Pregnancy 2010 - October



  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I get to go to my gender u/s on the 6th, dh swears it is a girl and I dont know anymore I did think it was a girl in the beginning. Who knows. Unfortunately my dh wont be there for it. Oh well tis military life, sucks....

    mine DH won't either, but just b/c he has one of the jobs where they don't let people off of work , for anything. He will get it by phone. HE wasn't very happy, but that's the way it goes sometimes.

    I had rescheduled mine for the time my husband would be off of work so he could fly here, well he found out they are going to make him work on his time off :( SUCKS
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Well, we got to the U/S super early but they were ahead of schedule so we went in and the baby was in a ball. She kept trying to get it to move but it would move, stayed in the ball.

    She had me roll over on my side and when I did she put the scanner on my belly and instantly, I said "is that a penis?" and she said "yep" I said "OMG are you sure" I really thought it was a girl. But nope it was a boy. Once I laid on my comfortable side it popped out.

    So another Boy for us. No dresses or bows. But lots of fun for sure.
  • AmandaR910
    Well, we got to the U/S super early but they were ahead of schedule so we went in and the baby was in a ball. She kept trying to get it to move but it would move, stayed in the ball.

    She had me roll over on my side and when I did she put the scanner on my belly and instantly, I said "is that a penis?" and she said "yep" I said "OMG are you sure" I really thought it was a girl. But nope it was a boy. Once I laid on my comfortable side it popped out.

    So another Boy for us. No dresses or bows. But lots of fun for sure.

    Congrats on the boy!!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Well, we got to the U/S super early but they were ahead of schedule so we went in and the baby was in a ball. She kept trying to get it to move but it would move, stayed in the ball.

    She had me roll over on my side and when I did she put the scanner on my belly and instantly, I said "is that a penis?" and she said "yep" I said "OMG are you sure" I really thought it was a girl. But nope it was a boy. Once I laid on my comfortable side it popped out.

    So another Boy for us. No dresses or bows. But lots of fun for sure.

    Yay!! Congratulations! At least you know now! I guess you'll have to try again for the girl... :wink:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Well, we got to the U/S super early but they were ahead of schedule so we went in and the baby was in a ball. She kept trying to get it to move but it would move, stayed in the ball.

    She had me roll over on my side and when I did she put the scanner on my belly and instantly, I said "is that a penis?" and she said "yep" I said "OMG are you sure" I really thought it was a girl. But nope it was a boy. Once I laid on my comfortable side it popped out.

    So another Boy for us. No dresses or bows. But lots of fun for sure.

    Yay!! Congratulations! At least you know now! I guess you'll have to try again for the girl... :wink:

    IDK about that. It took us 8 years to get to this one and I'll be the dreaded 35 next year as far as pregnancies are concerned. We'll have to see. I think my DH is a boy maker, his dad was 1 of 5 boys.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member

    So another Boy for us. No dresses or bows. But lots of fun for sure.

    Congratulations on your baby boy.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    IDK about that. It took us 8 years to get to this one and I'll be the dreaded 35 next year as far as pregnancies are concerned. We'll have to see. I think my DH is a boy maker, his dad was 1 of 5 boys.

    Boo! My husband's family is almost entirely boys! He has a sister but she is the only girl for like 3 generations of cousins! I'm hoping that when we do get preggo in a few months that it will be a girl...I'll be happy either way and i eventually want one more of each...but i'm itching for a girl next!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Congrats on your lil man, my 2 boys have been great. My husband is 1 of 4 boys so I always thought were would have all boys. I was so excited that this final addition is a girl. You'll have tons of fun with your lil men. Soon we can all plan our nurseries and shop shop shop!
  • kkuhly
    kkuhly Posts: 80 Member
    Really disappointed this morning when I woke and discovered that I was once again not pregnant! What does everybody think about clomid? Anybody use it and how quickly did you get pregnant?
  • AmandaR910
    Really disappointed this morning when I woke and discovered that I was once again not pregnant! What does everybody think about clomid? Anybody use it and how quickly did you get pregnant?

    We didn't use it, but I do know several people who have used it. It seems to work for most people I know who have tried it.

    I hope it happens for you soon!!
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Congrats to everyone who has found out the gender. I have to wait until late December to find out. The doc said they like to wait until 22-24 weeks......ugggg. It is SO hard to wait. I weighed in this morning, and am up 1/2 lb since getting pregnant. Hopefully I can keep going at this pace for a while!!!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Someone asked me why I wanted to know they said "isnt the joy of a surprise better..." I was like its been a surprise for almost 5 months I want to know! I feel your pain.
    Congrats to everyone who has found out the gender. I have to wait until late December to find out. The doc said they like to wait until 22-24 weeks......ugggg. It is SO hard to wait. I weighed in this morning, and am up 1/2 lb since getting pregnant. Hopefully I can keep going at this pace for a while!!!
  • kkuhly
    kkuhly Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks amanda. After reading about it last night I feel a little more comfortable with the idea of it. I like to hear the personal stories over just reading about it online. All of my friends seem to be extra fertile and didn't need any help so now I can't rely on them for clomid type issues. Thanks for telling me about your friends!:smile: Hoping maybe this will be the month! Until then I will just keep eating helthy and celebrating the small weight loss goals I am achieving!
  • joneswife09
    joneswife09 Posts: 208 Member
    I'm 20 weeks today and found out last Wednesday that we are having a BOY! GO BLUE TEAM! I've gained 10 lbs so far. Hoping I can keep going at a slow pace the rest of the pregnancy.
  • AmandaR910
    Lots of boys. I have four pregnant friends, all of us are due within 6 weeks of each other, all having boys lol.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Really disappointed this morning when I woke and discovered that I was once again not pregnant! What does everybody think about clomid? Anybody use it and how quickly did you get pregnant?

    How long have you been trying? I am sorry I cannot help out with your clomid question but I am sure your time will come. Have you tried charting your temperature? I have enjoyed using Fertility Friend in the past for tracking it. Hope you are still going to do the walking challenge with me!

    Today I was able to walk 6 miles again. Wasn't planning on it but when my little one cooperates it is time to get it done.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • AmandaR910
    I also used Fertility Friend to TTC.

    With DD, it took us 6 months to get pregnant.
    Since then, we've gotten pregnant 4 times (DS1, 2 losses, and this pregnancy) all on the first try. I definitely credit using FF and OPKs (just the cheap ones will do).
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I thought some of the hormone fluctuations had surpassed. I was watching a movie and it had a sad part I started balling as if it had personally happened to me. I almost couldn't stop.

    It's funny now that I think about it.:laugh:
  • kkuhly
    kkuhly Posts: 80 Member
    My husband and I have been trying for a long time now. Well over a year. It is starting to become frustrating and I am trying not to stress but of course that is easier said then done. Mostly I am just disppointed for about a week after "it" comes and then we start trying again and then I try to put it out of my mind until the end of my cycle. I have used OPK and temp tested but I think that is just more frustrating then just having sex during your fertile days. My Dr said that if it was stressing me out then to pick one or just keep chugging along. Thinking about the clomid. I have two more days before I have to make up my mind this month. Hoping for the best either way!:tongue:
  • Mamatoabunch
    My husband and I have been trying for a long time now. Well over a year. It is starting to become frustrating and I am trying not to stress but of course that is easier said then done. Mostly I am just disppointed for about a week after "it" comes and then we start trying again and then I try to put it out of my mind until the end of my cycle. I have used OPK and temp tested but I think that is just more frustrating then just having sex during your fertile days. My Dr said that if it was stressing me out then to pick one or just keep chugging along. Thinking about the clomid. I have two more days before I have to make up my mind this month. Hoping for the best either way!:tongue:

    Have you read Taking Charge of Your Fertility? If you are intimate on fertile days, you could be missing your peak day. Does your dh have any issues? Why are you on clomid?