...janna, hopefully, not out the window...that would be a waste and some of us don't approve of
    Give Ron a hug from me. have fun.. I am so toasted on rum tonight I am not accountable for anything I post.
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Hope everyone has had a good weekend. I was way over my calories today but felt I deserved a break Also had a coupld of glasses of red wine last night and tonight, instead of my usual gin and diet tonic. Anyway, I still feel good. Calories, booze and exercise might be off the schedule for part of this week as I am going back to my brother's house on Tuesday for two nights and will be spending time with his stepson while we continue sorting the house and, I expect, crack the odd bottle of red. However, normal service will be resumed later. Will try to maintain the 'no booze' on week nights regime until Christmas and see how that impacts on the weight loss. Have a good week lushes :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • Wendybirduk
    Wendybirduk Posts: 92 Member
    I think I am regressing! I am drinking more wine than I should and "other half" told me that Bacardi and diet coke was less calories than wine so I have been drinking that ON TOP OF THE WINE!

    Dear god I really need to get back on top of this....................................

    Somebody slap me?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I was an insufferable lush last night, definitely back on the wagon tonight

    Tomorrows my weigh-in...
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Had a bottle of cider last night but not having any tonight. Think the idea of not drinking for a month is actually quite good, considering going for that too.

    too much wine last nite for me..i ended up tossing my cookies out the window of the car on the home...I cant even think about liqour tonite...i am thinking water water water, treadmill! you have some crazy willpower..i dont think i could go a whole month :drinker: :laugh:

    Well I'm not entirely sure I can go a month which is why it'll be a challenge! Well I'm sure I can go without but will I want to enough so I don't give in? Managed 3 weeks OK when I was first starting to lose though. In some ways now I'm not so tight on calories I'm almost encouraging myself to drink more as I see alcohol as my weekend or occasional weekday treat which I'm entitled to have so I do.

    OK so I've talked myself into it - I have 1 bottle of white chilling in the fridge which I will drink before the end of the month. After that throughout November my goal is to not drink alcohol. :bigsmile: